s., x al. - 4 4. , a. r- tat. -~ , I R ushng'Rues For '43 Stated, Laws Revised By Panhellenic As Silence Period Approaches With sorority women as well as freshmen caught in the whirl of an- ticipated rushing and with the pros- pect of many new rules and, regula- tions, the campus is about to go into another period of "silence" between independent freshman women and "Greeks." War, priorities, and rationing have stretched ;even into the realms of rushing season, for food has been strictly limited for the forthcoming parties, Virginia Morse, '43, president of Panhellenic, has announced. One of the most outstanding of the changes is the outlawing of formal dinners, previously the climax of the rushing season. This year informal desserts will be held instead by all houses from 7:30 to 9:30 Tuesday and Wednesday, Feburary 23 and 24. Another change, brought about by gas rationing, will be a new system of issuing tea invitations to the freshmen. While invitations in the past were delivered to dormitories by each sorority, they will now be picked up by the rushees in the League. Definite arrangements for this will be announced later. Freshmen with a C average or bet- ter may register for rushing from Wednesday, February 10, to Monday, February 15, at the Panhellenic booth in the League. Both rushees and affiliated women may gain any in- formation about rushing at this booth or may call Miss Jeannette Perry at the Office of the Dean of Women. There will be separate financial state- nents for each sorority at the desk in the League for freshmen who de- sire this material. Beginning with the open houses Women's Glee Club Will Sing In Honor Show Chosen to represent the entertain-j ment talent of the University, thel Women's Glee Club will be featured at the annual "University Night" program to be presented March 28 at the Masonic Temple in Detroit. The group has walked off with this coveted honor purely by dint of its own talent, displayed during the past year at banquets, concerts, broad- casts, and other campus functions. Composed of 45 women, the glee club is directed by Bill Sawyer who anticipates "a busier season than ever before" with preparations for the Detroit appearance and with partici- pation in weekly broadcasts over the University broadcasting station. The broadcasts, which began at Thanksgiving, are presented in con- junction with the Michigan Council for Defense under the direction of Dr. Joseph Maddy, and American songs of all types are rendered in five-part harmony by the group ev- ery Saturday. Director Sawyer wants to add male voices to the ranks of the club this semester, and all students who are interested in joining are requested to try out from 3 to 5 p.m. Feb. 9 in the Kalamazoo Room at the League.. Second-semester freshmen who are interested are also asked to bring eligibility cards and try out from 2 to 4 p.m. Feb. 8. on February 13, there must -be no other contact between possible rushees and sororities except in the case of mothers and sisters who are no longer active. No rushing is allowed outside house premises and there shall be no informal bidding. NECESSITY'S DAUGHTER: Camera Financed Education OfNow-Famed Potographer By SHIRLEY RASKEY "Necessity is the mother of inven- tion," it has often been said, and this assumption was made a reality in the life of Margaret Bourke-White when she turned to photography in her senior year at Cornell University in order to provide the necessary funds to complete her course. Miss Bourke-White, who will be presented by the Oratorical Associa- tion Feb. 4 at Hill Auditorium, dis- covered that the photographs she had taken of the university campus actu- ally would sell. Therefore, after grad- uation, she put away the test tubes of her biology courses and turned to her camera as a means of livelihood. First 'Break' in N.Y. Her first "break" came When she was invited to come to New York by Fortune to assume the duties of an associate editor on its staff. She opened her own commercial studio in New York, and within a few years had photographed everything of in- terest in the United States, from coal mines to construction work on the rapidly rising New York skyscrapers. Miss Bourke-White has the dis- tinctioh of being the first non-Rus- sian to make moving pictures in the Soviet Union, and of making the first broadcasts by a foreign correspon- dent to come out of Russia in several' years. The moving pictures were made on one of her three consecutive trips to the Soviet Union to record photo- graphically the progress of the Five Year Plan. It was on her experiences during these visits that she based her book, "Eyes on Russia." Promises 'Inside Stories' The broadcast occurred on the day the war broke out in Russia. Miss Bourke-White and her husband, Er- skine Caldwell, were relaxing