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January 12, 1943 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-01-12

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Colder with Snow Flurr-ies






School for Student)
Nurses Announced

FDR Asks Congress for
109 Billions in 1943
War Appropriations Expected to Pass Easily;
Republicans Seek Cut in Non-War Outlays

Navy Announces Aircraft
Carrier Hornet Lost Near
Santa Cruz Islands Oct. 26

Basic Training Unit
for 75 to Be OpenedI
Here; Will Alleviate
Shortage of Nurses
Final negotiations are under way
to provide 75 student nurses from
Michigan hospitals with basic medical
science training in University facili-
ties, it was revealed last night.
The University and the Surgeon
General's Office of the U.S. Public
Health Service need settle only the
problem of finances before the con-
tracts will be signed. Prof. Marvin
Niehuss, head of the Division for
Emergency Training, said in disclos-
ing the negotiations that a major
portion of the funds will probably be
supplied by the Surgeon General's
The announcement is of special
significance in view of the critical
shortage of nurses.
To Be Housed in Dorms
It is expected that the trainees,
enrolling in the Division for Emer-
gency Training for courses beginning
Feb. 8, will be housed in one of the
women's dormitories.
Training in basic medical subjects
would be given the nurses by the
medical school. Regular faculty mem-
bers would give the instruction.
The specialized training will re-
place that usually given student nurs-
es in the hospitals. All courses are
required for any nursing course, but
the program is designed to take part
of the teaching load off the hospital
When training in the University is
completed student nurses will return
to their hospitals to complete instruc-
tional programs and floor work train-
ing. While enrolled in the Division
the trainees will not work in the Uni-
versity Hospital or enroll in the nurs-
ing school.
War Shortage Gives Impetus
Trainees would receive instruction
in anatomy and physiology, chemis-
try, micro-biology, sociology, physical
education and orientation to nursing.
Consideration of the program is
given impetus by the wartime short-
age of nurses, Prof. Niehuss said. He
said that training would be speeded
in the cooperating hospitals by the
new program.
Recruiting of the student nurses
will be under the direction of the
Michigan Council for War Service, 51
West Warren Ave., Detroit. Recruits
must meet entrance requirements of
hospital nursing schools and the Uni-
versity's entrance requirements.
New Band for
'Vanities' Show
Happy Joe Gentile
to Handle Program
"Victory Vanities," the IFC-Pan-
hel all-campus stunt show, yesterday
boosted their list of "added attrac-
tions" another notch when Bud Bur-
gess, IFC ticket hairman, announced
that Johnny Cavell and his 12-piece
orchestra - the same band that
played at the League New Year's Eve
-will provide the pre-show and in-
termission entertainment.
The other added attractions in-
clude not only Happy Joe Gentile
and Ralph Bingay who will act as
masters of ceremony, but also a spe-
cial 10-minute skit by members of
Mimes, campus honorary dramatic
The show will be held at 9 p.m.
Friday in Hill Auditorium, with all
proceeds going to the Bomber Schol-
arship Fund. Nine fraternity and
sorority finalists will at that time
present their "victory skits" in com-
petition for war bond prizes.
IFC-spokesman Bud Brown, '44E,
also announced yesterday that Mimes

members have at last disclosed the
nature of the skit which they claim
will "rock the campus." It will be,
Brown said, "Embarcation Eve," a
pseudo -dranu based on so-called true
stories of soldiers leaving for foreign
service. The act will be presented as
a special supplementary feature of
"Victory Vanities" and will not com-
pete with the fraternity and sorority
Jap Cruiser Reported
Sunk in South Pacific

