, . ., LoAiir , . .4 ........... . Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Boatd in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively'entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights. of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 REPRRENTRE POR NATIONAL ADVERT3ING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADsON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON - Los ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Editorial Staff The heavens opened- eLettCP6 to the 6dtor ,omer Swander Morton Mints. Will Sapp . George W.Sallad6 Charles Thatcher mernard lendel Barbara deFries Myron Dann . . Managing Editor . Editorial Director . - A city Editor . Associate Editor * .Associate Editor . . Sports Editor . . Women's Editor Associate Sports Editor Business Staff Edward J. perlberg Pursuit Of Truth, To the Editor For several years, I have won- dered why the University of Win- nemac in Sinclair Lewis' Arrow- smith was often thought to be the University of Michigan. After learn- ing -of the Michigan Daily-Board dispute, the comparison becomes quite apparent. "Winnemae is the property of the people of the state, and what they want-or what they are told they want--is a mill to turns out men and women who will lead moral lives, play bridge, drive good oars, be enterprising in business, and occasionally mention books, though they are not expected to have time to read them. It is a Ford Motor Factory, and if its parts rattle a little, they are beautifully standardized, with perfectly inter- changeable parts." The actions of the Board and Professor Coffey's letter show that their conception of a university is pretty well summed up in this ques- tion. But a university ought to be dedicated to the pursuit of truth. Not only does the Board try to dis- courage the seeking of the truth, but it also tries to forbid the pub- lishing of it. They are trying to de- feat the primary purpose of Educa- tion in order to appease the critics who are afraid to have the truth known. Students are taught that the es- sence of. democracy is freedom of the press and freedom of thought and action, but any attempt of the students to apply these theories is quickly crushed by the Board. This attitude prevails throughout the campus, the controversy with The Daily being the most widely publicized. The only way Democracy can survive is to have the truth known so that we can learn of the prevail- ing evils and rectify them. But the Board, safe in their little niche, have shown little or no interest in the work of The Daily and are only heard of when they wish to appease someone. Evidently they are more fearful of the wrath of the minority than the desires of the majority, thereby throttling a democratic principle. If the action of the Board is any criterion, we are only dis- guising the practices of a dictator- ship under the name of Democracy. And if we cannot save Democracy here in the United States, how can we expect to save it across the At- lantic? Ethel Shirwindt Freedom Of Speech To the Editor: In the past few days I have be- come increasingly interested in the fight between The Daily and the Board in Control of Student Pub- lications. (How could I heln it when it is played up on the front page every day?) Censoring of the paper-whether it is a fact and by whom it is done-has entered the picture and been argued over at length. When this issue was brought up I could not help thinking about an as- signed English essay which I had read a few days ago. It was "The Indispensable Opposition" by Wal- ter Lippmann. There are several important passage in this essay which I believe apply to The Daily's fight. Mr. Lippman says that the creative principle of free- dom of speech is not a system for tolerating the error, but that it is a system for fighting the truth. "It may not produce the truth or the whole truth all the time, or often, or in some cases ever. But if the truth can be found, there is no other system which will normally and habitually find so much truth. Until we have thoroughly under- stood this principle, we shall not know why must value our liberty, or how we can protect and develop it. "We. may picture freedom as ex- isting .,. .in a reputable newspaper which not' only will publish the opinions of those who disagree but will re-examine its own opinion in the light of what they say. For ex- periene tells us that it is only when freedoin of . opinion becores the compulsion to debate that the seed which our fathers planted has pro- duced its fruit. When that is under- stood, freedom will be cherished not because it is a vent for our opinions, Business Manager Fred M. Ginsberg May Lou Curran Jane Lindberg . James Daniels . Associate Business Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Publications Sales Analyst Telephone 23-24-1 4 - i NIGHT EDITOR: WILL SAPP Editorials published in The Michigan Dailyv are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers, only. 1943,Chicago TimesIn( WILL YOU? Arrange New Schedules To Fit In War Activities HIS IS for those of us who will be back in' school next semester. Many of us are being allowed to remain, for ,he time being at least, because our government eels that by staying in school we will be able to do that much more toward eventually aiding the War effort. Others of us are ineligible for military service for one reason or another. But because of this we cannot sit back and feel that we are doing all that can be expected of us or that there is nothing for us to do. The Manpower Corps has planned an extensive, useful program that will enable us to do our bit. But it cannot be carried out successfully without the wholehearted co-operation of the remaining student-body. Among