THE MICHIGAN DAILY DEFENDS PRECOCITY REWARD: Edmonson Endorses Combined High Schooi=College YeafrPlan Elliott Roosevelt Gets Flying Cross DALY 'U FFICIAL BULL TIN Answering the storm of criticism and misunderstanding that has fol- lowed the National Policies Commis- sion's plan to combine the senior high school and freshman college year for selected 17 year old boys, Dean J. B. Edmonson of the education school recently issued an article endorsing the plan. Published in the December 26 issue of "School and Society" is Dean Ed- monson's reply upholding the Com- mission's plan on the basis that stu- dies have revealed many students capable of undertaking college work at this age. Other favorable arguments stated are that boys who have completed a college year are more likely to be, among those selected by the Army to return to the universities for techni- cal training, and are also more likely to be among, those selected for the officer training programs. Also the resolution is hoped to have a favor- able effect on both secondary schools and college programs. Dean Edmonson states that the Commission carefully weighed the pros and cons of the problem before The deadline for the Michigan Technic's December Ethics contest has been extended to Jan. 5. All entries are to be submitted to the Technic office, 3036 East Engi- neering Building. Further infor- mation can be obtained from the editorial director. presenting it, and after careful studyj felt justified in the recommendation. Most of the criticism that arose was a result of misunderstandings, ac- cording to Dean Edmonson, for some stories carried headlines which im- plied that the Commission was rec- ommending the admission of every 17 year old boy, and other stories im- plied that the Commission had passed legislation that high schools and col- leges had to accept. More legitimate charges were that the proposal might undermine confi- dence of students in the value of the senior year of high school, might draw leadership from senior class re- sulting in a loss to the other students, and that the senior year in many ,high schools is the most valuable year and likely to be more valuable than the first year of work in the tradi- tional college. However, Dean Edmon- son explains, the Commission consid- ered these unfavorable probabilities before deciding that the arguments! in favor were greater. Endorsing Dean Edmonson's views, are opinions of other educators in- cluded in the article. One of these, Dr. Edmund Day, President of Cornell University, expressed the following in a news release: "It will give young men a 'toe-hold' in college before they enter military service. They will receive training which will be invaluable to them in the armed services, and will receive a taste of education which will help to avoid a 'break' in college education in this country." Maj.-Gen. James Doolittle (left), chief of all air operations in North Africa, pins the distinguished flying cross on Army Lieut.-Col. Elliott Roosevelt (right), a son of the President, for reconnaissance work over enemy territory. This picture was sent by radio from London to the United States. LEARN HONORABLE TONGUE: Japanese Language Program to Use Dr. Yamagiwa's B.ook (Continued from Page 4) Naval Architecture and Marine En- gineering. All members of the Cercle Francais will meet at Spedding's Studio, 619 E. Liberty, on Tuesday, January 5, at 5:15 p.m. for the Ensian picture to be taken. Please be prompt. All League House Presidents are re- quested to come to the Undergraduate Office of the League on Tuesday be- tween 3:00 and 5:45 p.m. University of Michigan Women's Glee Club rehearsal at usual time Monday, Jan. 4, at 4:00 p.m. in the Kalamazoo Room of the League. The Women's Rifle Club will meet Monday, January 4, at 3:30 p.m. in the W. A. B. The purpose of the meet- ing is to sign up for hour shooting periods. The Women's Research Club will meet on Monday, Jan. 4, in the Westj Lecture Room, Rackham Bldg., atj 7:30 p.m. Dr. Tegualda Ponce will E. W. Nelson Named State Banking Head E. William Nelson of Ann Arbor who graduated from the University in 1924 was named acting commis- sioner of the state banking depart- ment yesterday by Governor Harry F. Kelly. He will succeed Maurice C. Eveland of Mayville. Nelson, an Ann Arbor resident for 22 years, has served under nine gov- ernors in the state banking depart- ment. He first joined the department in 1924 as an examiner. Since 1939 he has served as deputy bank commissioner through two ad- ministrations. Nelson is the father of two Univer- sity graduates. He has served in addi- tion to deputy bank commissioner as chief bank examiner for the state. Nelson's banking experience has in- cluded the bank holiday period dur- ing the depression followed by new periods of solvency through general reorganization. He has seen the be- ginning and near conclusion of the period of liquidation in banking. speak on "Public Health Problems and Health Legislation in Chile." The Regular Tuesday Evening Re- corded Program in the Men's Lounge of the Rackham Building at 8 o'clock will be as follows: Handel: Water Music Suite, Dohnanyi: Quartet No. 2 in D flat major, Bloch: Hebrew Rhap- sody for Cello and Orchestra, Beetho- ven: Violin Concerto in D major. Bibliophiles will meet with Mrs. Norman Anning, 1925 Packard, on Tuesday, Jan. 5, at 2:30 p.m. The Bookshelf and Stage section of the Woman's Faculty Club will meet with Mrs. J. M. Cork, 2034 Day St., on1 Tuesday, January 5, at 2:30 p.m. Churches Trinity Lutheran Church services will be held at 10:30 a.m. today with Rev. H. O. Yoder speaking on "That High Conquest." Zion Lutheran Church will hold its services at 10:30 a.m. The Rev. Stell- horn will speak on "When God Says No." The Lutheran Student Association will hold its fellowship dinner at 5:30 p.m. today. Mr. Gail Potee will discuss "India, Its Religion and Customs." First Methodist Church and Wesley Foundation: Morning Worship Ser- vice at 10:40 o'clock. Or. Charles W. Brashares will preach on "First Things First." Wesleyan Guild meet- ing at 6:00 p.m. Dr. Brashares will speak on "Religious Myths." This is the first meeting in a series on Com- parative Religious. Fellowship Hour and supper at 7:00 p.m. First Congregational Church: Church School at 9:30 a.m. 10:45 Morning worship. Subject of sermon by Dr. L. A. Parr: "The New Year According to You."'7:00 p.m. The Stu- dent Fellowship and the Disciples Guild will have a joint meeting in the Congregational assembly room. Wil- iam Muehl of the S.R.A. will address on "Religion and Education." Refreshments, sion, and social hour. St. Andrew's Episcopal Churclf: The Rev. Henry Lewis, D.D., Rector; The Rev. John G. Dahl, Curate. 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion; 11:00 a.m., Junior Church; 11:00 a.m., Holy Communion and sermon by the Rev. John G. Dahl; 5:00 p.m., Evening Prayer; 6:00 p.m., Evening Prayer; 7:30 p.m., Canterbury Club (Harris Hall). Dr. Lewis will lead the discus- sion. Topic: "This Business of Mar- riage": Tues., Jan. 5, Tea (Harris Hall), 4:00 p.m.; Evening Prayer, 5:15 p.m.; Wednesday, Jan. 6, Holy Com- mumion, 7:30 a.m. (Harris Hall Cha- pel); Thursday, Jan. 7, Holy Com- munion, 7:30 a.m. (Harris Hall Cha- pel); Friday, Jan. 8, Intercessions, 12:10 p.m.; Tea, 4:00-5:30 p.m. Memorial Christian Church (Disci- ples) 10:45 a.m., Morning Worship. Rev. Fred Cowin, Minister. 7:00 p.m. Guild Sunday Evening Hour. Mr. Wil- liam E. Muehl, acting director of the Student Religious Association, will speak to a joint meeting of Congrega- tional and Disciple students at the Congregational Church. The subject will be "Religion and Liberal Educa- tion." A social hour and refreshments will follow the discussion. First Presbyterian Church: Student Bible Class at 9:30 a.m. under the direction of Mr. Malan and Mr. Lampe. Morning Worship-10:45. "Hospi- tality to the Highest", subject'of the New Year's sermon by Dr. Lemon. Westminster Student Guild-sup- per at 6:00 p.m. followed by a meet- ing in charge of the Reverend Willard V. Lampe. First Church of Christ, Scientist: Sunday morning service at 10:30. Subject: "God." Sunday School at 11:45 a.m. Free public Reading Room at 106 E. Washington St., open every day except Sundays and holidays from 11:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.; Sat- urdays until 9:00 p.m. give the Liberal discus- I.i. C,0 By MARY BAKER The expanded Japanese language program here at the University will make use of the newly published bok "Modern Conversational Japanese" edited by Dr. Joseph K. Yamagiwa of the department of Oriental languages. This book, rated as the most com- prehensive text on spoken Japanese yet published in America, is based on the principle that the approach to any language should be through the colloquial. It covers the materials of Dr. Yam- agiwa's beginner's course in the Jap- anese language setting forth the basic concepts in as complete a manner as possible. The purpose of the book is to give students an adequate conversational ability in the modern informal Japa- nese language as used by the middle and higher than middle class in Tok- yo. It is their language which is ac- cepted as a standard in Japan. Part I deals with pronunciation, Union Life Member Pins to Be Issued part II presents an over-all view of Japanese grammar, and part III takes up the various modes of expressing case, tense, voice, mood and so forth, one by one. The inclusion of English equivalents for all Japanese examples given, makes the book particularly us- able for unsupervised study. Dr. Yamagiwa is an American citi- zen of Japanese descent who was born in Seattle, Washington. He received his A.B. degree, magna cum laude, from Bates College, Lewiston, Maine, in 1928, and also holds an A.M. degree in English and a Ph.D. in Oriental Languages from the University of Michigan where he is now an instruc- tor in Oriental Languages. He has traveled and studied in Ja- pan and China under a fellowship from Rockefeller Foundation, and was a research student in the Literary Department of Tokyo Imperial Uni- versity. He is the author of articles, both in English and Japanese, on Shake- speare, Gesner, "Wartime Japan," "Western Thinking on Japan" and on various problems connected with Jap- anese language teaching. 