THE MICHIGAN DAILY TRUF, D A-V, 7 ii4t michigau Mew. Lieut. Commander Claude G. Pen- dall, author of "Hail, Michigan," one of the most recent Michigan songs published, has just been appointed commanding officer of the Navy Sec- tion Base at Woods Hole, Mass. This base is the home of all Navy ships operating in that area, and Lieut. Corn. Pendall is in complete charge of men and supplies. Lawrence Allen, '41, who enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force in Jan., 1942, is now reported to be "somewhere overseas," serving as a pilot officer. During his four years in Ann Arbor, Allen was' a sports writer onThe Daily sports staff. Hie received his wingssin Toronto this fall. Melvin Wallace, '44, was recently inducted into the Army. He was a sophomore on the Union staff before his induction and he played freshman baseball and basketball. Private Wal- lace is a member of the Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity. George W. Portz, who was a sopho- more last year, was recently commis- sioned an Ensign in the Naval Re- serve in Pensacola, Fla. While a stu- dent here, Ensign Portz was on the varsity track and baseball teams and received military training in the ROTC. He was affiliated with Phi Kappa Tau fraternity. After receiving his M.F. degree at the University, G. B. Gregory en- listed in the Naval Air Corps and was recently commissioned an. En- sign in the Naval Reserve. He was a member of the varsity tennis team. Stanley G. Waltz, who lives in Ann Arbor, has recently been promoted from Major to Lieut. Colonel in the Quartermaster Corps. He was general manager of the Student-Alumni Club at Michigan before being called to active Army duty. Lieut. Col. Waltz is now liaison officer and secretary of the Officer Recreational Center at Camp Lee's Quartermaster Replace- ment Training Center in Virginia. Michigan Debaters to Meet Western Reserve College Plans for the oncoming debate with Western Reserve College were made at the last regular meeting of the Varsity Men's Debating team. The de- bate will be of a cross-examining type, and will be held at 8 p.m. next Mon- day in the north lounge of the Union. Martin Shaperio, '43 and John Muehl, '43, will compose the Michigan team. BLAME IT ON THE WAR: Revelli Announces Plas for New Al -Girl Concert Band ASSOCIATED mlumf PUCTURE PRESS NIVEWY~S + The long arm of the female fight for equality with the male has stretched to the University of Michi- gan campus with all sorts of resultant victories for the one whose "place is in the kitchen". But one of the most amazing and certainly the newest one of all has just been announced. William D. Revelli, conductor of University Bands, has revealed that efforts are now under way for the formation of an All-Girl Concert Band. Yes, that includes all instru- ments, from the big bass horn to the pocket size piccolo. The doubting skeptic has only to look at a few of the present day ad- vancements of women in music to be convinced of the possibilities of such an organization. Radio listeners will tell you of the smooth stylings of Phil Spitalny's All-Girl Orchestra on the "Hour of Charm", a highly popular and successful radio show. Recently the solo trumpet "take- outs" in Woody Herman's orchestra have been handled most capably by a young lady. Even in the formidable ranks of our major symphonies, Philadelphia, Chicago, Cleveland, to name a few, the personnel includes some fine fem- inine talent. One would be conservative to esti- mate that fifty per cent of the mem- bers of high school bands are also members of the skirt-sweater-saddle shoe set. Some of these outstanding students graduate to college and uni- versity bands all over the country. All girls interested in becoming Rev. Pickerll Speaks Today Freshmen to Hear Talk on 'Individuality' The Rev. H. L. Pickerill, director of the Disciples Guild, will address members of the freshman class on the topic "The Meaning and Importance of Individuality on Campus" in the second in a series of Freshman Re- orientation Lectures at 8 p.m. today at Lane Hall. Sponsored by the Student Religious Association, the series is intended to aid freshmen in solving problems which they have met since entering the University. Emphasis at this meeting will be laid on the need for rational deter- mination of the standards which an individual accepts, with considera- tion given to the regimentation tak- ing place today under wartime condi- tions. members of Michigan's first All- Girl Band are invited to attend the first meeting (without instru- ments) at 5 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 12, in Morris Hall. And all of this has been achieved in the span of a few brief years. Not so very long ago, the woman who ven- tured outside of the home or the girl's school was a most unusual one indeed. But with woman suffrage the flood- gates were loosed, until now no field is safe from invasion, from the mas- culine point of view. Many University