other things it has arranged a program to help alleviate the serious labor shortage in Ann Arbor restaurants; it has promised the sup- port of Michigan men in a huge far construction job now going on in Ypsilanti. In short the Man- power Corps has arrange'd a series of projects, all of great importance to the war effort, which depend for their success on the enthusiasm, patriotism, and wilingness to pitch-in of every student remaining in school. TO MAKE SURE THAT ALL OF US WILL E ABLE TO DEVOTE SOME TIME TO THIS ITAL WORK, MARV BORMAN, HEAD OF THE MANPOWER CORPS HAS URGED THAT $TUDENTS BEAR THE TIME ELEMENT IN l5IND WHEN MAKING OUT THEIR CLASS SCHEDULES FOR THE COMING SEMESTER, Work on the Ypsilanti project, for instance; vill have to be done in one of two shifts, one running from 8 to 12 and the other from 1 to a p.m. In order to work on this definitely esse~tial eonstruction job, then, students will have to plan their school work accordingly. The same is true of many of the other projects. The restaurant jobs, for example, call for a different distribu- tion of time, but a planned distribution neverthe- 1ss. A word with the Manpower Corp before classification would clear up these dificulties for all who realize that playing a concrete part n successfully carrying out these activities is he least they can do and still claim they are "all out behind the war effort." -Jim Wienner Domfinic Say1VJs UCH CAN be learned from the effort being made by Army chaplains to quickly locate the emotionally maladjusted draftee and attempt a therapy. The chaplains, one for every 1,200 Wien, must go to the personnel files, select data which indicate behavior patterns, compile at once the list of men who "can take it" and an- Kher list of those who should be "re-educated." Then his interviews begin. All chaplains, lieuten- Nits, and sergeants continuously make observa- tions. The chaplain, moving among these officers and men, if he has insight, will become the per- sonal ally of each individual. When the group behavior and the personnel record coincide and these findings get to the desk of the chaplains, the real task is undertaken. *;ERE THE chaplains at institutions of higher A FAREWELL: Outgoing Editors Urge A Never-Ending Fight RETIRING EDITORS usually write a lot of sentimental tripe in their farewell editorial; all we will say is this: FIGHT LIKE HELL FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE AND FOR WHAT YOU KNOW IS RIGHT. If you do this, people will either sneer or pat you on the head and tell you that you are young and "idealistic." They will tell you that the University must be "practical" and train stu- dents for a "practical world," that there is no place for idealism in a practical world. They will tell you this because they are old and tired, dried up, stagnant both mentally and morally. They have lost all hope of getting a better world and they have lost their faith in the common people and in freedom. Of course, they never put it in those terms themselves. They couch their feelings (or lack -of them) in words like, "you can't remake the world overnight, you must be patient, you must take things easy." In other words, go under or around things-never through them. These tired, old men-many of whom were never really young-picture themselves as the good people of the earth. Actually they are just the opposite; they are a drag on the progress of the world. And they try to force youth to side with them. ONE of the greatest disappointments in our college life was to find men of this kind sprinkled through the faculty of as great a Uni- versity as Michigan. They will do their best to wear you down and make you tired along with them. They will find your every weakness and use it to their own advantage. They will alternately yell at you and pat you on the head; they will smile and hit you from behind. The important thing to remember is that you cannot compromise with them, you can- not appease them, you cannot make peace with them. You have to fight, you have to fight every minute and all of the way. And you have to fight like hell. -Homer Swander, Managing Editor Morton Mintz, Editorial Director Will Sapp, City Editor George Sallad6, Associate Editor Charles Thatcher, Associate Editor thinks that his corporal or captain "picks on him," who is listless while orders are given and always last to obey even though he tries to do so, who flies into a rage, who gets mad at a machine when some defect appears, who re- peatedly tangles with his bunk mates, who is systematically last to get a regular task per- formed, who sulks, and he who seems to have left something behind and must keep his mind struggling with a problem outside the camp. These and a score of other items, just like nail- biting among children, are items in behavior which indicate deeper conflicts. In turn, these deeper conflicts may have been caused and con- tinued by given conditions at home, relations between parents which built a fear, sicknesses at home, loss of friend or relative, the distrust of officials of aims in the war itself. Even those small items as care of the favorite dog, the welfare of a saddle horse, proper use of a farm which has a grip on the soldier's imagination, or the care of a tree which will take seven years to develop, may be focal points which indicate a fixation able to thwart and prevent well-being. I'd[ Rather Be Right_ BySAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK-Ah, truth, truth, what is truth? Truth is that the Senate of the United States is keeping a vigilant watch on our diplomatic per- sonnel, as is shown by its hand-rubbing warm-up for the investigation of Ed Flynn. The truth would seem to be that the Senate of the United States is determined that