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January 10, 1943 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-01-10

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Soviet Army


Fleet Crushed


New Guinea

* * *

Thomas Promises Aid
against Wildcat Strikes
UAW President Announces Union Support of
Action against Unjustified, Unauthorized Strikes

Ro stov Lines
Desperate German
Counterattacks Fail
to Halt Drive as Reds
Sweep Aside Tanks
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW (From Soviet Broad-
casts), Jan. 10. (Sunday)- The Red
Army, its flanks flung out over a
front of 80 miles, is rolling on toward
Rostov and the arterial route of sup-
ply for hundreds of thousands of Ger-
man troops, after sweeping aside
more than 100 tanks and strong in-
fantry forces which the enemy threw
into a desperate counter-attack, the
Russians announced today.
Twenty-two more towns and vil-
lages along the Lower Don, along the
Stalingrad-Tikhoretsk railway and in
the Caucasus have been reclaimed
under the Red banner in the latest
series of advances, the Soviets added.
B11goyavlenskaya Taken
The northern wing of the advance
captured Bogoyavlenskaya on the
north bank of the Don and 11 other
villages, a Soviet communique broad-
cast by the Moscow radio said.
The town is a little less than 20
miles above the confluence of the
STOCKHOLM Sweden, Jan. 9.-
(MP)- German Marshal Fedor Von
Bock, speaking for a number of Ger-
man generals who were alarmed by
the dangerous position of the German
armies in the Caucasus as a result of
the developing Russian offensives, is
reported in Berlin to have urged Ad-
olf Hitler to withdraw his lines while
there is still time.
Neutral sources just returned from
Germany said Vn Bock, formerly
the commander on the Stalingrad
front who was relieved of his duties
in apparent disgrace during a shake-
up of the German command when
the Nazi armies failed to take the
city on the Volga, had returned to a
command at the front in November.
These sources did not know where
Von Bock took charge but they re-
ported that he visited Hitler at his
field headquarters and declared that
he and other officers he represented
could no longer take responsibility
for the situation unless Hitler ordered
a retreat out of the Caucasus.
Donets with the Don, and is about
80 miles from Rostov.
The southern wing advancing along
the Stalingrad-Tikhoretsk railway to-
ward Salsk and Rostov, the artery of
military supply for all the German
armies, already had reached to within
about 65 miles of that objective and
re~orted the capture of five more vil-
Inthe Caucasus, too, the Russians
broadenedtheir front along the Ros-
tov-Baku railway, and threatened to
flank Georgievsk by capturing Sol-
datsko - Aleksandrovskoe, 20 miles
northeast of Georgievsk. Four other
villages were taken into the Russian
net, including the railway station of
Tanks Swept Aside
The rush of the Red Army astride
the Don swept aside more than 100
tanks which the Germans threw into
a desperate counter-attack, the com-
munique said.
In a violent engagement, the large
enemy tank force and its supporting
tank units were forced to retreat and
abandon dozens of crippled tanks, a
large number of killed and wounded,
the announcement added.
The Russians then went on to cap-
ture two of the villages listed in the
Ration Banking
to Start Jan.27

WASHINGTON, Jan. 9. (P)-Na-
tionwide operation of the "ration
banking" program, intended to ease
bookkeephig burdens and speed the
handling of millions of coupons by
rationing boards and dealers, will
start Jan. 27, the Office of Price Ad-
ministration announced today.
The program was tried out first in
the industrial and commercial area
in New York State comprised of Al-,
bany, Troy, Schenectady and sur-
rounding communities.

