r THE MICHIGAN DAILY 3TULENT AID TURNS THE TRICK Manpower Corps Ends Work on 35-Ton Boilers for Navy The goods have been delivered!1 That is the final story on those two 35-ton boilers that the Manpower Corps and Buildings and Grounds men have been working on for the last two weeks. It was reported yesterday by E. C. Pardon, head of the Buildings and Grounds .department, that the last freight car left Ann Arbor last Sat- urday morning on its way to a Rhode Island Navy arsenal engaged in war production. 'In all, six freight cars loaded to capacity were needed to move all the parts to the east coast. Dismantling operations on these two steam giants began when an urgent call from the Navy asked that the University make them ready for shipment "within a very short time." Operating shorthanded, Buildings and Grounds men began the job of stripping 60 tons of fire brick from each of the boilers which stand 50 feet high. An acute labor shortage on the job prevented the fast action which the Navy was asking. .A call for imme- diate help from the Manpower Corps. produced the necessary men to step into the breech. Pardon was full of praise for the cooperation University men showed in expediting the task. Said he, "The boiler job was greatly speeded up when the University students came to work. They did a fine job and really helped the war effort." Winning Essay Is Announced A committee of four faculty and five student judges headed by Prof. Donald L. Katz' of the chemical en- gineering department announces that the prize winning essay in the Michi- gan Technic's November Ethics con- test was written by a freshman, Rob- ert Taylor, '46E. Professor Katz expressed pleasure at the number and quality of the an- swers turned in, reporting that the judges deliberated for weeks before reaching a decision. The deadline for the December con- test has been extended to Jan. 5. All entries are to be submitted to the Technic office, 3036 East Engineering Building. Further information can be obtained from Sydney Shell, edi- torial director. WASHINGTON, Dec. 30. - (P) - Take your choice of wavy saw-tooth or straight edges, expertsof the War Production Board said today-there are plenty of knives to cut bread. F Starting late next month bakers won't carve the loaf for you because of a government order to keep down the price of bread despite more ex- pensive flour. The government declined to enter the public controversy of by-gone days on what shape of edge cuts bread easiest. "Any knife at least seven inches long-and sharp-will cut bread," one expert said. Although most bakery bread has been pre-sliced for years, knives suit- able for cutting bread are still being manufactured at a maximum rate, limited by WPB, of 60 per cent of 1941 levels. This rate, officials said, should be enough for all normal de- mand, providing housewives make prudent use of their knives-not use them as can openers, for instance. Big Bakeries will be required to cut out about half of their varieties of bread and rolls. Some now produce more than 60 varieties of bread and rolls. The' maximum number per- mitted in any week after Jan. 18 will be 10 varieties of hand-molded bread, six of machine-molded bread, and three of rolls for distribution through retail stores. The maximum number distribut- able direct to consumers in any one week will be 15 of bread, and nine of rolls. Food Administrator Wickard's or- BAKERS LOAFING ON JOB: WPB Gives Advice on Cutting up der alsorestricts wrappings-no bak- er will package bread or rolls in more than one thickness of wrapping ma- terial, except where rolls need card- board ends or trays. PAROLE POLICY UNCHANGED LANSING, Dec. 30. - (IP) - The Michigan Bureau of Paroles declared today that it will maintain regular parole policies despite a new selective service system policy of liberalizing its moral standards in accepting draftees. The Selective Service announce- ment that registrants who had been disqualified on moral grounds would be granted waives unless guilty of "heinous crimes" was "welcomed" by the bureau, according to Gerald F.' Bush, a member. U' Curator Goes To Haiti Volney H. Jones, associate curator of ethnology at the University mu- seum of anthropology, with his wife and five-year-old son, Alan, left last night for Haiti where he will act as a rubber superintendent of govern- ment rubber production. Mr. Jones, who lived at 509 Keech Ave., has obtained a leave of absence from the University effective Jan, 1. He has been a student and staff member at the University for the last 12 years. He expects to be working on his job, a non-military one, for approxi- mately one year. His work will be with the government of Haiti and will involve the production of rubber to sell to the United States. BRIGHT FUTURE: Survey of 1942 Shows Allies Supreme in Air By GLADWIN HILL Associated Press Correspondent LONDON, Dec. 31. (Thursday)- The RAF and Allied Air Forces hae .gained superiority over the Wiftwaffe on all fronts in 1942, the Air Ministry said today, and an 1AF commentator added that as Allied air strength has grown the enein's has deteriorated. The Air Ministry said the Allies' achievements in the air included effective counter-action against the U oat menace. A commentator said the RAF now is stronger than the German and Italian air forces combined, and that it has increased 333 per cett ii size during the last 12 as examples of Germany's need for""raiding" one department of he air fore to bolster others, the co mnentator mentioned that Ger- an y had had to convert JU-88 bolbers into night fighters, press botibers into service as air trans- port and shipping escorts and "oinb out" the Luftwaffe's rear echelons, reserve pools and training spliools to supply the front lines. The front will be the last place where weakness will become evi- dent, he said, but signs of waning airpower, especially in relation to the