whoever represents us abroad must represent the best in American democracy, ti da ti da. Ah, truth. But the Senate has yet to say a word about another American minister, Mr. Robert Murphy, who represents us in North Africa, and who has shown such a high toler- ance for ex-Vichy collaborators that he has set a large part of the world to rumbling with displeasure. Truth is that the Senate of the United States becomes much more excited about paving- blocks than about Darlan. Yet truth, that sly wanton, if cornered, might be heard to say that we would have been better off had we been represented in North Africa by a man who was up to his ears in paving blocks, but hated collaborators, than by a man who was up to his ears in collaborators and hated paving blocks. A PENNY, OR A BLOCK AH, TRUTH, TRUTH. $he is a raffish jade. The other day she heard the Republicans planning to hire a special group of experts to advise them on how much money could be saved out of the 109-billion-dollar war budget. Sitting on the railing of the Senate press gallery, and swinging her slipper gaily from a shapely. toe, truth murmured that it was all in the point of view. Some people worry, she said, about how many pennies can be saved out of 109 billions, while others prefer to think about what sort of world we are going to get for our 109 billions. While a number of members considered a motion to expel her from the chamber, she added that some minds just seem to focus best on pennies and paving blocks. And, she continued, if you hold a penny or a paving block close enough to your eye; it can hide all of North Africa. THE MAGIC STONE COUPLE OF DAYS LATER, she turned up in one of the cloakrooms, where she was dis- covered hanging by her instep from a chandelier and humming a song about how when Willkie came back from his trip last fall, and said that some of our diplomatic representatives abroad were insufficiently excited about the proper aspirations of the Chinese, etc., not a Republican turned a hair, and nothing was done. (Not that she's for Ed Flynn, she giggled, but what is this magic in naving blocks that at last gets the Congress aroused about the quality of our diplomatic personnel?) Ah, truth, truth. What is truth? Can the truth be that the opposition Senators, in spite of their warm feeling against the President, have avoided all prior arguments over our diplomacy because each of these involved taking a nore liberal, a more democratic, a more United- Nations sort of position on world affairs? To argue against Mr. Murphy in North Africa, or against the uninspired quality of our representa- tion in China, you would have to argue for more rimvr~v mres hroth~rhoodi of man Andi thus. ,y AXE toDA By TORQUEMADA but because it is the surest method of correcting them. "The only reason for dwelling on all this is that if we are to preserve democracy we must understand its principles. And the principle which distinguishes it from all other forms of government is that in a democ- racy the opposition is not only tol- erated as constitutional, but must be maintained because it is in fact in- dispensable. The democratic system cannot be operated without ef- fective opposition." -George Darrow board-Daily Cooperation To the Editor: I wonder if a member of the staff of so 'docile and well-mannered a publication as the 'Ensian might slip his two-bits into the argu- ment? I mean, of course, the Daily-Board controversy. Like ev-' eryone else, I've been watching the fight with great interest. I've even dared to wander from the neat, "well-kept" 'Ensian office upstairs to that "unkept" tinder box of cam- pus journalism. I did not see any- one throwing matches into waste baskets, although quite a few of the boys and girls were meditating over a rubber or two of bridge. Let us call that journalistic license and forget it. To get down to the point. It is pretty common knowledge that there are two sides to most all ques- tions. This squabble is no excep- tion. Undoubtedly, the Board in Control has some duty other than the appointment of editors once or twice a year.nThat duty, I think is to keep the editors within the bounds of the code of ethics, to help avoid petty controversies, and to give constructive criticism when editorials or write-ups are openly biased or untrue. No doubt they were justified in putting the clamp on the Flynn (Errol not Ed) case, since it apparently violated the code. One the other hand, I can see no reason for interfering with the Ruthven-war attitude case, the Engine English profs case or the like. Students and readers have a right to know the why and where- fore of campus affairs of this na- ture. I read all of these articles and found nothing unfair, petty or sen- sational about The Daily's attitude. As a matter of fact, I think Homer Swander's editorial on President Ruthven and the war was a thor- oughly fair, thoroughly mature piece of journalism. Of course, The Daily makes mis- takes, and at times seems unsound in its opinions. Recall, for instance the violent "failure of democracy" editorials the morning after the November elections. But those write-ups were answered and re- butted quite promptly, and by the students. 