at the Black Sea resort. Hearing the-news, they rushed back to Moscow and were pressed into service as corres- pondents. While the topic of her lecture is ]Russian Women in the War," Miss Bourke-White promises to include several stories on the personalities of the men who are guiding the world today. These stories will be drawn from "inside" information as she has known them personally through her 'work as a photographer. Theta Delta Chi announces the re- cent initiation of Orin Ahlstrom, '46; Charles Ingersoll, '46; David Muzzall, '46; Richard P. Sharpe, '44; William Jennett, '46, and Robert Kugal, '45. Few Contributions To Charity'Fund Infantile Paralysis Drive Nets Only $700 in Ann Arbor Contributions to the Infantile Paralysis Drive show a deplorable lack of response from the people of Ann Arbor, according to Mrs. Otto Laporte, representative of the com- mittee, who reports that $700 is the extent of the donations recorded at the present time. This figure includes the contribu- tions collected by the March of Dimes, the League, the special gifts committee, and the State Savings Bank. The collection boxes placed in University buildings by Robert Pohnson, '43, and Marion Thomp- son, '45, will not be removed until the drive ends on January 30, the President's birthday. Control of infantile paralysis, ac- cording to Mrs. Otto Laporte, is now more important than ever, for, with the population massed in army camps and in defense areas, an infantile epidemic would spread alarmingly unless curbed. The shortage of doctors in civilian life, she also points out, increases the danger of infantile paralysis should "the great crippler" once get started. Sufficient funds must be raised to alleviate the great suf- fering it causes. The important effort being made to control this pernicious disease through the present drive deserves more attention and support from Washtenaw County than it is now receiving, Mrs. Laporte concluded. By PHYLLIS PRESENT Co-eds, do you fit this description? Are you fairly tall, with black hair and light skin - do you have a pleas- ant smile and manners, and do you wear transparent shell-rim glasses? Take a peek in the mirror, but don't worry, the FBI isn't looking for you. No, but a certain Thomas L. Currey, of Cincinnati, 0., would give his right arm to find you. Although the duties of the Wom- en's Athletic Association are varied; a private detective service has never been installed. Due to the plaintive tone of a letter which they recently received, a new job has been tackled. --that of 'finding Mr. Currey's un- known love. According to his letter, the writer met the "girl of his dreams on an 8:30 Lovelom Bus Rider Seeks Coed P.M. bus from Detroit to Ann Arbor the Saturday evening before.'U.of M. gave the "Messiah." It seems she was a "freshman liberal arts student, who lived in a town about 200 miles north of Ann Arbor. The town has a river running through the middle of it." Mr. Currey thinks she has a mar- ried sister, living in Ann Arbor and a younger brother at home. It is apparent our correspondent learned quite a bit on that bus trip - every- thing but the name of the young lady, whoever she may be. Any similarity between this descripL- tion and you or a friend of yours maY lead to the solution of this mysI- tery. Please contact The Daily or the WAA, if you have any information which will aid us. Main at Libe S 6rty Weddings c.and &igagements ~ftN & kI o ~i1 I n) Dean Joseph A. Bursley of Ann Arbor recently announced the en- gagement of his daughter Margery, '43, to William Angst, '42E, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Angst of Montreal, Wis. Miss Bursley transferred to the University from Pine Manor her junior year. She is president of Col- legiate Sorosis. At present Mr. Angst is working with a defense plant in Cleveland, 0. No definite plans have been made for the wed- ding. Professor and Mrs. Preston Slos- son announce the engagement of their niece, Miss Emmalyn Wright, to James Robert Balfour. Miss Wright, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Wright of Roanoke, Va., made her home with the Slos- sons while she attended the Uni- versity, and she was very active in student affairs at the Methodist Church, being president of Kappa Phi sorority. Mr. Balfour, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Balfour of Argyle, N.Y., took his Bachelor of Arts degree in politi- cal science at the University last May, entered the Detroit Confer- ence of the Methodist Church, and is now a student at Garrett Biblical. Institute at Evanston, Ill. At present, Miss Wright is em- ployed at the University Hospital,. The marriage will take place in Ra- leigh Court Methodist Church, Roa-: noke, Va., in the early summer, and the couple will live in Evanston un- til Mr. Balfour completes