Y it~43tf -,.,.....w,..w w iaiiat g Weather Moderate Snow VOL. LIII No. 84 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JAN. 24, 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS British Army Sweeps Through Tripoli r Russians Recapture Armavir Soviet Army Occupies Volokonovka, Railway Junction near Highly Important Nazi Bases Associated Press Correspondent MOSCOW, Jan. 23-The Red Army has recaptured Armavir which con- trols the Maikop oil fields in the Cau- casus, and on the Voronezh front to the north has occupied Volokonovka, railway junction 78 miles northeast of Kharkov and 50 miles east of Bel- gorod, two highly important Nazi bases, a special communique an- nounced tonight. On the Voronezh front 12,000 more prisoners were taken, boosting the total Axis captives to 64,000, and in nine days since the offensive began the Russians said they had routed 17 Axis divisions, nine of them Hungar- ian. Axis Troops Trapped The seizure or Armavir was the big- gest Red Army victory yet in the Cau- casus. From that city runs the only railway to, the Maikop oil fields and to Tuapse on the Black Sea coast. The latter is still in Russian hands and Axis troops in between these points now are imperilled. (London sources estimated that 200,000 Axis troops were threatened with encirclement in the Caucasus just as an equal number was trapped before' Stalingrad). In taking Volokonovka on the fast moving Voronezh front the troops of Lieut. Gen. F. I. Golikov again cut the Yelets-Kupyansk Ta.ilway in the sweep toward the mnain Kursk-Kharkov line beyond Volokonovka is about 22 miles above Valuiki whi was taken several ;ays ago. Voroshilovgrad Threatened Voroshilovgrad, industrial center of the Donets Basin to the south, also is threatened with imminent seizure by Russan troops who yesterday cap- tured Kondrashevkaya, 10 miles to the east, and Stanichno,Luganskoye, only 12 miles away. These troops driving into the Ukraine may wheel southward toward the Sea of Azov in an effort to com- pletely encircle the Caucasian gate- way city of Rostov. (The midnight Soviet communique recorded by the Soviet Monitor in London said Gigant, only 775 miles from Rostov, had fallen to the Rus- sian troops that had seized Salsk, railway junction 100 miles southeast of Rostov. The Red Army also took Razvilnoye, 20 miles southwest of Salsk on the railway to Tikhoretsk Enemy Trucks Captured 2,000 enemy trucks, an entire train- load of supplies, and other important equipment were captured yesterday, this communique said, and hundreds of Axis troops were killed or cap- tured). Rostov itself was in growing peril from other Red armies less than 60 miles to the east on the Lower Don beyond Salsk, the recaptured rail junction and air base 100 miles to the southeast; by forces on the railway to Voronezh, 75 miles to the north; and by the Caucasus armies up the Baku railway less than 200 miles away. 'U' SYMPHONY: Bach Program to Be Played in Concert Here As their second concert of the year, the University Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Prof. Eric De- Lamarter ,will present an all-Bach program at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. This concert will feature Joseph Brinkman, pianist, and Wassily Bese- kirsky, violinist, of the music school faculty as soloists in the "Branden- burg Concerto, No. 5." Jean Jeffrey, '43, will also be heard on the solo flute. The solo cantata for soprano, "Praise Jehovah," will be performed with Nancy Plummer Faxon of the AN EDITORIAL: Prof. Throop 's Plan Is a Step Forward THIS IS OUR LAST PAPER, but the fight for a free campus paper is not over. We have said repeatedly in the last few days-and we have not been challenged-that Prof. Gail E. Densmore could do the University a great service by resigning his position. as chairman of the Board. We fail to understand how a man can continue in such a post when he has lost the respect of the people with whom he has to work. But it begins to look as though Prof. Densmore intends to do just that. However, Board-member Palmer Throop has done his best to work out a plan acceptable to both sides. He suggests that The Daily editors, rather than just the Board chairman meet "irate members of the public," and that other Board members share the duties of umpire with the chairman. We thank Prof. Throop for his suggestion and his constructive spirit. His plan should be put into immediate effect, for it would un- doubtedly do much to avoid future friction. It is not, however, the final solution to the problem. It is a sedative, not a cure. The basic trouble lies with Prof. Densmore and the attitude characterized by him. Until these are gone, rela- tions with the Board can never again be of a sincerely amicable nature. FOR THE SAKE OF THE DAILY, and to aid the incoming editors, we hope the Board adopts Prof. Throop's suggestions. And once more before we leave, we ask Prof. Densmore, in the best interests of the University and a free campus press, to resign his position. -Homer Swander,- Managing Editor Morton Mintz, Editorial Director Will Sapp, City Editor Recreation for Guadalcanal Marines I English Press on Toward Tunisia Allies Mop Up Parachutists; Planes Blast Rommel Forces on Coastal Road, Damage Boatloads of Enemy Officials By NOLAND NORGAARD Associated Press Correspondent ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH AFRICA, Jan. 23.