Reds Announce
Large Gains in
New Offensive
Nazi-Held Cities Taken
in Caucasus Region
MOSCOW, Jan. 11.--.- (P)- Six
Caucasian cities along the road to
Rostov, including Georgievsk, Miner-
alyne Vody and Pyatigorsk have fal-
len to the Russians in their biggest
bag of t le winter offensive, the Sov-
iets announced late tonight in a spe-
cial communique.
The other important centers cap-
tured were Kislovodsk, 42 miles south-
west of Georgievsk; Zheleziovodsk,
nine miles southwest of Mineralyne
Vody; and Budennovsky, a railway
city. Three lesser points also were
Russians Advanced 112 Miles
The Red Army took these cities on
or near the Rostov-Baku railway by
swift encircling maneuvers which
forced the Germans to retreat hastily
to the northwest through Armavir
to ward Rostov. The North Caucasus
offensive isonly 18 days old but since
the Russians checked the Germans at
the suburbs of. Ordzonikidze, they
had advanced 112 miles.
Armavir itself, 170 miles southeast
of Rostov, was menaced by this Rus-
sian offensive and by the sweep across
the bleak Kalmyck steppes. Minera-
lyne Vodyy is 255 airline miles south-
east of Rostov; Georgievsk is 20 miles
farther. Pyatigorsk is 28 miles south-
west of Georgievsk.
Three Settlements Taken
Three other settlements, Achikulak,
Alexandryiskaya and Archangelskoye,
in the same general SPA region-
where the Germans had hoped to
spend the winter in comparative lux-
ury-also were announced as cap-
Lieut. Gen. Maslennikov emerged
as the new Russian hero leading the
currently most successful Russian of-
fensive. Just a year ago, he recap-
tured Kalinin in one of the major
battles that saved Moscow.
The first great fruits of Maslenni-
kov's drive were announced Jan. 3
with the capture of Mozdok on the
approaches to the Grozny oil fields.
Later, Red forces pushed through
Nalchik and Prokhladnenski.
60 Miles from Rostov
Abreast with the Caucasus gains,
the Russian Army on the Lower Don
stood within 60 miles of Rostov, the
fall of which would -trap all Nazi
troops in the south. The precipitate
withdrawal of the Germans suggested
that they were aware of this peril.
Georgievsk, Mineralyne Vody and
Pyatigorsk form an important tri-
angle in the center of the North Cau-
casus. Budennovsk is on the Kuma
River 60 miles northeast of Geor-
No New Statement
No statement on the case of As-
sociate Professors Christian F.
Wenger and Carl A. Dahstrom of
the engineering English depart-
ment was issued yesterday by
President Alexander G. Ruthven
The report of the University
senate advisory committee is still
before President Ruthven. A state-
ment on the professors relieved of
teaching duties on Dec. 30 may be
released later in the week, the
University news service said yes-

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11.- Presi-
dent Roosevelt told Congress today
of plans for spending $100,000,000,-
000 on fighting the war in the next
fiscal year-plus $9,000,000,000 to
go for other purposes-and recom-
mended $16,000,000,000 in new tax-
es or compulsory loans.
Submitting his annual budget
and budget message, the Chief Ex-
ecutive outlined a "national effort
of gigantic magnitude," reaching
all the way from American homes
and factories to far distant battle
"It reflects," he said, "the deter-
mination of civilians to 'pass the
Talking about the budget and
taxes at a press conference, Mr.
Roosevelt said one of his personal
objectives was a $25,000 limit after
the payment of taxes, on all in-
comes. Under executive regulations,
net salaries are now limited to
The colossal extent of the con-
templated expenditures brought a
collective gasp from Congress,
which quickly made two things
clear: first that all necessary war
appropriations will be quickly
forthcoming;and, second, that Re-
publicans and economy minded
Democrats will insist upon a fur-
ther reduction in non-war outlays.
Tax receipts will have to be in-
creased by $16,000,000,000 if they
are to cover half the war budget,
Mr. Roosevelt said,-raised from
$33,081,245,000, the estimated net
yield of the present law, to around
$49,000,000,000. He suggested (and
Congressional talk immediately
centered upon) increased outright
tax payments supplemented by
compulsory savings, taxes to be re-
funded to the taxpayer after the
close of the war.
In addition he urged that so far
as possible taxes be placed upon a
Argent ina Asks
Recall of Nazi
Naval Attache
Capt. Dietrich Niebuhr
Accused of Espionage
BUENOS AIRES, Jan. 11.-(')-
The Argentine government announ-
ced tonight that it had asked Ger-
many to recall Capt. Dietrich Nie-
buhr, German Embassy Naval At-
tache accused of espionage after an
investigation based on information
supplied by the United States.
The action followed the German
government's refusal to surrender
him to the jurisdiction of the Su-
preme Court for trial-a necessary
step because of diplomatic immuni-
ties enjoyed by Axis personnel here.
Opponents of President Ramon
Costillo's conservative government
were given new ammunition by this
development in their attempt to get
Castillo to break off diplomatic re-
lations with the Axis. While Argen-
tine-German relations were strained
by the spy investigation, there was no
indication that Castillo intended to
use the issue for any such step.
His government and that of Chile
are the only South American nations
at present maintaining relations with
the Axis. Chile has been reported
about to break with the Axis, but
even such a development as that will
not change the present "prudent neu-
trality" of this regime in the opinion
of competent observers.
To assure Niebuhr's return to Ber-
lin it would be necessary to obtain
safe conduct permits from the United
States and British governments.

