THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session, Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, am second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.25, by mal $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 REPRESENTED FOR NATI')N. ADVSR.I3ING Y National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MAoisoN AvE. New YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON * LOS ASiGELES . SAN FRANCISCO Editorial Staff romer Swander . . . . Managing Editor Morton Mints . . . - Editorial Director Will Sapp . . - . . . - City Editor George W. Salad . . . . . Associate Editor abarles Thatcher . . . . . Associate Editor Bernard Hendel . Sports Editor Barbara de~F ries Women's Editor Myron Danad. . . Associate Sports Editor Business Staff Odward J. Perlberg . . . Business Manager erred M. Ginsberg Associate Business Manager (ary Lou Curran . Women's Business Manager sane Lindberg . . Women's Advertising Manager sames Daniels . . . Publications Sales Analyst Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: PAUL HARSHA Closing in 'e .' ,, ME;7 . Af . By DREW PEARSON Editorials published in The Michgan Dail ore written by members of The Daily staff ' and represent the views of the writers only.' I:-ChagTme.n. 7HEORISTS'?: Oil Rationing Criticism Not Founded On Facts THOSE who criticize the Administration just for the sake of criticizing the Administration, never seem to know when to stop. It appears a rule of the game for members of the disloyal opposition to take pot shots at the Administration whenever a new program is an- uounced by a government agency. Now they're wailing about the "complexity" of fuel oil rationing, and, in typical fashion, blaming it on the New Deal "theorists." UT LET'S LISTEN to a man who ought to know-Robert Gray,, business manager of the trade journal "Fuel Oil and Oil Heat," who says that the program is the simplest and fairest possible under the circumstances. He explains further that ". .. the plan was not developed, as often asserted, by New Deal theorists; it was evolved, lock, stock and barrel, by heating engineers, ful oil and oil burner men, called into consultation by the OPA." It would be refreshing to see Administration plans criticized solely on the basis of their own flaws, and not merely because they are govern- ment measures. -Robert Preiskel WAR TIME-: Proposed Change Would Cause Inconvenience THE MICHIGAN-OHIO CONTROVERSY over the adoption of a return to Eastern Standard Time in place of War Time has developed into a veritable battle between the truculent state legis- latures and Washington officials. At present, the outcome is at a draw. If Michigan and Ohio are determined to set back their clocks, WPB authorities have hinted that they are just as de- termined that war-munitions arsenals such as Detroit and Pontiac shall stay with their clocks as they are. Such opposing actions on the parts of the state and federal governments are entirely un- necessary. An hour's difference of time in the states' rural and industrial districts would cause too much confusion to warant the change, since expediency of the measure is definitely on the side of the federal government. Although com- plete reports have not been compiled on the money-saving effects of the War Time on the power plants, partial investigations have indi- cated that the fiscal advantages of War Time more than make up for the inconveniences. If the Nation's all-out war effort is to be suc- cessful, there must be undivided cooperation be- tween the state governments and Washington. If this means that Michigan and Ohio residents must continue rising before sunrise, it is not too much to ask. -Claire Sherman Ionilnie Says IT WAS DESCARTES who assumed not God as the given consideration, but God, matter, and mind. He assumed three basic substances, not one. Whitehead in his masterful little volume on "Religion in the Making" leads us to believe that Hobbs created his non-spiritual system by drop- ping God and mind but retaining matter. As all are aware, Berkeley retained only God and drop- ped both matter and mind. These ways to begin a theory of existence are not the only ones, how- ever. There would still remain the possible case of retaining God as reality and assuming the temporal world to be an appearance, forming an attribute of God. THE QUESTION which all religious or philo- sophical persons must continuously ask ob- trudes itself; namely, how does Being create the temporal? If we think of being or God or the sufficient substance as ground and the events of the world as figures made against 'that ground, we may begin to understand, or at least get a picture of the problem. The problem, then, is that of "the fusion of being with non-being," as Aristotle pointed out. Granted that God exists, we have on our hands the question of how life begins and continues and what formulations may result. But the chief inquiry for religion is not about creation, much less about a picture or be- havior which the psychologist talks about, but' the nature of the universe. Religion arises from the principle that "there is a wisdom in the nature of things from which flow our direction of practice and the possibility of an analysis of fact." Thus commerce, art, education and even research of the scientific type are made possible by the basic reality. Religion experiences that reality Rs the object of man's worship. RELIGIOUS INSIGHT, says Whitehead, is the grasp of this truth: "That the order of the world, the depth of reality of the world, the na- ture of its whole and its parts, the beauty of the world, the zest for life, the life's peace