TIH[ MICHIGAN DAILY * THE MICHIGAN DAILY SERVICE ED VOL. 1. No.18 ANN ARBOR, MICliiGAN tories to six agaist fIe Conference champions. BIG TEN 145 - pound champion Manley Johnson was named wrestling team captain Wednesday night . .. Successor to Bill Court- right, Johnson was a sur- prise producer for Michi- gan wrestling fans in Marcn, 1942, when he walked through the 145- pound class qualifying rounds in the Big Ten meet and went on to win Michi- gan's only title. .. John- son transferred to Michi- gan from Oklahoma A&M in 1941, after two years with that squad . .. He was beaten out for the National Collegiat e championship last year by a high school teammate, Buddy Arndt of Oklahoma A&M. EVEN PEM is feeling the shortage of males these d ays, according to a cur- rent report from coed Ed- na Scott, '46, who Friday received notification that she had been overcutting the course . . .Baffled, but game, Miss Scott at -last report made plans to at- tend. FRITZ CRISLER? re~- turned to campus from Washington Thursday with a warning for University men that anyone getting any E's for the current semester is likely to forfeit chances for selection as an officer candidate when called for induction ... Crisler conferred with War Manpower Commissioner McNutt and high Army and Navy officials, and im- plied upon his return that enrollment in the literary college would be decreased by 50 percent next semes- ter. WILLOW RUN'S bomber plant workers are set to get a grand-scale housing project, to be completed in six months, through recent action of the FH . . 2,500 housing units will be con- structed in the area, equip- ped with schools, shopping and recreational facilities ...Two contracts of two million and five million dollars were signed this week . . .Also a 3,000-per- son dormitory will be open to bomber plant workers Jan. 27, according to a re- port from the Detroit H-ousing Commission,. DISPELLING RUMORS that recent Army - Navy plans for use of university facilities will curtail activ- ities of the liberal arts school, Dean L. S. Wood- burne said Tuesday that "changes in the college during the coming semes- ters will be not nearly as extensive as some have led us to believe." . . . Accord- ing to the Dean, arrange- ments are being made to revise college and depart- ment organizations so that the most complete liberal arts program possible will be available to women and men who are not liable for call to military service ... Important addition to the curriculum will be the ex- pansion of courses design- ed to train women for en- trance into WAAC and WAVE groups and for work in industry, business and public and social service. IFC - Panhel's "Victory Vanities," all-campus stunt show, will bring CKLW's Happy Joe Gentile and his aide, Ralph Bingay to the ITIO N ceremony . . . TI' i'' Omtr- nity and sororiLy finalists! will Present skits for judg~ D ment before an estimahe ~ ~r' audience of 3,000 ry Mimes, campus dnrima so- d ciety, xwiii also preenm L a mPcre 10-minute ske' ' in phwe tr of their usual Union Opera., Eo abandoned this year forea reasons of war economy ... All funds raised wi]1 be d cienc presented to the Bomber 1,000 Scholarship Fund which a dol was swelled last week by " $1,500, gate receipts of New Irt Year's Eve's '42 Fiae. j 'cd FINGERPRTNTING~ of " more than 2,000 students ac was accom'plishri ,*y mm MaTn1 hers of Aipha' Phi Omnma, af national serviee 1 fmr'11ltt for t in a three-day dr'iv( 2b.'k( next by the FBI andi (o1 nolim ar a ...Boothed in te Enni Th neering Arch and Univer -i wk sity Hall, fraternity m' m- las bers nmade finger iprs -~ ye sions for FBI civilian flies Itamn from Wedinesd ay thr~ougnh large Friday . . .Five Ithoundi "A students were recorded in train a similar campa'gn two whici years ago. necti Y~A Requests . By The Associated Press ~TROIT, Jan. 9.