PAGE i TWO THE i~IiCIiiGAi~ .f~AiLY -~ ~ , -DONATIONS FOR VICTORY: Women Still Needed in Blood Drive as Men Fill Their Quota Stilwell Decorates Chenault Though yesterday's registration for the blood bank brought the number of donors within 20 of the January quota, registrations will continue through today, according to Warner Jennings, '45, of the blood commit- tee. Coupled with this was the an- nouncement that because the number of women donors was short of the necessary amount, the Union would take over all registration today. Reg- istration will take place from 3 to 5:30 p.m. in the Union lobby. Prescott House of the East Quad- rangle now stands at the top of the list of residence halls supplying don- ors. Their 30 man contribution in yes-. terday's registration is the highest number reported thus far in any blood bank held on campus. "Cooperation of the student body has been exceptionally good," de- clared Jennings, "and we expect to- day's registration to completely fill our quota." Actual blood taking will be con- ducted next Tuesday and Wednesday in the Women's Athletic Building. All vrork at that time will be handled by the American Red Cross. Blood donors are cautioned to keep their assigned appointments during the taking. Appointments were made to facilitate operations, and Jennings asks that they be adhered to. Blood obtained from civilian dona- tions is directed to American armed forces for use all over the world. To date the University has par- ticipated in four blood campaigns. This is the fifth in as many months. 'TANKER SUBS' REVEALED NEW YORK, Jan. 7.- (P)- The Berlin radio quoted the German naval high command tonight as announcing for the first time the existence of Nazi "tanker submarines" which it said were able to refuel and repair its tU-boat fleet "everywhere in the oper- ations area." 400 pints of blood have already been' donated by students. The addition of the current quota will make the Uni- versity one of the leading blood con- tributors among universities all over the nation. Houses Vie for Wanities' Spots IFC Victory Show Tryouts Begin Today Elimination contests, starting to- day, will bring the "Victory Vanities", Pan-Hel-IFC all-campus stunt show one step closer to realization. Beginning at 7 p.m. tonight and continuing tomorrow afternoon, eigh- teen fraternities will put on their skits at the Union before members of the Play Production department who will serve as judges. Five out of the group will be selected to do a repeat. performance at the "Vanities" set for Jan. 15 at Hill Auditorium. Sorority tryouts will begin tomor- row at .the League. They will be judged by Prof. Waldo Abbott and Prof. Kenneth Hance of the Speech department and Miss Ethel McCor- mick, dirctor of League Activities. The:ticket drive will be pushed strenuously throughout the week be- cause, according to Bud Brown, IFC spokesman, "the more tickets sold, the more money for the Bomber Scholarship." PROGRAM TO BE CONTINUED LANSING, Jan. 7.-( P)-Despite cessation of the federal food stamp plan, the hot lunch program for school children and free distribution of surplus commodities to public aid clients and public institutions will be continued, John O'Connell, state welfare director,' asserted today. Lieut.-Gen. Joseph Stilwell (right) pins the Distinguished Service Medal on Brig.-Gen. Clare L. Chenault, commander of the China Air Task Force, at an advanced air base in Yunnan Province. This picture of the ceremony was radioed from Chungking and released by the OWI in Washington. ROOSEVELT SPEECH HIGHLIGHTS: Russia is Most Important Front; 1,500,000 Servi.ce Men Abroad Fmergency Powers Asked for Governor Kelly Explains Opening Message to Legislaturel LANSING, Jan. 7. -- (/P) - Broad powers to commandeer private prop-i erty in event of war emergency, to suspend state laws and, by proclama- tion, issue orders having effect of law, would be vested in the governor under terms of "model" legislation proposed by the Council of State Governments. Governor Kelly, whose message to the Legislature declared "emergency powers should be granted to the ex- 3cutive" and announced the council's proposed laws would be submitted for the Legislature's consideration, elab- orated today: "Deliberately, I refrained from making any specific request. I asked merely for emergency powers. Should enemy action strikedthis state, things would have to be done without loss of time. I shall leave it to the Legis- lature to determine what these pow- ers should be. That is its function, and I respect its rights. "I am not looking for power merely for the sake of swinging it. I don't view myself as the great power. But it is my belief that I should be. free to actto save life and suffering if it became necessary to evacuate the people from some endangered or at- tacked area, and arrange to care for them and feed them." Union Issues Life Buttons All Eligible Seniors Should Apply Now Designed as a perennial tie to by- gone University days and a constant reminder of alma mater, the Union life membership pin is ready for dis- tribution to qualified persons, says Ed Eolmberg, '43, secretary of the Union. Men students who have been in at- tendance for four years or who have completed eight regular semesters are entitled to the pin and engraved cer- tificate which accompanies it. Eligible men may call for their pins any afternoon for a limited time in the Basement Business Office of the Union. State Drive Seeks Knives for Rangers PONTIAC, Jan. .