"pay-as-you-go basis." He empha-
sized that in any event the tax pro-
gram would require wartime sacri-
fices, saying:
"Total war in a democracy is a
violent conflict in which everyone
must anticipate that both lives and
possessions will be assigned totheir
most effective use in the, common
effort-the effort for community
survival-national survival."
And later:
"We are at one in our desire
quickly to win this war and to avoid
passing on to future generations
more than their share of its sacri-
fices and burdens."
Reading clerks intoned the Presi-
dent's message to both houses
shortly after they met. In the Sen-
ate, there was a loud buzz of con-
versation meanwhile, senators wan-
dered in and out of the chamber.
The two party leaders, Senator
Barkley (Dem.-Ky.) and Senator
McNary (Rep.-Ore.) stood in the
middle of the center aisle, holding
an animated discussion.
Turn to Page 4, Col. 4
e -
Allied Planes
Hit Retreating
Axis Legions
French Desert Troops
Striking Northward
Reported Past Brach
NORTH AFRICA, Jan. 11.- (AP)-
American and British airmen operat-
ing in perfect synchronization are
beating at the Axis from Tripoli to
Tunisia, striking at Field Marshal
Rommel's lines in his westward re-
treat from Libya and keeping under
running attack the bases where he
might seek juncture with the Axis
Tunisian Army.
(A Fighting French communique
from Brig. Gen. Jacques Leclerc's
headquarters said the desert column
thrusting from Equatorial Africa into
Libya from the south and last re-
ported at Brach, only 350 miles south
of Tripoli, was making progress. The
communique said the Fighting French
were taking over military and admin-
istrative organization of this Fezzan
territory and had appointed Lieut.
Col. Pierre Delange as military gov-
Air Force Hits Gabes
In the latest 'of these assaults in
Tunisia, an American Air Foce
spokesman reported today that Amer-
ican bombers had assaulted Gabes,
now a main supply base for Rommel's
forces in western Libya, Kairouan,
the Axis traffic junction in inland
Tunisia, and the German military
camp of Kebili, 65 miles to the west
of Gabes.
Martin Maurauder bombers hit the
railroad yards and oil tanks at Gabes
while Bostons pounded Kebili and
Mitchell bombers attacked the rail-
road junction just north of the Port
of Hammamet, 40 miles to the south-
east of Tunis.
Two Craft Lost
Over Gabes Axis anti-aircraft fire
was heavy and the raiding -force also
was attacked by German planes, one
of which was destroyed and another
damaged. Two American craft were
The Gabes raid nevertheless was
"highly successful," the spokesman
declared. The Kebili camp was left
These attacks followed raids by
Maurauders on an Axis airdrome only
10 miles west of Tripoli, in which
hangars and other targets were
squarely hit and three German fight-
ers were damaged without Allied loss.

(The British Middle East Com-
mand in Cairo announced that "tar-
gets around Tripoli" had been hit and
Axis transport attacked along the
coastal roads of both Tunisia and
Tripolitania, westernmost Libya.
Allies Formally Give Up
Ancient Rights in China
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11.-(P)-The
United States and Great Britain, in
identical treaties signed today in
Washington and Chungking, for-
mally relinquished their extraterri-
torial rights and privileges in China.
In effect, the Anglo-American
move applies to China what Secre-
tarv of State Hull has called. "the


Irked by Flynn
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11.- (A)-
President Roosevelt's nomination of
Edward J. Flynn, retiring Democratic
National Chairman, as Minister to
Australia, touched off the first real
fireworks of the new Congress today.
Senator Bridges (Rep.-N.H.) took
the Senate floor shortly after the
appointment was announced to term
it an "insult" to the people of Aus-
tralia. Democratic leaders nonethe-
less expressed confidence the nomina-
tion would be confirmed.
Calls Charges 'Baseless'
Flynn himself wrote the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee asking
that "a full and complete hearing"
be held on any charges that might
be raised against him. He added in a
statement that he welcomed an op-
portunity for the committee to bring
into the open "baseless charges" that
he had used New York City materials
and labor to pave the courtyard of
his estate.
In addition to the post of Minister
to Australia, Mr. Roosevelt named
Flynn as his personal representative
with the rank -of ambassador in the
southwest Pacific area. He will, how-
ever, receive only a minister's pay,
$10,000 a year, instead of the $17,500
salary paid to an ambassador.
Other Nominations Sent
The nomination, which the Demo-
cratic chieftain revealed in a prece-
dent - shattering announcement in
New York last Friday, was one of a
number sent to the Senate today. The
President named Judge Wiley Blount
Rutledge, Jr., of the Court of Appeals
for the District of Columbia to be an
Associate Justice of the Supreme
Court; former Senator Prentiss M.
Brown of Michigan to be Price Ad-
ministrator succeeding Leon Hender-
son, and former Senator Josh Lee of
Oklahoma to membership on the Civil
Aeronautics Board. All are Democrats.
Brown and Lee were defeated in the