DETROIT, Jan. 9.- (')- R. J.
Thomas, President of the United Au-
tomobile Workers (CIO), declared to-
day at a press conference that his
union would take disciplinary action
or support such action when taken by
management "wherever justifiable"
in wildcat srikes.
"Our Union has made a pledge to
the President of this country not to
use our strike prerogative during the
war," said Thomas. "The leaders of
this union and the majority of its
Republicans to
Oppose Flynn
Will Demand Hearing,
Full Investigation If
Nomination Is Made
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Jan. 9.-The min-
ority leader McNary of Oregon served
notice today the Republicans would
demand a hearing and full investiga-
tion of the record of Edward J. Flynn,
the resigning Democratic National
Chairman, if President Roosevelt ap-
points him envoy to Australia.
Flynn, announcing in New York
yesterday that he was resigning the
party chairmanship, said Mr. Roose-
velt was appointing him his ambas-
sador and personal representative
and would send to the Senate Mon-
day Flynn's nomination as minister
plenipotentiary to.Australia. Flynn
added today that he expected to leave
"early in February."
Meanwhile there was no word from
the White House but it has been cus-
tomary in the past to withhold offi-
cial announcement of the appoint-
ment of an ambassador or minister
until the nomination actually goes
before the Senate.
McNary told reporters that if the
nomination is received he would ask
that it be sent to the Foreign Rela-
tions Committee for a hearing.
"In view of the charges made
against Flynn before a grand jury,
I think it wise to ask for an investi-
gatiorr," McNary said.
The Republican leader alluded to
charges made before a Bronx grand
jury last April that a Belgian court-
yard on Flynn's Lake Mahopac estate
had been paved with New York City
materials and city labor. The grand
jury exonerated Flynn of any wrong-
Urge Miners
to End Strike
WILKES-BARRE, Pa., Jan. 9.-
'P)-- The War Department appealed
today to approximately 24,000 strik-
ing anthracite miners to return to
work at once and thereby put an end
to what solid fuels coordinator Harold
Ickes termed a serious situation to
the oil-rationed East.
Speaking at a mass meeting of
more than 1,000 miners in the ball-
room of the Redingston Hotel, Lieut.
Col. C. W. Kerwood, representing the
War Department, added, however, he
had no authority to force the men to
Col. Kerwood's appeal followed by
24 hours a similar action by the com-
mittee of 12-the industry's govern-
ing body-in an emergency meeting
at Philadelphia. The committee urged
the strikers to return to their "posts
of duty at once in order that the na-
tion may receive the maximum quan-
tity of coal to which it is entitled in
the existing emergency."

rank and file members are doing
everything in their power to live up
to the pledge."
Thomas said there were five rea-
sons contributing to 'the "restless-
ness" of workers in the UAW-CIO
"but not one of them is a sufficient
excuse for striking at this time."
He described the five reasons as:
lack of arbitration in disputes; the
"breakdown" in the War Labor
Board's machinery for settling dis-
putes; the "failure" of the federal
government to equalize wage rates
among workers in Detroit; "the mis-
use of power by industry;" and "the
failure of rationing to work."
"None of these is an excuse for a
wildcat strike," he said. "They are
merely important contributing fac-
tors to the attitude of the worker and
if they were settled once and for all
there would be no strikes."
In discussing disciplinary action,
Thomas said:
"Being a democratic union, we have
a Constitution which I must follow.
If I didn't, I would be assuming dic-
tatorial powers and I do not feel that
such a policy would be helpful to
either the country or the union. Ho-
mer Martin tried to do it when he
headed this union and created such
an uprising among the rank and file
members that if it happened now it
would surely wreck the war produc-
tion effort.
No®Further Cut
in 'East's Gas
Now Planned
Reduction in 'A' Ration
Would Take 5,000,000
Needed Cars Off Road
WASHINGTON, Jan. 9. -(A)- No
further reduction is imminent in the
present 3-gallon value of "A," "B,"
and "C" gasoline coupons in the east-
ern shortage area, Price Administra-
tor Leon Henderson said today.
Henderson told a press conference
he opposed suggestions that "A" cou-
pons be suspended or reduced in
value. Such action, he estimated,
would leave upwards of 5,000,000 cars
He made public a telegram from
Thomas P. Henry, president of the
American Automobile Association,
calling attention to "persistent re-
ports that certain interests inside and
outside government are urging to-
tal suspension or wholesale devalu-
ation" of "A" books for an indefinite
period. Henry predicted such a step
would bring about a breakdown in
transportation in the affected area,
and scuttle the program of the Bar-
uch Committee for maintaining all
cars in operation on limited mileage
in the interest of the war effort and
civilian economy.
Decision Pending
President Alexander G. Ruth-
ven, still considering the Univer-
sity senate advisory committee's
report on Professors Carl E. Dahl-
strom and Christian F. Wenger
of the engineering English depart-
ment yesterday, is expected. to re-
lease a statement of the case to-
The two associate professors
were relieved of teaching engi-
neering English I on Dec. 30 and
have brought their case before the
advisory committee.
The committee submitted its re-
port to President Ruthven on Fri-

