TIRE MICHIGAN DAITY -SAWMMAX.-IAM-22.4242 w- .'- -''.' ."'}- Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board In Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and: Tuesday during the summer session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the usee for-republication of allnews dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights t republication of all other matters herein,-also reserved. Eixtered at the Post Orfice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as Oecond-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.25, by mail '5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 194243 " Ja, Frau Schultz, Doktor Goebbels says America will soon be out of the war. They are reduced to slicing their own bread." - z q ,.. . . . . . r ~ s ; , t - ?' . ~ < t.1I _. . .LL ~ . * V.14V r Lieterj to 1/ice&titop REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL. ADVERTI3ING 3BY National Advertising Service, Inc.rtr College P'taisbers RPresestalive' 4A0 MADiON Av9. NEw YORK. N. Y.. CHICAGO * BOSTON * Los ANGELES . SAN FRANCISCO Editorial Staff E6mer Swander . . . . Managing Editor Morton Mints . . . . . Editorial Director // I Will Sapp . . . . . . City Editor george W. Sallad4 . . . . . Associate Editor Oharles Thatcher . . . . . Associate Editor I' Bernard Hendel . . . . . Sports Editor v r.4 3n. Barbara deFries . . . . . Women's Editor ' Myron Dann . . . . Associate Sports Editor ". r Business Staff a' Edward J. Perlberg . . . Business Manager , OFed M. G1.0oberg. . Associate Business Manager 4 Mary Lou Curran . . Women's Business Manager $ans Lindberg. . . Women's Advertising Manager 4 Ames Daniels . . . Publications Bales Analyst Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: RAY DIXON 'a x': $'z 3'P','~ 's1 Editorials published in The Michigan Daily ". are written by members of The Daily staff R F , and represent the views of the writers only. 01943 Ch cago Times c 143 CicgoTies.- y Prof. Throop. (Continued from Page 1) Most of the present embittered relations come from misunder- standing and lack of courtesy. I am certain that there has been no attempt at censorship or suppres- sion of facts on the part of the Board of Publications, nor any de- sire to be oppressive and unrea- sonable. It was with real regret on my part, and I believe on the part of other members of the Board, that the full recommenda- tions for a new staff could not be followed. Personal qualities of responsibility and realization of duties to the University must be taken into consideration as well as technical competence. Most of the recommendations were fol- lowed with pleasure after proper inquiries and investigation. The Board takes pride in the splendid accomplishments of The Daily and other student publica- tions. Professor Densmore asked the Board to let him communicate his congratulations to the editor and staff of the Gargoyle for good work recently because it had been his unpleasant duty to convey complaints so frequently that he rejoiced in the opportunity to con- gratulate. I have had occasion to commend The Daily for its or- ganization of student effort in war work and particularly for defend- ing our liberal heritage in educa- tion. The Michigan Daily is a stu- dent newspaper of which we are proud, and which should continue . in its best traditions. I sincerely hope' that in the interests of the incoming staff, the outgoing edi- tors will put aside their grivances, and give the new editors an oppor- tunity to interpret the University in a particularly difficult period unhampered by suspicion and dis- trust. Certainly the incoming staff has my confidence and my assur- ance that they have every reason to 'expect fair play and the pro- motion of healthy controversy free from personalities. (Editor's Note: Homer Swander, Morton Mintz and Will Sapp thank Board member Throop for his genu- inely fine and constructive letter.) No Interference Needed To the Editor: For many years The Michigan Daily has been recognized as a "Pacemaker" among college publi- cations. This distinction is not a meaningless one. It represents award of merit on the basis of for- mat, coverage, and intelligent edi- torial direction. To residents of the college community, The Daily's performance this year has contin-, ued this fine tradition. The expres- sion of opinion-student opinion, to be sure, but a college newspaper is the organ of student opinion-has been clear, fresh and vigorous, I see