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January 13, 1943 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-01-13

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7jj i~~?i~CiDA~ILY-

r-,- - -

Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan. as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier
$4.25," by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Editorial Staff
Homer Swander . . . . Managing Editor
Morton Mintz . . . . . Editorial Director
Will Sapp . . . . . . City Editor
George W. Sallad. . . . . Associate Editor
Charles Thatcher . . . . Associate Editor
Bernard Hendel . . Sports Editor
Barbara deF'ries . . . . Women's Editor
Myron Dann . . . . Associate Sports Editor
Business Staff
Edward J. Perlberg . . Business Manager
Fred M. Ginsberg . Associate Business Manager
Mary Lou Curran . . Women's Business Manager
Jane Lindberg . . Women's Advertising Manager
Jamen Daniels. . . Publications Sales Analyst
Telephone 23-24.1

"Who hit me?"

Rfeturn to Isolationism?


EHIND the scenes of the organi-
zation of the 78th Congress is
ample evidence of an intensifying
struggle between isolationists and
international cooperationists for
control of the Republican Party-
and more important, for control of
the peace to come.
Despite repeated gestures by their
National Committee moving away
from isolationism, or at least the
label, the realistic fact remains that
the GOP does not consider its for-
eign policy resolutions as specific
Let us examine one of these reso-
lutions, the one passed at Chicago
which said that it is the intention
of the Republican party to see that
the United States fulfilled its obli-
gation to, "assist in the bringing
about of an understanding, comity
and cooperation of the world in
order that our own liberties may be
preserved and the blighting and de-
structive forces of war may not
again be forced upon us."
HERE is a statement of policy
that any proponent of interna-
tional cooperation could subscribe

to, but notice, too, that its wording
is sufficiently general to mean
much, little, or nothing-and the
isolationists have started their drive
to make sure that it means as close
to nothing as possible.
Republican Senator C. Wayland
Brooks of Illinois, reactionary pal
of Bertie McCormick, sounded a
significant keynote at a Republican
"Victory" dinner in St. Louis before
Congress convened. Declaring "we
must be able to say to the nations
free from oppression, 'we have
helped you. Now we move on.'"-
Senator Brooks not only showed
that he is not prepared to support
any action to prevent future con-
flicts every quarter century or so
but also informed the people of
what they may expect from certain
sections of Republican party lead-
But the same "stay-at-home"
boys who woke up one Dec. 7 shout-
ing, "let's lick the hell out of 'em,"
have also showed that they don't
intend to stop with mere words.
Moving 'their fight into the halls
of Congress they have succeeded in
adding one more of their most ac-


Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff a T
and represent the views o the writers only. t

U.S.-British Agreement
Is Step toward New Era
N0 LONGER will our Chinese allies have to
listen to the dictates of the United States and
Great Britain in regard to the provinces over
which they have held extraterritorial rights for
the past century.
The dual treaties signed recently by the United
States and Great Britain with China formally
abolishing extraterritoriality and other special
rights which the two powers have enjoyed in
China mark an important step toward the new
era that will follow after the war.
PERHAPS more than any other single action,
these treaties will indicate that the British
and Americans are sincere in their promise to
help China to become the nation she is capable
of being. Henceforward, China will be treated as
an equal, sovereign power.
In addition to the abolishment of extraterri-
toriality, the United States-China treaty pro-
vides that the two governments will negotiate "a
comprehensive modern treaty of friendship, com-
merce, navigation and consular rights," indicat-
ing that there will be greater economic coopera-
tion between the two countries than existed pre-
This step in cementing the present and post-
war relations of Great Britain and the United
States toward China should be but the beginning.
-Claire Sherman
Decline of Luftwaffe
Is Encouraging to Allies
NO MORE encouraging news has come from
Europe during the past year than the report
of Raymond Daniell, New York Times London
correspondent, on the clipped wings of the once-
terrible German Air Force. The Luftwaffe,
though still a mighty instrument of destruction,
has become a "reluctant dragon," fighting only
when it has to in order to conserve its rapidly
dwindling strength.
This decline has already had at least three
effects that bode further headaches for a
Nazi regime which promised the German people
an early victory. First, the failure of the Luft-
waffe to afford land forces proper protection has
resulted in dissension between these formerly
well-coordinated talons of German military
Second, the losses in planes mean not only that
badly-needed machines will never fight again,
but also that even more valuable crews are lost
to the Nazi cause. Since a growing German man-
power shortage ,has cut down the number of
available candidates for the Luftwaffe, Reichs-
marshal Goering has been forced to cut the train-
ing period for Nazi pilots, thus lowering the high
standard maintained at the beginning of the
Added to 'these problems which the thinly-
spread Luftwaffe will have to face is the fact that
German industry has not been able to fully re-
place the losses of the Air Force and has resorted
to freezing of obsolete models in order to attain
maximum production. Thus German air power
declines in both quantity and quality as the war
(SINCE quick Nazi victories in Poland, France,
andNorway were won largely because Ger-

