It 4;trn #aiLij Weather Light Snow VOL. LIII No. 82 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRiDAY, JAN. 22, 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS 35 Killed in.Guiana Air Crash Author Eric Knight, Ann Arbor Armny Man Die in Worst Airplane Wreck in U.S. History WASHINGTON Jan. 21 - Thirty- five men were killed when a huge American transport plane bound for Africa crashed on the desolate coast ofDutch Guiana in South Aerica, It w a s th w rt air pane disast er American lives-. The victims included: Eric Knight, English-born novelist who wrote "This Above All." G-Man Lost P. E. Foxworth, crack G-man who worked on the Lindbergh kidnaping and the roundup of the eight Nazis who came ashore from U-boats. William Hodson, New York City Welfare Commissioner who was going tb North Africa as Relief Director. Also ar wee 1 ntd Stae named, and nine members of the creW. The ship, flying south, crashed on a remote section of the Guiana coast last -Friday, killing everyone aboard. WASHINGTON, Jan. 21 -(AP)- Lleut. Donald C. Martin of Ann ~Arbor, Mich., was one of the $5 amembers, of an American air mis- sion killed in a plane crash in Dutch Vrulana, the War Department an- ~'Min, 2,aron nhem y ofoidi's airraft ringt s- tem, returning to this -country .last June after eight months In Eng. land. Membe of Board States His Position Soviet Drive Southeast of Kursk (Editor's Note: The following letter was received yesterday from Prof. Ho- bart Coffey, member of the Board in Control of Student Publications.) FROM certain recent communica- tions to The Daily it would ap- pear that some grave and funda- mental issue of policy has arisen between The Daily staff and the oar in Conto of Sdn Pb the Board's interfering with The Daily's freedom and efficiency; 'Hank Loud, hockey team captain, the paper is to be run by the whims of the administration faculty mem- temcaptain identifis The Daiys rejoices that The Daily, formerly a "kept" creature, is now available generally. Professor Sellars of Phil- osophy calls for more air. With this intellectual support The Daily hints at censorship and calls on the Chairman of the Board to resign. I welcome the discussion since it af- fords an opportunity to elucidate certain issues that deserve consid- eration in the polemic. On the point of censorship- What has been written in The Daily ithe past few dasindeed, in the posed censorship is non-existent. The editors have been In that for- tunate position of being able to fol- low the slogan, "I write as I please." Doubtless the Board, or Individuki members 'of Board, have at times presumed to draw the attention of the editors to such matters as In- temperate language, unsound -rea- soning, failure to get relevant facts, or distortion of the facts. I don't know what the Board is for unless it is to do just this. The interesting thing is that when the Board ha criticized the editors, they have very frequently agreed that the criticism was well founded. That the editors continued to make the same mistakes In subsequent issues ashowing that some pople lear INTERESTINGLY enough, the nearest approach to censorship occurred in the handling of the case Tof ErrolyFlynn whose intimacies detail. The temptation to compete patof Th aily staff, buwhen and adopted by themselves) fur- nished a guiding principle, the edi- tors very generously left Errol's er- rant exploits to the metropolitan press. As a matter of fact, The Daily editors have done quite a bit of censoring on their own part. Last spring, when the present student members of the Board were "elec- ted" by methods ordinarily associ- ated with Mayor Hague (the prior elimination of all opposition), The Daily editors remained strangely invalidated for Fraud." One of the most interesting instances' of petty political trickery was concealed by The Daily, and is not generally known even to this day. Legitimiate campus news has fre- quently been overlooked or frankly suppressedl by Daily editors, it is said "for lack of room." some peo- ple have been ungenerous enough to Turn to Page 4, Col. 4 Menaces Entire Nazi 1941 Front, London Bank Demolished by German BombsRusasN r Sin Donets Basin Westward Sweep Envelops Important * Communication Key LONDON, Jan. 22 (Friday) - Red Army troops striking straight west below Voronezh have reached a ,point only 85 miles southeast of Kursk, thus threatening the entire Nazi 1941 front extending from central Russian to the Sea of Azov, according to a midnight Russian communique as broadcast by ~" Moscow and heard by the Soviet Mon- ""~'*' itor