of Michigan stu- dents will recall the outstanding play- ing of the band's trombone soloist for the past two years, Miss Betty Cor- rell. Miss Correll, for two years with the Phil Spitalny Orchestra as solo- ist, has been acclaimed the finest woman trombonist in the country by the late Arthur Pryor. Other Big Ten University Bands have just admitted girls to their ranks for the first time this year. In the Michigan Band they number 23, or about one-fourth of the total mem- bership of the band, occupying sev- eral solo positions. Action Clarified in Profs Case (Continued from Page 1) ner the department wanted it taught. When they refused to follow specifi- cations, they were relieved of their duties in this particular course." Profs. Dahlstrom and Wenger last night were still maintaining complete silence on their position. They de- clined to comment on either official statement. Members of the Senate advisory committee, which will consider the case tomorrow, were unable to reveal the contents of the request presented to the committee by Profs. Dahlstrom and Wenger. It is not certain whether the request, which could contain their side of the story, will be made public, in view of long-standing policies of the committee, it was learned last night. There is, in addition, no guar- antee that the committee's findings will be submitted to the President. A faculty man who is a member of the American Association of Univer- sity Professors pointed out yesterday that the Association has adopted a resolution which is quoted in its jour- nal as follows: "A university or college may not impose any limitation upon the tea- cher's freedom in the exposition of his own subject in the classroom or in addresses and publications outside the college, except insofar as the necessity of adapting instruction to the needs of immature students." (or in other special cases). Text of Professor Brandt's Statement (Editor's Note: The following is a statement released last night by Prof. Carl G. Brandt relative to the English I classes taught by Professors Christian N. Wenger and Carl E. Dahlstrom.) "English I in the College of En- gineering is ordinarily divided nto 20 or 25 sections to accommodate the large number of students who are required to enroll in it. It is necessary in the conduct of any course in which there are many sections that the teaching in all sections be reasonably uniform in course content. Therefore, in order to provide the necessary uniformity in English I, the staff of the De- partment of Engineering English set up certain requirements for the course. These have been in effect since 1938. "Roughly, the uniform program in English I provides for the teach- ing of, equal amounts of composi- tion and literature. Although all other members of the department had been following the uniform program, the course, as it was being taught by Professors Dahlstrom and Wenger, contained almost no literature and did not meet the re- quirements as they had been es- tablished by the department. Fur- ther, they have failed to use in their classes the texts prescribed by the department as a part of the standard teaching program. "The Engineering English De- partment, the executive committee, the standing committee, and the Dean of the College of Engineering had requested on numerous occa- sions, beginning on Nov. 19, that Professors Dahlstrom and Wenger conform with the course set up by the department. Since these re- quests had not been satisfied, and the desired uniformity had not been attained, it became necessary that some action be taken against the members of the department who are not following the wishes of the Department of Engineering English in the College of Engineer- ing. S M O K E P R 0 T E CT S A LG I E R S S H I P P I N C-in the background a smoke screen is laid to protect Allied shipping in the "harbor of Algiers 'Where heavy U. S. troop transports and supplies have arrived. Smoke shields harbor from eyes of enemy bombers., TOY PLAN ES-Modeled after fighting aircraft, these toy airplanes are used for instruction at tho Grosse Ile Naval Reserve' Aviation base at Detroit. Lieut. (jg) Thomas P. Field of Johnson City, Tenn,; points out the intricate mechanism of the tiny gasoline models to bluejacket Monroe A. Redfield and Edward Manning, both of Detroit. Manning is former president of the Detroit model airplane club. SPORTS DRESS -Movie Actress Faye Emerson models this one-piece spectator sports dress. It is of yellow, orange and peace and war This emblem is familiar throughout the nation as the symbol of a well-trained team, integrated for service in peace Qr war--The Bell Telephone System. 1. American Telephone & Telegraph Co. coordinates all Bell System activities. 2. Twenty-one Associated Companies provide telephone service in their own territories. 3. The Long Lines Department of A. T. & T. handles long distance and overseas calls. "all r" .. ___ _ _ .." "}. .. ,y :.... :...............::"::.:::..:.