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January 07, 1943 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-01-07

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T 'ili D Y, 'i T:' '7 .t 43

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Ability Is There, But Incentive
Must Be Added For Production
First Occupational Conference Discusses Problem Of Training
Women To Cooperate With Each Other In War Industry


The problem today n war indus-
tries is not to get women to work but
to get them to work together.
The answer, according to Montague
A. Clark, chairman of the Manpower
Commission for the State of Michi-
gan, at the first in a series of occupa-
tional conferences for women, will be
found among college women leaders
who have had the benefits of a higher
education and know how to be toler-
ant leaders of their sex.
Women Are Instructors
Women as instructors, however, are
accepted and admired by feminine
trainees and the field for them is rap-
idly increasing in industry.
Robert Goodwin, regional director
of the War Manpower Commission in
Cleveland, declared that women have
made such a place for themselves in
the war industries that labor unions
are welcoming them into their ranks
at salaries equalling those of men.
"A bomber can't distinguish sexes,"
he said, "therefore women should be
as willing to cooperate in industry as
Dean Alice Lloyd spoke about the
their immediate needs for officers
and for technically trained women.
The need for officers is great
enough to entitle women who have
been in the service of the WAVES for
only four weeks to candidacy for offi-
cer's training school, Dean Lloyd said
and stated that the WAACS need
company officers to preside at the
newly-formed camps where the ser-
vice women have been organized into
Technicians Needed
All three of the auxiliary forces
need highly trained technicians in
order to free more of the male popu-
lation for active combat. She also'
listed positions as photographers, tel-
etypists, statisticians, tool and die ex-
The interior decorating section
of the Faculty Women's Club will
meet at 3 p.m. today in the Mich-
igan League. Mrs. Harold J. Bar-
num will speak on "War-Time
Fabrics and Their Care." Mem-
bers may bring non-faculty guests.

perts, formerly restricted to men,
which are now open to women.
This afterioon's session, beginning
at 3:30, will deal with business train-
ing during and after the war.
On the speaker's platform will be
L. B. O'Loughlin, director of Inter-
national Business Machines Co. in
Detroit, Miss Mattie-Grace Sharpe,
assistant employment manager of the
Detroit Edison Co. and Mrs. Florence
V. Weeman of the Michigan Bell
Telephone Co., and John D. Goodell
of the U.S. Signal Corps. Presiding
at the meeting will be Miss Mildred
Webber, secretary of the University
Bureau of Appointments.
Brown to-Speak
Women's jobs in defense industries
will be discussed by E. D. Brown, em-
ployment manager of the Willow Run
Bomber Plant, J. E. Walters, vice-
president of Revere Copper and Brass
Co., and Hubert C. Smith, assistant
chief metallurgist of the Great Lakes
Steel Co., at the evening session at
7:30 p.m. today.
Dr. T. Luther Purdom, director of
the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments, will preside. Topics for discus-
sion will center about production,
personnel, technical and professional
work in defense industries;
Betsy Barbour Upset
By Fire Paralleling
That Of Jordan Hall
Students returning to Betsy Bar-.
bour House from afternoon classes
yesterday were startled by a peculiar
odor that pervaded the house. It
seems that there had been a fire in
'their absence.It was discovered early,
however, so no serious damage was
It all started when one of the girls
on second floor neglected to put out
her cigarette before going to class and
tossed it into the wastebasket. The
fire was discovered by one of the girls
on fourth floor who smelled the
smoke and investigated. Although the
wastebasket and some notes were
burned, most of the damage was done
by the chemical fire extinguisher.

