T4AX. 24, -1943 . TIL4 MClaLLC-IN - I-.1__ ommission Asks, 'Stricter Enforcement' of Liquor Law Pay-as-You-Go Plan Ready Tax Proposal May Be Presented This Week WASHINGTON, Jan. 23--(P)-Be- lief that the Treasury Department ex- perts would have their recommenda- tions on the pay-as-you-go income tax collection proposal ready for' presentation to the House Ways and; Means Committee "early next week" was expressed today by Chairman Doughton (D-Nc). In a letter to Rep. Treadway (R- Mass), the committee's ranking minority member, Doughton said that he "individually" believed that con-' sideration of the pay-as-you-go plan would have first consideration in the order of the committee's business. His letter was in reply to one from the committee's Republican members demanding immediate public hearings on prospective tax legislation includ- ing the "question of adopting some form of pay-as-you-go collection of the personal income tax." SOCIAL WORKERS' WAR TOO:. Three New Vocational Courses Announced for Juniors, Seniors Three npw vocational courses in1 social work to be opened to 'junior' and senior students are announced in the supplementary bulletin of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts. In keeping with a wartime curric- ulum, these courses are designed to give undergraduate students a mini- mum training on a pre-professional level for certain positions connected with the war effort-Red Cross, ISO,J and community welfare agencies. Courses Listed. The courses 'are the following: In- troduction to Social Case Work, to be given by Prof. Eleanor Cranefield," member of the faculty of the Gradu- ate Curriculum in Social Work; In- troduction to Psychiati'ic Case Work by Dr. Richard Jenkins, psychiatrist of- the Michigan Child Guidance In- stitute; and the Fields of Social Work, to be given by Prof. Arthur E. Wood, of -the Department of Soci- ology. Need Has Grown In commenting on the new courses, Prof. Richard C. Fuller, executive secretary of- the sociology depart- ment, said, "The demand for trained social workers has growni tremen- dously as a result of the war. The Red Cross and USO are absorbing scores of social workers for service in this country and overseas. Like- wise, because of the war many special social problems among civilians have arisen. "According to the War Manpower Commission the present denand re- quires about 10,000 social workers, whereas the total output of acered-. ited schools of social work-is less than 1,500. From every quarter comes word that the supply of trained soc- ial workers is totally inadequate to meet the needs -of the war eei- gency." Gas ..Ratiol-nng.' Cuts Police Car Cruising.. Tight government gasoline ration- ing resulted yesterday in the with- drawal of two police department squad cars from- patrol duty around Ann Arbor. A new OPA ruling has halved the department's fuel allotment for squad cars dispatchers said. Police must make a present 400 gallon supply of gasoline last until March. The decrease in crusing officers will mean more patrolmen covering walk- ing beats, the department indicated, since the two cars are expected to remain off duty indefinitely. Police credit their present cruising patrols with station to car radio- for - the absence last year of a major crme, in Ann Arbor. BARRAGE BALLOON EXPLODES VALLEJO, Calif., Jan. 22.-(R')-An Army barrage balloon exploded at its moorings today, shattered a barracks building, which burst into flames, de- -molished at least ten war workers' houses nearby, killed one man and injured 17 other persons. Group Claims Loophole in SDD System Politics, Loss of 'Original Principles' Sharply Criticized DETROIT, Jan. 24 - (P) - The Michigan Liquor Study Commission headed by Federal Judge Frank A. Picard, reporting on its study of liquor control, recommended to Governor Kelly tonight that the state impose stricter enforcement and more severe penalties for violators of the law and work towards a. "return to the orig- inal principles upon which the pres- ent-liquor law was based." 'The weakness of the Michigan liquor control system lies in the spe- cially designated distributors-those outlets other than state stores where liquor may, be purchased by the bot- tle," the commission reported. o 'Polities 'Planned' Outliing the start of the SDD's and reporting that the first designa- tions- "were 'not political as they have since become," the members of the commission found that "today the SDD's are- competitors of our state stores with' the cards stacked in their favor" and that some are "out and out 'liquor: stores." They added the cornmer't:. "All this in the state that promised the public in 1933 that we were going to take the 'profit' out of distilled spirits to individuals when we put in a state monopoly." Asks SD1)Reduction The commission recommended that the Liquor Control -Commission im- mediately freeze the present number of SDDs and that the control act be amended to provide for reduction of the number accordingto population -one for each 15,000 or major frac- tion thereof ip communities having at least one state store; one for each 5,000 in communities having no state store, and one SDD in a community having population -of 2500 or less. Asta spur to stricter enforcement, the Study Commission members urged that the Control Commission be au- thorized to retain a part, not more than 20 per cent, of license fee money due any municipality which fails to' provide adequate liquor enforcement in its own jurisdiction. 