WASHINGTON- Some of the most significant
political maneuvering ever seen by seasoned
diplomats is going on backstage regarding the
filming of Ernest Hemingway's famous book "For
Whom the Bell Tolls."
Strenuous objections have been voiced to Para-
mount by the Franco Fascist Government
through its Ambassador Don Juan Francisco de
Cardenas, and it now seems probable that the
film will never reach the American public.
The book is the story of the civil war in Spain,
the struggle between the Loyalist Government
and the Fascist revolutionaries supported by
Hitler and Mussolini, which many people believe
was the prelude to the current war. However,
Sam Wood, the producer for Paramount, has
left out all politics.
"'Gone With the Wind' was a hot love story,"
says Wood, who worked on that film, "and 'For
Whom the Bell Tolls' is an even hotter love
But even though the Paramount version em-
phasizes love and leaves out politics, Gen. Franco
doesn't like it. Paramount has already invested
more than $2,000,000 in it. Gary Cooper is playing
the star role. But Gen. Franco says NO.
Inside reason why he says NO is briefly this:
Showing of the film will promote the sale of
Hemingway's book. And though the film shuns
politics, the book decidedly doesn't. So Franco
envisages sale of the book all over the world.
Nobody ever dreamed that Franco's hand was
that strong inside the USA. But the State Depart-
ment is for him; also the Rockefeller Committee
is not enthusiastic about the picture's release. But
most important of all, the Vatican's disapproval
is the real reason why "For Whom the Bell Tolls"
will probably not be shown.
Hitler's Stooges
THEY aren't advertising it, but there is one
excellent reason why isolationist Senators
Wheeler of Montana and Nye of North Dakota
are working so feverishly for an investigation of
the Justice Department and its prosecution of
Hitler stooges in the USA. ,
That reason is that they know some of the
dynamite-laden evidence now before the Justice
Department which is sure to come out when
these cases go to trial. That evidence shows the
two Senators as having been used by the Nazi
sympathizers and alleged seditionists.
Probably the two Senators did not know they
were being used. Wheeler, at the time, told friends
he was worried over definite Nazi influences in-
side the America First Committee and that he
had worked inside it to keep those influences
However, the fact remains that Frank K. Fer-
enz, one of those indicted for sedition, organized
the America First rally for Wheeler when he
arrived in Los Angeles, and was one of Wheeler's
active supporters. Ferenz, according to evidence
before the Justice Department, had a sister in
Germany who wrote him advice regarding a job
for der Fuehrer.
Senator Nye, in turn, has lent his frank to the
Steuben Society for which the Steuben Society
wgs fined by the Post Office Department. He has
also been active behind-the-scenes in aiding the
appeal of George Sylvester Viereck, already con-
victed for failure to register as a foreign agent
and now indicted for sedition.