Dance Tickets
To Be Attached
To Programs
Wartime Economy Stressed
By Committee As Assembly
Gives Profits To Scholarship
There'll be a "swing shift on the
assembly line" beginning at 9 p.m.
and ending at midnight Saturday in
the League Ballroom, as Assembly
Ball with music by Ray Gorrell and
company gets under way.
Its profits going to Bomber-Schol-
arship fund, the seventh annual af-
fair given by Assembly plans to cut
down on overhead this year by com-
bining tickets and programs, so that
the two are attached, the ticket to be
torn off at the- door. Economy and
patriotism will be carried out further,
by the presentation of a $25 war bond
which will be raffled off as. a door
Formals but No Formality
Though formal dress will be the
rule, a formal atmosphere has been
already dispelled as a danger to the
dance, ever since publicity gag ghosts
began haunting coke booths and dis-
appointed gunmen went on the prowl
to "get" their "molls" who didn't ask
them to Assembly Ball.
Ray Gorrell's orchestra, music poll
winners and first dance band to tra-
vel by Pan-American Clipper all the
way to Bermuda to play for U.S. Ma-
rines and British flyers, promises
plenty of varied syncopation for the
"swing shift." Vocalists featured will
be Juliana and Paul Davis.
Tickets Still on SaleI
Tickets are still on sale this week,
at a price lower than it has ever been
before, in the League, women's dor-
mitories and league houses. Purchases
are open to all students, independent
or not.
A dinner will be held before the
dance in the League Dining Room for
members of Assembly Board and the
Ball central committee which is head-
ed by Beatrice Glass, '43. Her assis-
tants are Mary Jane Utley, '43, Jean
Bisdee, '44, Betsy Follin, '45, Ruth Ed-
berg, '45, Joan Selmier, '45, Joan
Kintzing, '45, Frances Sacks, '45,
Marian Hrebec, '44, Florence Turin,
'44Ed, Doreen Larmee, '44Ed, Cath-
erine Call, '43, and Florine Wilkins,
Will Lecture.
Woman Photographer To Speak I
On Russian Women On Feb. 4

Ray Gorrell

Ray Gorrell's orchestra featuring
vocalists Juliana and Paul Davis
will play on the "swing shift" at
Assembly Ball which will be held
Saturday in the League.
N EDUCATOR, an industrialist
and a government official met in
the Rackham Building last night to
lecture on the role of college coeds
in the war effort.
It was an informal series of lec-
tures. Deans of four of the Uni-
versity's colleges and other experts
in the audience entered into the
discussion which was enlightening,
extremely informative and right
down to business.
But there were only about 45 or
50 coeds there.
THE REST of the meager audience
was made up of townspeople and
members of mens and women's serv-
ice clubs in the vicinity of Ann Arbor.
This conference is being put on
for the sole benefit of University
women who have indicated their
eagerness to aid in the nation's war
effort but who don't know how to
go about it.
These experts in the fields of busi-
ness, industry, public service and rel-
ative fields are here to tell you where
you are most needed and what to do..
IF the University of Michigan wo-
men mean what they say-they'll
turn up at at least one or two of the
meetings today and tomorrow.
-Barbara de Fries
League To Sell War
Stamp Boutonnieres
For Assembly Ball
Tickets for war boutonnieres will
be sold in the League today, tomor-
row, and Saturday by the Senior Soci-
ety for Assembly Ball, Gertrude In-
wood, president, announced yester-
The boutonnieres are the men's
equivalent of warsages and may be
obtained upon presentation of the
tickets Saturday afternoon, or just
before the dance begins. Any woman
who wishes to order one for her guest
may do so by telephoning Miss In-
wood at Martha Cook, if she cannot
get one by going to the League.