and the mastery of evil are all bound together-not acci- dentally, but by reason of one truth; namely, that th universe exhibits a creativity. The power by which God sustains the world is the power of Himself as the ideal." This places God, as many students of normative psychology have learned to view Him, not behind us and inert inthe cas- ual past, but ahead. He is the dynamic life of our world. He is the goal not only of your striv- ing and mine, but the harmony out of which spring all true understanding. "God," says Whitehead, "is that function in the world =by reason of which our purposes are directed to ends." -Edward W. Blakeman Counselor in Religious Education I'd Rather BeRight_ - By SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK-The hardest lesson the world has had to learn is that if you shoot a German correctly with a gun, he falls over dead. This phenomenal discovery was made by the Russians, and has been the basis of all their strategy. As the new year dawns (the year in which a number of Americans are going to turn from reading about Nazis to meeting them, face to face) we ought to see whether we cannot make more discoveries along this line. For instance, the Nazi, or the German, some- times steals metal from piles of scrap accumu- lated in public collections. We know this is so, because a recent law punishes such thefts with death, and if it happened rarely, or seldom, so savage a punishment would hardly have been required. Sometimes He Steals O, THE GERMAN sometimes steals metal from his country, and he also falls over dead when he is shot. We are making some progress in demolishing that myth of Germany as the invincible, super-perfect "national community," in which nothing is ever out of' order, and to whose citizens ordinary human frailties do not apply. We know, from such works as "This Is the Enemy," by Frederick Oechsner, and others, that there was a 'flourishing black market in Berlin, in 1942, in which coffee, tea, poultry, and cloth- ing could be obtained, and that it became so extensive Mr. Goebbels had to trot his tired old death penalty out once more. Where is our invincible superman, and his trouble-free super-state, now? The Ger- man dies if he is shot, he steals metal from public collection heaps, and he withholds commodties from the national war economy. (I will not go into a mysterious crime, un- known to America, called "highway robbery by means of automobile traps," which has popped up in Germany, and is punishable, you guessed it, by death. Mr. William Ebenstein cites this in a forthcoming book, "The Nazi State.") What about the manpower situation? Oechs- ner, et al., cite for our attention the fact that German papers, in 1942, still ran hundreds of "Help Wanted" ads, asking for tool-and-die makers, engineers, etc., etc. Can it be possible that in the super-state there are still skilled workers floating around, shopping for jobs, and that they haven't got things organized better than that? That's Berlin for You E LEARN from the same book that Hitler made a huge mistake before the war in al- lowing his railroads to run down, and betting on new automobile roads to handle his war transport. That was all right for short cam- paigns, but the Russian war has exhausted motor fuel supplies, and the staggering, worn-out Ger- man railroads are now in such shape that the Swiss have had to refuse transit to German box cars with empty grease boxes, because they break down in the tunnels, with hell to pay. What kind of a silly administration is that, one asks to know, which spends the public's money building a lot of no-good bare because isolationist Congressmen want their field day? The Republican Party will gain little by such an attack, but the life-or-death battle WASHINGTON-It looks as if the job of aiding small business, facing a serious crisis as a result of the war, again were going up the flue. After the WPB had spent months of talking about aiding small business, but doing little, Congress established the Small War Plants Corporation and gave it $150,000,000 solely to assist little business in getting war contracts. But today a turbulent battle royal is raging behind-the-scenes in the Small War Plants Cor- poration. There has been no official an- nouncement, but William S. Ship- ley, Small War Plants vice-chair- man, has resigned effective Jan. 10, in protest against the agency's do- nothing policies. In a letter to Chairman- Lou Holland, Shipley stated .that his company, a York, Pa., ice machinery firm, wanted him back. However, this was only the official reason for his resig- nation. Meanwhile, Holland and WPB czar Donald Nelson have been moving heaven and earth to get rid of two other dissatisfied SWPC members, James T. How- ington, Louisville, Ky., manufac- turer, and Albert M. Carter, Mur- physboro, Ill., banker, who have been threatening to take their case to' Capitol Hill unless Hol- land quits stalling and begins to show results. So far the results have been virtually nil. Under the law passed by Congress, the SWPC is sup- posed to parcel out prime war con- tracts in the form of subcontracts to little business. However, not a single prime contract has been handled by the agency since or- ganized in July. About $37,000,000-a mere drib- ble of the billions being spent for war production-have been award- ed in sub-contracts to smaller firms, but a good part, if not most, of this was obtained by the firms on their own initiative and with no help from Holland. Nelson's Stooge Lou Holland had done a fine job in private business before he took this job. But his inactivity and stooging for Nelson have touched off some