L, Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 194243 RiIPREOWNTSO FOR NATIONAL. ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Pubhsbers Representative 420 MADisON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO . BOSTON + LOS ANGELES . SAN FACISCO Editorial Staff Worry is turniig his hair gr'Oy. If his mitsache goes whte, we're sunk!' Est -' t y.. ..tm S "% f' r MAI n -sow r gl NZ Homer Swander Morton Mintz . Will Sapp George W. Sallad. Charles .Thatcher. Bernard Hendel Barbara deFries Myron Dann .. Edward J. Perlberg Fred M. Ginsberg Mary Lou Curran Jane Lindberg . James Daniels . . . Managing Editor . Editorial Director S. . City Editor S . Associate Editor * .Associate Editor . . iSports Editor . . Women's Editor Associate Sports Editor Business Staff S. . Business Manager . Associate Business Manager . Women's Business Manager , Women's Advertising Manager -. Publications Sales Analyst Telephone 23-24-1T NIGHT EDITOR: JIM WIENNER Jitorials ,'published 'in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. THERE'S STILL A JOB TO DO: Report Of Tolan Committee Should Dispel American Over-Confidence In War's Progress THE RECENTLY released report of the House corporations which, operating unde of Representatives' Tolan Committee ought curement system used by the armed xtf . fry .f n. u r Is51aiUIIby LII r the old pro- services, were e contracting i i i to be compulsory reading for every patriotic and clear-thinking American. It would go a long way toward dispelling any complacency or over-con- fidence about our war effort. For more than two years Representative John H. Tolan of California and his committee have been investigating the problems of manpower, industrial mobilization and post-war economic conditions. Their report, given to the House early this week, does not make pleasant reading. Most important among the committee's find- ings was the charge that failure to meet the President's 1942 production goals showed that there was still "a general maladjustment in the war production program." Pointing to our failure to fulfill lend-lease commitments as one of the results of faulty industrial reorganization, Tolan reiterated his demands for an over-all civilian agency to direct war production and the civilian economy. The report noted a dangerous trend toward control of our war effort by several large NOT ONLY FOOD: more War Weapons Needed By Chinese W E AMERICANS are a generous and sympa- thetic people. We are sincerely distressed when we learn about the suffering and oppression of Chinese people. We send them food and clothing, and when we learn that they are still suffering, we send them more food and clothing. But that's just where the trouble lies. We look upon the Chinese as likeable, but helpless and rather inferior, little boys who are to be pitied and helped, but by no means to be con- sidered our equals. We forget two things. We forget that the Chinese are allies of ours in a war which is as tremendously important in Asia as it is in Europe and America. And we forget that. a most important element of the struggle in Asia is that it shall result in a free and great China, a China great not only in Asia but also a China which can sit at the peace table after the war and have a voice in post-war planning equal to that of the other United Nations. As Pearl Buck recently pointed out, "The Chi- nese are a strong, brave, superior people, and I don't want my children to grow up thinking they are poor. I want my children to grow up thinking of Chinese as their equals, not as people fit only for charity." IFTHE Chinese are to win their vitally impor- tant fight in Asia; if they Are to assume the great role that should be theirs in the war against the Axis, so that they can sit at the peace con- ference as equals of the United States, England and Russia, we must stop giving them charity alone. They appreciate our gifts of food and clothing, but what they want and need more than anything else right now is as many weapons as we can give them-especially airplanes. Pearl Buck said, "Five hundred modern air- planes, responsible Chinese tell us, would enable them to beat back the Japanese . advance. Our monthlV nutut of nianes is now in the thousands. agency. FURTHER evidence of "the haphazard charac- ter of our mobilization of American produc- tion" was cited in the confusion and indecision surrounding the critical manpower crisis. The committee expressed "general concern" over the failure of the War Manpower Commission to develop concrete proposals to alleviate the diffi- culties. It blamed the manpower muddle, how- ever, not on the absence of any national service legislation but on the lack of strong direction of the utilization of manpower in essential war in- dustries and the lack of coordination between training and transfering war workers and pro- curement and production. Other criticisms of the war effort were directed at (1) failure to recognize early the necessity of "curtailment of non-essential civilian goods," (2) "an easy opti- mism about the use of the customary methods of handling labor supply," and (3) the failure of Selective Service to fix draft quotas in rural areas without disturbing the vital demands of agricul- ture. Looking beyond the present conflict at possible post-war conditions, the committee predicted an- other "Grapes of Wrath" era with millions of workers migrating from state to state. It called for social security enactments that would assure "general public assistance with a uniform settle- ment" to combat this problem. CERTAINLY, the Tolan Report represents one of the most constructive and important documents to come out of the maze of Congres- sional committees created to invesigate one thing or another since our