- Director Aub- Williams of the National Youth inistration, whose pleas for an ased appropriation evoked a m. in the Joint Congressional omy Committee's Washington .ns yesterday told a Detroit sy ,au- ~e today the NYA could turn out skilled war workers a day with Led budget. tar production is the crux of ev- ing to win the war," Williams a meeting of NYA officials. ~e will have enough soldiers, but rding to estimates of the War power Commission two and a million persons must be trained he home front in war plants by December by means other than ivailable now." e NYA is now placing 500 trained er's in war industry daily, Wil- said, but to quadruple the num- ould require the removal of cer- existing restrictions, as well as a r appropriation. t present the law permits NYA ees a pay of 17 cents per hour, h is insufficient to attract pros- ye war workers," he declared. High 1ighis Two organists will appear this month in the Wednesday afternoon organ recital series which are held in Hill Auditorium under the direction of the University School of Music. Prof. Palmer Christian, University organist, will play on Jan. 13, at which time he will have the assistance of Nancy Plummer Faxon who was prevented by illness from her an- nounced appearance on the program of Dec. 16. -E. Power Biggs of Boston will make his first appearance as guest organist in Ann Arbor on Jan. 20. A gradurate student frwn Haiti, Adrian Roy, will give a talk on Hai- ti in the French Club meeting at 8 p.m. Tuesday at the League. A one- act play entitled "Gros Chagrins" will be presented by Marion and Hazel Batchelor, and the program will be concluded with singing and conversation A series of four lectures, an inter- faith symposium discussing religion and post-war issues, and a group of eight forums on social and religious problems will be the program of the Fourth Annual Michigan Pastors' Conference opening here Monday, Jan. 18. Michigan Motorists Warned DThOI Ja.ii m d ward T. Broadweli, sta te gasoline ra- tion officer, today warned Michigsan motorists to stop "driving as usual," and urged budgeting of gasoline al- lowances. He added that there is little probability of driving being curtailed as sharply here as in the East. Drastic measures now in force in the 17-state eastern oil shortage area prohibit all pleasure driving. Yester- day taxicab drivers in the East were called upon by Joseph B. Eastman, director of defense transportation, to halt use of their cabs for pleasure. S of the fuel ojih ge pub lie schools in New Yark City have b1een ordered closed for a week, start- ing Feb. 1, and many non-defense industries are planning a five day work week.- Broadwell blamed the holiday sea- son and the newness of the ration program in Michigan as the reason so many motorists already have ex- hausted their first allotments of gaso- line. "We have reason to believe, Broadwell stated, that many who ap- plied for B and C books on an occu- pational basis have been using gas for all around purposes." I - 1 SENIORS Gra dua t ing Ja nua ry 23 Orde rs Now for Place your Scotty Your Boys Ask You No o Leave Allies Down '77 Jap Planes (Co"tin"ed from Page 1) * (Continued from Page 1) board. And when the boys come up for a hot shower, they all stop to glance at them. . One might ask him for a towel and maybe say he . doesn't agree with a certain poem 6nthe bulei bard. Scotty will first tell him he's cock- eyed and proceed to prove it as qeuick Yesterday Scotty thought they did- n't want him around any more--but he was mistaken. He' thought tl"(y were going to ask him to quit. "I sold my Scotch bir-rthr-right in the Ar- rmy to come her-re," he was saying', "and wher-re does it get me?" The students all sympathized and steps were taken to find out why Scotty was going to leave. It was dis- covered that he had not been asked to quit, he had only been asked to take on an additional duty. Yesterday afternoon Scotty was still handing out towels and com- plaining about the life "you Amer- ricans live here." And all those Americans who know him agree that he ought to go on criticizing their way of life in the locker-room because he enjoys the freedom of speech more than anybody they know. . . For-r all pur-rposes, 'twould