'No Punches Pulled' The study group, appointed by for- mer Governor Murray D. Van Wag- oner in February, 1942, is headed by Judge Picard as chairman, and in- cludes as members Harry Rickel and Myron A. Keys. In a letter to the gov- ernor, made a part of its report, the commission stated, "We cannot ex- pect that all our proposals will meet with general acclaim but we have pulled no punches." Its recom'nendations were formu- lated, the group reported, after hear- ing suggestions by members of the clergy,, law enforcement officers, licensees, employer and employee groups,- representatives:of women's clubs, brewers,- distillers, wine whole- salers SDD's and members of the press. Guadalcanal Commander BUTTER, CHEESE NEXI More Foo By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Jan. 23 - Butter and cheese probably will be rationed next spring, it was indicated today at the Office of Price Administration. An informed official disclosed that cheese, although a dairy product, may be rationed along with meat because of its adaptability as a meat substi- tute. Butter for civilians is so scarce now that it cannot be rationed at present explained the official, who would not be quoted by name. But when produc- tion increases in the spring to the point where retailers can honor ration coupons for it, therationing can b undertaken. Meanwhile housewives will have to get it as best they can While emphasizing that alteration of plans is the- rule rather than the exception in getting. big ration pro- grams under way, officials offered these as their best present guesses on other rationing problenisfor the early part of this year: 1. OPA now is shooting at March 1 for the start of point rationing for canned, dried and friozen fruits and vegetables and canned baby foods. Earlier hopes of getting it under way by the third week in February have been abandoned be- Rationing cause of mechanical problems in getting forms -printed and dis- tributed. - t. 2. Meat (and cheese) rationing should be brought along perhaps a t month'or so later, OPA now thinks, to give time to see how the point system works for canned goods. Innumerable problems in meat ra- tioning remain to be ironed out, 3. Rationing of canned milk, - jams, jellies, fruit butter and rel- t ishes-if OPA uses it authority to ration. these items-probably will e not start until some time after meat rationing eUnder study is a plan to ration but- 's ter on a point basis, along with other fats and oils, including oleomargarine, n salad oil, peanut oil and shortening. Under this system, one ration point, - for example, would be good for a d small quantity of butter, a larger n quantity of margerine or still larger y quantities of other edible fats 'or oils. By making the other prodiucts "cheaper" tih butter in term of ra- tion points which the householder has to spend, it is believed that in- creased use of the'more plentiful fats could be encouraged. Butter supplies now are at a record low. . . GEN, ALEXANDER PATCH Undersecretary of War Robert Patterson disclosed that Maj.- Gen. Alexander Patch (above) is in command of Army ground troops that have replaced the Marines on Guadalcanal. Gen- eral Patch relieved Maj.-Gen. Alexander Vandegrift of the Ma- rines less than a month ago. N ew Geolog Course to Open Next Semester Coeds to Be Trained for Petroleum Work Coeds who are interested in geology and who like to travel can find just what they're looking for in the new petroleum geology course, opening here- next -semester. The only one of its kind in the country, the course is designed to train women for jobs with major U.S. oil companies within a year. Twenty-five leading geologists of the oil producing companies indicated 4 1. G0 s"4 Y .r . 1.... 2. ne s tok~ ys'V 1 A k J:. :M1 J ..L. JI If you are interested in staying itr'Ann Arbor and would like a position which offers interest- ing work, opportunity for advancement, and pleasant working conditions, call at our Busi- ness Office for a personal interview. This I ART rr I' One of the most provocative ex- hibitions of paintings which Ann Arbor has seen is now on view in the main floor show cases of the Architecture Building. Comprising the work of Mr. T. S. Haile, re-. cently -,of England, and now cer- amics instructor in the College of Architecture and Design, - the paintings bring fresh stimulae from sources which, until recently, have been too little explored and too lit' tle taken seriously on 'these shores. Most important and stimulating are those works which can be tag- ged with the anibiguous label of Surrealism. The fine points of dis- sention which have assailed the Surrealist group recently are evi- dence perhaps of the fact' "that imagination, fantasy, dream-real- ity, psychological self-concern- hardly exclusive twentieth century property-are merely the earmarks. of significant expression in all times. gowever Mr. Haile wishes to be labeled-if at all-the fertflity of his creative imagination cannot be. restricted by a dogma. An under- standing of humanity, in his work expressed through a fantastic real- ism, links him with the best tradi- tions of all art. In such a work as his "Then lie there, precious white psychiatrist," one can see a stream of observation translated into painting, beginning not even with a medieval- master like Hieronymus- Bosch, but originating in the mere curiosity of man towaid his fellow creatures. Sometimes this curiosity is expressed morbidly, as in a gar- goyle from a medieval cathedral; sometimes it is burdened with for- mality; -as in an Egyptian bas-re- lief; sometimes it is as familiar as in a Psalm, yet it is ever imbued with the imagination that clarifies, as it simplifies through distortion, our understanding of the earth. These things are important in the work of Mr. Haile. If his palette is restricted by a greyness that strikes one as being very English, if his technique often is closer to the slip decoration of pottery than to paint, it must be rememberet that his chief expres- sion is in ceramics. These are the limitations of his personal II nm nn-A mim. hp fnrnnrcPrnre if 4 . 11 III