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January 15, 1943 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-01-15

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Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of StudeĀ°it Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
4ay and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of the Associated Press
Tle Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or otherwise credited *in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Orfice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier
$4.25, by mail $5.25..
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Editorial Staff

"Don't worry, Adolf-we'll win the war if the army can't"

Pu rge Eu rope O fEuasecism,


$omer Swander
Morton Mintz.
Will Sapp
George W. Salad
Charles Thatcher
Bernard Hendel
Barbara deFries
gyron Damz.



. . . * Managing Editor
. . . Editorial Director
. . . . . City Editor
. . * . Associate Editor
* . . . Associate Editor
. * . Sports Editor
, . . . Women's Editor
. . Associate Sports Editor
siness Staff
. . . Business Manager
. Associate Business Manager
. Women's Business Manager
. Women's Advertising Manager
. PublicationS Sales Analyst

Edward J. Periberg
Fred M. Ginsberg
Mary Lou Curran
Jane Lindberg.
James Daniels .

Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily ' .
are written by members of The Daily staff r
and represent the views of the writers only. 19...........- ..

(Editor's Note: This is the first in a
series of articles on what should ba
done with the Germans after the war.
Pierre Van Paassen, author of today's
article, is a noted American journalist
and author of "Days of Our Years" and
"That Day Alone." His article is re-
printed from Look magazine. William
L. Shirer's views will be presented to-
HOW are we to make certain that,
after a breathing spell of, say,
a quarter of a century, Germany
will not once more burst forth in a
new attempt to subjugate her
neighbors and dominate the world?
For transforming Germany into a
peaceful democracy, I recommend
the following steps:
1. Liquidation of the National-
Socialist Party and capital punish-
ment for Hitler and the entire Nazi
2. Public trials before an interna-
tional court of those connected in
any way with any barbarous acts
inside or outside Germany.
3. Liquidation of the Berlin Mili-
tary Academy and the Munich Geo-
political Institute.
4. Effective disarmament; demo-
bilization of the present General
Staff and abolition of the entire
Junker military caste.
This would include the national-
ization of the huge private estates
belonging to Junker families in East
5. Replacement of all military
schools by schools of democracy.
During a test period before the fi-
nal peace settlement, such schools
would be directed by American,
English and Russian educators.
6. Nationalization, in a demo-
cratic sense, of industries producing
chemicals, machinery and electro-.
technical products, rolling mills and
cotton mills. These industries
should be placed under United Na-
tions commissions, but only for the
duration of the test period and sole-
ly for the purpose of checking the
non-military character of their
7. Coal mining and steel works
situated in the Ruhr, Saar and Up-
per Silesian regions to be interna-
tionalized during the trial period.
The purpose of detaching these
areas from the rest of the Reich
would be to provide priority of
shipment to such areas as have
been destroyed by Nazi invasion
and stripped by Nazi administra-
8. A solemn public declaration by
the government of the new Ger-
many will be required, stating that
the "racial theory" has no scien-
tific basis and was used by the Nazi
gangsters merely as a political blud-
This would mean that the exiled
German Jews would be urgently

invited to come lack to take their
rightful place in their fatherland,
that their return transportation
would be paid and their confiscated
or stolen property would be restored
te them.
Heirs of Jews murdered by Nazis
would have to be compensated in
full. German courts with interna-
tional juries would have to be es-
tablished to deal with all cases of
compensation and restoration.
9. Social insurance and other
benefits to workers are to be insti-
tuted, and to be administered along
lines parallel to those laid down for
the rest Of the world in the new
post-war order. In other words,
Germany is to get the benefit of
new progressive systems worked out
in England and America.
10. Freedom of worship to be
guaranteed by Qhe new democratic
political regime.
Rigid adherence to these 10 prin-
ciples during the test period would
conclusively prove Germany's ca-
pacity for becoming a trustworthy
democracy. If she can become one-
and I have no doubt she can-the
establishment of a peaceful world
would be possible.
UT peace will come only after
Europe will have undergone a
rebirth. The final settlement must
transform Europe's fragile pre-war
balance of power into a federation,
union or commonwealth of states.
There must be established a collec-
tive authority which will have such
military and economic power as will
enable it to enforce real peace.
This authority must have far
greater power than the League of
Nations ever had; and it must have
a gigantic budget which will enable
it to undertake vast international
public works and international de-
velopment of colonial areas, as in
The purpose of such develop-
ments should be to make greater
abundance available both to the
inhabitants of those areas and to
all mankind. They should help raise
the standard of living of workers in
all lands.
A STEP to which I am unalterably
opposed is armed occupation of
any part of Germany after the final
treaty, has been signed. (I am pre-
suming that the federation is to
have a military force to insure
peace, that Germany-like any
other state-may maintain an army
for internal police work only.)
The workability and success of a
world federation will depend on the
victors, not on the vanquished. For,
if we demand democracy, disarma-
mnent anl voluntary submission to
a collective authority from Ger-
many, we must demand it equally