P"d Rather
_Be Right_
NEW YOR-- Sing hey, sing ho, the world
makes sense. A little cat has just been let out of a
small bag in Washington, where General Giraud's
chief civil adviser, M. Jacques Lemaigre-Dubreuil,
has said:
"All those who in metropolitan or African
France have directly or indirectly collaborated
with the Germans are Jiterally hated by the pop-
ulation ..Admiral Darlan has been murdered
for having been, at least in the eyes of the public,
one of the most conspicuous collaborators with
And a hey nonny-no. I am not rejoicing that
Admiral Darlan was murdered; I rejoice that
the world makes sense. For a few weeks, or
months, America flirted with the official theory
that the plain people of North Africa really like
collaborationists, really prefer collaborationists,
so that if they were not allowed to have a col-
laborationist leader, they would be sad, they
would sulk, they would not help us.
W HEN one considers what a bleak, cryptic hor-
ror this world would be if that theory were
correct, one may understand the importance of
the little cat which has been permitted to mew
in Washington by M. Lemaigre-Dubreuil.
It suddenly makes North Africa make sense.
Now we understand North Africa. Why, it's just
like Hoboken; it hates collaborationists. Oh, the
rain it raineth every day for those split personali-
ties who, in their ecstatic commentaries on M.
Darlan, tried to make a case for him at the grave
cost of making a case against the people. They
went far beyond the President's concept of mili-
tary expediency, and, using the opening thus pre-
sented, gave, us the whispers we heard about how
the population of North Africa was pretty much
fascist, and therefore, needed a Darlanish leader.
They tried to prove their policy was right by
proving that North Africa was crazy.
ALL through the war, we have seen such bent
spirits at work; men who don't make sense
justifying themselves on the plea that the people
don't make sense. With a hey ho; it just isn't so.
North Africa makes plenty of sense.
And so does the rest of the world, a feeling I
acquired when that I was a tiny little boy, and
which I still have. Some Americans, for exam-
ple, believe we should not openly attack Italy's
king. They profess not to respect that unhappy
monarch themselves; they know his dismal
record of compliance with Mussolini; they
would, if the question were put, describe Victor
Emmanuel as a failure. Measuring him against
other kings, they would call him miserable and
But they blithely assume that the Italian peo-
ple are somehow different; different enough to
admire this royal specimen, though everybody
else would consider him not admirable.
This is the North African mistake, in an Italian
setting. Some of us believed that the North Afri-
can French are peculiar people, who prefer col-
laborationists. And some of us think the Italians
are peculiar people, who, for some weird reason,
respect royal incompetence. None of it is true. All
these mysteries are in the eye of the beholder.
A pro-darlanite, gazing upon North Africa, finds
North Africa to be pro-darlan; a make-a-deal-
with-the-kingite, looking upon Italy, finds, that

WEDNESDAY, JAN. 13, 1943
VOL. LIII No. 74
All notices for the Daily official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten ;form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
If you wish to finance the purchase
of a home, or if you have purchased
improved property on a land contract
and owe a balance of approximately
60 per cent of the value of the prop-
erty, the Investment office, 100
South Wing of University Hall, would
be glad to discuss financing through
the medium of a first mortgage. Such
financing may effect a substantial
saving in interest.
Students: A list of graduates and
former students now in Military Ser-
vice is being compiled at the Alumni
Catalogue Office. This list already
numbers approximately 6,000. If you
are entering Military Service, please
see that your name is included in this
list by reporting such information to
the Alumni Catalogue Office. This
courtesy will be greatly appreciated.
-Lunette Hadley, Director
Alumni Catalogue Office
School of Music Assembly: By di-
rection of the Faculty, an assembly
for students and faculty of the School
of Music will be held in Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre Thursday, Jan. 14,
at 10:00 a.m. President A. G. Ruthven
will speak.
Classes in the School of Music will
be dismissed at this hour to enable
all students to attend. Students in
this School having classes at this hour
in the College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts or in the School of Edu-
cation will be excused upon applica-
tion to Dean Walter or Dean Edmon-
son. -Earl V. Moore, Director
Degree Program for Honors in Lib-
eral Arts: Students interested in en-
tering the Degree Program for Honors
in Liberal Arts in the spring term
should leave their names with Miss
Davis, Room 1208 Angell Hall, by
Saturday noon, Jan. 16.
Pre-dental Students: Arrangements
have been made to permit men eligi-
ble for admission to the Dental School
either in 1943 or 1944 to continue
their pre-dental studies without in-
terruption. All such pre-dental stu-
dents should go at once to the Office
of the Dental School and make an
appointment for an interview with
Dean R. W. Bunting.
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate for January 1943 are request-
ed to call at the office of the School
of Education either Thursday or Fri-
day, Jan. 14 or 15, between 1:30 and
4:30 p.m. to take the Teacher's Oath
which is a requirement for the cer-
German Departmental Library: All
books are due on Monday, Jan. 18.
Identification Cards: All students
reregistering for the Spring Term in
February will be asked to show their
Identification Cards at the time of
Registration. The presentation of this
card will save the time of both the
student and those in charge of regis-
tration procedure.
All Students: Registration for
Spring Term: Each student should
plan to register for himself during

