Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of the Associated Press The. Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post. Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL, ADVERTIaIN BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College P>vblisers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO . BOSTON . LOS ANGRLS * SAN FRANCISCO Editorial Staff Romer Swander . . . . Managing Editor ,Morton Mintz. . . . . Editorial Director ,Will Sapp . . . . . City Editor George W. Sallad6 . . , . . Associate Editor Charles Thatcher . . . . . Associate Editor Bernard Bendel . . . . . Sports Editor Barbara deries . . . Women's Editor Myron Dann . . . . Associate Sports Editor Business Staff Edward J.. Perlberg . . . Business Manager Fred M. Ginsbeg . . Associate Business Manager Mary Lou Curran . . Women's Business Manager ,Jane.Lindberg . . . Women's Advertising Manager James Daniels. . . Publications Sales Analyst Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: HOMER SWANDER ,editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Tat 111 1 ; 1Ci 1 L 1' :..&1 E s r, +, . r . ' us a V .Fa + a , .k1. w L k' i #. , - + i V YS:I'C+ g , r . ,, X- ~1.~ Revised edition i_ 4, , I 1 ({ f _, v '! ' ."%S ' - . >'.1 ,f J 'r 1 !, , ' ': ,> r .. t. <. S 3 j , - = : , ; <. , ,, :-' fr . R t r ; .- : = :,. .. ; THE READER'S VIEW: Campus Backs Daly ' ,A. E '" - "' . *a s-"-4 r , ., w +N ti 3 L ... -. ~ 143Chicago Times, Inc a MAP-MAKING Women Have Chance To 'Do More For War COEDS desirous of really doing their part in the war effort should investigate the new course of military map making which will be offered senior and graduate women next semester. Accurate maps are needed in every branch of the service and in other non-combat fields. It is no less than vital that women be equipped to take over this work. The course offers not only ample opportunity for vital war service, but also provides a splendid opportunity for individual advancement. Upon completion of this preparatory non-credit course with a four years' bachelor's degree, a coed will qualify under Federal Civil Service for her initial job as an Engineering Aide at a salary of $1,800 'a year. ERE'S another chance for Michigan women to take their place behind the men with the guns and fill a need vital to the all-important war effort and at the same time provide them- selves with something that will be of great value now and in the future. -- Evelyn Phillips STALEMATE Council Delays Voting On Ordinance Revision A PROCRASTINATING Ann Arbor Common Council again blocked efforts to settle for good the fate of the Majestic Theatre Monday night. Despite the warnings of Prof. John B. Waite of the Law School, chairman of the ordinance committee, that enforcement of the law as it stands will close every hotel and most of the theatres in town, the Council refused to vote a revision. It was said that it would "discrimi- nate" against the owners of the Majestic, and the fact that one member was not present at- the bill's first reading was also given weight. Although Alderman William J. Saunders com- plained about the "discrimination" against the Majestic which would result from a revision and recommended that the present law be retained, he later admitted that as it stands the law could not be enforced because of government allocation of remodeling materials and the local housing shortage. THE PROPOSED revision was designed by the ordinance and zoning committees to provide a maximum of public safety under wartime con- ditions by requiring hotels and theatres now op- erating to make certain immediate alterations which would not use allocated materials and to make other changes as soon as the materials for them become available. Prof. Waite fought for its passage last Mon- day for the reasons given above and because, he said, the Council, by refusing to act upon,. the matter, was shuttling its responsibilities onte the shoulders of the enforcement officers. We believe that he is entirely right and that he deserves the highest praise for his stand. The only issue upon which the revision can be disputed is that of "discrimination" against the Majestic. We hold that this "discrimination" is justifed, since William C. Maulbetsch, city build- ing inspector, has told us that the Majestic, be- cause of the inflammable wooden frame upon which it is constructed, is in worse condition than any other theatre in town. Furthermore, it can- ~n+haronAPPAhu. mr h omta rhe,,f DREW PEARSON'S MERRY-GO-ROUND WASHINGTON- Lend-Lease Administrator Ed Stettinius is headed for a stormy recep- tion when he testifies before the House Appropri- ations Committee on the new $11,000,000,000 bud- get for lend-lease aid to our allies. The hearing will be behind closed doors, and Republican committeemen are preparing to fire some hot questions about alleged irregular- ities in lend-lease operations, including a charge that we purchased several merchant ships from Canada which were later given to the British. Chairman Emory S. Land of the Maritime Commission has admitted this at a closed-door meeting of the House Merchant Marine Commit- tee. Another charge to be fired at Stettinius is that we sent scarce farm implements to Britain while our own farmers were minus. The meeting, however, will not be a one-way session. For the Lend-Lease boss has a surprise of his own in store for the committee. He plans to present details on "reciprocal" lendlease- namely services we are getting from the British. The American public has heard little about this phase, but we have received considerable free aid from the British, including ships, ship repairs, barrage balloons for our coastal cities, anti-air- craft guns and several large naval bases in the war zone, completely built, equipped and paid for by the British. The