Wendell Willkie Issues Warning To America
Against Abandoning Liberal Arts Education

S MILITARY VICTORY looms nearer, our
vision of the real significance of the war
becomes increasingly dimmer.
We are losing sight, for one thing, of the fact
that an extremely important result of victory
must be to make possible a world in which free-
dom of artistic, scientific and literary endeavor,
can flourish, a world in which intellectual curi-
osity and activity have as great a value as any
material good.
And to ensure that such a world will be pos-
sible, we must not throw liberal education over-
board in the immediate rush to equip ourselves
with the technical training needed for the war.
THIS IS WHAT Wendell Willkie so cogently
warped us against in his address last night
at Duke University.
He declared, "... we cannot win a true vic-
tory unless there exists in this country a large
$1,000, IF:
Bying Vanities' Tickets
n Aids Scholarship Plan
will receive perhaps the largest single con-
tribution made to it during the present school
year. This will be in the form of the proceeds
from "Victory Vanities," the all-campus stunt
show sponsored by the Panhellenic Council and
the Interfraternity Council.
The scholarship plan, already $9,000 to the
good, will receive an additional $1,000 if plans of
the stunt show committee-members go through
and if students respond as expected.
But at- present only 1,400 tickets have been
sold, which mreans that the "Vanities" com-
mittee is short of achieving their goal by ex-
actly one-half. They need 'to sell at least an-
other 1,000.
These groups, the IFC and Pan-Hel, and their
leaders-John Fauver, Virginia Morse, Pete Win-
gate, and Lorraine Dalzen, tosay nothing of the
many others that have also helped-are to be
commended not only for conceiving of"such a
noteworthy method of aiding the scholarship
plan, but also for making the "Vanities" idea
a reality.
BUT they can't make the contribution single-
handed. It is now up to the campus to take
the "if's" out of the way of achieving the $1,000
goal. And, what better cause could the students
contribute to than one from which they them-
selves will be benefited by a scholarship given
them after one year of college and one year of
armed service? -Bud Brimnwr

body of liberally educated citizens. This is a
war for freedom-freedom here and freedom
elsewhere. But if we are going to risk our lives
for freedom, We must at the same time do all
we, can to preserve the deep springs from
which it flows ... It is true that a man cannot
be free unless he has a job and a decent in-
come. But this job and this income are not the
sources of his freedom. They only implement
it.. Freedom is of the mind . . . It is in the
liberal arts that you acquire the ability to
make a truly free and individual choice."
He went on to say, "The preservation of our
system of liberal education during the war will
make an enormous difference in the moral and
human tone of our society in the future, of the
very atmosphere in which the peace is made,
and, since we are not an isolated society, of all
civilization after the war."
But Mr. Willkie didn't stop at merely theoriz-
ing about the necessity of continuing liberal edu-
cation during the war. HeĀ°proposed specifically
that liberal arts should be as much a part of our
war training as the more obviously needed tech-
nical training.'
He proposed that those students who for vari-
ous reasons are not available for military service,
those who return from war physically disabled
from further active service, and a nucleus of
those whose aptitudes qualify them as definitely,
for our long range needs as ... other men are
obviously qualified for medicine," should be given
a sound liberal arts' training in order to pre-
serve the structure of liberal arts colleges during
the war and to train and enrich minds "for the
humanizing and civilizing of the world to come
MR. WILLKIE'S SPEECH has come at a time
when there is a crying need for such words
as his. The voices speaking out for the preserva-
tion of liberal arts education during the war
have become fewer and fainter, as we have
rushed more precipitously into the total conver-
sion of our educational resources to war needs.
Such conversion is necessary-vitally neces-
sary. Wendell Willkie recognizes this, when he
says, "It is right and proper that the universities
of this country should turn over to the armed
forces whatever facilities they have.
But, next to losing the war itself, the most
tragic eventuality would be losing the values
which we mean to preserve by victory. And
the best away we can lose those values is by
abandoning liberal education.
IF WE ALLOW the temporary necessity for in-
stituting huge-scale technical training to de-
stroy permanently the values which only liberal
education can foster, we shall be substituting the
basic philosophy of our enemies for our own.
-Irving Jaffe

