Envelop Foe
at New Guinea
Japanese Forces in
Papua, Once 15,000
Strong, Annihilated;
2 Jap Ships Destroyed
AUSTRALIA, Jan. 8. (Friday)- (P)-
The last strong point of the Japs in
the Papua Peninsula of New Guinea
has been enveloped at Cape Sananan-
da, bringing near the complete de-
struction of the enemy's Papuan ar-
my, once 15,000 strong, General Doug-
las Mac Arthur reported today.
This was announced in the noon
communique which also reported the
destruction of two Jap transports and
18 Zero planes off New Guinea.
"In Huon Gulf, our air force made
repeated attacks on an enemy convoy
of transports and escorting warships,
totalling 10 vessels, approaching Lae,'
the communique said.
"One transport of 14,000 tons, hea-
vily loaded with troops, was sunk with
4ll on board in a night attack. An-
other large transport was disabled by
a direct hit, enveloped in flames and
later sank. A third large transport
was heavily hit by a 500-pound bomb.
Strong forces of enemy fighters at-
tempted to protect the convoy. Eigh-
teen of these have been definitely
destroyed. Five others were probably
shot down and four were damaged.
our losses were relatively light. Our
attacks are continuing."
daps Poised for Attack
from New Britain Base
MELBOURNE, Jan. 7.- (/P)-Gov-
enment sources asserted today that
air: reconnaissance had disclosed a
concentration of Japanese' shipping
at Rabaul, New Britain, even greater
than that marshaled by the enemy
for his first counter-attack against
the Aimerican forces holding the east-
ern Solomon Islands.
This concentration, these quarters
added, thus was shown to have been
augmented since last Tuesday, when
its presence was first reported by an
Australian government spokesman.
At that time, the spokesman anony-
mously issued a widely published
statement that the Japanese were
gathering the largest sea force ever
seen in the southwest Pacific.
(In connection with such reports
Secretary of the Navy Knox said on
'uesday in Washington that while
there was always enemy shipping at
Rabaul, one of the principle Japanese
bases in the Australian theatre, he
had no general knowledge of any ex-
traordinary concentration there.)
Navy Lifts Ban
ion Enlistments
in Detroit Area
DETROIT, Jan. 7.-(A)-The Navy
Recruiting Station here will accept
a limited number of enlistments, be-
ginning Monday, from men between
18 and 38 years of age, Lieut.-Comm.
Byron E. Flechtner announced today,
but those accepted will have to get
permission from their draft boards.
Since the Dec. 15 ban on voluntary
enlistments, the Navy has been sign-
ing up only 17-year-olds and a few
older men, between 38 and 50 years,
who have specialized training.
The Marine Corps here has been
authorized to fill a small quota for
January, including those in the 18-38.
year group. The corps said that
enough applicants were left over from
December to more than fill the quota.
Missing Student Sought
Since New Year's Eve
Missing since New Year's Eve, Ibra-
him Hassan, Grad, is being sought by
University and local police officials.
A native of Baghdad, Iraq, Hassan
was last seen at his Ann Arbor resi-
dence at 425 Cross Street by his room-
mate, Fuad Zahid.
Zahid told the authorities that
Hassan was going to Flint to visit a
Roosevelt Sees Allies On Road To Berlin In'43
British Driven
Point in Africa
German Counterattack
on Jabel Azzag Heights
Regains Lost Ground
By The Associated Press
NORTH AFRICA, Jan. 7.- British
First Army veterans have been driven
from the dominating Jebel Azzag
Heights commanding a road to Ma-
teur, 15 miles to the East, after cap-
turing and holding the position for a
day, an Allied communique said to-
A lull in recent heavy rains allowed
the British to attack Tuesday. The
Germans counterattacked success-
fully yesterday, regaining all the
ground they had lost. Mateur is 20
miles southeast of Bizerte, the naval
LONDON, Jan. 7.- (/P)- The
Morocco radio reported tonight that
Bone, in eastern . Algeria, was
bombed this afternoon by low-fly-
ing enemy planes.
. One Axis plane was destroyed by
anti-aircraft fire and another was
shot down by Allied fighters.
base which is a 11rime goal of the
British, American and French Allies.
(The British Eighth Army in Lib-
ya remained virtually motionless be-
fore the fortified German position in
the Wadi Zem-Zem, about 180 airline
miles east of Tripoli. Air activity in-
creased slightly and patrols were ac-
tive. Eighth Army bombers started
railway and waterfront fires at Sousse
on the Tunisia east coach, a Cairo
communique said. The Italians said
a Fighting French column of superior
ftrc wa Sexerting pressure on. Fascist
garrisons in the Sahara desert in
South Libya.).