British also have turned over to our forces in England, without cost, a huge air de- pot and an adjacent airdrome with an operat- ing personnel of 5,000 workers paid by the British government.I In addition, Great Britain has built several large cantonments, storage buildings and other facilities for our troops-all without cost to Uncle Sam. Note: The President once compared lend-lease to supplying a hose to put out a fire in your neighbor's house. If the fire is extinguished, but the hose is destroyed, it is still a good investment because you prevent your own home from burn- ing down. The Other Side Some few Washington bigwigs are careless about gasoline rationing, but they are exceptions. Most Washington officialdom is scrupulously careful. The Chief Justice of the United States, fori instance, is riding a truck. Chief Justice Stone has discarded his private car as a means of getting to and from the Supreme Court, and instead hitch-hikes in the delivery truek which runs errands for the Court. In addition, Stone is one of the walkingest members of the Court. The White House uses 11 cars now, against 15 a year ago, and these include trucks for the White House mail, as well as cars for the Presi- dent and staff. White House Secretary Marvin McIntyre now rides to work in a Ford instead of a Packard. Vice-President Henry Wallace last fall aban- doned his 16-cylinder limousine in favor of a humble five passenger sedan. Every morning he walks the five miles from the Wardman Park Hotel to the Capitol, and rides home in the evening. snRvkr q§m Rnavbhn nusehi nofiial apr I'd[ Rather L Be Right By SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK- We now learn that a certain number of Germans ride railroad trains just for pleasure trips. They loll about in resorts. They also spread rumors and complain they are not allowed to dance. (This information comes to us from Herr Goebbels, who has had to write a special article for the magazine, Das Reich, denouncing these practices.) We learned, some months ago, from Howard K. Smith, that there has been an amazing rise in the circulation of pornographic picture maga- zines in Germany. The man of blood and soil, the streamlined believer in the leadership prin- ciple, the archtype of the master race, seems to spend considerable time studying photographs of undressed ladies. Why the wave of the future should leer so has not been adequately explained. BUTTER AND SAUSAGES FROM William Ebenstein's new book, "The Nazi State," a factual survey taken almost entirely from official Nazi press sources, we learn that this new state, devoted to "order," has recently had to establish the death penalty for thirteen crimes punished by lesser penalties before. One is kidnapping. Heavens! Can it be true that peo- ple still kidnap people in Germany? Must be. There also seem to be a certain number of German profiteers, who grab up "the butter and sausages of the peasants," for Herr Goeb- bels has recently been denouncing these, too. I don't understand ho- in an atmosphere so filled with Wagnerian music, people can go around looking at "feelthy" pictures, stealing the peasant's sausages, and wishing to dance to jazz music. I know whose peace of mind these items will disturb. There are certain American (like certain French) neurotics who have come to look upon all departures from strict efficiency and order as "typically democratic;" and a corresponding leg- end has been built up these last ten years. Thus anything, from kidnapping, to the spectacle of one man eating more than his share, to the sight of people enjoying themselves innocently at a theatre during war, to difficulty in collecting rub- ber scrap is "typically democratic," with the un- spoken (or sometimes spoken) footnote: "That wouldn't happen in Germany." YAH! 1YAH! But the Nazis have (see Ebenstein) thor- oughly racketized the sale of, for example, children's school-books, so that when a Nazi- owned firm publishes a new text, it is quite likely that the Nazi school authorities will obligingly help out by ordering every child in the country to buy a copy. To those peewee minds which cannot stand violations from the norm, or violations of order, without turning to the easy way of fascist con- ceptions, as to drink, for the cure, I recommend close study of all literature emanating from Germany. These bruised intellects among us have swallowed, to an appalling extent, the Goebbels version of the super-clean, super- ordinary, pastel-tinted, you-can-eat-off-the- sidewalk Germany, where everything is in its place, and where one never hears a foreign accent or anything else to disturb the delicate haia o nsr s, ,.ante. meiat But con- Arthur Moehlman, School of Education: As a member of The Michigan Daily staff from 1909 to 1912, I have always been keenly interested in this publication and since 1923, have given more than casual attention to it. I have al- ways considered 'The Michigan Daily a practical laboratory in which students could secure experi- ence and develop competence in democratic methods of operation. Without the bread and butter pressures and compromises that are involved in commercial pu- lishing under the American pat- tern, our college papers also offer a means for developing idealism that eventually may serve as a needed leaven to the independent press. This may only be accom- plished as those in charge are willing to accept the responsibili- ties as well as the privileges in- volved in.newspaper work and are willing to fight for the essential freedom and integrity of the Amer- ican press. I believe this is what President Ruthven had in mind when he recently said: "Our newspapers must be freed from petty censorship that now hampers them in their essential task of keeping the public in- formed of the progress of the war and of maintaining their struggle against greed, intolerance, and slavery and thus serve as reliable guides in adult education." What is ,essential for the com- mercial press should apply in full measure to laboratory publications such as The Michigan Daily. In my opinion you 'are publish- ing an outstanding student news- paper. More power to you. Edward Podliashuk, '45: I want to add my voice to the thousands who supported your stand for a free, democratic, student paper. I think that your paper has not received the praise it justly de- serves. It is a fighting paper and an inspiration to students. 