Tilt I is I -. , Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday 'during the summer session, Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Ofice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as. second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 feEPRE9ENTED FOR NATIONl. AVERTIdBNG Y National Advertising Service, Inc College Publishers Representative 420 MAISaON rAvE. NEW YORK. N.Y. Ch$ICAGO " VOSTOR * LOS ARGELES *SAN FRANCISCO Editorial Staff Here Is The Story Of' B oardo Da-iy Dispute* "So Der Fuehrer knows best does he!" homer Swander Mortqn Mintz Will Sapp George W. Sallade Charles Thatcher. Bernard Hendel" Barbara deFries Myron Dann Edward J. Perlberg F'red M. Ginsberg Mary Lou Curran Jane Lindberg James Daniels. Managing Editor Editorial Director . City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Sports Editor Women's Editor Associate Sports Editor Business Staff Business Manager . Associate Business Manager . . Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager *. Publications 'Sales Analyst Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: MORTON MINTZ Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the 1friters only. FACTS NEEDED: Silence Will Not Clarify Dahistromi, Wenger Case THE FINDINGS of the Senate advisory commit- tee on the action taken Dec. 30 against Profs. Carl E. Dahlstrom and Christian F. Wenger have been in the hands of President Alexander G. Ruthven and the executive committee of the engineering school since Jan. 8. It is within their power to reveal the circumstances of the case. Profs. Dahlstrom and Wenger, who have entrust- ed the matter to the authorities, do not feel that they can properly disclose the circumstances. This is as it should be, but because the case is important to the faculty and to other members of the University, our plain duty is to make every effort to get the facts. The action taken against Profs. Carl E. Dah- strom and Christian F. Wenger on Dec. 30 was first called to our attention in PEM locker-room talk. By that time, the story had pretty well made.the campus rounds and all sorts of rumors about the how and why of the affair were briskly accompanying it. T IS NOW a matter of record that the engineer- ing English I classes taught by these men were interrupted and dismissed while in progress. The de'scription of the interruption, as given by students in the classes, has been confirmed by at least one University official. We find it difficult to justify the way in which the whole matter has been handled. It is at best indelicate when two associate professors, mem- bers of the faculty for more than 20 years, are treated before their students as if they were ju- venile delinquents. The common gossip in faculty circles is that personal friction and disagreement about teach- ing policies brought things to a head. Prof. Carl G. Brandt, department chairman, officially sup- ported the latter point in a'public statement, printed a short time ago. He asserted in part, ". ..the course, as it was being taught by Profs. Dahlstrom and Wenger, contained almost no lit- erature and did not meet the requirements for reading essays, plays and other forms of litera- ture. Their classes also did not conform to the composition requirements as they had been estab- lished by the department. Further, they have failed to use in their classes the texts prescribed by the department as a part of the standard teaching program." This explanation also has been upheld by President Alexander G. Ruthven. UT the entire picture has not been presented to the public. From the beginning Profs. Dahlstrom and Wengr deemed it unwise to tell their side of the story. This was particularly un- fortunate when we consider that the official stand on the case has remained completely undis- cussed. The two professors decided to entrust consid- eratien of their case to the faculty Senate's ad- visory committee, which in this instance had the power only to submit a report and-recomnenda- tions to President Ruthven, the executive engi- neering committee and the men concerned. The Senate committee also believed it judicious not to release its findings. This, positively does not mean, however, that secrecy should prevail. The committee's findings are of great interest to the University. Further, anything less than the complete story on the THE MOST IMPORTANT POINT in our nowopen fight with the Board in Control of Student Publications is that it is not something which blew up over the week-end and it is not centered around the failure of the Board to appoint Leon Gor- denker to a senior position. This fight is a fight which has been going on for months and it is one which involves not just The Daily staff but ev. ery reader of The Daily. The outcome of the fight will decide whether you are going to have a relatively free campus press, or whether you are eventually going to have a paper put out by students whose every action will be conditioned by the knowl- edge that they may offend an omnipotent Board. When it became undeniably apparent that The Daily was in danger of losing its freedom, and that the students were in danger of losing their right to express their opinions freely, we deter- mined that an open fight was necessary. We be- lieve it is the only way to meet the Board's petty bickering, sleight-of-hand censoring, and its ob- vious refusal always to use objective criteria for promotion and criticism. Most important of all, we believe an open fight will decide whether The Daily shall be