today. Push toward Kharkov T The Red Army already has tWo col,~ umns pushing toward Kharkov, south ofKursk, another thratein Voro ., ~Rostov, the German communications Speg for Southern Russia. The latest Russian communique an- nounced the capture of Golofyeevka, on thei Yelet-upyansk railway ony Rescue workers search the wreckage of a London bank demolished in a daylight German air center of Stary-Oskol ad 8 i raid. It was the largest daylight aerial attack on London since the Battle of Britain. This picture from KurskrSyini Liby , aO mie was radioed from London to New York. east of Kursk, also felt the adyanc- ing Red Army. The latter town is 35 * TH Y H VE OMEP ACETO O -miles southwest of Voronezh, and 30 xis Forces ii THYHV*OEPAET O miles northeast of Staraya Oskol, Tunisia iaike' Affiliated Men and Women inths laet etwr sep New Advances Must Leave Residence Halls announced the fal o Vooslvs in - ________________ he Caucasus. This town is only 40 Cam aig Aimst It Evacuation for the spring term of as the one most likely to "have some miles east of Armavir, communica- aRp~B i1t tall fraternity and sorority members place to go." tions key to the Malkop Oil fields far- Allies Off from Coast and pledges living in University Resi-' Students in these groups, Professor ther west. The midnight communi- dence Halls was voted officially Wed- Lltzenberg, director of Residence que also told of the capture of otl1er By The Associated Press nesday by the Board of Governors of Halls, emphasized, can more easily localities near Voroshilovsk, includ- LONDON, Jan. 21 -AP)- New ad- Residence Halls, make arrangements to eat, iand in ing Staromaryazka, 10 miles to the iances for the Axis forces in Tunisia This ruling which affects 362 men 'most cases to live in their respective east, and Kugulta, 20 miles to the n a campairngnnppently aimedi at and 71 women students 'was made fraternity and snrority housis than northeast. Editors Answer The news was' delayed because of the time required' to reach the scene and determine the extent of the casualties and then notify the next of kin. Major General Harold L. George, commanding general of the air trans- port command, who made the an- nouncement, said the cause of the disaster was not known but that an Army board was investigating. "Inmight add," he commented, "that the pilot and crew were just about the best in the business." Type of Plane Undisclosed The type of plane was not disclosed but it was apparently one of. the new four-motored 'transports and unques- tionably was larger than the DC-3's commonly used by United States com- mercial air lines which normally ac- 'commodate 21 passengers. The plane swas operated by a commercial air line which officials did not identify. SThe percentage of losses on these -contract lines has been extremely low, 'George noted, although as larger planes come into service the fatalities -from Individual crashes will mount. KEYS GIVEN:-* Is Namd New William Jacobs, '43E, was named the new Technic editor-in-chief for the coming semester at the annual announcement banquet last night. Other editors will be Carl Brenkert, '43E, managing editor; George Snow, '44E, business manager; and George Sloan, '44E, assistant editor. Alfred Shevin, '45E, will be editor of articles and features; Stanley Stean- son, '44E, and Peter Krailo, '44E, both assistant editors; Jack Kelso will be the editor of the publishing depart- ment and William Ruzicka, '45E, will be his associate. David Barton and Gerald Green, both '45E, will be managers of circulation and accounts respectively. - Following a speech by Hugh E. Keeler of the mechanical engineering department, the following staff mem- bers were awarded gold, silver or bronze keys according to the number of years on the Technic. Gold keys to outgoing editors: Wil- liam Hutcherson, Keith Smith, Free- pROF. COFFEY turns a nice phrase and does not worry too much about accuracy -which makes for interesting, but hardly worthwhile, reading. Interesting as it is, we hesi- tated to print Prof. Coffey's let- ter because he several times vio- lates The Daily's Code of Ethics as the Board has interpreted it. We hope the other Board mem- New Snowfall Covers State Blizzard Kills Eight; High asStill Ope By The Associated Press bers will forgive us If we suspend the Code for today in deference to their. colleague. As for the "logic" in the letter -well, let's take a look. In the first place, Prof. Coffey fails to admit the focal point of our criticism. We are asking the res- ignation of Prof. G. E. Densmore because he Is incompietent