-Britain's Eighth Army captured Tripoli to finally topple Mussolini's African Empire early today and raced on westward toward Tunisia where Allied troops were mopping up Nazi parachutists trying to widen the 50-mile "bomb alley" of escape left to Marshal Rommel's Axis forces fleeing into Tunisia. General Montgomery's desert troops at 5 a.m. swept into Tripoli whose dock depots and installations had been blasted both by Allied bombers and Nazi demolition squads. Capture of this city was the ultimate triumph of !. a 24,000 TONS: High-Rankin Navy Officers Lst in Pacific Rear Admiral English Was Aboard Transport Three Pays Overdue SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 23-()- Hopes were dimming tonight for tie safety of Rear Admiral Robert H English, commander of the Pacific Fleet Submarine Force, and 18 other persons aboard a Navy transport plane missing since Thursday. "The search is continuing," Navy officials reported succinctly. That was all. Names of those missing were made public today today. That the loss of so many high- ranking officers was a severe blow was easy to discern through terse state- ments by Navy headquarters. Three captains, three commanders and two lieutenant commanders is a heavy toll in the fighting forces. One woman was aboard-Lieut. (J.G.) Edna Owella Morrow, a Navy nurse assigned to duty in the South Pacifc, The plane was last heard from Thursday morning, when it circled the bay area unable to land because of weather conditions. ' Whether the pilot sought a water, landing at Clear Lake, which before the par was an emergency landing "field" form the Pan-American clip- pers, or headed back to sea was not* disclosed. A brief flurry of excitement oc- curred today when a packinghouse workman, John Pianevilla of Santa Cruz, saw an empty rubber life raft floating ashore, several miles north -of the city. Later a second raft came in, and both were turned over to Army officers. Investigation proved the rafts had belonged to the Coast Guard, and probably had slipped away from the deck of some vessel. American Air Way Supremacy Forecast WASHINGTON, Jan. 23--()-Rep. Martin of Massachusetts, House Re- publican leader, came out today for establishment of a standing House aviation committeeato promote Amer- ican dominance of the world's airways after the war and evpressed belief that most Republicans on the military ad naval committees would support the proposal. But strong opposition, stemming principalyy from the Democratic chairmen and members of the mili- tary, naval and interstate commerce committees, mapped a campaign to Allied Planes Bomb4Europe Night :and Day Yanks Raid Sub Bases; Five Fortresses Lost LONDON, Jan. 23.-(A')-Waves of night bombers roared eastward over the English Channel tonight to con- tinue virtually non-stop blows against the Axis in Europe, winging away in such force that the throaty proces- sion took 25 minutes to cross the coast. The night raiders took off after other Allied planes returned from widespread daylight attacks, in which American Flying Fortresses' pounded the submarine pens at Lor- ient and Brest, and American-made RAF Mustangs struck at Nazi inland transportation. 5 Fortresses Lost Five Fortresses were lost in the smash at the submarine bases in the Americans' third raid of this month. It was the third attack on Lorient and the second 'on Brest since the U.S. air forces came to Britain. Visibility over the targets was good and excellent results were observed, a joint communique by U.S. head- quarters and the Air Ministry said. The Forts encountered enemy fighters over the submarine bases on the Bay of Biscay, and shot down an undisclosed number of them, the communique added. RAF Pounds Enemy The RAF meanwhile hammered at troops, trains, barges and tugs far- ther inland, and more RAF planes swarmed over Dover Strait just after dusk tonight. Explosions were heard a short time later from the French coast. A small force of Wellingtons and Mosquitos of the bomber command also struck at rail communications in northwest Germany, said the Air Ministry news service. One Mosquito bombed two freight trains in the marshalling yard outside Quaken- bruck from 1,000 feet, and another attacked from 700 feet. Woollcott Dies in New York Radio Broadcast Studio NEW YORK, Jan. 23-(P)-Alex- ander Woollcott, 56, widely known au- thor and actor died here tonight. He had collapsed shortly after' seven o'clock while partciipating in a broadcast over the Columbia Broad- casting system. Woollcott, a veteran of the last World War and a ferquent voice on