furious fireworks at board meetings. At one there was a hot blowup when the SWPC chairman admittedtodHowington and Carter that he had an "agreement" with Nelson to let the WPB'sSmaller War Plants Division-an entirely separate organization-handle all sub-contract negotiations with the War and Navy Departments. "I'd like to know what we're here for," Carter shot back an- grily. "Unless we begin to func- tion on the basis Congress in- tended, and get some help for little business, we might as well all pack up and leave." That, apparently, is what Nelson wants Carter and Howington to do. They have become such a nuisance because of their interest in little business, that the WPB boss has been secretly planning with Hol- land to get rid of them. In fact Nel- son already has selected two suc- cessors, George Troendle, a Cleve- land efficiency expert, and John A. Moseley, Dallas hotel operator. However, Howington and Carter have no intentions of stepping aside. Unlike Shipley, who had enough, the two SWPC members are preparing for a fight to the roads, and forgets to arrange to fill the grease-boxes on the freight cars? I understand, also, that the Ger- man business man has to fill out so many questionnaires to get supplies it drives him crazy, with the added refinement that he has to pay a tax each step of the way, so that the taxes sometimes total 90 per cent of the value of the goods. And I hear that Germans are so fearful of inflation that they will buy anything, to get rid of money, and you can sell an old bathtub in Berlin, or an ancient pair of drawers, or any-; thing else, in seven seconds flat. The Man Who Wasn't There ] don't claim that I have brought the Nazi-German accurately into focus when I picture him as a specimen who can't survive a bul- let, who sometimes steals from collections of scrap metal, who hoards commodities and deals in them on the black market, who is often shrouded in red tape, and who did not have sense enough to build himself some freight cars when he had the time. He holds up auto- mobiles, too. But the picture is at least as ac- curate as the myth Goebbels has so successfully sold us, of the Ger- man as an uncomplicated, law- abiding, perfectly efficient, indom- itable, above-comforts, Viking type finish. If Congress backs them up, as some insiders think, it may be Mr. Holland who will get out. Note: The New Deal, which started as the great friend of the! underdog, has now concentrated more lush orders in the handsj of about ten percent of industry than ever has been received by big business in the history of the nation. The war orders were largely placed by non-New Deal- ers in the Army and Navy, among them Republican Under- secretary of War Patterson and former Wall Street banker Un- dersecretary of the Navy, Forres- tal. But the New Deal gets the blame. Goering's Nude Ladies The death of Sir Neville Hender- son revives memories in the mind of British Ambassador Lord Hali- fax. Halifax, then British Foreign Minister, used to both frown and smile at Henderson's reports from Berlin. Unforgettable was his descrip- tion of an interview with Goering at the time of tension over Dan- zig. After Goering had stormed about in protest, the conversa- tion turned to more personal matters. Here is the actual lan- guage of Henderson's cable: "Though I was in a hurry, he insisted on showing me, with much pride, the great structural altera- tions which he ws making in his house at Karinhall and which in- clude a new dining room to hold an incredible number of guests and to be all marble and hung with tapes- tries. "He also produced with pride some drawings of tapestries, mostly representing naked ladies and la- beled with the names of the vari- ous virtues, such as Goodness, Mercy, and Purity. "I told him that they looked at least pacific, but that I failed to see Patience among them." The General's Two Wives There was much more than meets the eye behind the departure of Gen. Hsiung Shih-fei, head of the Chinese Military Mission to Washington. It had its intriguing personal side, but also it went deep into the vitals of our most diffi- cult war problem. On the personal side, it hap- pened that General Hsiung had two wives, which in China is a criterion of power and prestige. But it also happened that Mad- ame Chiang Kai-shek, educated in the United States, does not approve of two wives. When in China, Madame Chiang does not interfere with the military appointments of her husband. But in the United States, General Hsi- ung is reported to believe that the situation might have been other- wise, and that the USA, big as it is, might have been too small for both of them. Madame Chiang's approaching convalescence at the hospital, therefore, was reported to have been one reason for the General's departure. Hitler or Japan? Another factor, however, goes much deeper and is one reason be- hind reports that Gen. Joseph Stil- well may return as head of the U.S. military mission to China. This factor is the Chinese ar- gument that Japan is a greater enemy than Hitler, coupled with the fear that after we have de- feated Hitler, we will make peace with Japan at the expense of China. This fear is one which cannot be laughed off easily. In fact, it will take a lot of persuading to dispel Chinese worries. They know that a lot of the career gentlemen, pow- erful in the State Department, have contended that Japan should have her place in the sun. They know that some of the State Depart- ment clique tacitly favored Japa- nese occupation of Manchuria, while the British almost openly supported it. The realistic Chinese, there- fore, argue that after Hitler is defeated Japan