Names, Commanders of Three Cruisers,
Seven Destroyers Lost Are Announced

WASHINGTON, Jan. 11.-(I)-The Navy announced tonight that the
20,000-ton Hornet was the American aircraft carrier sunk in the battle of
the Santa Cruz Islands last Oct. 26, and identified at the same time three
cruisers and seven destroyers which had heretofore been reported sunk but
not identified.
In the battles in which these American ships were sunk, the Japanese
lost 37 vessels sunk and 18 damaged.
The Navy announcement of the loss of the Hornet was made in a
communique which said that the names of that and the other ships had
been withheld "for reasons of military security and to avoid causing need-

FDR Selects
Senator Brown
to Head OPA
Picks Wiley Rutledge
for Supreme Court
to Replace Byrnes
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11. - (W) -
President Roosevelt sent to the Sen-
ate today the nominations of Wiley B.
Rutledge, associate justice of the
United Stites Court of Appeals for
the District of Columbia, to be an
associate justice of the Supreme
Court, and of Prentiss M. Brown, for-
mer Michigan Senator, to be Pricer
Administrator. Josh Lee, former Sen-
ator from Oklahoma, was nominated
to membership on the Civil Aeronau-
tics Board.
Brown will replace Leon Hender-
son, who announced several weeks
ago he was resigning because of a
back ailment and poor eyesight. Hen-
derson agreed to serve until his suc-
cessor could take over.
Rutledge Is Liberal
Brown, a former House member
from Michigan before going to the
Senate, was defeated for reelection
in November, as was Lee.
Justice Rutledge, 48, of the District
of Columbia Court of Appeals, is a
Westerner who takes a liberal view
of the Constitutional provision that
"Congress shall have power to .
provide for the ... general welfare."
He will succeed James F. Byrnes.
Thus President Roosevelt made his
eighth appointment to 'the court,
more than any President since Wash-
ington, but his first from the lower
bench. Justices Reed, Jackson and
Murphy came from the Justice De-
partment, Justices Black and Byrnes
from the Senate, Justice Douglas
from the Securities Commission and
Justice Frankfurter from the Har-
vard Law School.
Speedy Confirmation Expected
Rutledge's appointment was fav-
orably received in the Senate and
speedy confirmation was indicated.
Senator Gillette (Dem.-Ia.) com-
mented that the appointment "rec-
ognizes a man coming from west of
the Mississippi River, a section that
has been neglected in court appoint-
ments in the recent past."
A legal resident of Iowa, Rutledge
was born in Kentucky and has lived
in, Tennessee, Wisconsin, Indiana,
New Mexico, Colorado and Missouri.
Arraigned yesterday on a charge
of negligent homicide in the death
of Carl Hudkins, of Stockbridge, Ber-
nard B. Balch of Dexter was released
on $2000 bond and will at his own
demand be examined before Justice
Court Judge Jay Payne on Jan. 19.

November elections.
Flynn would succeed Nelson,
son, who is retiring from the
matic service.