and has lost the respect of the students. The letter studiously ignores any mention of this question. Perhaps Prof. Coffey agrees with us. On the charge of censorship, Prof. Coffey again attempts to shift the emphasis, this time from the Important field of opin- ion to the trivia of "Errol's er- rant exploits." We have pointed out in previous editorials where sleight-of-hand censoring did 1c- cur. Prof. Coffey does not prove -or even attempt to prove--dif- ferently in a single case. Censorship does not have to be a blue penell and a pair of scissors. It can be forcing editors to accept a "hands-off" policy on local issues by subjecting them to long and heated criticism at Board meetings, or by passing resolutions which contain obvious threats of dismissal. It is also effective to refuse to ap- point to a senior editorship a man whom the Board fears because he appears to have a vigorous and Turn to Page 4, CoL. 5 i Blizzard-swept Michigan Thursday night battled a new snowfall that piled the drifts deeper on Isolated side roads and was swirled by freshening winds over the recently-cleared main highways. 'Weary snow removal crews who hayve had no respite from their duties for nearly a week, again turned their plows into deep drifts so that trans- portation arteries could be kept open. Despite the heavy snowfall, the State Highway Department said it Ihad .no reports of main roads blocked late Thursday. The new storm swept over the Low- er Peninsula, starting early Thursday morning in many sections. By mid- afternoon Flint had more than four naw and GandRps mor ta two inches. At least eight deaths were attrib- uted to the cold and snow. At Jones- ville, Coroner E. B. Hagaman said that Walter Warwick, 74, died of heart disease caused by over-exertion while shoveling snow. Two hours after Edward Strausburg, 58, was found by a railroad crew, half buried in a snowbank near a crossing, he died .in a hospital. Prof. Aigler's. Wife Dies Here Mrs. Ralph W. Aigler, wife of Prof. Aigler of the law school and graduate of the class of 1912, died in her home 'here yesterday after several months 'illness-.' Mrs. Aigler, 53 years old, was born in Detroit, July 1, 1889, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Hine. She throwing a strong barrier between the Allies and the coast to protect the line of Marshall Rommel's retreat westward from Libya were reported today from Allied Tunisian head- quarters as the British Libyan army drove on behind Rommel to within about 30 miles of Tripoli. Another small forward movement for Axis tanks and infantrymen in- to French-held mountain positions southwest of Pont Du Fahs was an- nouiiced in an Allied communique and a headquarters spokesman dis- closed as well that German armored columns were pushing down parallel valleys toward the town of Ousseltia, .apparently attempting to isolate and then occupy the intervening heights. This maneuver, if successful, would afford protection for a large section of the coastal route over which Rom- mel's retreat from Libya would take him in the effort to join up with Col. Gen. Jurgen Von Arnimn's Tunisi- an army. Rommel still was falling back fast, but under heavy punishment from the pursuing British Eighth Army. the Board said, to provide housing facilities for special war training groups expected to be sent to the Michigan campus. The fraternity and sorority group was selected, according to Prof. Karl Litzenberg, speaking for the Board, Nava Sqadfrn Recruitment of a new Wolverine Naval Aviation Squadron will begin at 7:30 p.m. today in the Union when Lieut.-Comm. Harry G. Kipke will answer the questions of V-S and pros- pective V-5 reservists. The Squadron of 75 to 100 men will leave about Mar. 15 to enter pre-f light schools. Today's meeting will be held to explain the advantages of the Naval Air Corps. Movies of the Iowa Pre -Flight School will be shown at the meeting an~d Lieut.