Flag Display
Will Highlight
Military Ball
United Nation Banners To Form
Avenue In Intramural Building;
Feature Army, Navy Emblems
An avenue of flags will be the high-
light of the military decorations for
the Army-Navy Ball, to be held from
9 p.m. to 1 a.m., Friday, Jan. 22, at
the Sports Building, according to
Cadet Col. Charles Thatcher, '43, pub-
licity chairman.
Flags of all the United Nations
have been obtained and will be sus-
pended from pillars on either side of
the room for the avenue of flags. At
opposite ends of the floor, two huge
cap emblems, one of the Army and
the other of the Navy, will be hung.
Set Up Exhibits'
Army and Navy exhibits will be setj
up in each corner of the far side of1
the room, says Cadet Col. Thatcher.
The ROTC will display machine guns,
sandbags and mortars, and signal
flags, cutlasses and ring buoys are to
be shown by the NROTC
The "Nation's Newest Sensation",
Bob Chester and his orchestra will be
located at one side of the gym. Down
the center of the ceiling colored drap-I
eries will be hung.
Keep Expenses at Minimum7
Decorations for the affair have
been donated by a Detroit firm, asj
expenses are being kept to a minimum;
in keeping with the war effort. Pro-;
ceeds from the affair will be divided,
between the military science depart-l
nent, naval science department andt
the Bomber-Scholarship.
Tickets for the Ball are now on sale1
at ROTC and NROTC headquarters]
or may be purchased from any mem-
bers of the central committee.
Formerly open only to advanced,
corps men, this year all members of
the ROTC and NROTC including the
basic students are invited to attend
the Ball.-
Senior Project Unit .
Resumes Activities
With a total of 1,477 dressings com-
pleted to date, seniors continue tor
cooperate with the war effort, as theirE
surgical dressing unit opens again
from 1 to 5 p.m. today and Friday in
4he game room of the League.
Stockwell Hall, today, and Kappa
Kappa Gamma and Kappa Alpha
Theta, Friday, have special invita-
tions to supervise the project, but
anyone who wishes may volunteer
her services.
Elizabeth Vander Noot, Univer-
sity of Michigan, '35Ed (Mrs. R.
W. Langerak) of Des Moines, Ia.,
won first prize in the poetry con-
test conducted annually by the
National Thanksgiving Associa-
tion, for her poem, "Thanksgiving
Day Prelude."

o 'i.
o /Ledc/inaj am! &--nyaqemenLs
~. s~'.~jMrs. W. F. Washburn of Hinsdale,
Miss Schermerhorn is a member of
Kappa Alpha Theta sorority and also
of Judiciary Council and Scroll. This
fall she acted as an orientation ad-
- visor. Before entering the Univer-
sity last year, she atten'ded Rockford
College in Rockford, Ill.
Mr. Washburn. majored in physics
at Washington and Jefferson College
at Washington, Pa., and graduated
in December. He is a member of
Kappa Sigma fraternity.

. * *
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Morse, of Oak
Park, Ill., have announced the en-
gagement of their daughter, Vir-
ginia, '43, to Harry Armstrong; son
of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Wood, of River
Forest, Ill.
Miss Morse, president of Panhel-
lenic Board, is also the president of{
her sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta.I
She is a member of Wyvern, wasI
chairman of Panhellenic Banquet
last year, and was a former member
of the WAA Board. Active in Frosh
Project, Soph Cabaret, and JGP, she
has also participated on various
League committees.
This fall Miss Morse was elected
to Who's Who Among Students in
American Universities and Colleges.
She also belongs to Scroll, senior
women's honorary society.
Mr. Armstrong is a senior at Dart-
mouth this year and is affiliated with
Alpha Delta Phi fraternity. Follow-
ing his graduation this April, he will
join the Army Air Corps. As yet no
date has been set for the wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Schermerhorn
of Evanston, Ill., have announced the
engagerment of their daughter, Jane,

The marriage of Alice Louise
Schutt, '44, daughter of Mr. and Mirs.
Frederick Schutt, of Mt. Clemens, to
Richard Harvey Blakeley, '42E, son
of Mr: and Mrs. Harvey T. Blakeley
of Detroit, took place recently.
Mrs. Blakeley is affiliated with
Delta Gamma sorority and is a meni-
ber of Panhellenic Board. Mr. Blake-
ley is a member of Chi Phi fraternity.
The couple will make their home in
Ann Arbor.
Barbara J. Fisher, '41, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. G. Karl Fisher of Trav-
erse City, became the bride of Ralph
D. Mahon Jr., recently at a ceremony
held in the League ChapeL Mr. Ma-
hon is the son of Mr. and Mrs. . .'.
Mahon of Milan.
Mrs. Mahon is affiliated with Al-
pha Chi Omega, is a Phi Beta Kappa,
and belonged to Mortarboard. She
will receive her master's degree this
Mr. Mahon took his pre-medical
instruction at the University of Tex-
as, where he was elected to Phi Beta
Kappa. He later entered the Medical
School here and will receive his doc
tor's degree this month. He is a mem-
ber of Phi Chi fraternity.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Buhr re-
cently announced the engagement 'of
their daughter Margaret to Ensign
Charles J. Trick, '43E1, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Sohn W. Trick of Dearborn.
Miss Buhr attends William and
Mary College in Richmond, Va. She
will graduate this June. Ensign Trick
is a member of Alpha Tau Omega
fraternity and is active on the wres-
tling, boxing and track teams.