German parachutists and a native
guide were dropped far behind the
Allied line' in Algeria in the Saint
Arnando region, 100 to 160 miles west
of the Tunisian frontier. The guide
was captured and shot.
S.O.S. Sent
by Restaurants
Manpower Corps
Seeks Student Aid
In an effort to eliminate as many
"Closed-No Help" signs as possible
from the windows of Ann Arbor res-
taurants, the Manpower Corps has
issued a call for student help.
According to Manpower represen-
tative Bob Oddy, student workers pro-
vide the only possible solution to the
problem. Because of this, he has ar-
ranged for a special registration of
all interested male students to begin
today at the offices of the Manpower
Corps in Angell Hall. Women students
may register at the League.
Oddy pointed out that signing up
is merely to signify a desire to work
and involves no obligation. Empha-
sizing the sizeable remunerations now
to be had, he said that pay in both
meals and salary is more generous
than ever before.
Congress Cheers Hints
of Early Axis Collapse
WASHINGTON, Jan. 7.-(A')-To the stormy applause of the. 78th
Congress, President Roosevelt predicted today that 1943 would see a "very
substantial advance along the roads that lead to Berlin, Rome and Tokyo,"
and demanded the permanent disarmament of the Axis nations after the
war is won.
The United Nations "can and must remain united" to enforce that dis-
armament, he said, and to help achieve a degree of world economic sta-
bility that will make freedom from want a fact. In this effort the United
States must participate fully, he implied, for "we cannot make America an
island in either a military or economic sense."
With vigor, lie "dissented" from the view that war time is no time
for a discussion of domestic reforms. In very general terms he called for
an expansion of the social security v
Soviet Forces Close in around Rostov Area
sSts ofh
44'" KRAs O R "Mnych R.43
O 50 100 150 AKAC
Shaded portion of map shows territory, until recently occupied by
German forces, through which Russian armies have pushed in their
drive on Rostov from the north, east and southeast. Heavy black line is
approximate front line of Russian drive, though German forces still are
pocketed at various points within the areas embraced by the drive,
notably in the western outskirts of Stalingrad.
University Senate Conunittee to
Give Report to Ruthven Today
system and for planning that will
give our fighting men permanent em-
ployment, when the armed forces of
this nation are demobilized.
Mr. Roosevelt was delivering his
annual message on the "state of the
union," speaking it in person before
a joint session of the House and Sen-
ate, before a glittering assemblage
of big names, cabinet members and
the diplomats of the Allied Nations.
Report on State of World
It developed, however, into a re-
port on the state of the world; on
the status of the Allied cause, which
he found encouraging; and on Amer-
ican war production, which he found
excellent-"The arsenal of demo-
cracy is making good." he said. To
all this he added a guarded predic-
tion that this Congress may have
"the historic privilege" of making the
It was a conciliatory message, one
that stressed the victory objectives
and accomplishments, upon which all
are united, and avoided specific ree-
ankley Wins
from Senadte
Threatened to Resign
If Stripped of Power
Majority leader Barkley of Kentucky
won a 34 to 20 vote of confidence to-
night from the Senate Democratic
caucus after he had threatened to re-
sign his leadership if the conference
voted to strip him of power to appoint
members of the important steering
Barkley, who previously had been'
re-elected leader unanimously on mo-
tion of Senator Clark (Dem.-Mo.),
was reported to have told his fellow
party members he would consider it
a slap at his leadership calling for his
resignation if the appointive power
were taken away from him and the
caucus filled vacancies on the steer-
ing group.
Senator McKellar (Dem.-Tenn.),
friend and strong supporter of Bark-
ley until a few months ago when the
majority leader forced McKellar's
arrest to compel hisrattendance dur-
ing a filibuster, moved to fill two
steering committee vacancies by cau-
cus action.
This motion, which would have bro-
ken a long precedent, was reported
to have been supported by senators
who have been critical of the admin-
istration policies.
ommendations for domestic legisla-
tion which would stir up factional
To Discuss Taxes Monday
His reference to the always con-
troversial subject of social security
was couched in the general terms
of desirable ultimate objectives, with
no insistence upon immediate action.
The issue of taxes he ignored alto-
gether. That subject is to be dis-
cussed in his budget message on
The result of all this was that Re-
publicans and Democrats alike prais-
ed the message, almost unstintedly.
The Republican leader in the Senate,
Senator McNary of Oregon, for in-
stance, found it "an excellent review
of current conditions affecting our
war and productive effort." Even
such a steadfast foe of Roosevelt
policy as Representative Fish (Rep.-
N.Y.) thought it a "very fine speech."