is more than likely to propose a compromise (as she got Teddy Roosevelt to do to end the Russo-Japanese war) whereby Japan gets a slice of China and the world gets a rest from war. The realistic Chinese also know that they could make peace with Japan tomorrow by giving her sev- eral treaty ports and a slice of the North. In fact, the Japs probably would like nothing better than a peace which would permit them to withdraw half a million men from China and use them against us in the Pacific. Finally Chiang Kai-shek has his own troubles with his generals, many of them pliable to Jap wiles, DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) The Sociedad Mispanica will have its picture taken for the Michigan- ensian at Rentschler's Studio, 319 E. Huron Street, today at 12:00. All members should be present. The Hellenic Youth Organization, Delta Epsilon Pi, will hold a meeting in the small ballroom of the Michigan Union today at 3:15 p.m. Colored slides taken in Greece in 1940 will be shown. All members and their friends are invited and urged to attend. Avukah, the Student Zionist Fed- eration, will hold a closed member- ship meeting this evening at 7:45 at the Hillel Foundation. Election of new officers to replace those leaving for the Army will take place. Also complete reports of the conventions in New York and Chicago will be heard. All members are urged to at- tend. Coming Events Botanical Journay Club will meet on Tuesday, January 12, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 1139, N.S. Reports by: Jean Campbell, "Phylogeny in Taxonomy"; Irma Schooberger, "Gametophytes of Marattia sambucina", and "Indian silicified plants"; Francesca Thivy, "On some phases in the life history of terrestrial alga, Fritschiella tuber- osa Iyengar, and its autecology," and "Studies in comparative morphology of the algae. I. Heterotrichy and ju- venile stages, II. The algal life-cycle." Mathematics Club will meet Tues- day evening, January 12, at 8 o'clock, in the West Conference Room, Rack- ham Bldg. Professor Dwyer will speak on "Recent Developments in Corre- lation Technique." Attention, Marine Reservists: There will be an important meeting of all Marine Corps Reservists on Tuesday, January 12, at 8:30 p.m. in Room 304 Michigan Union. May Graduates of the School of Education: Seniors of the School of Education who will be graduated in May will meet in the auditorium of the University High School on Tues- day, Jan. 12, at 4:15 p.m. for the purpose of organizing the class and nominating officers. The I.Ae.S. will meet at the Union Monday, Jan. 11, at 7:30 p.m. to hear Prof. E. T. Vincent discuss "The Cool- ing of Aircraft Engines." All engi- neers are invited. The Institute's En- sian photograph will be taken at Spedding's Studio, 619 E. Liberty, at 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 12. All mem- bers are requested to be present. A.IE.E. will hold a banquet and election of officers on Tuesday, Jan- uary 12, at 6:00 p.m. in the Michigan League. Professor L. A. Baier of the Marine Department will be the speak- er. The Ann Arbor Library Club will meet in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building at 7:45 p.m. on Monday, January 11. Professor Rudolph H. Gjelsness, Chairman of the Department of Li- brary Science, will speak on "Colom- bian-U.S. Cooperation in Library In- struction at Bogota, Summer 1942." Members of the Club and their guests are cordially invited. Refresh- ments. The Cercle Francais will have its last meeting of the semester on Tues- day, January 12, at 8:00 p.m. in the Michigan League. "Haiti" will be the topic of an informal talk given by Adrien Roy. A small play, sin g, and discussion will conclude the pro- gram. Faculty Women's Club: The Play reading section will meet on Tuesday, January 12, at 2:15 p.m. in the Mary B. Henderson Room of the Michigan League. All girls interested in joining Mich- igan's First All-Girl Band are in- vited to attend the first meeting (without instruments) at Morris Hall, Tuesday, January 12, at 5:00 p.m. The Music Section of the Faculty Women's Club will meet Tuesday, Jan. 12, at 8:00 p.m. at the home of Mrs. John Kollen, 411 Lenawee Drive. 'Stage Door,' comedy by George j S. Kaufman and Edna Ferber, will be. presented Wednesday through Satur- day evenings at the Mendelssohn Theatre by Play Production of the Department of Speech. Tickets are on sale Monday and daily thereafter at the theatre box office, phone 6300. Box office hours are from 10 a.m.- 5 p.m. Monday and Tuesday and from 10 a.m.-8:30 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday. Ushers: All girls who wish to usher for the Play Production feature, "Stage Door," or for the Art Cinema League Sunday series please sign up at once in the Undergraduate Office of the League. All girls who wish to usher for HITLER LIKES IT: Republican Smear-Ho pk ins Campaign Can End Only In Damage To United Nations' Cause OUR CONGRESS has long been famous-or notorious-for its mens' room politics, the kind of "opposition" that smears a man's name and character instead of legitimately criticizing his political or administrative merit. Since Dec. 7 we have been blessed by a moratorium on this sort of thing, with the exception of outbursts from frenetic minority members. tration official who was ever responsible for a progressive-and Q.E.D. anti-Old Guard Repub- lican-piece of legislation. No schoolboy name- calling could be any worse or more malicious. It is doubtful whether Mrs. Hopkins received any gift from Lord Beaverbrook. After all, we only have her word and that of Lord Beaverbrook to deny it against the word of such accomplished