_ _. .



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"From the halls of Montezuma, to
the shores of Tripoli" Margaret
Bourke-White and her trusty camera
have traveled documenting modern
history. Miss Bourke-White will be
presented by the Oratorical Associa-
tion on Feb. 4, 1943 as the sixth at-
traction in the 1942-43 lecture course.
Working under the assumption that
no corner of the world is too remote,
this shining example of the "modern
woman" has travelled through twen-
ty-seven countries. Since the begin-
ning of World War II, she has spent
her time at the fighting fronts' in
Britain, Russia and Libya.
In Russia with Husband
Having spent several months in
Russia, with her writer husband, Ers-
kine Caldwell. Miss Bourke-White
will take the subject matter for her
lecture from this locale when she
speaks on "Russian Women in the
She bears the distinction of being
the first woman war photographer
accredited by the U.S. Army. In this
capacity, Miss Bourke-White was at-
tached to the Eighth Air Force,
Bomber Command in Britain.
In order to refrain from becoming
"bored" with life, Miss Bourke-White
has often turned her talents to the
art of writing. She has authored a
half dozen books of which the most
recent is "Shooting the Russian War",
an account of her experiences in Rus-
sia during the autumn and winter of
Famous Acquaintances
She can count among her acquain-
tances and friends such personalities
as President Roosevelt, Churchill,
Stalin, King Faruk of Egypt, and Chi-
ang Kai-shek. Her photographic ver-
sions of these famous faces have been
seen throughout the world.
The Library of Congress, the Mu-
scum. of Modern Art in New York
City, the Cleveland Museum of Art
and the Brooklyn Museum all contain
examples of her talent. Her photo-
murals are used for interiors in Radio
City, New York.
Tickets for this and the other re-
maining lectures of the course may
be purchased at the Hill Auditorium
box office.
Margaret Bondfield
Will Lecture Today
The guest of Martha Cook residents
for the rest of the week, the Right

P4,1 prejsentli V AA n stjC S
WAA certainly started the New Year out right, and here's a resolution
to keep it up throughout the year. A goodly number showed up to take
those New Year's Eve kinks out through exercising at the fourth leadership
meeting on the fated afternoon of Jan. 1, 1943, at Barbour.
Yes, we were there, too, physically, anyhow, and though the meeting
was short, it was fun and an active one. Reporting over station WAA,
were Shelby Dietrich and Helen Clarke, on the trials and tribulations of a
little girl called "BOtis' and don't ask us her last name.
Reports on houses' activities are still slowly dragging themselves in;
at least the athletic managers aren't, exactly on the ball. Only three
weeks left before facing the well-known final firing squad, so how about
some good house participation until then?
Next to the last meeting of the Voluntary Physical Fitness program will
be at 5 p.m. tomorrow at Barbour, so come one come all. Reason for the
change of usual meeting time is due to the vocational conference.
Talking about meetings, here's an important announcement. There
will not be a meeting of the Swimming Club this week, but there will be one
at 7:30 p.m. next week Thursday, at the Union Pool. All members must
attend unless they have an excuse from Oriel Straehley or they will be
ineligible to be in the ballet.
Oriel says, "Be filled with ideas, for the blueprint for the Water
Ballet will be composed at this time,' so put your thinking caps on.
Here's one you've been waiting for. Selected to fill the presidency of
the Dance club and newest WAA Board member is Ruth Pritchett, '45, trans-
fer student from Wayne University. So long.

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