1 have often disagreed with your editorials but I have never found them virulent. If anything, you went out of your way to be calm and impartial. The Board of Control seems to me typical of the groups that want us to fight "over there." They do not see democracy as a progressive way of life. They believe the Ameri- can way of life is best represented by the principles of the NAM. More Power to you! R. S. Hawley, chairman, Me- chanical engineering department: We all agree that a student pub- lication is an important activity and fills a definite student need.. The Daily has, in my opinion, achieved a high level during the past year. It is necessary that this present level be maintained by the students. Ben Smith, golf team captain: After being on campus for three years, I am glad to see the student- faculty situation brought to a head. Tradition and school spirit are cer- tainly two items that are dead or at least dying on the Michigan campus. It appears to me that this condition exists because the admin- istration looks upon us as kids, and not as men and women, capable of thinking and acting for ourselves. With this thought in mind, I say 'go to it.' And I know that I am in accord with the rest of the student body when I say this. Elsie Litman, '43SM; Betty Lef- fertz, and Gaye Locke, '43: The United Nations are now engaged in a war for the preservation of the Four Freedoms and the liberation of peoples throughout the world. This war entails more than just a military victory; it means we must live and practice those very ideals for which we are fighting. The ac- tions of the Board of Publications are in direct contradiction to these aims. Three of the Four Freedoms are at this time being challenged on the campus: Freedom of Expression: Continu- ation of the Board's present policy can only mean a censored press. Freedom from Fear: The unjust criticism of student opinion will mean the destruction of The Michi- gan Daily as a top-ranking Univer- sity paper. Freedom of Religion: Discrimina- tion against deserving Daily staff members is an inexcusable violation of this freedom. The college student of today is E being constantly urged to prepare himself for the responsibilities of post-war reconstruction. It is im- possible for him to- develop the leadership necessary for this job if he is not allowed to think for him- self. The Michigan Daily is the only means by which the student body can form and exchange pertinent ideas. Therefore, by opposing the desires of the staff in appointments and editorials, the Board of Publi- cations is hindering the security of bility to the University and to the State, I should deplore any loss of the courageous freedom of expres- sion and fine journalism which have characterized the work of the editors during this year. Fred Brafman, '44E: ' Perhaps you would be interested in the views of a student who has no connection with The Daily except that of reader, and, being enrolled in the College of Engineering, is about as far as one can get from the department of journalism. My opinions are based on facts as pre- sented in The Daily itself - facts which I must consider correct un- less they are definitely challenged by some member of the. Board in Control of Student Publications. Two parts of the complex prob- lem seem to concern (1) opinions on' local, state and national af- fairs, and (2), opinions on Uni- versityraffairs. Considering the latter first, no intelligent member of the faculty will claim that he is infallible. They are all human, and being such are subject to error. Most of them are glad to be in- formed of their mistakes and read- ily correct them. On questions on which there is no sharp dividing line, most of them are glad to dis- cuss the matter, giving their own opinions, and considering the opinions of others. I fear that those members who take offense at Daily editorials are guilty of one of two faults: (a) they don't wish to take the trouble to go over the matter, (2) they have something to hide. Those in category (a) are failing in their duties as teachers and guiders - examples of democracy in action. Those in category (b) that are actually concealing facts and past actions for what they consider good reasons must consider the case of Cordell Hull, who chafed under the American press for his continued relations with the Vichy government. He was hounded from June, 1940, almost continually till last November. He had a burden to bear, and he bore it well. Fac- ulty members must be expected to have patience also. As far as politics, labor Rela- tions, etc. in part (1) are con- cerned, it is youth's duty to thor- oughly study all these matters. I know of no better way than through a student newspaper. The Daily mentioned the case of the local company president who wrote the Board in Control of Student Publications. He should have been told to read the little notice above the editorial column, stating that the views expressed were the writ- er's only (and did not represent the opinion of The Daily nor of the University - implied). He should have been told to contact the party concerned and present his side of the case. The action actually taken would seem to in- dicate that certain members of the Board