And, of course, the Democratic mem-
bership was profuse in its praise.
Address Promoted Unity
If the objective of the address was
to promote unity and avoid bitter
partisan rowing, it obviously accom-
plished its purpose. Put just as ob-
viously the rowing will come later--
when specific legislative proposals are
The House membership assembled.
noisily in the House Chamber a half
hour before the President's arrival.
There was much back-slapping and
effusive exchanging of greetings.
Turn to Page 6, Col. 1
to Close Drive
Axis Forces
before Tanks
Dozen Towns Captured
as Red Army Sweeps
toward Vital Position;
Nazis Retreat in South
MOSCOW, Jan. 8. (Friday)-(P)-
The Red Army pushing northward
from the Caucasian mountain foot-
hills has wrested 40 more inhabited
points from German troops who are
retreating in apparent fear of entrap-
ment by other Soviet columns now
striking to within 75 miles of Rostov
along the Lower Don River.
The midnight Soviet communique
said the Russian Caucasian armies
fanning out on both sides of the
Baku-Rostov railway had captured
the regional center of Stepnoye, 30
miles north of Mozdok, and had also
taken Sovetskaya, which is due north
of Prokhladnenski, or about 30 miles
short of Georgievsk.
Three Towns Captured
Three large towns, Solomenskoye,
Sukhaya-Palina and Severny, also
were listed as captured in the con-
tinuing Russian advance. These towns
are between Stepnoye and Sovet-
At least five Red Army columns
were sweeping directly or indirectly
toward Rostov, at the mouth of the
Don River, while 300 niles below that
Caucasian "hinge" the Germans were
falling back northward in an appar-
ent effort to escape encirclement.
Capture 13 Points
The regular midnight Soviet com-
munique, as heard by the Soviet mon-
itor here in a Moscow broadcast, de-
clared 13 populated points and a rail-
way station had fallen to the advan-
cing Russians yesterday on both sides
of the Lower Don River. The Reuters
monitor hearing the same communi-
que listed 17 points, with different
spellings in some cases. Although con-
fusion thus existed over details, a
study of Russian maps gave this pic-
One Red Army column pushing
west along the Stalingrad-Likhaya
railway inside the Don bend had ta-
ken Valkovo, a rail station 110 miles
northwest of Rostov, and only 60
miles from Likhaya, junction point
on the Rostov-Moscow railway. Lik-
haya is only about 60 miles north of
Likhaya also is the goal of another
Turn to Page 6, Col. 3
Giraud Agrees
to Meeting with
Gen,.IDe Gaulle
A member of the University Sen-
ate's advisory committee said last
night that the committee, following
its meeting today, would submit to
President Alexander G. Ruthven and
"all parties concerned" the findings
of its investigation of the action re-
cently taken against Professors Carl
E. Dahlstrom and Christian F. Wen-
ger of the engineering English de-
The committee will also act on the
request of the two men for a recom-
mendation of a course of procedure
for them to follow.
According to this committee mem-
zer, who emphasized that the com-
mittee has purely advisory powers
,ince there is no question of tenure
)r demotion involved, the possible
-ourses of procedure which could be
-ecommended to the two professors
are :
1. To appeal to President Ruthven.
2. To refer the case to the executive
2ommittee of the engineering school.
3. To refer it to the governing body
Stassen Sees
World Union
MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 7.-(P)-Gov-
?rnor Harold E. Stassen of Minnesota,
of the engineering school, which is its
4. To appeal directly to the Board
of Regents.
The committee member revealed
that sessions had already been held
on two occasions, Dec. 31 and Jan. 4,
to investigate the circumstances sur-
rounding the action preventing Pro-
fessors Dahlstrom and Wenger from
further teaching of English I.
If Professors Dahlstrom and Wen-
ger were to decide that they would
want the case presented before the
entire faculty Senate, the committee
member said, they could have a spe-
cial session called upon submitting
a petition for this move signed by at
least 25 faculty members.
Strike Persists
15,000 Miners Idle
In Pennsylvania
WILKES-BARRE, Pa., Jan. 7.-
OP)- The number of striking miners
in Pennsylvania's anthracite fields-
sole source of the nation's hard coal--
rose to nearly 15,000 today in the face
of demands UMWA chief John L.
Lewis, Secretary Ickes, and other
government and union officials that
Ends Today-
Nears 1,000
Margaret Bondfield to Address
Women's Conference Today
With almost 1,000 fingerprints tak-
en already, Alpha Phi Omega winds
up its three-day drive today with
hope of passing the 2,000 mark.
Fingerprints are being taken by
APO members in cooperation with
the FBI at booths on the first floor
of University Hall and. in the West
Engineering Building from 9 a.m. to
12 noon and from 1 to 4 p.m.