entrance into the war. It may be looked upon as a comprehensive evaluation of our efforts so far and as a blue- print for future and even more determined action. One thing, no matter how disturbing, is made perfectly obvious. With all our industrial mobili- zation, conversion and organization so far, the United States still is far from its goal of an all- out effort to supply the needs of total war. This fact repeatedly shows up in the direction of our civilian economy, in the perplexing problems facing the agencies who handle the war effort on the production and home fronts and in the lack of equipment on the battlefronts. Admittedly America has made great strides since the war's first days in 1941. Production figures confirm the belief that democracies are just as able as the totalitarian nations in reor- ganizing their entire national life to meet the exigencies of an emergency. But the issue crystal- lized by the Tolan Report is that the job is not yet done. Greater changes in civilian economy and in our entire way of life are almost certain to be realized before victory will be assured. Those who accepted the accomplishments of the past year and the trend of present military opera- tions by the United Nations as indicative of an easy victory will, let us hope, be effectively shocked out of their apathy. N A total war that demands a total war effort which must be built from almost scratch out of an industrial system geared exclusively to the manufacturing of civilian goods, there are bound to be mistakes accompanying the conversion from peacetime to wartime production. The time of 1ezL tree of any reguiaulon oy Lne DREW C PEARSON'S, - r MERRY-GO-ROUND 'AHINGTON- The outsider who doesn't know the merry-go-round of Washington would never believe the extent to which wires have been pulled, and wheels within wheels have been turned to get Charles E. Wilson, WPB's new production wizard, to go back to the old General Electric Company post whence he came. Paradox is that for months the Army has con- tended there were no top-flight production men on the War Production Board, therefore they must take over all production. But now that they have a man who has put new life into the airplane program and is performing production miracles, the Army wants to get him out of Washington. All of which indicates that actually the Army's chief:ambition, no matter what happens, is to run the show. Here is the inside story of what has happened. Not long ago, Lieut. Gen. Brehon Sonervell brought to Washington David Sarnoff, head of the Radio Corporation of America, made him a colonel and had him survey the products which General Electric is producing for the Army. General Electric happens to be a competitor of the Radio Corporation of America, and to most people it seemed strange that Col. Sarnoff, the head of a strongly competing company, should be checking on General Electric. However, this was done just the same. Col. Sarnoff reported that out of 62 products General Electric was making for the Army, it was behind on two. SHORTLY thereafter, Charles E. Wilson, one- time boss of General Electric, went back home for a week-end, there met Gerard Swope, former GE executive who had come back from retire- ment to replace Wilson when Wilson went to Washington. Mr. Swope was looking very glum. He was wor- ried over the way things were going, and he was especially worried over the way Charley Wilson was getting into a row with the Army in Wash- ington. He strongly advised his old friend to give up the WPB and come home. Swope didn't say so, but he may have had in mind also the fact that the one big customer of any industry these days is the United States Government. And when your chief executive goes to Washington and tangles with Gen. Somervell, the man who buys more goods for the Government than anyone else in the USA, then it is a proper cause for worry. Wilson, however, is a tough fighter. When he tackles a thing he doesn't quit. Old friends of his in other industries-perhaps inspired by the Army-have been urging him to return home. When he went up for an executive board meeting of the National Association of Manufacturers, they treated him like a cinderella. But despite all this, he is sticking. (Copyright, 1943, United Features Syndicate) of too many widely separated and iri'esponsible agencies. Coordination will assure better plan- ning to meet present and possible future problems arising out of the conduct of the war. THE TOLAN Committee has served its purpose fiDRAMA ALL the warm, glittering life of a group of talented girls huddled together in a shabby rooming house in New York is communicated with authenticity by those who took part in "Stage Door" last night. It began with a coyness on some of their parts, an affectation as if they were too conscious of being actresss; and for a while, it seemed as if only Helen Rhodes who was playing Terry, the girl who clung to her dream of the stage in spite of tempting movie offers by producer, roommate-made- good and sweetheart playwright. knew Hamlet's advice-that acting is to mirror nature. A few of the others gave a sense of flurry that obscured the drama of their indi- vidual problems-although the direc- tion for mob enthusiasm was good invariably. IF there had been less leaning on clothes for effect, posturings and facial winsomeness, we might have felt each personality more. In the beginning, even Mildred Janusch, who played Kaye, the girl who com- mitted suicide, did not impress one as being any different from the rest in the sense of having the tragic flaw. It seems actresses would react with less obviousness and in a manner congruous with the situation, know- ing the effect of understatement and silence which in this play might have