Allied Planes
Blast Bizerte
in Huge aid
Flying Fortresses
Lash Out at Tripoli,
Tunis, Supply Routes
in Widespread Attacks
By The Associated Press
NORTH AFRICA, Jan. 9.- Three
waves of Flying Fortresses have sub-!
jected the Tunisian naval base of
Bizerte to one of the fiercest bomb-
ings of the war, while other AlliedJ
planes attacked Tripoli, supply routes I
to the south and Tunis and Sfax, it
was announced today.
These farflung air blows yesterday
which cost the Allies six planes and
the Germans nine, were announced
soon after Lieut.-Gen. Dwight D.
Eisenhower appointed Maj. Gen. Carl
Spaatz commander of all American
and RAF air operations in this thea-
tre. Five of the Allied planes were1
P-38 Lightnings destroyed over Bi-
Mud Hinders Advance
Only patrols ventured through the,
mud on the front before the narrow
Axis positions stretched along the
north and east coasts of Tunisia.
Deep in the desert south of Tunisia,
a French camel corps raided Tachiu-
met inside Libya across the border
from Algeria. The French said prison-
ers were taken.
(A Fighting French column mov-
ing across the Sahara into Libya from
Lake Chad captured El Gatrun, Axis
outpost southeast of Murzuch, 500
miles south of Tripoli, taking much
booty and 177 captives, Brig. Gen.
Jacques Leclerc said in a communi-i
que. Enemy hangars and workshops
at Sebha were razed also.
Axis Forces Withdrawing
(The British Eighth Army, 180
miles east of Tripoli in the Wadi
Zem-Zem region, sent its planes to
attack the withdrawing Axis forces
between Homs and Ziliten, 65 to 901
miles east of Tripoli. No report ws
made on ground forces. Eighth Army
planes also bombed Tunis and Sfax
in Tunisia.
(The ninth U.S. Air Force struck
shipping and harbor facilities at
Tunis in daylight Friday, a Cairo
communique said, but results were
obscured by heavy clouds. One chal-
lenging German plane was destroyed.)
RAF Bombers
Smash at Nazi
Steel 'Plantj
LONDON, Jan. 9.- W)- Speedy
new American-made Ventura (Vega)
bombers of the RAF smashed at the
Ijmuiden iron and steel works in Hol-
land today, planting bomb bursts on
furnaces and coke ovens, in the sec-
ond assault in 24 hours on Germany's
steel and industrial works, the air
ministry announced.'
The raid, which was protected by
Spitfire squadrons, was a follow-up to
a night assault on the Ruhr, the
fourth of the week on the teeming in-
dustrial valley.
Fast new British wooden mosquito
bombers also attacked railway targets
in northern France and Belgium
while squadrons of fighters swept over
the same areas and engaged in bat-
ties with defending Focke-Wulf 190
In one such encounter with 14
Focke-Wulfe's near Abbeville, France,

latest model Spitfires manned by
Fighting French and West Lancashire
pilots shot down one of the intercep-
The Air Ministry for the first time
designated the new Spitfires by their
official name-Mark Nine.

Last Jap Footholds on New


r ;f
./ LA E
O 70.

