Fifty-Third Yea? Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. A rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Uichigan. a second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 REPRE9ENTEO FOR NATN.'.L ADVERTI.ANG MY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADIsON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON . Los ANCELES * SAN FRANCISCO Editorial Staff ; _ ,,, ....:. ;m ...: The Old Gives Way to the Neius ... . r, , :: }(, SENATOR GEORGE 'NORRIS: . , _. 2, . . . . 'The Example We Set' Homer Swander, Morton Mintz ., Will Sapp George W. Sallade Charles Thatcher Bernard Hendel Barbara deFries Myron Dann . . . . Managing Editor . . . . Editorial Director' . . . . . . City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor . . . . . Sports Editor . . . . Women's Editor . . . Associate Sports Editor Business Staff Edward J. Perlberg Fred M. Ginsberg Mary Lou Curran Jane Lindberg . James Daniels . Business Manager . Associate Business Manager S . Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager . . Publications sales Analyst (Editor's Note: Following is the text of an address delivered by Senator George W. Norris at a diner recently given in his honor. We believe that in this "farewell speech" Senator Norris has proved once more that his thought, his spirit and his honest humanity are as vigorous as ever-of the best that America has produced.) "!" EOUTCOME of the present world wai' will determine whe- ther we are to have a freeworld or whether a dictator shall make slaves of all the peoples of the earth who do not belong to his race. We will emerge from this contest a free people or we and our descendants will become the slaves of a master who knows neither justice nor mer- cy. "In this great world struggle, where the life of eivilization is at stake, we will not be able to do our part in the drawing of the peace treaty unless we maintain the fires of human freedom at our own fire- sides. We must not be so illogical as to try to impose the principles of freedom upon other peoples if we are not practicing' the same phi- lesophy ourselves. "It is therefore essential that whatever advance we have made in progressive government in our own country shall be maintained with jealous care lest we lose the fruits of our advancement here in the re- construction days which shall fol- low the war. "THE TASK will soon be before those who believe that they should rally around the banner of human progress to see that the gains we have made at home shall not be lost in the victory we shall win abroad. "The representatives of special interests= already are attempting, to frame the future so that, when the war is won and peace Is made; they will be in control' of a great. part, If not all, pf our governmental struc- ture. Many of them are now in key positions, waiting for the time to come to act directly :where they- are now acting indirectly and in secret, in controlling our governmental policies. "Everyone knows now, if he did not know it before Japan stabbed our Nation in the back at Pearl Harbor, that isolation in this world' is an impossibility. Whether we like it or not, we know that the Divine injunction 'No man liveth unto himself alone' applies to na- tions as well as to individuals. We either must submit or we must fight. We are fighting, not only for ,our own freedom and our own lib- erty, but we are fighting for the liberty and the freedom of all the' peoples who bel.ieve with us that the advancement which the world so far has made in human relation- ships must be maintained, whatever sacrifice is necessary. TVA On The Danube "At a recent meeting of the Na- tional Assn. of Manufacturers, the president of that great and power- ful organization probably spoke out of turn and exposed the real situa- tion, when. he said that we are not, fighting this war to supply milk for every Hottentot child or to estab- lish a TVA on the Danube. Any man with a heart and soul, and with vision, can see that, when this war is over, the world must be under the control of men who have no Hitler ideas hidden in their hearts. This war will be a failure--the, peace will be a failure-if we do not provide that, as far as hlman- ly possible, food shall be provided for every innocent babe, regardless of its nationality. "The examples we set here, if truthfully and honestly followed, will result in the establishment of a TVA on the Dajnube and upon every other river of simIlar magni- tude anywhere in the world-. "Men who have spent a lifetime of toil for monopolies and illegal' combinations must be freed from the yoke of economic slavery. Ev- ery stream which flows down the mountainside, through them mea- dows, and into the, sea,, must", do something for the happiness and the comfort of man. Every dropl of water that- falls from theheavens to the earth beneath must be har- nessed and, through irrigation, moisten the fertile soil of. arid lands, or it must be stored by dams which will prevent floods and bring cheap navigation to a suffering. people. "I NCIDENTALLY, civilization must get the benefit of the falling water which, when properly con- trolled, without any loss of sub- stance, and without any interfer- ence with its usefulness, will make what we have called, for the want of a better name, 'electricity.' This electricity shall be carried over publicly owned transmission lines, into the homes of our people. Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: CHARLOTTE CONOVER - - - Editorials published in The Michigan Dailyz are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. LOPPING OFF THE YEARS OF STUDY: Hutchins' New Plan of Education Would Work In Peace, But Is Unfitted For Wartime Training PRESIDENT ROBERT HUTCHINS of the Uni- versity of Chicago has formed a plan to tide liberal education through the war emergency. He proposes to graduate stulents from col- lege at the age of 18 years. "The organiza- tion which will permit us to give a liberal education by the time the student is called to the colors is a six-year elementary school, a three- or four-year high school, and a three- or four-year college term," he suggested to a group of educators last week. This newest Hutchins idea to discard tradi- tional theories of education molds itself to the Secretary of War's sober determination to mini- mize liberal education in colleges for the dura- tion. It seems to be a constructive answer to the "powerful challenge to liberal arts" that edu- cators like Presidnt Charles Seymour of Yale University have seen to exist. But apparent de- fects of time in its organization and a probable unfriendliness on the part of the Army do not portend its speedy adoption. HUTCHINS calls for a six-year elementary school. This indicates he is banking on a very long war. Before his plan could begin oper- ation, grade schools would have to revise their SLOW FREIGHT: Shipping Shortage StillL Hindering War Machine THE EFFECTS of red tape and "business as usual" in glutting up still further our complex shipping problem were brought home forcefully once again by two recent articles, one from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the other appearing in The Nation. In a special feature in the Dispatch, Richard L. Stokes reported that twelve machines cap- able of producing four million packages of compressed foods every 24 hours have re- mained idle for a year now. These machines, capable because they are able to take out air as well as water, reducing the weight of foods up to 86 per cent, which means a bonus of 20 to 25 per cent more cargo ships, were refused for allocation by the War Production Board because the company had no army orders. The Army, on the other hand, declined to grant orders because the WPB has not allo- cated the machines. But this is only the beginning of the story, for Howard Clarke, writing in The Nation, had another strange tale to tell. A tale of onions. Immediately after Pearl Harbor, Army officials in Hawaii, realizing that all possible shipping to the islands due to the emergency had to be used for war purposes, induced the Hawaiian farmers to grow onions so that this bulky crop would no longer have to be imported from our own country. To the great surprise of the islanders, after they had grown so much of the needed crop that it was rotting on the docks, huge quantities of onions started to ar- rive in highly convoyed shiploads from the United States in fulfillment of contracts placed long ago with California growers. ALL THESE INCIDENTS would be hilariously funny if we weren't fighting a war in which shipping is a number one problem, and the ship- ment of food; according to Secretary of Agricul- ture Wickard, is 50% of that problem. All this would be a great joke if we weren't faced with a submarine menace which is credited by The Christian Science Monitor with taking a toll of one million tons of United Nations shipping a month. We are certainly in no position today to teaching schedules to a six-year course, and students would have to go through the new type of grade school, enter the high school, and only after several years come to' college at a com- paratively young age. The process of retooling education to this plan would clearly occupy a period of years. The new organization conceiv- ably might not produce younger students until the war had ended. The Army, intent on adhering to military studies, probably won't take a fancy to the plan. Hutchins himself admits that "we cannot con- vince the government at this date by our own exertions that true liberal education is the best education for war."' His plan doesn't go whole hog for war education as the Army would like. For the Army will argue that the college student, even at a younger age, should be studying its brand of subjects in order to be quicker fitted for duty against the enemy. Hutchins, then, is taking advantage of an age technicality to insert the maximal amount of liberal education in the young man's col- lege curriculum before the Army and its mili- tary necessity studies take over. Even though it is cloaked in a war setting, the plan, with its seemingly long period of reorgan- ization, will have to be considered as belonging more to the peace. As a permanent form of organization, it has points in its favor. Hutchins appears to be on solid ground in reasoning that at 15 and 16 youths could nego- tiate work of college calibre. The book "Psy- chology" by Shaffer, Gilmer and Schoen says: "The Binet tests, which give a sort of average of the development of mental functions, show that maturity is reached at the chronologicial age of sixteen . . . The mature mental level of fifteen years means only that the average adult can learn new things no better or faster than he could at about fifteen, nor solve new problems of any greater difficulty." However,,the value of only three years each of high school and college with the four-year course still possible is debatable. Lopping years off the educational schedule is a pet theme of Hutchins. President Ruthven last year, in discussing the Hutchins two-year college plan which would in addition cut two year from the high school course, affirmed that experiences with high school principles from the entire state had con- vinced him and other concerned educators, that the last two years spent in high school and col- lege are very essential to the educational growth of the student. Four years of college and high school still would be possible under Hutchins's war plan, as he himself has shown. "Their operation the year around-or merely the operation of the college the year around-will enable the stu- dent to complete a liberal education by the time he is drafted." One of the evident designs of the plan as a war measure will apply equally to the peace. Most students called out of 'college today antici- pate one day returning. But there certainly will be obstacles-such as finance and homemaking to completing their education. Hutchins would fully equip students with their educational tools before serving