WASHINGTON-Cordell Hull, who as an ex-
Congressman detests lobbyists, especially sugar
lobbyists, is waging a silent but potent feud
against the big sugar interests of Cuba.
Actually, Cuba itself has very little to do
with it. Itpis the big Wall Street sugar com-
panies dominated by the Chase National Bank
and the Nationa, City Bank which have
aroused Secretary Hull's Tennessee ire. He is
out to break their strangle hold on our island
Behind the feud is the fact that last year Jesse
Jones' Defense Supplies, Inc., purchased the en-
tire Cuban sugar crop at a very high price, and
now we find ourselves with 1,600,000 tons of
sugar left in Cuba, plus 65,000,000 gallons of in-
vert syrup, plus 70,000,000 gallons of blackstrap
We needed the syrup and molasses for mak-
ing alcohol. Also we feared a sugar shortage.
But we did not figure on the submarine and
shipping crisis which now makes it almost im-
possible to move the above balance out of
None of this was Jesse Jones' fault, except pos-
sibly the high price-which gave the big sugar
companies and their New York bankers a profit
of $60,000,000 to $80,000,000.
Sugar Goes To Waste
However, Cuba now wants us to buy the cur-
rent sugar crop, and we don't want it. We al-
ready have 1,600,000 tons in Cuba which we can't
move, plus syrup and molasses; so there is no
reason in the world for buying more.
The Cuban Government, however, points out
that it cannot sell its sugar unless it sells to us;
and with our market gone, the island will be
bankrupt, will face riots and revolution.
The State Department is sympathetic to
the Cuban viewpoint and has suggested that
Cuba diversify its crops, planting peanuts
which are badly needed here, plus fibre crops
for making rope, no longer obtainable from
the Philippines. The State Department also
has offered a loan to improve the central high-
way running the length of the island.
However, the Cuban Government is reluctant.
They say they have been raising sugar for 400
years, that they understand sugar, and they
don't want to diversify now.
or our lands overrun. But the way I feel now I
would like to see us intensely serious about our
freedom, because I love the stuff. It seems sacri-
legious to me the way we treat it so casually when
I know that all of us feel the same way about it.
If we had to suffer for our ideals the way Job
did it would make us a better nation.It would
cleanse us of every trace of sophistry, egotism,
and softness.
The other day in a book store I happened to
pick up a little book called "Anti-Dictator" by La
Boetie, and it expresses my dismay much better
than I can. He says, in part, "I do'not know how
it happens that nature fails to place within the
hearts of men a burning desire for liberty, a bless-
in-~ en -r-o nn rlcia h fh e n n- f'is lncl

from the rest of Europe, neutral,
friend and foe, alike.
Should we, after destroying Naz-
ism, permit Fascist islands to exist
in other parts of the world, we
would fail dismally in our task of
educating Germany and integrat-
ing her into a new democratic world
A Franco Spain, a Darlan France,
a Hapsburg Austria, a Ciano or
Savoy Italy, to cite only a few ex-
amples, could no more have a place
in a democratic Federation of Eur-
ope than could a Hitler Germany.
Unless, therefore, our victory
purges Europe, including the Bal-
kans, of every vestige of Fascism,
our plans for the establishment of
permanent peace would from the
very beginning be but hypocritical
F A TRUE brotherhood of nations
is to emerge from this war against
Fascism and Nazism, then we must
open our ranks to all nations that
demonstrate their willingness to
collaborate in the new democratic
world order.
The Germans cannot simply be
wiped off the map. Nor can we very
well isolate them behind huge walls
or fortifications and hold them
there as prisoners of the world. The
Maginot Line conception of secur-
ity has been shattered by this war.
There is no physical means of bot
tling up a modern state.
(Continued from Page 2)
ning to enter a medcal school and
who has not previously taken this
test should do so at this time.
Further information may be ob-
tained in Room 4, University Hall,
and tickets should be purchased im-
mediately at the Cashier's Office.
Identification Cards: All students
reregistering for the Spring Term in
February will be asked to show their
Identification Cards at the tine of
Registration. The presentation of this
card will save the time of both the
student and those in charge of regis-
tration procedure.
German Table for Faculty Members
will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the
Founders' Room Michigan Union.
Members of all departments are cor-
dially invited. There will be a round-
table discussion of "Die Musiker-Un-
aon," opened by Mr. Percival Price.
West Quadrangle and Fletcher
hall: Present residents of the West
Quadrangle and Fletcher Hall who
wish to make any change in rooms
within the Quadrangle or Hall, or
who wish to withdraw from the resi-
fence halls for any reason whatso-
ever, should submit to the Dean of
Students, on or before Monday, Jan.
18, a request for approval of such a
change or withdrawal. This request
must be made on a form supplied by
the Office of the Dean of Students.
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate for January 1943 are request-
2d to call at the office of the School
f Education today between 1:30 and
1:30 p.m. to take the Teacher's Oath
which is a requirement for the cer-
Faculty of College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts; College of
Architecture and Design; School of
d0Ucatio l; Schol of Forestry and
Conservation; School of Music; and
School of Public Health: Class lists
for use in reporting FALL TERM
grades of undergraduate students en-
polled in these units, and also .grad-
aate students in the Schools of For-