1101:x 4 Bring your smile out of hiding with an Elizabeth Arden fashion-right lipstick. Smooths over your lips like satin. Helps keep them soft, supple and color-fresh, all day long: Every woman should have at least four shades to harmonize with a wide range of costume colors:. I i U I 1 0I REDWOOD STOP RED VICTORY RED MAGENTA 1.00 each Refills .75 Je Q arr, ON STATE AT THE HEAD OF NORTH UNIVERSITY WE DELIVER This year's issue of the Union Life Membership pin is now ready for dis- tribution to qualified University men, it was disclosed yesterday by Ed Holmberg, '43, executive secretary of the Union. Men who have successfully com- pleted four years or who have paid tuition for eight semesters in the Uni- versity are entitled to a pin. They will be ready after noon to- morrow in the Basement Business Office of the Union. Men's Debate Team Will Hold Meetings Preparing for a new series of con- tests, the Men's Debating Team will hold its first 1943 session in two sec- tions meeting at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow and Tuesday, Coach Arthur Secord announced yesterday. Debates both here and away are now being arranged with Western Reserve, Albion, and the College of Western Michigan on the question of establishing a permanent federal union from the United Nations, Dr. Secord said. BEGINNING MONDAY NOON ,SEMI -ANN UAL . SALE WOOL JACKETS and 2-PIECE DRESS of crepe or wool. Now $8 Originally 10.95 to 14.95 A STYLE SCOOP FOR YOUR WARDROBE. A THRIFT SCOOP FOR YOUR FASHION BUDGET * _ ~ !l THE MICHIGAN DAILY SERVICE EDITION Just twice a year we give you such fashion offerings at this time they are doubly valuable as we cannot replace any of these wearables at their original prices. The Pick of our COATS... SUITS... DRESSES SKI JACKETS... BLOUSES ... ROBES SKIRTS...MITTENS...GLOVES KNEE and SKATING SOX I Now $5 WOOL JACKETS, 2-PI ECE DRESSES of wool, velveteen or crepe, and wool or velveteen skirts. Originally 7.95 to 10.95 VOL. I, No. 17 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN JANUARY 3, 1943 Coach Oosterbaan's sopho- mores poured points in for the Wolverines . . . Don Lund and Bob Wiese, both of football fame, scored of- ten ... Senior forward Leo Doyle kept pace with his last year's brand of ball to worry the Fliers down floor .:. .Michigan started the season Dec. 8 with a shaky 36-31 victory over Michi- gan State in a game the. Wolverines didn't start playing until the second half . . . A week later the, quintet came back with a sound 42-32 win over Mar- quette that looked better . . . Playing the Selfridge Fliers, a team of pros and outstanding college players, Michigan eked out a one- point victory before Christ- mas and then followed up. with their impressive win Thursday. LOOMING on the hori- S f nrm. ?i hign i mn Don Lund 1 r- Bob Wiese AMID INDICATIONS that war will soon be real- ity for many of them, Uni- versity ROTC members 'fought' a mock battle on Ann Arbor's outskirts yes- terday that ended in a scoreless tie between two battalions ... Protection of a vital bridgehead was un- dertaken by a Blue bat- talion operating in mea- dows surrounding Huron Hills Country Club ... At- tacking Red forces, clad in white and crawling belly- down through four inches of snow, attempted to dis- lodge them ... Unexpected complications developed for Blue forces when the capture of sub-teen age 'scouts' revealed that un- orthodox commando-type' forces were being used ex- tra-legally . . . Later, chill- ed cadets received refresh- ments from mobile 'Moms' canteen. COATS Shetland in black and colors. Tweeds in tans, blues, brown. Mostly with zip-in linings. For- merly $29.95, $39.95, $49.95. Now $19.95, $29.95, $39.95 SKI JACKETS For the Defense Worker or out- door girl. Ski Jackets of heavy wool warmly lined. Special $12.95 SUITS Shetlands, tweeds, plaids. For- mer values $16.95, $29.95. Now $10.00, $14.95, $22.95 SUIT DRESSES One-piece dresses, dressy after- noon dresses and evening dresses at $10.00, $14.95, $25.00 Were $14.95 to $39.95 DRESSES 2 groups of rayon crepes and a few wools. Sizes 9-17, 10-44, 16V2 to 26%, at $5.00 and $7.00 2-piece WOOL SUITS Originally 17.95 to 22.95 2-piece WOOL SUITS Originaly 29.95 Izod of London TOP COATS Originally 49.95 Now$28 ditioning have not gained response from women stu- dents, who listened with favor to a recent lecture by Ilka Chase that the war- time role of the Ameri- can woman is to remain charmingly feminine. POLLED By the Post- War Council, representa- +sv. o anni- e.tivmti DAILY EDITOR Homer Swander announced two weeks ago that he would resign his post at the end of the current semester-... A heavy Navy reserve schedule planned for next semester will leave him in- sufficient time for Daily a1ta, aai .Aln BLOUSES, SKIRTS, SWEATERS, ROBES 25 Dresses, sizes 10-20. and ends at' I Odds $3.95 Skating Sox - Knee Sox - Ankle Sox, were $1.00, now 69c. Store Hours Monday: 12 noon to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday. Thursday. Saturday: 9:30 to 6:00 p.m. E X111