their country in war. Used after the war, the plan would fit the student earlier for his life work, obviating to some degree the charge that college students now spend a dis- proportionate amount of their life acquiring "higher learning." Needy students would be en- abled to work part of the time and still secure their college degrees at a fairly early age. S A WAR MEASURE, the new Hutchins plan appears unhandy. But educators would not DREWK PEARSON'S3 MERRY-GO-ROUND WASHINGTON-The 78th Congress, now open- ing, will live up to all advance notices of cur- tailing the Government's non-war spending. But despite talk about a coalition of Republicans and conservative Democrats, don't look for any serious tampering with New Deal economic re- forms. With a Presidential election coming up in 1944, the Republican leadership in both Houses will take no chances of antagonizing labor by supporting efforts of anti-New Deal Demo- crats to repeal the Wagner Labor Relations Act and the 40-hour week. Both of these laws will remain on the books. Here's a roundup legislative preview of the new session: Labor-The only legislation affecting organ- ized labor with a good chance of being enacted will be a bill outlawing racketeering in labor unions, and requiring international unions to register with the government and publicly report their finances. Farm-The farm bloc will have the upper hand in both Houses, is almost certain to force through legislation further increasing parity price ceilings on farm products. Such a step will open the door to runaway inflation, but farm bloc leaders are confident they have the votes to put it over anyway. Agricultural spokesmen already are busy be- hind the scenes trying to negotiate a logroll, whereby they will withdraw their opposition to the 40-hour week if laborites reciprocate on the proposal for higher parity ceilings. Taxes-Despite Senate agitation for a na- tional sales tax, Congress will not accept it. However, don't be surprised if the House Ways and Means Committee works out a new pay-as- you-go formula for income taxation, probably calling for monthly payments. Economy-Wholesale slashes will be voted in the budgets of all government departments ex- cept War, Navy, State and, possibly the Treasury. Investigations-The Committees on Executive Expenditures in both Houses, which have been inactive for several years, will come to life wih a bang. One agency whose spending activities will receive a thorough going-over is the Federal Works Agency. For the first time, Representative Martin Dies will run into serious gpposition over the continu- ance of his un-Americanism investigating com- mittee. End Of The Tank Army Ordnance experts now foresee the time when the tank, which made France fall, will be outmoded and discarded as a useful weapon. In fact, they say the tank will be discarded for large-scale combat before this war is over. Death of the tank is the anti-tank gun. If you can mount a large enough gun-and give it sufficient mobility-you can blow up the enemy's tanks and cripple his mechanized forces com- pletely. This is just what happened to Rommel in his recent African debacle. He had previously enjoyed superiority in anti-tank weapons. While the British were still using a 75 mm. gun, Rommel (the desert fox) brought into action an 88 mm. gun, and to conceal it from the British until they were on top of it, buried the guns in the sand. This was what caused the rout of the British forces last June. SAMUEL GRAFTON'S 1BdI4 RatherBe R ight Resources For All "Our natural resources must be conserved for the benefit of gil the people. These natural resources, God-given, belong to them and must not be owned or controlled by any private monopoly. There must be no place where private mono- poly shall make an unholy profit out of the generation and distribu- tion of electricity. The people must all get the benefits and all the joys and pleasures of life these natural resources bring forth. "Yft, we say to the National Assn. of Manufacturers that the stranglehold which many of its members have had upon the happi- ness and the destinies of the com- mon man will be loosened and this unseen and mysterious power known as electricity, through the instrumentality, of many TVAs, will lessen the labor of those who toil, and will bring happiness, joy, and comfort to every fireside in our land. "With hatred toward none, with revenge absent from our hearts, a new world will spread the joys of human life into, every home. Mono- poly and human greed must be de- thronedand if we are true to the faith, if we are really fighting for freedom, theman who coins the life blood of human toil into money must lose his grip.'There will come a time when those who toil, and those who serve, will be placed upon a higher level than those who nei- ther toil nor spin." SDAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN WEDNESDAY, JAN.6, 1943 V03L. IiI No. 08 All notices forthe faly Official Bul- ,letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 pan. of the day preceding its ;publica- tin,. except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices To Members of the University Council: The January meeting of the University Council has been can- celled, If you wish to finance the purchase of a home, or if you have purchased improved property on a land contract and owe a balance of approximately 60 per cent of the value of the prop- erty, the Investment Office, 100 South Wing of University Hall, would be glad to discuss financing through the medium of a first mortgage. Such financing may effect a substantial saving in interest. Refresher Courses in Mathematics: The following refresher courses will be offered by the Department of Mathematics beginning Thursday, January 7, and continuing until the opening of the spring term: Trigo- nonetry, Tuesday, 4-5:30 p.m. School and College Algebra, Thurs- day, 4-5:30 p.m.; and Plane Analytic Geoumetry, Saturday, 4-5:30 p.m.; all these courses will meet in Room 3010 Angell Hall. These