his semi' nary work. Dr. and Mrs'. Burke Shartel Of1 Ann Arbor announce the recent mar- riage of their daughter Marlou, '43, to Ensign Brooks F. Crabtree, USNR, of Cambridge, Mass., and son of Dr. and Mrs. E. F. Crabtree of San' Diego, Calif. Mrs. Crabtree is a member of Del- ta Gamma sorority. Ensign Crabtree is an alumnus of the law school and has just completed his communica- tions course at Harvard University. Mary Margaret Meloche, '40, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Mel- oche of Ann Arbor, recently became the bride of Ensign George R. Rum-. ney, '40, USNR, son of Mrs. Donald T. McPherson of Windsor, Ont., at a ceremony which took place in San Diego, Calif. Mrs. Rumney is affiliated with Delta Delta Delta sorority, and is a member of Alpha Lambda Delta, Phi Kappa Phi, Pi Lambda Theta, and Phi Beta Kappa honor societies. Ensign Rumney, an officer of ' submarine chasero is a member Of Delta Tau Delta fraternity, and Al- pha Kappa Psi, professional fra- ternity. Positions Await College Women Trained As Secretaries, .Retailers By CAROL COTHRAN Jobs with a future! seems to be the cry of a large group of women on campus who are about ready to strike out on their own. And there are two .professions standing at the fore that in turn want trained women to join their ranks: secretarial and retailing positions. there are so many young women who are interested in these fields, and are sidetracked by the lure of highly - paid temporary positions; they thus bury their talents for pro- fessions in which advancement and success could be reached. Demands Increasing Secretarial schools are hearing the requests for trained women increase to demands, and in order to help wo- men find jobs with a future as early as next fall, they are accelerating their training periods with special courses opening in February. Retailing schools are feceiving their share of requests for trained college women, too. With many posi- tions in stores vacated for those out- side with higher pay, the trained Alt women interested in taking standard Eed Cross courses next semester in the following subjects: nutrition, motor mechanics, home nursing, and nurse's aide are re- quested to sign up for these courses in Miss McCormick's office in the League. Red Cross certifi- cates' are awarded to those who successfully complete such courses. woman has a chance to step into a job that offers rapid advancement in- to one with high pay. Schools Accelerate Program A prominent New York retailing school is accelerating its training program by opening its spring and summer courses to current or recent college graduates in February.' Eligibility to placement in a full- time position will come in the fall, and any lacking courses by that time can be picked up at evening classes in the fall semester. These schools represent the trend of many retailing institutions that are offering special programs to col- lege women who want to be placed in career positions before next winter. Assembly Proceeds Will Help Wounded The funds originally collected by Assembly last November for the pur- chase of best-sellers for Camp Cus- ter's reading room will be used in- stead for a solarium for the wounded who have come back to Custer from Africa, Constance Gilbertson, '43SM, announced yesterday. Amounting to over $100, the fund was collected in a campus book drive that was pushed at the same time the nation-wide drive was on. Because the soldiers obtained plenty of books from the national contributions, the solarium was suggested instead. Any money left over from this pro- ject will go toward a radio. Sizes 9to 15 12.95 to 22.95 Qt sold in Ann Arbor at -l zel's Only I ..... b ANUTĀ±ER p.-" NI 2f Brown or Black Em- bossed Alligator Calf. Also Polished Black Calf. ON TO VICTORY BALL For the Victory Ball that is coming, You'll be choosing a gown, oh so fine; That a "Formal Slip" you'll be need- ing. An item that's right in our line. You will also want a "Foundation", Or perhaps a "Girdle" of lace; And gals, I'm here to tell you, In these things we're keeping the pace. Then your dancing pumps -will look smarter, If a very sheer "Hose" you wear; Even tho it may be rayon, It's Uncle Sam's choice, we swear. Youwon'tmin- the miles with. Days when you turn errand boy and do the family shop-;. ping - those are the days that dependable Kali-sten-iks Madam-ettes comfort is really appreciated. The new Madam-ettes styles are smart for street wear. They fit so snugly and well that the busiest shopping day comes and goes, leaving your feet tested and comfortable. Dressmaker Suits FOR JUNIORS 29.95 5.*95 x .v{ '4 :f fJ BEAUTIFULLY detailed, wear them now 'neath your coat as a warm dress, later with a blouse as a suit. Fine all wool fabrics ... navy, bege. green, airforce blue, red. Sizes 9 to 15. I