no need for interference with Daily policies. --M. L. Williams, English Department 'Fair, Courageous' To the Editor: The undersigned Negro students of the University wish to express to the retiring staff of The Michigan Daily our appreciation and thanks for the series of liberal statements on the Negro question which have appeared in the editorial columns of the paper during their term of office. We have always found those statements well informed, fair and courageous. Though we have, of course, been particularly pleased by the editorials written in the interests of our people, we have been fully aware that the struggle for the extension of the benefits (yes, and the responsibilities) of a true democracy to us, is only a part of aslarger struggle for the reali- zation of true democracy in America. Of course those who enlist in the struggle will be ridiculed and even persecuted by the cynics and by those who seek selfish ends. But if the firm will and the courage re- vealed in the editorial policy of The Daily's retiring staff is any index of the spirit of American youth, then the forces of reaction, power- ful though they are, will not pre-. vail. -Cecil A. Blue Wade Ellis Herman H. Long Nathan A. Scott, Jr. Winston K. McAllister BOARD DISPUTE: Clarification Of Three Points By Daily Editors yESTERDAY, after Board member Coffey had set the tone, we allowed ourselves at times to wax somewhat sarcastic and perhaps a little flippant. We did this because Prof. Coffey's letter deserved no better, but it is not the plane we wish to maintain in our dispute with the Board in Control. We believe the matter is a serious one and should be treated as such. Future letters, even from Board members, must be in good taste and contain some vestiges of dignity or they will not be printed. When we make a mistake we like to admit it, not only because it is the thing to do, but also because we have the facts on our side and do not have to resort to mistruths. Yesterday we erred In saying that the Board knew Leon Gordenker had been classified in 4-F. They knew only that he would probably be so classified. Our basic argument on the general point m question still ,stads, however. WT WANT to emphasize once again that our conflict is not so much with the entire Board as it is with Chairman G. E. Densmore. Although we have had disagreements with other Board members and have thought some of them remiss in ther duties, the majority of our trouble has stemmed from Prof. Dens- *oee. On Tuesday wepointed out in detail 'ur reasons for demanding his resignation. Ie sincerely believe that the larger share of our conflict with the Board would 'be dissolved Upon the resignation of Prof Densmore. For this reason, we are still waiting for the appropriate action on his part. -Homer Swander, Managing Editor Morton Mintz, Editorial Director Will Sapp, City Editor AN OBITUARY: Student Senators Give Up The Ghost THE STUDENT SENATE, last vestigial organ of a representative campus government, died yesterday of malnutrition. It was six years old. Born as the offspring of Spring lParley, the Senate started life with a' democratic principle, thirty members and no precedents. At its death- bed it still had the democratic priciple and had Piled up a long list of "don'ts" for representative bodies. There is little likelihood of any attempt to re- vive the Senate until after the war, and even then it won't be an easy job. The resurrectionists will be haunted by "debating society," "party politics" and that oldest of all Senate ghosts "well, 'it's a good idea but THEY won't like it." Right now the campus is cynical of repre- sentative student government as they have seen it, and justly so. The Student Senate had all of the disadvantages of the democratic form and offered comparatively few of the benefits. It quibbled away evenings on parliamentary procedure and it made a practice of seeing how fast it could pull in its neck after sticking it DREW PEARSON s MERRY-GO-ROUND WASHINGTON-Manpower Boss Paul McNutt has been sessioning with the Truman Committee regarding certain problems whch touch the lives of everyone. They include: size of the Army, where we will get labor for farms, and whether the Army shall be used in mines and industry. Senators on the Committee were impressed both with the gravity of the problems McNutt placed before them, and his general views re- garding them. McNutt revealed that Undersecretary of War Patterson had been talking