courses are intend- ed for members of the faculty who ex- pect to be available to assist the De- partment of Mathematics in the teaching of freshman mathematics in the spring term. It is suggested that all such persons should plan to attend one or more of these refresher cours- es.' -T. H. Hildebrandt Applications in Support of Re- search Projects: To give Research Committees and the Executive Board adequate time to study all proposals, it is requested that faculty members having projects needig support dur- ing 1942-1943 file their proposals in the Office of the Graduate School by Friday, February 19. Those wishing to renew previous requests whether now receiving support or not should so indicate. Application forms will be mailed or can be obtained at Secre- tary's Office, Room 1006 Rackham Building, Telephone 372. - C. S. Yoakum Students: A list of graduates and former students now in Military Ser- vice is being compiled at the- Alumni Catalogue Office. This list already numbers approximately 6,000. If you are entering Military Service, please see that your name is included in this lis by reporting such information to the- Alumni Catalogue Office. This courtesy will be greatly appreciated. -Lunette Hadley, Director Alumni Catalogue Office Fraternity and Sorority Presidents are reminded that membership lists for the month of December are due in the Office of the Dean of Students on January 5. To Students Whose' Fathers are Rotarians: Each year the Ann Arbor Rotary Club gives a luncheon to the -students whose fathers are members of Rotary International. The 1943 luncheon will be held at the Michigan Union on Wednesday, January 13, at twelve noon. To make certain that all sons and daughters of Rotarians re- NEW YORK- American corre- spondents in North Africa are being allowed to write more freely, for which a deep nod to our censors is in order. But they are writing un- happily. They seem shocked. One of them reports almost naively that a number 'of' the'' local French' are pro-axis. Being a good American, he cannot understand this. These specimens seem crazy to him. Snakes, he calls them. He cannot understand why we should give snakes the freedom to crawl, for that is certainly not one of the four freedoms. A radio correspondent adds his startled vaiee;- he cannot under- stand why General Liraud should have arrested de Gaullist elements, and put them in the can as if they were enemies. Another writer, chipping in, says that the promise to free democrats from the concentration camps of' Vichy-in-Africa has not been car- ried out. A fourth voice contributes that most of the local Vichy offi- cials are still in office, even though many of them were, and probably still are, typhoid maies of fascism. What Goes On Here?. WHAT's going on here? It is quite clear what is going on; a strug- gle for power is going on, in which fascists have amiably been given, by us, the freedom to struggle, and that, again, is not one of the four freedoms.- One writer reveals that American officials have taken on the function of investigating pro-axis activity in North Africa, but have not assumed, the power of prosecuting, and so, they merely investigate. And inves- tigate. And since we do not act, the obscure struggle goes on, and the- situation in North Africa grows more mysterious by the minute. And it becomes necessary to say that the obscurity in North Africa' is an exact reflection of the obscur- ity of our own approach to North Africa. We Won't Take Sides What have we tried to do in North Africa? We have tried to set' up the shining goal of unity, with- out removing those fascist elements against the destroyer is to load on more armor--but the more the ar- mor, the less mobility. Ordnance experts see the next step: about whom and with whom unity. cannot be built. (If it could be, then there was no reason for the war.) In other words, we have tried not to take sides in North' Africa. We have tried to say that the difference between- fascists and democrats is not Important, in this one special case; and swe have mumbled this incohereney during a war whose existence shows how Im- portant that difference is. We have tried to pat the biggest problim in the world on the back, and to say to it, be' a good fellow, an d behave. We have suddenly embarked on , a bizarre course of political neu- trality during the heart' of a- war' between two clear-cut sides, on one of which we are a belligerent. We have not yet said a clear word in, North Africa. The liberators have arrived, and' are not liberating. No wonder one- of the correspondents records that the local pro-demo- craticFc, a majority, are' con'- fused by our softness, and by- our willingness to turn the whole local show over to those same elements which wrestled while France died. The Enemy, Close Up THE HARD FACT is that we-have: to take sides, even in localities, even in cities. That is the hardest, toughest and bitterest fact of the last decade, and too many of us' have been totally unable to-swallow it. It-is not democratic tolerance to, allow the old, old struggle between fascists and free men to go on in% areas we control. It is weakness. It is weakness to allow the 1939 in- ternal struggle of metropolitan France to be repeated, in shabby miniature, in North Africa. This is not a game, to be played according to Marquis of Queensbury rules. It is war. W e owe nothing to fascist'ee t -ny h r; n t vn fi elements anywhere, not even "fair rules," for we know .they will stop at' nothing to defeat our side; they even gave France itself'up to do so. North Africa will be obscure pre- cisely as long as - we are obscure- The tough, granite fact is that you don't get unity by wishing for it, you get unity by removing the ob- stacles to unity. The whole war is. an effort to remove those obstacles by force. That process needs local application. We are forced to take sides, even within North Africa, and the effort not to do so denies our war. We must learn to fight the fasist. w~ e t and Iknow ibyname::