the appointed hours. Registration by
proxy will not be accepted.
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar
Registration Material, College of
Architecture: Students should call
for spring term material at Room 4
University Hall at once. The College
of Architecture- will post an an-
nouncement in the near future giving
the time *of conferences with your
classifier. Please wait for this notice
before seeing your classifier.
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar
Registration Material: School of
Music, Schol of Education, School of
Public Health, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts. Students
should call for spring term registra-
tion materials at Room 4, University
Hall, as soon as possible. Please see
your adviser and secure all necessary
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar
Attention Graduating Engineers:
To those men who have paid their
class dues, caps and gowns will be
available to rent at the League Ball-
room (second floor) on Wednesday
and Thursday afternoons, Jan. 20 and
21, from 1:00 until 6:00 p.m.
The initial charge will be $3.00; a
refund of $2.00 will be made when
cap and gown are returned in good
order. All caps and gowns must be
returned to the League Ballroom im-
mediately after the graduation exer-
cises on January 23.
Students who plan to enter one of
the following professional schools:
Law, Business Administration, or For-
estry and Conservation at the begin-
ning of the summer term on the Com-
bined Curriculum must file an appli-
cation for this Curriculum in the Of-
fice of the Dean of the College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts, 1210
Angell Hall, on or before March 1,
1943. After this date applications will
be accepted only upon the presenta-
tion of a satisfactory excuse for the
delay and the payment of a fee of
The University Bureau of Appoin-
ments has received notice of the fol-
lowing United States Civil Service
Examinations. All are open until the
needs of the service have been met.
Radio Inspectors--$2,000 to $2,600 a
year. Junior Engineers (Men & Wo-
men)-$2,000 a year. (Women college
graduates with a degree in any field
may now qualify through the com-
pletion of a special short, tuition-free
war training course.) Engineers
(Chief, Head, Principal, Senior, Asso-
ciate, Assistant)-$2,600 to $8,000 a
year. Engineering Draftsmen-$1,440
to $2,600 a year.
The Air Safety Investigator Exam-
ination, ($3,800 a year) has been
opened, and applications will be ac-
cepted until needs of the service have
been met.
Further information may be had
from the notices which are on file in
the office of the Bureau of Appoint-
mentsn201 Mason Hall, office hours
9-12 and 2-4.
Mr. Philip Maher will be on campus
Thursday, Jan. 14, to interview Feb-
ruary women graduates for work in
the Radio Development Laboratory
of the Signal Corps in Detroit. The
unit maintains a training school of
its own, and therefore does not re-
quire a special background. All those
interested call Ext. 371 immediately.
-Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
201 Mason Hail
Office Hours 3-12 & 2-4