estry and Conservation, Music, and
Public Health, were mailed today.
Anyone failing to receive theirs
3hculd notify the Registrar's Office,
Miss Day, 'phone 582, and duplicates
will be prepared for them.
-Robert L. Williams
Assistant Registrar
University Lecture: Dr. S. S. Kist-
ler of the Norton Company will lec-
turc on the subject, "The Measure-
meat of Surface Area in Microporous
Solids", under the auspices 4f the
American Chemical Society today at
4:15 p.m. in Room 303 Chenistry
Building. The public is invited. A
short business meeting .for members
of the American Chemical Society
will be held following the lecture.
Mathematics Lecture: There will
be a lecture on "Valuation Theory"
by Dr. 0. F. G. Schilling of the Uni-
versity of Chicago, on Tuesday, Jan.
19, at 8:00 p.m.; in the West Confer-
PnrP R '-.rnry, nb',a ,-. m'1An

I'd Ratherj Be Right


NEW YORK- Nothing stands
still, you see. We have lately be-
come aware of somethitg new in
China: impatience. The Chinese do
not think we have been helping
them enough, and, lately, they have
found ways of saying so. We ate so
surprised, you could knock us down
with a feather.
It is too late to remedy the ill by
giving China "a little more." The
history of the last ten years is a
history of a little less, and then a
little more. Mere quantitative chani-
ges are no longer enough. We need
qualitative changes. We not only
need to increase the amount of our
help to China; we need a new set of
scales in which to measure owr help.
We need to give up the Lady
Bountiful, or dear friend, relation
with China, and exchange it for a
One Voice Should Be Chinese
WE ARE united nations, yet the
amount of aid China gets from
us is based entirely on our own, uni-
lateral decision. When Great Bri-
tain was involved with China, as in
the defense of Hong Kong, then
Singapore, and "then Burma, the
extent of its use of Chinese troops,
and of its arming of Chinese men,
rested entirely on Britain's unilat-
eral decision. She could give, or she
could deny; just as we give, or as
we deny. China needs more than a
little additional supply, or a'little
less supply. She needs voice and
vote. Had Britain and China lost
Hong Kong together, the loss would
not have been half so important.
This one-sided machinery for
making decisions about munitions,
and not the shortage of munitions,
hurts American-Chinese and Brit-
ish-Chinese relations. China knows
how to do without. She has done
more with les. longer than any

That colonel will not sit on our
combined chiefs of staff commit-
tee; he will wait outside for the de-
cisions of that committee. That's
what's wrong; we give or we take
away, on our own motion.
A turn-down by a board on which
China was represented would be
more palatable; it would, in fact,
not be a turn-down. It would be a
Chinese decision, or a United Na-
tions decision. We should have.
enough faith in our over-all stra-
tegic plan to believe that, if it
makes sense, it wIll make sense to
Chinese as well as to others.
And it is not safe, either strate-
gically or politically, for one nation
to make final decisions about an-
other. We know that's true. That's
what the war's about. Democracy's
chief strength is precisely that it
allows each party to Snake the case
for its own interests.
We need, for our own interest, to
be able to say to China, whatever
the future brings: "You shared in
the decision!" That is the other side
of the democratic method; it avoids
unilateral responsibility as well as
unilateral authority, and both are
good things to avoid.
No Trucks, and No Strategy
AS TO what happens, in the field,
because of the present arrange-
ment, rend Michael Straight's bril-
liant (and I don't mean merely
good, I mean brilliant) new book:
"Make This the Last War." The
Chinese are told, say, that a certain
dumber of motor trucks will arrive
in a certain number of months.
They base a strategic plan on the
arrival of those trucks. At the last
minute a (unilateral) decision, by-
us, sends the trucks elsewhere. The
result is not merely a lack of trucks,
the result is also the blowing-up of
a strategic plan. And all this hap-


An AXE o r'ind -by Torquemada

(Editor's Note: Art Carpenter has a profound
faith in humanity. I hope he comrnuicates
AS A NATION we're fat, soft and simple. For
proof all you need to do is watch the way we
fight a war. Everybody pulls in different direc-

President, kick labor, and act the way we love to
act in peacetime. We're spoiled, completely
The insignificant details of existence we have
given up cause nothing except annoyance, but
if we were to give our shoes and homes we


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