-Comm. ipke will answer questions. RUTHEN UGES ESEVIST TO-TAY ro-RtedrdiReud teGin independent residents. In the case of students affiliated with Greek groups inactive on the University of Michigan campus, .ex- ception will be made, the Board ruled They empowered the Dean of Wo- men and the Dean of Students, in whose office residence halls applica- tions are handled, to put the new pol- icy in effect and to make necessary exceptions. The Board's decision follows: "Moved . . . that, in view of the pres- ent housing emergency, all fraternity and sorority members and pledges who live in the Residence Halls be asked to leave the Halls at the end of the present Term, and that unt il this poliy shall apply only to thE Spring Term of the University year 1942-43." Plced Oil Inactive utyf iii Army, Marine Corps Men 17 years of age may still enroll reservs on inactive duty the Wa and Navy Departments announced yesterday. Enlistments will be accepted in the Enlisted Reserve Corps unassigned on the basis as formerly. No men in this category will be placed on active duty until they have reached the age of 18. but they will then go on active duty within six months. The Air Corps Enlisted Reserve will accept 17-year-old men if they meet the physical requirements. They will be called to active duty within six months after their eighteenth birth- day. The Marine Corps will enlist 17- year-old men as officer candidates in the Marine Corps Reserve and trans- fer them to inactive duty. They will remain in college until graduation or call by the Marine Corps. SEnlistments in this category are made in Detroit, but preliminary papers may be obtained at the War Information Center. 1009 Anaell Hall. OPEN-HOUSE:- OPA Flooded WASHINGTON, Jan 21. (A)- Conresfoud the lth string ou atnthesOPA toda and legislators seizd upnthe opotunity to lay before Prentiss M. Brown, the new Price Administrator and a former colleague, an accumulation of com- pansand suggestionsfor the op- eration of price controls and ration- ing. Inaugurating an "open door" pol- icy, Brown told reporters that he had received a great many communica- tions from his former associates in the Senate and House. While some of these were complaints abouta local situations, he said many offered sup- port for his new programn of "sym- pathetic" price and rationing ad- ministration. The new administrator, who took over formally yesterday from Leon Henderson, made no secret of the would be to improve OPA relations with Congress-strained in the past when Henderson made appointments without consulting legislators and when he adopted a "tough" attitude in enforcing regulations. SKelly A dvises LANSING, Jan. 21.-(AP)-Governor Kelly told the Legislature today It should not abolish daylight saving "war time"~ in counties described by the War Production Board as lying in the "Eastern Michigan munitions belt." The Senate State AfeAirs Commit- tee, to which Kelly addressed his open letter, said it would invite Peter Revelt, assistant to the WPB re- gional director, to appear before it If reservists are called by the Army or Navy during next semester they will find the University prepared to extend pro-rated credits and refunds of tuition at the time of induction and academic credit for armed serv- ice training when they return. The pro-rated credit system allows the student to receive partial or com- plete credit on the work completed at the time of induction. Trhis Is the way the systiem works: 1. Students will consult with the Deans of their Colleges. 2. The dean will arrange examina- tion in the subjects to be pro-rated. The instructor of the course will give the grade and determine the amount of credit. 3. If the induction date is known, some students will be allowed to speed up work to receive complete credit. Pro-rated credits apply to degree 'lf '!,.aman f. 'i,,o t 'Fri,, n in Refund window of the Cashier's Office. 3. Within an hour the refund is usually made. The University recently accepted a plan to grant scholastic credit to vet- erans of the wvar. One-half imnit of credit will be granted for physical education or military science it the veteran has completed his basic training. Trainees who study the basic sci- ences, mathematics, meteorology and technical subjects will be given spe- cial examinations if they wish credit. The University will decide how much credit will be granted. Other mid - western universities have already adopted this plan. Ruth yen Urges Reserve Men to Stay in College submitted to the students for their infurmnation and to weigh asthey se i. It must be remembered that this is not to be regarded as an official communication from the Army, but simply as an indication of the trend matters appear to be taking in Washington "1. Administrative details of the Army and Navy Training Programs and of Selective Serv- ice are still so much in the form- ative stage and unavoidable de- lays in putting them in operation are so probable that all students whether or not in the Army En- listed Reserve Corps or subject to Selective Service are urged by the Army, Navy, and the WMC to continue In college untIl called and until definite plans are de- veloped. From the viewpoint of *1m . ... A *n..c. nnA a InA ..,...