less anxiety on the part of relatives
and friends of the personnel who sur-
vived these actions."
"Reports of casualties have since
been received, and the next of kin of
all personnel killed, wounded or miss-
ing in these actions have now been
Battle Costly for Japs
The Navy said that Rear Admiral
Charles P. Mason of Pensacola, Fla.,
was commander of the Hornet and
that he is safe. The battle in which
the Hornet was lost was a costly one
for the Japanese. The only other
American ship lost in the action was
the destroyer Porter. The Japanese,
on the otherhand, suffe'red two air-
craft carriers heavily damaged, a bat-
tleship damaged, and damage also
to five cruisers.
The name of the Porter had pre-
viously been disclosed and no refer-
ence was made to that ship in to-
night's communique.
The cruisers Juneau and Atlanta,
which were practically new ships,
having been commissioned in 1942
and 1941, respectively, were lost dur-
ing the great mid-November battle
of Guadalcanal in which the Japa-
nese were defeated with extremely
heavy losses in their greatest attempt
to reconquer the strategic island from
which the battle takes its name.
The seven destroyers also were lost
in that furious night engagement.
Northhampton Sunk
The Northhampton was sunk by
enemy action during an engagement
north of Guadalcanal on the night of
Nov. 30-Dec. 1. Some other American
ships were damaged, but the North-
hampton was the only one reported
sunk. The Japanese lost in that en-
gagement two large destroyers or
cruisers, four destroyers, two troop
transports and one cargo shipi-all
The loss of the Hornet reduces the
group of seven aircraft carriers with
which the United States started the
war on Dec. 7, 1941, to three ships
still afloat.
Sea Services
1o Draft Soon
Married Men Will Be
Called for State Quota
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11,-- ()-
War Manpower Commissioner Paul
V. McNutt said today thatfdrafting of
men for the Navy, Marines and Coast
Guard would begin "by the end of
February, certainly."
One reason for delay, he told a
press conference, was difficulty en-
countered in drafting uniform physi-
cal standards.
Meanwhile the three sea services
will continue to fill their requirements
with men who volunteer for induction
with permission of their draft boards.
* * *
LANSING, Jan. 11.- (P)- Orders
went out to local draft boards today
to start at once drafting married men
who have no children, as it becomes
necessary to meet state selective ser-
vice quotas.
In the past, only single men and
those married "in the face of immi-
nent induction" were eligible for the
The State Selective Service Head-
quarters, in announcing the new di-
rective, said Michigan has fallen more,
than 30,000 short of Army quotas in
recent months. It added that neigh-
boring states are inducting married
The order to the draft boards said:
"to fill each call, you will first com-
pletely exhaust all single registrants
classified in class 1-A. Having ex-
hausted all single men, you then will
in order number sequence induct
enough married men with wives only

.All-Girl .Band
to Meet Today
Potential members of Michigan's
first All-Girl Band will have their
initial meeting, 5 p.m. today in Morris
All girls who have musical experi-
ence, especially on the cornet, trom-
bone, baritone, tuba and percussion
instruments are invited to attend.
William D. Revelli, conductor of the
Michigan band, says that girls desir-
ing to play in the organization and
who have had musical training will be
given instruction in wind instruments.
More than 35 feminine musicians
have indicated an interest in playing
in the concert band.
Prof. L. A. Baier of the Marine en-
gineering department will speak at
the annual banquet of the American
Institute of Electrical Engineers at
at 6 p.m. today in the League. Offi-
cers for the organization, will be
elected at this meeting.

Brumm Hits Liberal Education
in Speech to Profs' Association

R. Spencer Bishop Is Appointed,
'U' Regent by Governor Kelly

John L. Bruimm of the journalism
department scored a liberal education
that has been "subservient to the
status quo" last night in an address
before the American Association of
University Professors at the Union.
"American liberal education today
is bedeviled by confusion of aims and
standards," he told the Association
which was meeting to discuss the
course of future education.
Not until it "identifies learning with
doing and extends its opportunities
well beyond adolescence into the

progressive nations of the world" the
Professor believes is in no small part
responsible for the present disaster
threatening our civilization.
The task of a responsible liberal
education, he postulated, will be in-
culcating a high moral purpose. His
hope for the future is "enlightened
minds working together, over a long
period of time, venturing cautiously
but courageously, testing, experi-
menting, employing the resources of
schools and colleges and adult dis-
cussion groups."

LANSING, Jan. 11.- (,')- R. Spen-
cer Bishop, of Flint, was appointed by
Governor Kelly today to be Regent
of the University of Michigan suc-
ceeding Mrs. Esther Marsh Cram, of
Highland Park, who resigned because
of illness.
Bishop will serve until the unex-
pired term of Mrs. Cram is filled by
election in April. The term ends Dec.
31, 1943.
The new Regent graduated from
the College of Literature Science and

Genesee County Savings Bank of
which he is a vice-president, director
and chairman of the executive com-
mittee. He is a vice-president and
director of the Flint Mortgage Com-
pany, vice-president of the Summer-
field Chevrolet Company and presi-
dent of the Algoe-Gundry Company.
Bishop has been active in com-
munity affairs in his home city of
Flint and is president of the Flint
Community Association. He has been
active in supporting the YMCA, Boy
and Girl Seouts: the Ralvatinn Armv.



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