Guadalcanal Pastime-A U.S. Marine, dressed in native style, takes advantage of a lull in the fighting' to try his luck at spearing fish. Recreation is rare indeed on Guadalcanal where Americans keep pressing the Japanese. MID-YEAR EXERCISES: Prof. Bryson Says Graduates Will Have World to Reconstruct 1 7 ( Mid-year degree candidates-hon- ored at the first Mid-Year Gradua- tion Exercises in the University's his- tory-were told by Prof. Lyman Bry- son of Columbia University that they "have not only a war to fight and win" but "also a world to straighten out." When the f:ighting is over, Profes- sor Bryson said, "the people of Amer- ica will have the means with which to build a new world civilization" in which "the powers of reconstruction can be free to build for men not only in this country but for human beings everywhere." "No country but ours can give the human and material help that will be needed," he said. "It will be for 'No Country But Ours' our own sake as well as theirs. The time is past when any part of civili- zation can be prosperous alone." Professor Bryson spoke on "The World We Want" before only 500 off the 829 degree candidates. Next week's final examinations were blam- ed by University officials for the "dis- appointing" turnout. But the 500 degree candidates as-I sembled in Hill Auditorium heard; Professor Bryson tell that "it is a fair criticism of education, I think, to say that young men and women have not been told that they would have to make the world decent if they expected it to be that way." ". ..If we take power and use it in behalf of justice, we are in great danger of using it for a less noble purpose. It is always true that power does not make right and may en- danger judgment. But it is also true -and this is the hard lesson we are just beginning to learn-that power is something which we must accept with all its dangers until we have created a world in which violence and injustice are impossible. Suffering and Despair "No such world as that is in the view of any prophet now. On the contrary, the world we can see ahead, not only for the length of your lives but perhaps even beyond, is full of suffering and despair," Bryson said. "Men are going to be dangerous to each other fora longtime to come. The countries of Europe are going to War Adds 138 More to Navy Casualty List WASHINGTON, Jan. 23. - (P) - The Navy announced today 138 cas- ualties, including seven dead, three wounded and 128 missing. be cut up by civil wars, by bloody, quarrels among their leaders and be hot with the fevers of revenge. "If we Americans are to be in that international world at all, if we do not withdraw again into a shell of isolation, we shall have to help com- bat anarchy as we have fought against aggression. We shall suffer for it even if we do nothing about it." Fears that America will suffer eco- nomic and social depression were dis- pelled by Professor Bryson. There Will Still Be Jobs "For these there seems to be not good reasons unless we are too timid and too lacking in imagination to use the remedies that every economist can tell you about. But even so, even if the business and economic affairs of this country do undergo violent oscillations, there will still be jobs for many young Americans." During the recessional, President Alexander G. Ruthven who intro- duced Professor Bryson presented scrolls of recognition to the degree candidates. They bore the following1 inscription: "The University of Michigan con- gratulates and bids God-speed to those of its students who will be en- titled to receive degress upon com- pletion of the stated requirements, at the end of the Fall Term of 1942- Turn to page 2, col. 2 Duties of War Board Group Becrin Today Newly chosen members of the Stu- dent War Board will hold their first meeting at 5 p.m. today at the Stu- dent Offices of the Union at which time Bob Matthews, president of the outgoing Board, will outline the duties and responsibilities of the group. Included on the new board are six, men and three women. Men repre- sentatives are: John A Erlewine, '44, Richard A. Ford, '44, Henry C. Loud, '43, Edward J. Perlberg, '43, Robert L. Schwyn, '44BAd, and William L. Ses- sions,'43E. The women chosen to the board are: Josephine Fitzpatrick, '44, Marilyn Mayer, '44, and Ann Mac- Millan, '44. The new members will also select a chairman from among their number at the meeting today. Members were selected in the fol- lowing manner: Outgoing members of the Board were asked to turn in the Allies Hit Two New Jap Ships in Rabaul' Are( ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN AUSTRALIA, Sunday, Jan. 24-(A)- Two more ships have been -it by bombs at Rabaul, New Britain, where earlier this week Allied planes dent four vessels, totalling 24,000 tons, to the bottom, the Allied high command reported today. At the same time, the noon com- munique announced that all fighting in the Papuan Peninsula, of New Guinea, has ceased with 117. Japs taken prisoner. Five