TUES., SEFT. 29, 1942
T149 MICHIGAN n .d lr rV
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Yearbook Staff,
Lacking Editor,
IJ~ lessM Manager States
Wartime Difficulties
Won't Halt Publication
ArtUso ActingEditor
Despite war, priorities and lack of
an editor, the Michiganensian will be
published this year, declares Ben
Qouglas, '43, business manager of the
University students will not be de-
prived of the once-a-year publication
that unites all campus events between
tV~o covers, even though the editor
has been drafted and the WPB may
1low up production. The remaining
editorial staff, now working under
the direction of acting-editor Dom
Artuso, '43, is going ahead with plans
for an 'Ensian which promises to out-
do previous volumesin complete cam-
pus coverage, and artistic illustration.
The 1943 yearbook will cover all
phases of University lfe, with special
attention given to wartime changes,
ROTC and NROTC activities and de-
fense courses. Individual portraits of
graduating seniors, pages of frater-
nity and sorority pictures, candid
shots of Michigan's traditional social
events, action photos and sport sum-
maries of athletic events, pictures
and discussions of campus activities
and reproductions of familiar campus
scenes are only a few of the features
that the 'Ensian will offer.
Advance sales will begin Orienta-
tion week with subscriptions of $3.50
offered to early buyers. In November
the price will be raised to $4.50, a
boost which will last until the year-
book comes out next spring, to be
sold at $5.00 a copy. Students are ad-
vised to buy at the low rate this fall
as only a limited number will be
printed, says Business Manager Ben
Working -with Douglas and Artuso
on the senior staff are Ruth Wood,
'43. women's business manager; Dot-
tie Johnson, '43, women's editor; and
Stu Gildart, art editor.
Junior members of the men's busi-
ness staff include Martin Feferman,
'44. salesman; Buck Dalton, '44, and
Dick Bieneman, '44E. On the wo-
men's business staff are Lois Fromm,
'44, June Gustafson, '44, Eleanor
Howe, '44, and Mary Keppel, '44.
Junior members of the editorial
staff include: Mel Englehardt, '44,
Carson Grunewald, '44, Robert
&chulze, '44, Suzanne Sims, '44
(schools and colleges), Betty Ann
JKranich, '44 (house group), Jean
Whittemore, '44 (women's activities),
Griffith Young, '44A, (layouts), and
A. A. Agree, '44A (sports).
. Sophomores and second semester
freshmen are urged to attend the
meeting for tryouts, at 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Sept. 30 in the Student
Publications Building, 420 Maynard.
All tryouts for both the business and
cdiotorial staffs will meet in the 'En-
sian business office, second floor.
1 1
New Directory
Lists Students'
Vital Statistics
Students wandering around in the
bewildering maze of registration red
tape can find one consolation for
their card-filling activities.rWhen the
first card is signed it starts the ball
rolling for the campus' best social
booster, the Student Directory.
"Who can I call for a date tonight?
Where does that fellow next to me
that gets all A's on his themes live?
I wonder if he's really a senior?
How'll I get addresses for my Christ-
mas cards?" The answers to all of
these and many more questions will
be found in the most-used student
handbook when it comes out next
month edited by Ben Douglas, '43.
For the Directory lists each student,
graduate or undergraduate, and each
faculty member, with telephone num-
ber, class and home address for each
student and both office and home
phone number for each professor.
In addition the phone numbers of
all campus buildigs will be listed,
including dormitories, fraternityand
sorority houses and cooperatives.
Still another feature is a section giv-
ing officers and directors of the ma-
jor campus extra-curricular activi-
Army Needs
Offer Of Deferment Made
To Promising Majors
Psychologists are needed in war
work; therefore the Selective Service
is deferring promising juniors and
seniors who are majoring in psychol-
ogy. Adequately prepared men in this
field are in constant demand by the
For this reason, the University
plans to give the training needed in
present and future courses. Coordin-
ated programs .are being arranged
with other University departments in
order that students may obtain the
essential psychological background
for occupations diraetly connected
with the war effort.
Most branches of the armed ser-
vices and some other government de-
partments use psychologists. Work1
done by these men includes examina-
tion of draftees both before and af-
ter induction. They attempt to place
the draftee in work he is tempera-
mentally and practically suited for
and to eliminate those who are unfit
for military service. Special work is
being done by psychologists for the
Army and Navy Air Forces and in the
intelligence sections.
Advanced students working for
their masters degree in clinical psy-
chology have an opportunity to gain
practical experience.
Michigan Union Facilities
All-out facilities of Micigan's two
and one-half million dollar Union
will be devoted for one week to enter-
ing freshmen and transfer students.