bent to the Board's will or whether it shall continue' as a STUDENT newspaper. THIS article will attempt to explain in fairly comprehensive fashion why we believe the Board has not fulfilled its duties nor lived up to its responsibilities. In the first place, the members of the Board have nearly always been willing to take the word of anyone else over that of The Daily editors. They have all-too-willingly listened to and at- tempted to appease persons who were known to dislike The Daily or who had a personal axe to grind. In practice this year it seems to have been a preconceived notion of this Board that in any controversy, regardless of the question or parties involved, the student editor must necessarily be wrong. We consider it significant that in virtu- ally every instance of a complaint by an outside party against The Daily the Board has refused to defend the editors-often without even consulting the editors. Specifically: (and in each case the Board created a large furor over these incidents.) In August they received a complaint from the president of the American Broach and Machine Company concerning a Daily editorial. Without giving the writer a chance to present his side of the case, the Board censured him severely, and termed the editorial "virulent." Then, without consulting the whole Board, Chairman Q. E. Densmore sent a profuse apology to the Broach Company. Later the secretary of the Board ad- mitted that "virulent" was too strong a word. When a professor who has for years fostered movements to increase control of The Daily, recently sent a long letter com- plaining about a number of Daily editor- ials, the Board's minutes declared that the letter "typified" faculty complaints. Actu- ally it was no more typical of general fac- ulty reaction than letters The Daily re- ceived on the other side of the question. The same minutes say that Homer Swander and Morton Mintz "did not succeed in convincing the Board that personal attacks and hysterical editorial reactions were in good taste, in the best interests of the University or necessary to effec- tive editorial writing." Neither Daily editor ever attempted to convince anyone of any such thing. The Board then instructed its chairman "to report that it was in complete sympathy with the criticisms. .." WE DO NOT object to criticisms either from the Board or from the outside. But we do object to the manner in which the Board has all too often arrived at these criticisms. AS WAS pointed out in Sunday's front-page editorial, most of the Board members have shown a singular lack of interest in, and know- ledge of The Daily. This has hampered their ability to properly evaluate criticisms of the pa- per and to appoint new editors. Few of the fac- ulty members of the Board knew the incoming seniors by sight until the day of appointments.' Although it should not have been necessary, we have repeatedly invited the members of the Board to the Publications Building in an attempt to help them learn how the paper is put together and to foster better relations between the staff and the Board. This, to our knowledge, is how they responded to our invitations: Chairman G. E. Densmore-has been in the building several times, but nearly al- ways to complain about something. Prof. Hobart Coffey-has visited us twce, both times to look at scrapbooks just before appointments. Prof. Merwin H. Waterman-is secre: tary of the Board and, as such, is in the building a good deal and has many times come over at night to see the paper as it was being put together; has shown a genu. ine interest in The Daily. Prof. Carl E. Burklund-aside from two or three times to look at scrapbooks has visited us only once, that tite to complain about a headline he had not liked; he stayed perhaps twenty minutes. do know The Daily. But we do know that since we have been here they have shown little interest in the paper. The three student members-Karl Kess- ler, James Allen and Hoe Seltzer- are not only veterans of several years work with student publications, but throughout the year they have paid frequent visits to the building, and shown keen interest in all problems. T IS OBVIOUS that in the case of at least three faculty members there has been little or no attempt to meet and to understand the students or to learn the organizational set-up of The Daily. We believe we have the right to expect more from men who are on the governing board of a student paper and who are continually deal- ing with the lives of student journalists. Board members would never admit that they have ever censored The Daily. Yet they have cen- sored it-and they are still censoring it-in ways so indirect that it is nearly impossible to combat them. The senior editors this year have been called before the Board many times and severely criticized for various editorials. In each case the Board insisted that it was all a matter of "ethics" or "taste" or "good judgment." But if you play around with these words long enough it is all too easy to jump over to criticism of ideas and opinions. The Board's interpretation of "good judgment" seems to be never to print any editorial or story which is critical of a Un:- versity policy or act or person, or which would ruffle any influential citizen of Ann Arbor. For instance, the type of thing we have been warned not to print includes the following: 1. A column asking that the University not accept any scholarships or grants which have racial or religious qualifications. In this case th Board found "false implications." 