'It was an example of the kind of interchange if ideas and. opinions that we Americans like to boast about. The whole question seems to be one of the exact duties and respon- sibilities of both the editors and the board. Here is one student's opinion ... I want my college newspaper to be an organ of free, thoughtful student opinion. I do not choose to have its editorial pages truckle to any vested interests, nor fear offending any staunch citizens. I ask that its editors remember their responsibility to the student body, the University and the peo- ple of the state. This can be done no better way than by being loyal to such old, often-forgotten journalistic pledges as seeking the truth, and reporting it hon- estly. With a few minor excep- tions, I think The Michigan Daily has attempted to abide by these principles. I want the Board in Control, likewise, to be a free, thoughtful group of men, who make certain that the editors abide by the code of ethics, who have some under- standing of the purposes of a news- paper in a free nation, who know a little, at least, of the workings of that paper, and who regard them- selves not as censors of the editors, but as co.workers with the editors. I want them to be the kind of men who are respected by the students, men to whom a student writer might go for advice and counsel. And I want student writers with enough humility and sense to real- ize that a little advice and counsel- ing is not always a bad thing. Most of all, I want a newspa- per and a board that work to- gether for a common interest and a common purpose. Today the battle is on, and the tongues and tempers are mildly warm, if not hot. We are all getting a lot of stored-up opinions off our pro- verbial chests. I wonder who will be big enough to foster a little cooperation, a little understand- I have just about finished foura years of academic work now, and ans old Daily tradition demands that If hurl my books at the steps of Angell Hall, wail a murrain at the Univer- sity and walk wistfully out to meetr the disillusionment of life.E The way I feel about it, I wouldl just as soon throw Angell Hall at myS books, because there is nothing wrong with my books, and when I walk out into life I will have behind me a sufficient amount of disillusionment1 to last for a long time. I can't imagine ever spending again four .years so full of happiness andx pleasant living; my only complaint is that so little of the meaning of those four years was contributed by1 the University proper. I know that the basic educational system as set up here is wrong, almost tragically wrong. I know that I leave here about twenty times less educa-t ted than I could have been. It's partly< but not all my fault; you can say that7 the opportunities were here had I only wished to grasp them; but no one (or practically no one) encour- aged me to grasp them, and worse, a premium was placed on superficiality, on memory as distinguished from total intelligence, on grades, and a spas- modic bluebook. I have a 3.5 average, and it means a prideful accomplish- ment only in about five classes out- side my field of concentration. Some of my classes have been good because some of my professors have been good; but the total picture is disheartening. In one of my classes I heard of an American who was interested in the human mind, and who taught five year olds to think in abstrac- tions; I would guess that not 25 per cent of the graduating twenty year olds of this college really think of democracy as other than a sterile two party system, that 25 per cent would scoff if you told them that this was a war of ideas, that 25 per cent have never heard of ideas. That I think is the worst criticism; few here have learned, to think, few here are encouraged to think. It's unfair to say all this without the sufficient qualifications due the number of terribly good guys on the faculty, people who are really warm her toes, while the statesmen, blush- ing suddenly, looked the other way. Ab tith .truth. Tt is almost as if and intelligent and sometimes in- spiring. But the University as a whole still falls down pretty awfully. When I came here as a freshman I was talking one day to a faculty man who said that the purpose of education is to prepare you for life. He cited the way that some of the younger. generation have an idealized viewpoint, and that the University should teach that there is evil in the world. The University has taught me that lesson well; I wish it had been through words rather than examples. Since I have been here I have only been able to look up on the adminis- tration with extreme mistrust, a mis- trust which was the more frightening by reason of the respected position the heads of the University occupy in public. I have particularly come in contact with the Board in Control of Student Publications; they have called me down several uncomfort- able times. But only one man on that Board has ever bothered to explain some, action of mine which he thought distasteful in any terms which it was possible for a human being to tolerate. I have seen the administration as represented by the Board try to quell Daily stories; the one that made the greatest impression on my mind is now a dead issue. There was labor trouble in the League, and The Daily was asked not to editorialize about it. But no one objects to our editor- ials on labor trouble in San Fran- cisco. You can think about anything except that which affects your daily living. You can discuss democratic living in the classroom, but you dare- n't try to put it into effect because this is a state institution. I have of course emphasized the part played by the inadequacy of the system and its frightened administra- tion. What the college proper has done for me is of little importance; some few men have helped to guide my faltering steps to a humanistic philosophy of life; and I've learned that there is evil. Everything else has been my friends, but I don't feel like breaking tears into print, and I'd just like to keep them to myself. The big thing in my life now is of course the war to which I go in three weeks. To mee the war is, a fight for the possibility of progress, and I hope that the progress will rebound upon the University. I hate to be forced into cliches by aidmitting that while this U~niversity