- (')- A Michi- gan campaign for hunting knives, for American Ranger troops 'fightig in jungle ,combat areas, is being carried on under the direction of Robert B. Oliver of Potiac. Oliver learned from his brother, Lieut. Russell Oliver, commander - of a Ranger unit now preparing for overseas duty, that although the gov- ernment does not now issue such knives, it approves of their use. Twenty Michigan men enlisted in. the U.S. Naval Reserve in Detroit re- cently before enlistments were closed by the Navy department. Seven of the men enlisted for flight training as aviation cadets and were placed on inactive duty. They are: Robert M. Kirk, '44, a member of the varsity wrestling team and Phi Gamma Delta fraternity; Edward B. Mosley, '45, Psi Upsilon frater- nity; Kenneth Kers ake, '35, of Kappa Sigma; Nave A. Fuleihan, '43; Elroy W. Andrews, '42, former Michigan football player, a member of the associate council of the SRA,I and a member of Phi Eta Sigma, freshman honorary society; Wil- liam S. Pannecoucke, '41, winner of the Alfred Noyes scholarship in1 1939 and '40 and Robert F. Taylor, '45., The remaining 13 men enlisted in the Navy's V-1 and V-7 program. They are: John Louis Rudlaff, '43, Delta Up- silon; Harold Cooper, '44, Phi Sigma Delta, publicity, chairman of last year's Soph Prom, and a member of Alpha Nu, honorary speech society; John J. O'Leary, '45, Alpha Delta Phi; Leland I. Coontz, '45; Richard M. Winters, '44, Alpha Delta Phi; Jacob A. Dalm, '45; Paul G. Schick, '44, Beta Theta Pi; Edward M. Perry, '45, Sigma Chi; Frederick G. Hof- mann, 43; Lewis R. Mintz, '44; Mur- ray H. Lilly, '42; Joseph F. Lahey, '44, Psi Upsilon, and Hugh Ayers, '43, Alpha Tau Omega and Student Sen- ate. * * * Norman L. Murray, BS 142, of Ann Arbor enlisted in the Army Air Corps last June and has been se- lected to receive instructor's train- ing at Maxwell Field, Ala. He fin- ished his pre-flight work in Decem- ber and will be stationed at Max- well Field until the completion of his training in the spring. Recently appointed a Naval Avia- tion Cadet and transferred to Pensa- cola, Fla. for flight training, Robert C. Lehnert, '44, expects to be commis- sioned an Ensign in the Naval Reserve or a Second Lieutenant in the Marine Corps Reserve. Lehnert was a member of the ROTC Corps while a student here. * * * Charles H. Reisdore, who received his BS in Chemistry last June, re- cently won his Navy wings at Pen- sacola, Fla., and was commissioned an ensign in the Naval Reserve. He is a member of Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity. S * * Also a member of the ROTC Corps, Vernon G. Castle recently was com- missioned an Ensign in the Naval Re- serve. Ensign Castle was a member of the largest single group of men ever to be designated at one time in the history of the Pensacola Base in Florida. JIIh9[!NJxI/teZNCaka t DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN FRIDAY, JAN. 8, 1943 VOL. LIII No. 70 All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notces Faculty Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to members of the faculty and other townspeople on Sunday, January 10, from 4 to 6 o'clock. Cars may park in the re- stricted zone on South University be- tween 4:00 and 6:30 p.m. If you wish to finance the purchase of a home, or if you have purchased Continuous from 1 P.M. 4ARSNTFwE7 TAAA improved property on a land contract and owe a balance of approximately 60 per cent of the value of the prop- erty, the Investment Office, 100 South Wing of University Hall, would be glad to discuss financing through the medium of a first mortgage. Such financing mayseffect a substantial saving in interest. German Table for Faculty MenT- bers will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room, Michigan Union. Members of all departments are cordially invited. There will be a brief talk on "Die Musiker-Union" (postponed from January 4) by Mr. Hanns Pick. Applications in Support of Re- search Projects: To give Research Committees and the Executive Board adequate 'time to study all proposals, it is requested that faculty members having projects needing support dur- ing 194-,1943 file their proposals in the Office of the Graduate School by Friday February 19. Those wishing to renew previous requests whether now receiving' support or not should so indicate...Application forms will be mailed-PT can be obtained at Secre- tary's office, Room 1006 Rackham Building, Telephone 372. WASHINGTON, Jan. 7.