to him about a total armed force of about 11,000,000 to 15.000,00 men. This included not merely the Army, but the Navy, the Coast Guard and the Marine Corps- everything except the Merchant Marine. However, McNutt pointed out that shipping facilities and submarine warfare seriously limited the number of troops which could be sent abroad and supplied. The figure he mentioned must re- main a military secret, but he indicated that with Hitler's U-boats working overtime aroundNorth Africa, it was going to be difficult to maintain a very large army in North Africa. In addition to North Africa, he pointed to the problem of supplying other war fronts in the Pacific, together with Russia and England. As a result, McNutt doubted the feasibility of a world's record army now. He was all for giving the military and navy what they wanted so long as it could be transported to the combat zones, but he opposed a huge army which would eat its head offat home, especially in view of the fact that morale deteriorates when an army is kept idle. At one time, McNutt said, a huge army at home was considered necessary to protect the United States But now military experts felt this danger greatly lessened, though a certain number of re- serves must be trained. Army Will Harvest Crops McNutt was asked a great many questions about farm labor, especially by Senator Truman of Missouri. He replied that the Army had been unwiling to let men go home on furlough to help with the crops because this hurt morale. How- ever, he said the Army was working on a plan to send Army units into farm areas, in battalions or companies, and have them help with farm work on an organized basis under Army com- mand. "What about sending the Army into the coal mines?" someone asked at this point. This got no enthusiastic welcome. Though the matter was not discussed in detail, it seemed to be the unspoken feeling of the committee that too big an army going into industry and agri- culture on an organized military basis might come close to developing a militarized system in the U.S.A. similar to that against which we were fighting in Europe. Only one member of the Committee, Senator Hatch of New Mexico, felt that the armed forces should be given a free rein to go ahead and build up tremendous strength not subject to civilian check and supervision. Other Committee members expressed the I'd Rather Be Right - -By SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK-Everything that is wrong in State Department policy is wrapped up in Sec- retary Hull's bitter remark that the people of the United States ought to pay more attention to the war and less to politics, .meaning the politics of North Africa. The good Secretary could not have said more plainly that he regards war and politics as entirely separate and different things. Each is a closed world of its own, to his mind, and one may spend his time in one world, or the other, or skip lightly between them, at will. This cozy theory is an old favorite of those to whom some of the implications of political struggle are distressing. This picture has been painted for us before. In it, war is clear, whole- some, a world of action. Somewhere apart lies politics, which is dirty, unwholesome, not suitable for the clean-limbed and the bright-eyed. They should turn from it, as from a tawdy woman; they should snub it; they should refuse to bow' to it when they meet it in the street. THERE ARE TWO WARS WHEN, yesterday, in this space I said that two wars are going on, a war against fascism and a war against Hitler, I did not expect this re- mark confirmation to be offered so soon. The war against fascism is politics, our kind of politics; the war against Hitler is the military war. The task of our age is to merge the two. Mr. Hull's remark is a plea that we should not merge the two. Clausewitz said that war is a continoation of politics by other means. Mr. Hull denies it vigorously. It is his remarkable theory that the war is a thing-in-itself, that it had no parents and will have no children, that it is a kind of police operation upon which we can turn our exclusive attention (he has asked us to do so) as upon a chase sequence in a western film, a fight between cowboys and robbers, cops and bums. Ours is to forget all about Marcel Peyrouton and to shout "Hi-yo, Silver!" NON-POLITICAL POLITICS NOW, IT IS a remarkable fact that this very maneuver, of separating the world'of poli- tics from the world of war, is, in