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Black shading indicates Allied drive in New Guinea across the
Owen Stanley Mountains that culminated, according to Generel
MacArthur's headquarters, with elimination of all Jap troops from
Buna. One pocket of resistance still remains in that area, at San-
ananda (Jap flag), where Japs have defenses extending two miles
inland. Further northwest, Allied air forces heavily bombed and
strafed Jap positions at Lae.
Dean Lloyd Says That Slacks
Are Not for Campus Wear

77 Planes
by Allies
Umbrella of Convoy
Blasted in Three-Day
jRunning Sea Battle
at Crucial Lae Area
Associated Press Correspondent
AUSTRALIA,Jan. 10. (Sunday)-(
-A mighty victory of the air-a*
least 77 Jap planes shot down, witk
the figure for probables and ground-
ed planes soaring the total to around
100-was scored in a three-day,
around-the-clock attack on a New
Guinea-bound Jap convoy which suf-
fered three transports sunk and at
least three others badly smashed.
Amounting to an understatement~
Gen. Douglas MacArthur's noon com-
munique, in telling of the aerial and
convoy destruction, stated today that
"the enemy's air losses over the last
three days in this area may /re-
garded as serious."
Thirty-Eight Planes Downed
Thirty-eight Jap planes were shot
down for certain in the first two days
as Allied planes, consisting of Flying
Fortresses, Liberators and all other
categories, swarmed over the 10-ship
convoy and kept bombing it intii
remnants of the troops it conveyed
reached Lae on the north New Gui-
nea coast-only to undergo more
strafing and bombing after they
The communique for Saturday also
listed seven Jap fighters as probably
;hot down, 15 damaged and two
bombers and two fighters destroyed
at the 'airdrome. Today's (Sunday's)
communique, in addition to reporting
39 more Jap planes as certainly shot
down, listed 17probables, along with
the destruction of four fighters on
the Lae airdrome, the damaging of
a medium bomber and six fighters.
Costliest Aerial Enterprise
This easily is one of the costliest
single enterprises from an aerial
standpoint undertaken by the Japs
in the southwest Pacific.
Maintaining virtually a non-stop
assault for the third successive day,
American and Australian airmen
grove home 16 separate attacks which
left one Jap transport burning and
another heavily damaged by direct
iits fore, aft and amidships.
The battered convoy, which lost
three transports sunk in the first
two days of the Allied attacks, was
joined Jana 8 and 9 by two more
,ra sports. Remnants of the convoy,
including six escorting warships, last
were seen steaming northwest from
Lae after landing what the Allied
>pokesman described as "more frag-
nentary" reinforcements at Lae.
Three Transports Sunk
Communiques of the past three
lays specifically have mentioned six
transports in the convoy of which
three officially were reported sunk.
Headqual'ters asserted the Allied
bombers scored badly damaging hits
on four transports. Inasmuch as the
Allied airmen have attacked almost
continuously day and night, it is pos-
sible that individual Japanese vessels
have been hit and damaged more
than once.
Adding to an impressive total of
enemy planes shot down in air melees
Turn to Page 8, Col. 2

Emily Post may say that slacks are
correct for under-heated classrooms,
but Dean Alice Lloyd pointed out yes-
terday that Michigan coeds will con-
tinue to dress as their mothers dress-
ed because
1. University classrooms are more
overheated than underheated and
2. "Slacks are not an appropriate
dress for library or classroom."
Explaining her apparent flaunting'
of America's foremost etiquette au-!
thority, Miss Lloyd asserted that only
a sloppy campus could result from
too-liberal use of slacks. She made
this statement after numerous coed
complaints about the University's
anti-slack ban had been- climaxed
by an Emily Post dictum approving,
trousered schoolgirls.
"This is a request, of course, not
an order," Miss Lloyd said and point-
ed out that the issue can be reopened
by the League Council. She urged all
University women to "dress for the
weather, by all means."
Dressing for the weather, accord-
ing to Miss Lloyd, means heavy
stockings which, she declared, "will
keep you warmer than a loose trou-
ser leg." This dress was suggested
by Miss Lloyd "after Jordan residents
had requested slacks as hiking
Registration of
Restaurant Help
Will Continue
"Since student help offers the only
possible solution to the severe Ann
Arbor restaurant labor shortage,"
Manpower Corps representative Bob
Oddy has announced that registration
of prospective student workers will
continue at the Manpower office in
Angell Hall.
Pointing out that signing up merely
indicates a possible desire to work
and involves no obligation, Oddy
urged all those even considering tak-
ing jobs next semester to come in and
record the fact with the Manpower
A recent survey of all Ann Arbor
eateries taken by the Manpower Corps
revealed a labor deficiency in all cases
and at all hours of the day and night.
Since this is true, students will be
able to find working hours to fit into
any kind of schedule, Oddy said.
The prospects of insufficient re-