tive bedfellows to the vital Senate
Foreign Affairs Committee, the
group that will presumably handle
the World War II peace treaty
when and if it comes. He is Senator
James Davis of Pennsylvania who
was chosen over interventionist and
cooperationist Warren Austin of
Vermont, a choice which proved
how real the . isolationist threat
really is.
Fully realizing that the Foreign
Affairs Committee was the spear-
head of the drive that beat Wood-
row Wilson, the Republicans have
added an eighth man to the com-
mittee which is already laboring
under the strain of six of their bit-
terest isolationists. The only excep-
tion is Senator Wallace White of
Maine and even he can't be classi-
fied as more than a fence-sitter in
regard to foreign issues.
AS IF all this wasn't enough, far -
sighted advocates of a peace
built on world cooperation are
forced to the bitter realization that
our Constitution gives the Senate
power to ratify or reject treaties-
and that all the isolationist bloc
needs is the support of one-third of
the Senators to stop any treaty
which threatens to disturb their
blissful status quo.
All of which brings us to another
question. Is it only the status quo
the Senators want? Unfortunately
there are also signs to indicate that
a little retrogression would be even
more pleasing to them. Already
there are indications that the Re-
ciprocal Trade Agreement Act will
have to fight for its life.
Then we come to the meaning-
less harangues against "bureaucra-
cy." And here even Republicans like
Harrison Spangler, in his retreat
from the isolationist banner, can
pause to complain. Well, go ahead
Mr. Spangler but remember that
constructive criticism is the only
kind that is worthwhile. And we
have yet to find any in the bellows
against bureaucracy.
DESPITE the harmony that Sen-
ator McNary tells us was drip-
ping all around at the Republican
caucus, the fight is undeniably on,
and the stakes couldn't be any
higher. As Samuel Grafton has sug-
gested, the bitter opposition ex-
pected of the present Congress may
not materialize because of the ob-
scurantists and isolationists wish
to avoid a clear showdown for the
time being. But we can be sure that
they will continue to slip their men
into congressional posts of future
importance, that they will continue
harping on "Baruch parties," that
they will continue preparing the
way for the day that must not be
for members of the Americal Chemi-
cal Society will be held following the
Sigma Xi Lecture: Professor Mal-
colm H. Soule of the Bacteriology De-
partment will speak on the subject,
"Regent Observations on Infectious
Diseases in South America," before
the Michigan Chapter of the Society
of the Sigma Xi tonight at 8:00 in the
Amphitheatre of the Rackham Build-
ing. Members rmay bring guests.
French Lecture: Professor Marc
Denkinger of the Romance Language
Department will give the fourth of
the French Lectures sponsored by the
Cercle Francais entitled: "Quelques
Humoristes," today at 4:15 p.m., in
Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall.
Tickets for the series of lectures
may be procured from the Secretary
of the Department of Romance Lang-
uages (Room 112, Romance Language
Building) dr at the door at the time
of the lecture.
Open to the public.
La Sociedad Hispanica announces

the third lecture of its series: "Local
Life in Mexico City, Buenos Aires and
Rio de Janeiro" by Mr. Fred E. Benz
on Thursday, Jan. 14, at 4:15 p.m. in
Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. This
is a movie lecture in colors. Open to
the public by ticket.
Academic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet tonight at 7:30 in 319 West
Medical Building. "Fecal 'Fat'-Stea-
torrhea" will be discussed.
English Concentration: Week of
Jan. 11. New students should see Mor-
ris Greenhut, 3218 AH, WF, 5-6. Oth-
ers should confer with me, WF, 1:30-
4:00.--J. L. Davis
TNotice to Students Planning to Do
Directed Teaching: Students expect-
ing to do directed teaching the spring
term are requested to secure assign-
ments in Room 2442 U.E.S. today,
according to the following schedule:
9:00-Social studies
11:00 - 12:00 and 1:30 - 4:00-all
other school subjects.
No assignments will be made before
January 13. If the periods suggested
are inconvenient, a student may get

Africa, with a noise like a pistol shot.
Do you want a nolicv that would


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