2. A "number" of editorials and columns criti- cizing the part of big business in the war. The Board spoke of "name calling" and "unneces- sarily abusive language." This could have been claimed legitimately of only one editorial-cer- tainly not a "number." 3. The "unreasonable handling of the racial discrimination question in an editorial dealing with colored dishwashers . . ." The editorial claimed that the Cunningham Drug Store dis- criminated in its hiring policy, and the writer used as evidence two advertisements which had appeared in the Ann Arbor News. The Board found this discussion of local prejudice "unrea- sonable." 4. The aforementioned editorial on the labor policies of the American Broach and Machine Company, which was termed "virulent" by the Board. Virulent is defined by Webster as "poison- ous or noxious." The editorial in question was neither. 5. The stories on the two engineering profes- sors who were recently relieved of their teaching duties in Engineering English I. One Board mem- ber called us to tell us that he and another mem- ber thought we should not run anything on the action until we talked with Prof. Carl Brandt, who was involved. At the very time he told us this we had ample reason to believe that Brandt was at his side. 6. Editorials criticizing President Alexander Ruthven and his war policies, even though the Board of Regents was doing the same thing. 7. We were also warned against calling anyone an "isolationist" or a "dunderhead" when prac- tically every other paper in the country was using the terms freely. IN SOME of the above cases there were also legitimate matters of accuracy, good taste and ethics involved, But in every case we believe the Board stepped into the realm of ideas and many times hinted at drastic action when our views did not coincide with theirs, although ideas were never named as the reason. We have never laid claim to putting out a per- feet paper-no paper is perfect-and feel that much of the criticism we have received from time to time was justified and helpful. In a letter to the Board last-August we said: "We realize we have been guilty of sev- eral serious errors for which we are sorry- We promise you that in the future we shall increase our efforts to attain complete ac- curacy and fairness in the columns of The Daily. We realize that we are constantly on trial in the eyes of the Board, the Uni- versity and the students and the last thing we want to do is to be unfaithful to the trust which has been placed in our hands. We meant what we said then and we mean it now. We have tried to putout the best Daily we know how and we feel we have been handicapped by a Board in Con- trol which has shown too little interest in the students and the organization and too much interest in keeping us from express- ing our beliefs. If the present trend of Board policies continues, you will soon be reading,a Daily which says only what it is told to say, and it will not be able to do that very well. -Homer Swander, Managing Editor -- Morton Mintz, Editorial Director . - Will Sapp, City Editor Free Milk ~2 27A &cJiior Fight for Democracy To the Retiring Editors: Fellow members of the State of Michigan University: Permit me as a faculty member to congratulate you upon the valiant efforts which you have made to make The Daily contri- bute to the democratic way of life in our community in these difficult times. By this period in your educa- tion you may have learned that in the opinion of somewhat duly constituted authorities there never is a time when it is really right to fight, as you have done, for the democratic way. You will be told many times and in many places: "This is no time to rock the boat." Within the short span of life of the youngest of your group literally mil- lions upon millions of fine humans have paid with their lives for their devotion to the democratic way. If in this University or elsewhere you have learned-that consecration to that pur- pose of your lives, even to the end of life, is the proudest achievement pos- sible of any American, and equally of any human, then you are truly edu- cted. -Louis Karpiski 'Everything to Admire' To the Editor: While knowing nothing as to the particular, controersies editorially discussed' on the, first page of Sun- day's Daily reading it has determined me to offer a short, unsolicited com- ment. I have been an attentive reader of The Daily since 1921 and have al- ways admired its journalistic skill, though I have often had occasion to deplore the ignorance of world affairs shown by the editors and columnists. This year, for the first time, I have found nothing to criticize adversely and everything to admire. As a former journalist myself, as a member of the faculty, as a student of national and world politics, I give as my opinion that Homer Swander has been the best editor in the past twenty-two years that I have known thet paer. -Preston Slosson DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN TUESDAY, JAN. 19, 1943 VOL. LIII No. 79 All hotices for the Daily Off.ieail u- letin are to be sent to the Ofice or the president iii typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on satur; y when the no- tices should be submtted by 11:30 a.m. NOtces classes in all schools and colleges will be suspended on the morning of Saturday, Jan. 23, -to permit students and faculty members to attend the Midyear Graduation Exercises. -Alexninder G. Ruthven Midyear Graduation Exercises: The Midyear Graduation Exercises MUSIC FOR ABOUT five minutes during part of