clothes for their long walk to cam-
Although Miss Lloyd's statement
apparently places her in direct oppo-
sition to the one and only Emily Post,
Miss Post's verdict was delivered to
a high school girl who was freezing
in her oil-rationed schoolroom. "Heat
for University buildings is a by-pro-
duct of the coal-burning University
power plant, and there are no build-
ings that cannot be adequately heat-
ed," Dear Lloyd explained.
F uinalists Are
Chosen to Act
in 'V' Vanities
The all-campus stunt show, "Vic-
tory Vanities", swung into the final
stages of preparation before its debut
next Friday in Hill Auditorium when
elimination contest judges yesterday
selected nine finalists who will com-
pete for the war bond prizes.
Four sororities, four fraternitie,
and a magician were culled out of
more than 30 contestants in the two-
day preliminary contest which ended
The sororities were Kappa Kappa
Gamma, Alpha Chi Omega, Kappa
Delta and Gamma Phi Beta.
Beta Theta Pi's "Follies", the skit
that won them notoriety two years
ago in the Union's spring carnival,
Michilodeon, again proved its enter-
tainment value by securing them a
place among the finalists, as did
Theta Xi's Mississippi minstrel act. A
three-man take-off on the Andrews
Sisters, noted song team, likewise put
the Dekes in the final bracket.
Lyle Albright, '43E, also proved that
blueprints and formulas aren't the
only thing an engineer can juggle
when his sleight of hand performance
was judged good enough to be pre-
sented to the crowd of more than
3,000 students, faculty members and
townspeople who are expected to at-
tend the "Vanities".
The fourth fraternity to qualify was
Phi Gamma Delta which won the
judges approval with an operating
table take-off.
Girls Plan Post-War
Diseussion Tonight
Inaugurating a series of discussions
of war and post-war problems, the
girls of four University dormitories
wil lvnth --ia £prpnincr o tr alkringc

Scotty, the Boys Want You to Stay


RA, American
Loose 'One-Two


Scotty, the Bible-quoting Scotch-
man with the Highland burr in his
talk and a twinkle in his eye, was
talking about leaving his beloved job
as towel-handler "for-r all the boys"
in the locker-room of the Sports
Building yesterday.

British Renew
Burma Attack

Cadillac car-r and then snub an hon-
est man r-riding a bicycle," Scotty
might begin, with a real concern for
the little people. Then when the stu-
dent objects, Scotty's eyes twinkle,I
the burr rolls off his tongue for all
it's worth and he is pursuing the ar-

the fiery old gentleman with "you're
all wet."
"You Amer-ricans have to lear-rn
to apr-reciate the finer-r things of
life," Scotty will moralize. "For-rget
making mor-re dollar-rs than the
next fellow and help him along when
you can."

LONDON, Jan. 9.-(P)-Gen. Sir
Archibald P. Wavell's southward
thrusting forces have renewed the
fighting with Japanese in the diffi-
cult lowlands north of Akyab in Bur-
ma simultaneously with the loosing
of a one-two punch by American sky
dragons from China and the RAF
from India.
These widespread but closely co-
ordinated operations were announced
in communiques from New Delhi and
Chungking as the British advance
back into Burma, still somewhat of
a military mystery, entered its fourth

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