were trying to mold stu- dent opinion their way. We go to school so that we may be helped and guided by the older genera- tion, as to the ways of thinking. We must not be chained and fet- terel to accepting their decjsions as final. That's the Nazi way, but certainly not the American way. I doubt if many people find as many disagreements with their personal opinion as I do when reading the editorial column of The Michigan Daily. Yet no level-headed person of this group would want to smother that column. Any intelli- gent individual recognizes the oth- er side to the picture and cer- tainly would desire that opinions contrary to his own be taken into account in making the final deci- sion in any matter. As far as the actual journalistic operation of The Daily is con- cerned, I am not qualified to give an opinion. The letter of ex- journalist Slosson would seem to indicate that you and your staff had done a pretty good job. In this respect, why has not some member of the journalism depart- mient or some man like Prof. Slos- son, who knows journalism, not been appointed to at least one fac- ulty position on this Board? The directory does not list any present faculty member as from the jour- nalism department. Well, I've said enough... maybe too much. Anyhow, good luck in your present fight. Jim Conant, '44: After the bril-. liant editorials in Sunday's and Tuesday's papers, this won't prove much. It might have a little in- terest,. however, as coming from one who has written in objecting to the violent tone of a crusading Daily editorial, to what he believed was unjustified mud-slinging. That editorial, I still think, slung mud. Other Daily editorials in the past have slung mud. Daily edi- torials in the future may indulge in it. But one who believes sin- cerely and vigorously in a cause always finds it difficult to keep thought and expression is con- cerned, is more than my confused mind can apprehend. At any rate, this is one crusade where The Daily, if it gets the support it deserves, won't have to pull any punches. Mrs. L. E. Cummings, Ypsilanti: You have many more supporters for your stand in the matter of the Board and its methods than you will probably hear from. I have enjoyed The Daily for many years, but the fact that I occasionally disagreed with it and was annoyed by its music column didn't give me the idea that it should be sup- pressed or its policies changed. I am reminded too often in that respect of the old fable of the two men and the donkey and how they couldn't possibly please everybody, and in trying to do so, they pleased nobody. What if Mr. LaPointe was annoyed by The Daily's attitude? Why should the Board object if you don't agree with Mr. Ruthven's long-view of education? The news- papers all over certainly take pot- shots at Mr. Roosevelt and at any other administrator in the coun- try. In fact, that is supposed to be one of the beauties of this coun- try, and I am thoroughly in sympa- thy with The Daily boys for wish- ing to carry on under their own steam. I sincerely hope you come out on top. H. V. Ogden, English depart- ment: The controls exerted by the faculty board seem to be negative -don't do this, that or the other thing. This kind of control is futile when less than complete, and com- plete censorship is out of the ques- tion. A more positive attitude and a more tolerant approach are needed. The control must be consistent with freedom of speech and freedom of thought. Norman Anning, mathematics de- partment: I have been a friendly critic of The Daily and expect to be one as long as I am around to re- flect light, resist pressure, and react to irritation. When I bring you .a suggestion you take it out of my hand and then exercise your right to act upon it or destroy it as seems best. That's just one trivial aspect of free journalism. I hope you get the colmnst and that he is able to letsome light ito the editorial page. A column which would occasionally strike like the lightning would be. welcome even if you had to fire Pearson and curtail Grafton to make room for him. You must admit that your editorial page has been ponderous. There is:- no logical reason why a burnig thought should always be expanded to fill a space three inches by eight. Of course you are making the very sort of editorial which is taught nt this campus and reserved for pos- terity in the files..f the dead-but- not-buried Michigan Journalist. You are still a Pacemaker and have worked hard to keep that- designation from becoming a word of hollow praise. If your path to the seven freedoms leads, as you seem to believe, by way of the thumbscrew and the stake you can- at least go down fighting, secure in the belief that nothing worth saving can be permanently lost. I praise your grit. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 3) Mathematics 20, Air Navigation, will be offered for four hours credit by Professor Carver during the spring term, in two sections meeting at 1 and 2 o'clock respectively. Both sections meet MTuThP in 3003 A.H. Pre-medical Students: Attention is a gain called to the Medical Aptitude Test of the Association of American Medical Colleges which will be given here on Friday, Jan. 22. This test is a normal requirement for admission to practically all medical schools. Moreover, many of the local draft boards are asking that some evidence, such as the successfultaking of this test, be furnished as a basis for defer- ring pre-medical students. Any stu- dent who is planning to enter a tned- ical school and who has not previously taken the test should do so at this time. It is extremely doubtful that any special tests will be given this year. Further information may be ob- tained in Room 4, University h~all, and .tickets are still available at the Cashier's Office. Concerts Chamber Music Festival: The Roth