the program. Among these the Josef Hofmann's concert last above-mentioned Valse was the most night his technique and the niece he successful and the Berceuse a close was playing were in accord. The piece second. I cannot entirely agree with was the Chopin Valse in A-flat major, and the accord began and ended with Mr. Hofmann's fleet interpretation of it. the latter, but it was at least a con- The program opened with Handel's sistent conception, unsentimental and Theme and Variations in D minor, adroit. The B major Nocturne, how- There was some excuse for Mr. Hof- ever, was defeated by difuseness and mann's uncompromisingly hard, un- a dull casual approach; while the rounded tone insofar as this was most likely originally written for harpsi- "Military" Polomnise hid itself in chord. However the playing lacked thundering petulance and inaccuracy. organization, lacked indeed what one HE SECOND half of th would most expect from a pianist of E SECOD alf othe ng suchexpeiene,-athorty.was modern and short, beginning such experience,-authority. with Sgambati's Nenien. Then came NEXT, Mr. Hofmann played the a Prokofieff March which was see "Waldstein" Sonata of Beethoven enough to accommodate Mr. Hof- and this, I am forced to say, was an mann's attack and charming enough entirely unsuccessful job. The hard to survive it. As a conclusion Mr. tone grew even harder. I should say Hofmann played two of his own com- that he had his mind on energy rath- positions, which were evidently de- er than .on the formal use of that signed to show off with: the Elegy for energy. Nor did he seem to have any "touch," the Kaleidoscope for virile faith in the ability of the music to nimbleness. For this last, he galloped live; his playing was in the nature of over the keyboard so madly and, my a series of violent injections rather dear, made such a lot of noise. than an examination of the vital pos- The encores were a predictable sibilities that could be realized under miniature of the best and worst quali- his fingers. ties of the concert. A Chopin group concluded the first -Chester Kallman will be no preliminary procession. Further details will be announced" later. Ticket Distribution - Midyear Graduation Exercises; Hill Auditor- ium, January23: The admission tick- ets for, the Midyear Graduation Ex- ercises are ready for distribution now. Each of those whose names appear on the list as entitled to receive a degree at the end of the fall term should pro- cure one ticket for himself and he may also have two others for relatives or friends. Apply at the Information Desk in the Business Office, Room 1, University Hall. Please present your identification card. -Herbert G. Watkins, Assistant Secretary Pre -Medical and Pre-Dental Stu- dents: All students who eventually ex- pect to apply for entrance to a medi- cal or dental school are requested to register in Room 1009 Angell Hall as soon as possibvle. -Burton Thuma, University Armed Forces Rep. Automobile Regulation: The Uni- versity Automobile Regulation will be lifted from noon on January 30 until 8:00 a.m. on Feb. 8 for all schools. Exceptions will not be made for indi- viduals who complete their work in advance of the last day of class exam- inations. -Office of the Dean of Students The Departments of Ancient and Modern Languages will meet today at 4:00 p.m. in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Agenda: Discussion of the proposals submitted by the committee at the meeting on January 12. All members are urged to be pres- ent. Attention February Graduates: College of Literature, Science and the Arts, School of Education, School of Music, School of Public Health-Stu- dents are advised not to request grades of I or X in February. When such grades are absolutely imperative, thex wn~rvnmust hbenmade un in timep uates from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and the School of Education for Departmental Hon- ors should send such names to the Registrar's Office, Room 4, University Hall before January 30, 1943. -Robert L. Williams Students who plan to enter one of the following professional schools: Law, Business Administration, or For- estry and Conservation at the begin- ning of the summer term on the CQm- bined Curriculum must file ran appli- cation for this Curriculum in the Of- fice of the Dean, of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, 1210 Angell Hall, on or before March 1, 1943. After this date applications will be accepted only upon the presenta- tion of a satisfactory excuse for the delay and the payment of a fee of $5.00. Degree Program for Honors in Lib- eral Arts: Students interested in en- tering the Degree Program for Honors in Liberal Arts in the spring term should leave their names with Miss Davis, Room 1208 Angell Hall, by Thursday, Jan. 21. Pack Prize. Contest: The date for turning in essays for the.Pack Prize contest has been extended to Wednes- day, Jan. 20, at 4:30 p.m. -Dow V. Baxter, Chairman Pack Prize Committee Lectures Lecture: Dr. Fred J. Hodges, Pro- fessor of Roentgenology, will speak to the students in the Department of Biological Chemistry on "Therapeutic Uses of Radioactive Substances" to- day at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Buildig. All interested are invited. Mathematics Lecture: There will be a lecture on "Valuation Theory" by Dr. 0. F. G. Schilling of the Uni- versity of Chicago tonight at 8:00 in the West Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Anyone interested is invited. RD...4...1 RvXnp-ap urp*ii~c far W- -.