The vast recreational facilities of
the Union will be open to all-the
swimming pool, the billiard and ping-,
pong rooms, the bowling alleys, the
Pendleton library, and the dining
rooms and tap room.
i _
Student Senate
Represents All
Men, Women
Vote Determiine
Staff Is Created
The Student Senate is the only
student governing body on campus
that represents both men and women
and is chosen by unrestricted elec-
Streamlined last spring, the organ-
ization now consists of nine Sena-
tors who form the policies of the or-
ganization and an administrative
staff who carry out the policies. The'
former Senate was made up of 30
The main aim of the Senate is to
accelerate the student war effort andj
the Senate War Staff acts as coor -
dinator for campus war activity.
Made up of 44 members the board is
willing to aid any organization make{
a success of programs for the wari
Specialized committees within the
War Staff will be formed so that ser-
vices will be more efficient. Any
freshmen or sophomores interested'
in the work this staff is doing are
invited to work. The Daily will an-
nounce meetings for the war staff
Jim Landers, president of the Sen-
ate, said, "Any individual, organiza-
tion or group may feel free to pre-
sent any justified complaint on any
phase of University life to the Sen-
ate and we will consider it."
Elected in April for one year terms,
the Senators select administrative di-
rectors who in turn name commit-
tees to work on different projects:
the selling of defense stamps, labor
conditions on campus and the Sen-
ate's relations with other campus or-j
Any freshman, sophomore, juniorl
or senior, providing he has an eli-
gibility card, may be a candidate for
office. Former activities of the Sen-
ate were the mid-winter parley, the
sale of defense stamps, and the orig-
inating of student loan funds.
Senators are Jim Landers, presi-
dent; Elaine Spangler, secretary;
Lewis Saks, Bill Ager, Dick Orlikoff,
Glen Taylor, Bill Loughborough,
Herman Hudson and Sid Brower. Ad-
ministrative directors are Harry
Bayer, Milan Cobble, Betty Willging,
Phyllis Knoell, John MacKinnon
and Richard Rawdon.
at the
.:, . , ;
Open HOuSe
Services of W(
. . . . . Friday, October 2
zrship . .Sunday, October 4
NEW STUD ENTS are urged to get
with their churches as soon as they are
the University. The 'churches listen on
have planned special meetings for stu
the first week-end of the school year.
plete list of Ann Arbor Churches may
in the freshman handbook of Student
in touch
settled at
this page
idents on
A com-
be found
William and Thompson Rectory: 331 Thompson
Friday, 8:00 P.M. - Open House in Chapel Auditorium.
Sunday, Mass' -8:00, 1000, 11:30 A.M.
Wecek-day Mass - 7:y00, 8:00 A.M.
Office Hours at the Rectory daily: 3:00-5;-00 & 7:00-8:00 P.M.
c .. _. If
512 East Huron
Guild House - 502 East Huron
141il1 and Tappan Guild :House -438 Maynard
Friday, 5:00 P.M. - Picnic supper (complimentary).
at Guild House, rain or shine.
Friday, 8:00 P.M. Open House.
Sunday, 10:15 A.M. - Roger Williams Class - New Testiment
11:00 A.M. - Morning Worship.
7:00 P.M. - Guild Meeting at the Guild House.
"Christian Fechniques in Social Change."
Sunday, 10:45 A.M. -Morning Worship.
6:30 P.M. - Disciples Guild Sunday Evening Hour (at the
Church "Preseiiting the Disciples Guild," fi. L Pickerill,
Student Worl Director. Refreshments and social hour will
follow the program.
Haven and Hill.
Friday - 8:00 P.M. - Sabbath eve services.
Open House at the Foundation all day.
Saturday -Open.House all day.
Sunday - Open House all day.
State and William
Friday, 9:00 P.M. - Open House and Party.
Sunday, 10:45 A.M. - Morning Worship Service.
6:00 P.M. - Student Fellowship supper and meeting,
Prof. Preston W. Slosson will speak.
Student Body Sponsors
All Graduate Activities
All graduate student extra-curricu-
lar activities, from dances to victory
drives, function under the sponsor-
ship of the Graduate Student Coun-
cil, senior student governing body
on the Michigan campus.
The scope of the. Council is wide,
but its primary function is the spon-
sorship of graduate dances, coffee
hours and other social events. For
these events, the Council has at its
disposal the luxurious facilities of
the Rackham Building, including the
lounges, ballroom and terrace.
Prof. Bursiy:
Hard Worker
To academic, hard-working Philip
E. Bursley belongs much of the cred-
it for developing Orientation Week
into the institution it has become at
Professor Bursley, brother of Dean
Joseph A. Bursley, and assistant pro-
fessor of French, took over the Ori-
entation Program in 1929, after the
germ of the scheme had been planted
at the University three years.
The idea originated with President
Clarence C. Little, who came to the
campus in 1925. The plan had been
developed at the University of Maine.
A Tentative Plan
In 1926 a tentative plan was put
into operation, with around 40 coun-
selors and a full seven-day program.
Three years later Professor Burs-
ley became director of Orientation
Period. At this time the program was
only for freshman students, but a
few years later, with the assistance
of the League, a plan was developed
for an Orientation period for women
transfer students. Two years later
the Union took over the program for
men transfer students.
since that time the scheme has
progressed a great deal, both for in-
coming freshmen and for transfer
students, developing into a Michi-
gan tradition. Qrientation Week
gives all new students a real chance
to get to know their campus, to be-
c ome acquainted with many of their
own classmates.