be an agr-reeable situation all ar-round, mon. yesterday, Allied bombers destroyed four fighters and damaged a bomber and six Zeros on the Lae airfield. Meanwhile that the Japanese have strengthened their bases in the Solo- mons area despite day-by-day attack from American planes was indicated today in a Navy communique which related that two United States air- craft were lost in a raid which set afire enemy installations at Rekata Bay aThe attack on this base on Santa Isabel Island about 135 miles from Guadalcanal, was carried out Thurs- day (East Longitude Time) by two- engined Maurauder medium bombers which had an escort of Airacobra They ran into heavy anti-aircraft fire which brought down the two planes lost. Apparently the American planes also were attacked by Japa- nese aircraft, for the communique re- ported two enemy float type planes were damaged. Four-engined Flying Fortresses, at- tacking Bougainville Island, 300 miles northwest of Guadalcanal, on the same day were challenged by 12 Japa-. nese Zero fighters. Two of the Japs were shot down and no United States planes-"were lost. The communique also reported that four-engined Liberator bombers had dropped bombs on enemy positions at Kiska in the Aleutians, but that re- sults were not observed. Ready for Priniuing The new issue of OiGanIe. M'h'hi- gan's all-campus magazing " l" go to press the first of next wek ia nd be on campus about Januar'y :C, 'n- nounced Editor Olga Gruhait Loday. Picturesspof the "42 Fin 1n a photo feature, with many tna s and cartoons scattered 'mo I u ~ the rest of the magazine. Results of the camps; "'' y nili will be found in this mnonrh -Amm of Beauty"--pictures of four M ui- gan coeds chosen by studen' Campus life is the theme u this issue, and short stories, srti'lcs car- toons and poems will inter'nret all phases of Michigan activities. Sunday at th W olverine 209 SOUTH STATE Relish: Olives, Pickles, Celery Hearts, Stuffed Olives Chicken Noodle Soup ROAST CH ICKEN 'ith Sag Dresn BE EF TENDE RLOIN STEAK and French Fries F Salad: Head Lettuce, French Dressing Vegetable: Fresh Peas and Carrots, Beans D essert: Ice Cream Coffee, Milk, Tea L OF F IC IAL G RA DUAT ION AN NOU NCEMENTS State Street at North University ____ q U. S.Amnnucmn t~t~bNaW 6~t ~e2 S~#kOt ELLEN KAYE'S HEART THROB! WAAC learning line testing Crisp white pique edged in double rick- rack fans out of the adorable dickey and piece black or navy drese that fits like a dream. A rayon sheer that's deliberately fem- inine. ... made to thrill juniors from 9 to 15. nI 9S WAAC Dratmanj WA A C PAAC aboratory ecniciczzx I A s. irector L . Co lnel 291 on y . I Field Director i'Major 250.00 1 I 1st Officer Captain 200.00 1 I 2nd Officer 1st Lieutenant 166167 1 1 3rd Officer 2nid Lieutenant 150.00 I Enrolled Mernbers I Chief Leader "aster Sergeant $138.00I 1st Leader First Sergeant 138.00 I I Tech. Leader Tech. Sergeant 114.00 I I .#f I n. - - en Qa I YOUlR Army has scores of jobs in the WAAC for You will receive valuable training which may obs that will train you for interesting nw caeer opening to women, and ful cArmy pa whilae in the post-war world. And here is good news doing so. And by joining now you will have indeed -you mayaenrl owi the fast-growig excellent chances for quick advancement for, as school year ends. Then you will be subject to needed. Every member-regardless of race, color call for duty with this splendid women's corps or creed-has equal opportunity and is encour- and be launched upon an adventure such as no aged to compete for selection to Officer Candidate previous generation has known. School. If qualified, you may obtain a commissiou New horizons .. . new places and people . .. in 12 weeks after beginning basic training. interesting, practical experience with good pay Go to your WAAC Faculty Adviser for further . .. and, above all, a real opportunity to help information on the list of openings, pay, and -,,,. ult,;.a iaaimto. 4 ;-.... ,4. promotions. Or inquire at any U. S. Army A'%J d~ W "W ~'W' - ra 3