itself, a political action of profound importance. By asking us not to attack Marcel Peyrouton, the ruffian fascist, as governor-general of Algeria, it says to us: "Please support Marcel Peyroutoi," and that is a political plea. It says to us: "In the struggle between the Fighting French and the ex-Vichyites for the right to lead North Africa, please do not support the Fighting French," and that is a political plea, too, in support of the ex-Vichyites. The act of separating politics from war is. a political act; it is an imperative designed to cut off American political support for French democrats grouped about de Gaulle. Thus, like one of those dazzling old Greek paradoxes, the very statement: "Politics can be separated from war" has so much political ef- fect that it proves politics cannot be separated from war; it 1S the' most streamlined reductio ad absurdum in the history of logic; MORE OBSCURANTISM DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 'Congratulations' To the Editor: Congratulations on your even- tempered expose of the difficulties of cooperation between the Editors and the Board in Control of Stu- dent Publications. Since adverse critics are apt to be more vocal than others, I would like to suggest to those of your readers who, in general, approve your policies that they drop a card to the Editors stating their opinion of The Daily as it has been conducted during the past year. If those who do not wish to have their communication ap- pear in print were to add the state- ment, "Not for publication," I am sure the request would be respected. Whenever a class is found in a state of rebellion against a teacher, it is not necessary to in- quire at the moment which is in' the right about the particular is- sue over which the dispute arose. We know that the tea'cher has erred in dealing with the situa- tion. The same is true in the re- lationships between a team and its coach, and likewise in the present controversy. An airing be- fore the bar of public opinion is a necessary first step in a demo- cratic order, followed by changes in the administrative set-up and procedures that will reduce the friction and tend to correct the conditions that gave rise to the condition. In order to forestall some of the same kinds of difficulties that may be expected to recur indthefu- ture, it may be wise to draw up a tentative code of policies and pro- cedures. As a starter, I would sug- gest the following: No individual board member will speak for the board without authorization by it and without consultation with the editors. William C. Trow, Education Psychol- ogist, School of Education: series of three in the Rackham Audi- torium today as follows: Today at 2:30 p.m.: Quartet in D by Borodin; Quartet No. 4 by Quincy Porter; and Mozart's Quartet in B- flat. Tonight at 8:30: Quartet in F, No. 1 by Beethoven; Quartet in C by Shostakovich; and Quartet in F by Dvorak. Tickets may be purchasel at the Offices of the University Musical So- ciety in Burton Memorial Tower; and one hour before each program in .the main lobby of the Rackham Building. -Charles A. Sink, President Concerts: Heifetz will give the eighth program in the Choral Union Series, Tuesday evening, February 16, at 8:30; and Alec Templeton, Pianist, will give a special program at popular prices, Thursday, February 25, at 8:30-both in Hill Auditorium. Tickets are on sale at the offices of the University Musical Society in' Burton Memorial Tower. An all-Bach program will be pre- sented by the University Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Eric DeLamarter, conductor, at 8:30 p.m. Sunday, January 24, in Lydia M1Sen- delssohn Theater. It will includ the Overture in B minor, Solo Cantata for Soprano, and the "Brandenburg" Concerto, No. 5. The public is cordially invited. Exhibitions Exhibition- Rackham Galleries- Mezzanine Floor. The Horace' H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies presents "Tunisia and the Mediter- ranean in Water Colors" by 'Mrs. Alice Reischer. The galleries will be open daily, except Sundays, 2-5 and 7-10, through Feb. 3. Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: Watercolors of French Alps and drawings for surrealist paintings, by T. S. Haile. Pottery by Marianne Haile. Ground floor corri- dor cases, Architecture Building. Open daily 9 to 5 except Sunday. through February 6. The public is invited. Coming Events The University Concert Band, Wil- iam D. Revelli, conductor, will pre- sent its annual winter concert on Sunday, February 7, 4:15 p.m., in Hill Auditorium. Admission conmpli- mentary. Varsity Glee Club: Rehearsal will begin at 8 o'clock sharp Sunday morning. Please be prompt. No af- ternoon meeting. Sigma Gamma Epsilon will have its last "get-together" Friday, January 23, at 8:00 p.m. The meeting place is the South Lounge of the Union. Be prompt. The Women's Research Club will meet Monday, Feb. 1, -West Lecture Room, Rackham Bldg., at 7:30 p.m. Program in charge of the Library and Oriental Civilizations. The latter (Continued from Page 2) ven Hall; Van Duren and Winkel- man: D Haven Hall; Philippson and Reichart: 1035 Angell Hall; Courant and Ebelke: 35 Angell Hall. German 2. All Sections, 101 Eco- nomics Building. German 31. Van Duren, Eaton,: Reichart, Diamond: 205 Mason Hall;. Philippson, Gaiss, Winkelman: 2225 Angell Hall. German 32. All Sections, 2219 An- gell Hall. Sociology 51-Change in Time of Final Examination: The final exami- nation in Sociology 51 will be given today, 2:00-4:00 p.m., instead of the time announced in the printed examination schedule as follows:. Room B, Haven Hall, Fuller, Holmes and Fuson; Room' C, Haven Hall, Hawley, Brumm and Ostafin; Room D, Haven Hall, Landecker. Honors in Liberal Arts: Final ex- amination, Thursday, Jan. 28, 8:00 a.m., Room 16, Angell Hall. History 11, Final examination of lecture group 2 of History 11: Discus- sion sections of De Vries, Monks and Slosson in C Haven Hall; discussion sections of Long, Meier and Scholes, including those formerly taken by Hansen, in Natural Science Auditor- ium, Friday, Jan. 29, 2-4 p.m. -P. W. Slosson German 36 Final Examination: Thursday, Jan. 28, 10:30-12:30, 3056 Natural Science Building. English I and II Final Examination Schedule for Monday, Jan. 25, 2-4 p.m. English I: Bertram, W Phys Lect; Boys, W Phys Lect; Bredvold, C Ha- ven; Calver, 2003 AH; Cooley, 2203 AH; Davis, G Haven; Eisinger, G Ha- ven; Engel, C Haven; Faust, 205 MH; Fletcher, 2225 AH; Fogle, 3017 AH; Greenhut, 2235 AH; Haugh, 2219 AH; Hawkins, 2215 AH; Helm, C Haven; Helmers, 225 AH; McClennen, 229 AH; Means, 2029 AH; Schenk, 205 MH; Taylor, E Haven; Thein, 1035 AH; Traver, 2203 AH; Walker, 35 AH; Walsh, 3209 AH; Warner, D Ha- ven; Wells, D Haven.A English II: Everett, 3231 AM; Nel- son, B Haven; Ogden, 18 AH; Ohlsen, 1020 AH; Schroeder, B Haven; Thorpe, 1018 AH. Mathematics Final Exams (College of L. S.- and A.) will ,be :held :in the regular classrooms, with the exception of the courses and sections listed be- low which will use the special rooms indicated: Math 7, Section 2, Elder, 229 A.H.; Math. 7, Section 3, Raiford, 2029 A.H.; Math. 7, Section 7, Dwyer, 229 A.H.; Math. 8, Section 3, Craig, 3011 A.H.; Math. 9, Bradshaw, 2013 A.H.; Math. 11, Section 1, Elder, 229 A.H.; Math. 11, Section 3, Anning, 225 A.H.; Math. 11, Section 4, Nyswander, 3209 A.H.; Math. 11, Section 6, Bradshaw, 201 Univ.H.; Math. 11, Section 8, Raiford, 3209 A.H. Math. 12, Section 2, Coe, 2231 A.H.; Math. 13, Section 1, Anning, 225 A.H.; Math. 13, Section 2, Rainich, 2003 A.H.; Math. 13, Section 3, Craig, 2203 A.H.; Math. 13, Section 4, Eilenberg, 225 A.H.; Math. 13, Section 5, Myers, 2013 A.H.; Math. 13, Section 6, Wil- der, 405 S.W.; Math. 13, Section 7, Cote, 3209 A.H.; Math. 53, Section 3, Anning, 2219 A.H.; Math. 53, Section 4, Eilenberg, 2203 A.H.; Math. 54, My- ers, 229, A.H. Psychology 31: Final Examination Thursday, January 28, 2-4. Lecture Section I, Thuma-Room B, Haven Hall. Lecture Section II, Maier-A-G Room 205, Mason Hall, H-O, Room 231 Angell Hall, P-Z, Room 2003 An- gell Hall. Lecture Section III, Meyer-Room C and Room D Haven Hall. Those students in Lecture I, (Thu- ma) and Lecture III (Meyer) who cannot take the examination at the regular time because of conflict may take the examination Saturday, Jan- -fi r, A 0_A i n n m 1191 l 7.Q German Thursday, brary. 159 Final Examination: Jan. 28, 4-6 p.m., 408 Li- Political Science 1, final examina- tion, Monday, January 25, 8-10 a.m. Norton's sections .... 1025 A.H. Bromage's sections ... 1025 A.H. Mill's sections ....... 1035 A.H. Kallenbach's sections .. 25 A.H. Laing's sections........25 A.H. Cuncannon's sections . 231 A.H. Dorr's sections .......231 A. H. Poltical Science 2, final tion, Monday, January 25, All sections, room 35 A.H. 'Political Science 52, final tion, Monday, January 25, Room 2003 A.H. examina- 8-10 a.m. examina- 8-10 a.m. to prosecute the other, with the