Faculty members and townspeople
as well as students are urged to have
records made of their fingerprints
according to Bill Ager, '43. The prints
are placed in the civil identification
files in Washington and have nothing
to do with the criminal records.
Congress to Consider
Pay-ras-You-Go' Tax
WASHINGTON, Jan. 7.-()-Sen-
ator Capper (Rep.-Kan.) today in-
troduced in the Senate a "pay-as-
you-go" income tax resolution and
said he would press for early enact-
ment in an effort to put the plan
into effect by March 15.
Capper's measure was identical to
one introduced by Representative
Carlson (Rep.-Kan.) in the House,
where revenue legislation must orig-
Modeled on a proposal by Beards-
ley Ruml, chairman of the New York
Federal Reserve Bank, the plan would
put personal income tax payments on
a current basis,
Hopkins' Wife Denies
Gift of Beaverbrook
WASHINGTON, Jan. 7.-('P)-Pub-
lished reports that Republican con-
gressmen planned to investigate a re-
7ecommending immediate planning the men go back to work.
for post-war world cooperation, to-
night proposed establishment of a The strike, unauthorized by the
United Nations of the world with a United Mine Workers of America, was
single house of parliament as the key called in protest against a 50 cents a
governmental device, month dues increase adopted by a
"We now have a world-wide vision U Wcneto atOtbra
to win the war," he declared. "We UMW convention last October at
must keep our sights high and main- which the strikers say anthracite
tain a world wide vision to win an miners were not properly represented.
enduring people's peace. i The strikers also are demanding a
"America, peopled by the sons and $2 a day pay increase.
daughters of every nation in the State officials said production,
world, living and working side by side' down already because of short work-
in the forty-eight different states, can weeks during the holiday season, had
and must furnish leadership in meet- dropped at least 30,000 tons daily at
ing this challenge." the 13 affected collieries.
East Coast Licenses Checked
to Reduce Pleasure Drivmg
LONDON, Jan. 7.- (p)- Gen.
Henri HonoreGiraud has agreed "in
principle" to meet Gen. Charles De-
Gaulle on French soil, it was reported
authoritatively today, while a union
of the respective armed forces drew
nearer realization with the steady ad-
vance of a Fighting French column
through Southern Libya.
There was still disagreement on a
time for the meeting but some London
circles expressed belief that the
French high commissioner in Africa
and the Fighting French leader here
were nearer coming to terms than
ever before.
Giraud was reported to have asked
that the proposed conference be de-
layed until the end of January for
"various reasons" but that De Gaulle
in reply had repeated that the situa-
tion within France "admitted of no
S. '. .. .
'Nazi Enemy Number I'
Tells of German Decline
NEW YORK, Jan. 7.- (P)- Gen.
Henri Honore Giraud disclosed today
that the Germans-from whom he
escaped-regarded him as "enemy
number one" and had shot one of his
young relatives in France because a
German non - commissioned officer
had been attacked in a theatre, the
Dakar radio declared in a broadcast
heard by CBS.
Giraud was quoted as saying he had
good reason for being so sure of a
The Right Honorable Margaret
Bondfield, formerly a member of Par-
liament as minister of labor, will be
on the speaker's platform this after-
noon for the fourth session of the
three-day women's occupational con-
Miss Bondfield, who will speak in
addition to the two other speakers al-
ready announced, will deal with the
subject of "English Women in the
War Services". The meeting is sched-
uled for 3:30 p.m, in the Rackham
Known as the first woman cabinet
years she began an apprenticeship in
a dry goods store in Brighton, Eng-
land, and for the next 11 years served
as shop assistant in London.
She received an honorary LL.D. de-
gree from the University of Bristol in
1930. The degree was presented to
her by Winston Churchill, at that
time chancellor of the University.
Now at the age of 69, Miss Bond-
field is on an extensive lecture tour
of the United States and Canada.
Miss Bondfield will lecture at 4 p.m.
Sunday in the Rackham Building on
NEW YORK, Jan. 7.- VP)- The
passenger automobile was a thing to
be stared at today on streets and
highways anywhere along the eastern
And the persons doing most of the
looking were doing it officially, to
take down license numbers for later
check to see if the drivers had legiti-
mate reason for using their cars in
face of the Office of Price Adminis-
al director in New York, changed his
mind about sick calls by auto being
on the eligible list.
The OPA from Washington helped
clarify the order hitting the A, B, and
C gasoline ration card holders, with
an official interpretation late this
Essential shopping, visits to physi-
cians, attending church, attending
funerals, going to business or profes-
sional meetings, or to meet an emer-