It's A Man's Job
And all this the result of an idea(
brought to Michigan 16 years ago by
President Clarence C. Little, the work
of Prof. William Frayer as Orienta-
tion head until 1929, and Professor
Bursley's work since then.f
It's a full-time job, or would be!
for any other man. There are fresh- I
Eleven Campus Cooperatives
Provide Economic Living Cost
Economic living and concrete ex-
perience in democracy--this is the
combination which the eleven cam-
pus cooperative houses offer their
Founded in the midst of America's
worst depression, the cooperative
movement at the University started
with just one house-the present
Michigan House. Opened in 1932, this
house provided room and board at
economic rates for students severely
hit by the hard times.
From. this meager beginning, the
movement has grown continuously
until now there are eleven houses-
eight for men and three for women.
The men's houses include Congress,
Robert Owen, Guild, Abe Lincoln,
Rochdale, Gabriel Richard, Michigan
and Stalker. The girls' houses are
Alice Palmer, Muriel Lester and
Katherine Pickerill.
Cooperatives are nationally known
for their exemplification of democra-
cy in action-and the co-ops on the
Michigan campus are no exception.
Following the democratic principles
set by the first cooperative-that of
the weavers of Rochdale, England-
the campus co-ops consider their
complete racial, : eligious and politi-
cal tolerance as one of their principal
tenets. Membership in all the houses
is open to students of all races, col-
ors and creeds.
The thoroughgoing democracy of
the cooperatives is also marked by
their internal governmental set-up,
each member having one vote in all.
elections and issues that arise. Week-
ly house meetings, at which house
problems are thrashed out and de-
cided upon, characterize all the cam-
pus cooperatives.
All the work in the houses-as well
as the governing functions-is done
by the members themselves. Approx-
imately five to seven hours of work
per week are required of each mem-
ber. Cooking, dishwashing, house
cleaning and tending the furnace are
among the jobs done by the students.
Specially elected members keep the
house accounts, take care of the fin-
ances and do the secretarial work.
By virtue of the fact that all the
work is done by the members of the
house and also by means of efficient
purchasing methods, the co-ops have
managed to keep the rates for room
and board down to about two to six
dollars a week and for board alone
to approximately one and a half to
three dollars.
The central body representing all
eleven co-ops is the Intercooperative
Council. Each house sends two dele-
gates to the ICC, and these delegates
formulate general policy for the co-
operatives and decide on projects to
be undertaken by all the houses col-
lectively. The individual members of
the houses each have a vote in elect-
ing the president of the ICC. The
president for this summer is Harold
Ehlers, '42E.
All students who wish to make in-
quiries about living or boarding at
any of the co-ops next semester
should contact Gerald Davidson,
Robert Owen House, 922 S. State.
Catherine and Division.'
Student Center, Harris Hall, State and Huron.
Friday, 6:15 P.M. - Freshman Dinner, Harris Hall.
Sunday, 8:30 A.M. -- Holy Communion,.
11:00'A.M. - Morning Prayer and Sermon.
7:00 P.M. - Student meeting.
Wednesday and Thursday, 7:30 A.M. - Holy Communion,
Harris Hall Chapel.
(Missouri Synod) West Liberty at Third
Friday, 8:00 P.M. - Open House at the Church. Transportation
from Lane Hall, 7:45 P.M.
Sunday, 10:45 A.M. - Morning Worship Service.
4:30 P.M. - Vesper Services for Lutheran Students.
5:30 P.M. -Gamma Delta Student Club supper and meet-
ing for old and new students.
Zion Church, East Washington and Fifth.
Trinity Church, East Williams and Fifth.
Parish Hall, 309 East Washington
Friday, 8:00 P.M. - Open House for. Lutheran Students, at the
Parish Hall.
Sunday, 10:30 A.M. - Worship Services in both churches.
5:30 P.M. - Lutheran Student Association meeting at the
Parish Hall.
State at Washington and Huron.
Friday, 6:15 P.M. Orientation Dinner in the Social Hall.
8 :30 P.M.' - Party, Wesley Foundation Lounge.
Sunday, 9:30 A.M. - Student Class.
10:40 A.M. - Morning Worship in the Sanctuary.
6:00 P.M. - Wesleyan Guild Meeting, in the Lounge.
Dr. Brashares will speak.
Washtenaw near South University.
Friday, 6:30 P.M. - Steak Roast on the church grounds followed
by Open House in the Recreation Hall.
Sunday, 10:45 A.M. - Worship Service.
6:00 P.M. - Westminster Student Guild supper and meeting.
409 South Division
Sunday, 10:30 A.M. - Church Service.
11:45 A.M. - Sunday School.
Tuesday, 8:15 P.M. - Christian Science
University of Michigan, Chapel of the
Organization of the
Michigan League.
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