Jap Zero planes were downed in dog-fighting which occurred dur- ing the latest Rabual raid. "Our heavy bombers attacked the. harbor before 'dawn," General Doug- las MacArthur's communique stated "striking at shipping and airdromes A fuel dump at Vunakanau was hit and left burning furiously with nu- merous explosions visible for 75 miles; other bombs fell in the dispersal area and blast bays. Vessels at anchor and a convoy approaching the harbor were bombed but searchlight glare was such that results could not be ob- served. "During the day, one of our heavy bombers on armed reconnaissance over the area seriously damaged a 12,000 ton transport in the harbor with a direct hit and five near misses and scored two near hits on an 8,000 ton ship north of Rabual which came to a standstill. Twelve enemy fighters intercepted the bomber in a running fight lasting one hour and five min- utes. Five enemy were destroyed and two damaged. Our bomber returned safely." Ruthven Asks Men to Stay in School Many students who are enlisted in the various reserve programs are having difficulty deciding whether or not it is worthwhile to enroll in school for the second semester. Unfortunately, the Uni- versity does not have sufficient information to advise the students with any degree of confidence in this matter. However, the follow- ing statement has just been re- ceived from the American Council on Education and is submitted to the students for their information and to weigh as they see fit. It must be remembered that this is not to be regarded as an official communication from the Army, but simply as an indication of the trend matters appear to be taking in Washington. "1. Administrative details of the Army and Navy Training Programs and of Selective Serv- ice are still so much in the formative stage and unavoidable delays In putting them in oper- ation are so probable that all students whether or not in the Army Enlisted Reserve Corps or subject to Selective Service are urged by the Army, Navy, and the WMC to continue in college until called and until definite plans are developed. From the viewpoint of the armed forces a three-month push equivalent to the istance from New York City to the plains of Nebraska. British Push West The British then were reported to have pushed on westward toward the Tunisian border, 100 miles west of Tripoli, where Allied planes pounded Rommel's shattered troops on the oastal highway and inflicted "great Lamage" on boatloads of Axis offi- ials fleeing the port of Zuara, 60 miles from Tripoli. (The Admiralty in London also an- iounced that light forces of the Roy- al Navy bombarded Zuara early. Sat- arday. "Good results, were achieved, arge fires and explosions .being obb - erved," the communique said. No casualties nor damage was suffered >y the British fleet.) Axis Entrenched in Tunisia Less than 0 miles separates Gen- eral Montgomery's troops, and tie Allied Tunisian forces in the Gafsa area of Tunisia, but the Axis appar- ntly is firmy entrenched all along he eastern Tunisian coast where The fall of Tripoli was more of a "moral than a military or eco- nomic" blow to the Italian people, a German broadcast recorded by the Associated Press said yesterday. "Tripolitania had lost its impor- tance since the beginning of the war, and was less valuable econom- ically than the fertile Cyrenaica," the broadcast said, and "since the occupation of Tunisia by the Axis, Tripolitania has almost completely lost its military importance." Rommel is withdrawing to join the Axis troops under Gen. Jurgen Von Arnim. It also is believed that General Montgomery's main forces would have to pause for rest and reorgani- zation after the long, exhausting haul across Libya. A French communique issued to- night said fighting continued all day in the mountainous central Tunisian sector 20 miles northwest of Kai- rouan where U.S. troops are aiding the French. Moroccans in Action "After repulsing all enemy attacks our forces regrouped in the region north of the road which leads from Ousseltia to Kairouan," the bulletin said. "Fifteen kilometers (nine miles) north of Ousseltia our Moroccan de- tachments annihilated a German unit." During the day several enemy posts surrendered and valuable material was seized, the communique added. Earlier British and French troops were reported to have rolled back a German tank column at least four miles in the Kebir Valley. Rickenbacker Is Criticisedj DETROIT, Jan. 23-(P)-Two CIO leaders today characterized as "re- grettable" and "misinformed" com- ments by Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker here last night on labor's role in war production. Rickenbacher in an address follow- ing a tour of war plants said that "if you could understand what our boys are doing in the hell holes through- out the world that our way of life may be preserved, you would not wor- ry about eight hours a day, overtime, or double time for Saturdays and holidays." and pronosed Congress act