- (A)-The high spots of President Roosevelt's address to Congress today: The Nazis and the Fascists have asked for it and they are going to get it. By far the largest and most im- portant developments in the wholet strategic picture of 1942 were the i events on the long fronts in Russia.i The Axis powers knew that they must win the war in 1942-or even- tually lose everything. I do not need to tell you that our enemies did not win this war in 1942. Japanese strength in ships and planes is going down and down, and American strength in ships and planes is going up and up. The eventual outcome can be put on a mathematical basis. Today we are flying as much lend- lease material into China as ever traversed the Burma Road. The period of our defensive attri- tion in the Pacific is passing. Now our' aim is to force the Japanese to, fight. Last year, we stopped them. This year, we intend to advance. Great rains and appalling mud and very limited communications have delayed the final battles of Time Change Seen. in- Michigan-Ohio Meeting Tomorrow, LANSING, Jan. 7.- (P)- Two members of the Michigan Senate, at the request of Governor Kelly, will confer with Governor Bricker of Ohio at Columbus tomorrow to weigh the possibility of joint action by the two states in changing from Eastern to Central War Time. Kelly appointed Senators Earl W. Munshaw, Grand Rapids Republican who is chairman of the State Affairs Committee, and Joseph A. Baldwin,1 Albion Republican, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, to make the' trip. Munshaw said Kelly had been in contact with Bricker on the subject and that the Ohio executive had col- lected considerable information on effect of such a change. Tunisia. The Axis is reinforcing its strong positions. But I am confident that though the fighting will be tough, when the final Allied assault is made, the last vestige of Axis power will be driven from the south shore of the Mediterranean. Approximately 1,500,000 of our sol- diers, sailors, marines and fliers are in service outside our continental lim- its, all through the world. In Africa we are shooting down two enemy planes to every one we lose, and in the Pacific and in the southwest Pacific we are shooting them down four to one. I cannot tell you when or where the United Nations are going to strike next in Europe. But we are going to strike-and strike hard. We produced (in 1942) about 48,000 military planes-more than the airplane production of Ger- many, Italy and Japan put to- gether. Last month, December, we produced 5,500 miitary planes and the rate is rapidly rising. Who could have hoped to have done this without burdensome government regulations which are a nuisance to everyone-including those who have the thankless task of administering them? Fortunately, there are only a few Americans who pla ce appetite above patriotism. At this critical period of the war, we should copfine ourselves to the larger objectives and not get bogged down in argument over methods and details. Our young men and women ... want assurance against the evils of all major economic hazards-assur- ance that will extend from the cra- dle to the grave. This great govern- ment can and must provide this assurance. I have been told that this is no time to speak of a better America after the war. I am told it is a grave error on my part. I dissent. Let 'us remember that economic safety for the America of the future is threatened unless a greater eco- nomic stability comes to the rest of the world. I tell you it is within the realm of possibility that this 78th Congress nay have the historic privilege of helping greatly to save the world from future fear. CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING CLASSIFIED RATES Non-Contract $ .40 per 15-word insertion for one or two days. (In- crease of 10c for each additional 5 words.) $1.00 per 15-word insertion for 3 or more days. (Increase of $.25 for each additional 5 words. Contract Rates on Request MISCELLANEOUS MIgMEQGRAPHING-Thesis binding. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 S. State., TYPEWRITERS-All makes bought, rented, repaired. 0. D. Morrill, 314 S. State St., phone 6615. WASHED SAND AND GRAVEIW Driveway gravel, washed pebbles. Killins Gravel Co., phone 7112. WANTED TO RENT WANTED by February - a well- heated apartment, three rooms and bath for young couple, no children. Occupational deferment. Box: 7, Michigan Daily. TYPING MISS ALLEN-Experienced typist. 408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935. HELP WANTED SALESMAN for men's clothing store to work afternoons and all day Saturday. Permanent position. Call at 224 S. Main or phone 9686. MALE or FEMALE CLERK in long established State Street store. Knowledge of typing 'desirable. Full or part time. Answer fully, Box 9, Michigan Daily. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN or widow who would like to have a comfort- able home environment for an in- definite period. Salary 'and room >and board.rWrite in care of 235 S State. GIRL STUDENT to spend afternoons with four- and ten-year-old girls in exchange for either room or board or salary-whichever pre- ferred. Sundays off. Phone 5933. Ask for Ted or Rose. LOST and FOUND LOST-wrist watch on E. Huron or in Felch Park. Call 4121 Ext. 2127. Liberal reward. LAUNDERING LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. V WAR BONDS ISSUED HERE Now Playing ay9 I . I SENIORS a dS can v e ' beiree, latr g sll s nsee xe~e hose wlsbsnS i Graduating January~ N 23 Now for Place your Orders OFFICIAL GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS at A 1 c r, i i A I ~~Mart LI1Ii*ND Ji~uulta ILEYwh;; Y 6 ::. t ...r:.. ........ .: ........ ...::{.... .._ . y ....:...