heightened tragic moments in a way more effective than screams. Gertrude Slack, who played the mother finding her daughter arriving home in the morning in evening dress, understood the art of subtle underplaying. The honors for com- edy go to Patricia Meikle, who played Judith with a salty mischievousness, and to Blanche Holpar, the maid. Dorothy Wineland exhibited with Harold Cooper, the playwright, the incredible child-like naivete that sometimes accompanies talent. Con- trast was provided in a semi-ap- proach to maturity in Terry, who somehow had too many dimples and too solid an approach to life ever to cause one to be anxious over her out- come. These girls are often more pleasant than intense. ONE MISSES a sense of temper- "menit, although the volatile pitch of enthusiasm is true to any group of gals living together and wearing each others clothes. The play gathers in concentration as it goes on, al- though the men characters hardly ever rise to any vigor or convincing adulthood. One didn't know John Babington, who played the producer, had it in him to kiss so maturely. Little flashes of life like rhinestones on a dress gleam on a play that after- all is only concerned with after dark. Morning ,con'es-and like Burgess who goes to Hollywood, somehow that play is never written. Naomi Gilpatrick DA11Y OFFICIAL BULLETIN (continued from Page 2) dents are advised not to request grades of I or X in February. When such grades are absolutely imperative, the work miust be made up in time to allow your instructor to report the make-up grade not later than 4:30, February 2, 1943. Grades received af-. ter that time may defer the student's graduation until a later date. -Robert L. Williams Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-.. tificate for January 1943 are request- ed to call at the office of the School of Education either Thursday or Fri- day, Jan. 14 or 15, between 1:30 and 4:30 p.m. to take the Teacher's Oath which is a requirement for the cer- tifica-te. Degree Program for Honors in Lib- eral Arts: Students interested in en- tering the Degree Program for Honors in Liberal Arts in the spring term should leave their names with Miss Davis, Room 1208 Angell Hall, by Saturday noon, Jan. 16. German Departmental Library: All books are due on Monday, Jan. 18. Teaching Departments wishing to recommend tentative February grad- uates from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and the School of Education for Departmental Hon- ors should send such names to the Registrar's Office, Room 4, University Hall before January 30, 1943. Mr. Philip Maher will be on campus today to interview February women graduates for work in the Radio De- velopment Laboratory of the Signal Corps in Detroit. The unit maintains a training, school of its own, and therefore does not require a special background. All those interested call Ext. 371 immediately. -Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information 201 Mason Hall Office Hours 9-12 & 2-4 44 I'd Rather Be Right NEW YORK- I am not one who believes that things happen acci- dentally, and therefore I propose to sell you on the idea that Great Britain is playing with a Beveridge plan for social security, not because she wants to, but because she has to. Great Britain is toying with a plan for social security because her future is insecure. This extraordinarily simple ex- planation will seem insufficiently sinister to those who regard all political change as the result of diabolical plotting. If we will sus- pend our normal political belliger- ency for a moment, and concede that the world makes sense, we will be struck by the following facts: Great Britain has always needed up to a billion pounds a year of in- come on foreign investments, prof- its from the carrying trade, and from insurance, to keep going. Her foreign investments have been sold out to finance the war, her carry- ing trade has been scrambled and her insurance and financial ser- vices cannot take up the gap. Her future is insecure, and so a Bever- idge plan sutddenly comes aong, and its a'rrival is as natural as that of the rainbow after the rain, the firemen after the fire. Great Britain may have less in the next peace than in the last, and out of this need a Beveridge plan has been born. It is actually only a kind of peacetime rationing plan, guaranteeing all sections of the British population a cut in whatever goods are available, by guaranteeing all individuals fixed, minimum cash benefits in every conceivable adversity. Relief money will be distributed instead of ration coupons, but the social intent, to avoid hardship and social distur- bance by sharing, is the same. Virtue Is as Virtue Has to Do I CONCEDE that this is not the popular picture of the Beveidge plan, which is sometimes regarded as a sudden freak outbreak of an ideal impulse. But the fact that England is turning to a Beveridge plan because she has to, does not make her a whit the less virtuous. Rather, I should say, more. Politi- cal virtue does not lie in sudden burbling hunches, but in the exer- cise of good judgment on inevita- bilities. Now we come to the President's budget message, which is rich in elements normally leading to inse- curity. It breaks out a prospect un- precedented in our history; a budg- 'ion of a satisfactory excuse for the Delay and the payment of a fee of $5.00. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. S. S. Kist- er of the Norton Company will lec- ure on the subject, "The Measure- nent of Surface Area in Microporous solids", under the auspices of the American Chemical Society, on Fri- day, Jan. 15, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 303 Chemistry Building. The public is invited. A short business meeting for members of the Americal Chemi- ml Society will be held following the lecture. Lecture: Dr. Fred J. Hodges, Pro- lessor of Roentgenology, will speak to the students in the Department of Biological Chemistry on "Therapeutic Uses of Radioactive Substances" on Tuesday, Jan. 19, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Building. All interested are invited. La Sociedad Hispanica announces the third lecture of its series: "Local Life in Mexico City, Buenos Aires and Rio de Janeiro" by Mr. Fred E. Benz today at 4:15 p.m. in Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. This is a movie lecture in colors. Open to the public by ticket. Required Hygiene Lectures for Wo- men-1943: All first and second se- mester freshman women are required to take the hygiene lectures, which are to be given the second semester. Upperclass students who were in the University as freshmen and who did not fulfill the requirement are re- quired to take and satisfactorily com- plete this course. Enroll for these lec- tures at the time of regular classifica- tion at Waterman Gymnasium. These lectures are a graduation require- ment. Students should enroll for one of the two following sections. Women in Section I should note change of sec- ond lecture from February 22 to Feb- ruary 24 on account of the legal holi- day. . Section No. I: First Lecture, Mon- day, Feb. 15, 4:15-5:15, Natural Sci- ence Aud.; Second Lecture, Wednes- day, Feb. 24, 4:15-5:15, Natural Sci- ence Aud.; Subsequent Lectures, Suc- cessive Mondays 4:15-5:15, Natural Science Aud.; Examination (final) Monday, March 29, 4:15-5:15, Natural Science Aud. Section No. II: First Lecture, Tues- day, Feb. 16, 4:15-5:15, Natural Sci- et of 109 billions, taxes of 50 bil- lions, an annual per capita civilian expenditure allowance for food, clothing and everything else, of only $500, a national debt so big we might as well call it "it" and forget the actual figures. As Laces Are to Shoes HE QUESTION before the House is whether an enlarged social security plan is not as necessary, and natural, a codicil to this budget as laces are to shoes, and stamps to letters, and buttons to vests. The size of the budget does not disturb us. The only doubt, rightly suppressed at the moment, is the ultimate threat to our social secur- ity. There is no way to avoid inse- curity except by a plan for security. I don't know how to put this any more plainly. Let me try it another way: If we set up a plan for social security, then, unquestionably, we have social security, and the budg- et's vague promise of insecurity no longer holds. Or, put it this way: If we can guarantee a minimum standard of living to all persons, in spite of unemployment, sickness, accident, death of breadwinners, demobili- zation of troops, high taxes, eco- nomie dislocation, then, by heaven, we shall have a minimum standard of living, and our troubles will be formal and statistical, and not so- cial and human, and we can man- age them. The point I am trying to make, and it is so simple it is baffling, is that if we arrange some way where- by we all eat and keep warm dur- ing the next ten years, then we can handle the next ten years. This budget needs a social security se- tion as naturally and inevitablyas a theatre needs insurance against things falling on the customers. It's Our Budget IF WE are secure, we are secure, and if we are insecure, we are insecure, and the choice is ours. It is perhaps time to lay aside the con- ception of the war as an unpredic- tably balky animal that might do anything to us. It responds to treat- ment, as does almost everything else. Let's stop enjoying quite avoidable uncertainties with quite such melancholy delight. If we don't like the insecurity inherent in the new budget, we can write it out, at comparatively small cost. It's our budget. We can write it any way we want to. That is the bafflingly simple point; actually, the easiest problem of the war. (Coprlght, 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate Relationship between Certain Types of Body Physique and Types of Breathing," will be held on Friday, Jan. 15, in East Council Room, Rack- ham, at 4:00 p.m. Chairman, H. H. Bloomer.; By action of the Executive Board, he Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examination Ind he may grant permission to those #ho for sufficient reason might wish to be present. -C. S. Yoakum Economics 51: There will be no 2 T'clock lecture today. -Shorey Peterson Concerts Faculty Recital: Joseph Brinkman and Wassily Besekirsky will present a recital for piano and violin at 8:30 this evening in the Assembly Hall of ;he Rackham Building. The program ;onsists of three sonatas, written by Veracini, Brahms and DeLamarter. The public is cordially invited. Exhibitions Exhibition, Ufliversity Museums: 'Animals on our Fighting Fronts-Il. 3irds". Sixty-five birds collected from zarious countries which are now con- ,id-.red as war zones, such as New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Africa, England, etc. This particular seriei will be exhibited until January 16. ?irst floor rotunda, University Muse- mins. Open daily 8-5; Sunday 2 to 5. The public is invited. events Today Junior Mathematics Club will meet tonight at 7:30, in Room 3010 Angell Hall. Professor Myers will speak on Cryptanalysis. Refreshments. Graduate History Club will meet in the West Conference Room of the Rackhamn Building tonight at 8:00. Professor Boak will speak. All Advanced Corps ROTC invited to hear Lieut. Verne Kennedy, U.S. Marines, tonight at 8:00 in the Nat- ural Science Auditorium. This is sponsored by the Army Ordnance Association. Varsity Glee Club: Regular rehear- sal today. Important that deposit be made for folders at once; please return all Michigan songbooks at that time.