rapidly growing . Allied air forces, Is a good symptom of the general' decline through the Axis' whole military structure. " his' commentator said the air trisports used by the Nazis to sup- ply;the Tunisian front were less eificint than ships. Along with the e erency use of bombers to pro- tedt shipping, he said, this indicated the inroads made on the enemy's iediterranean merchant ship and air strength. As i o outstanding examples of Germany's inability to muster enough air strength to attain her goals, he cited the failure at Stalin- grad and the insufficient air power tobomb the Eighth Army out of existence and thus prevent its re- surgence after its retreat to El Ala- mein, Egypt, last June. In its review of the year's opera- tions, the Air Ministry reported that the RAF coastal command alone made 300 attacks in the ca- paign against the U-boats, forcing the undersea raiders to "spend much of their time submerged, with their stingers drawn." The Air Ministry asserted that, together with the navy, the air command had scored one of the most important victories of the year, however unspectacular, in the "greatest submarine hunt of the wa,"-over the Bay of Biscay while Allied armadas of 850 ships were enroute to North Africa. As a result of this victory, the Air Ministry said, no Allied ship was attacked until after the ar- madas had passed Gibraltar. One group of fighter planes was disclosed to have destroyed more than 500 planes during the year. The number of fighters was not specified. "Late in the year," the review revealed, "the enemy concentrated submarines around Iceland. The coista command retaliated rap- idly. American - built Liberators and Hudsons maintained daily sweeps in all kinds of weather." Major developments of the year listed i the review included "satu- ration" night raids over. Axis terri- tory, precision day bombing by U.S. Flying Fortresses, and conver- sio of the fighter arm into an of- fe sive weapon. American-built Mustangs of the Army cooperation command "revo- lutionized" the tactical use of sup- porting aircraft so much that "one man did the job of two," and maxi- mum speed became something near 400 mules per hour, the review stated. "These aircraft, fast as fighters, are well able to defend themselves, and attack with en- ergy." Ul T will never spear a Jap. Never sink a sub. Yet an electric turbo-generator is a weapon of war - a deadly weapon. And this one is doubly so, Because it is destined for use in a Detroit Edison Power Plant, where it will gener- ate power for a host of war industries in this area. It is deadly because the flood of war products from Southeastern Michigan will help tip the scales and seal the doom of our enemies. NOT A SECRET WEAPON But the turbo'generator is not a secret weapon. All the world knows that the United States has more electric power to forge the tools of victory than all the countries of the Axis combined. The Detroit Edison Company is a conspicuous ex- ample, with 5% times the capacity that it pos- sessed in World War I. Without that tremendous capacity, it is unlikely that the Detroit area could have become - so quickly - the bristling arsenal that it is today - producing planes, guns, tanks, ships, and countless other instruments and mate- rials of war for the free peoples of the world. WHY AMERICA IS SUPREME Why is America supreme in electric power? The answer can be found in the American econ- omy of abundance, based on the concept - "The more electricity that is used, the less it costs to produce it, And the less it costs, the more it will be used." Influenced by the public benefits to be gained from this policy, the electric companies of America have consistently followed a program of improvement and expansion in order to pro- vide the most dependable service for their cus- tomers and the greatest abundance of electric power for the country. TWO YEARS TO BUILD Now this new turbo-generator is being added to The Detroit Edison Company's generating capacity. Since it takes nearly two years - and approximately a million and a half dollars - to complete one of these huge marvels of modern science, you can see that your electric company has always had to prepare for the future far in advance. The new generator which brings its urgently needed power at this critical time was on order long before the blow at Pearl Harbor shocked a peaceful people and set the wheels of war production turning madly. ENOUGH FOR 250,000 FAMILIES This newest turbo-generator provides an addi- tional 75,000 kilowatts - or enough electricity to care for the normal needs of 250,000 average families. Yet, this 75,000 kilowatts is only a small portion of the entire present Detroit Edison capacity. In a world of peace, this added capacity would have been utilized to assure ample electric power for homes and indusfries. It would have offered further assurance of the dependable ser- vice to which the customers of The Detroit Edison Company have become accustomed. It would have meant greater comfort and convenience for larger numbers of people. It would have brought added promise of the continuation of the rea- sonable rates for electricity which customers of The Detroit Edison Company enjoy. But cir- cumstances have changed its immediate destiny. Marked for continuous action behind the lines, this industrial weapon will be devoted largely to the grim needs of war. A MODERN MIRACLE There are many vital elements that participate in the complete cycle for the production and sup- plying of electricity to homes and industry. How- ever, the turbo-generator is the heart of the enor- mous operation. It is the mechanism that converts the energy of extremely hot steam at high pres- sure into electric current. The Detroit Edison Company, in selecting a General Electric turbo- generator, gave well-merited recognition to 40 years of leadership in the building of these great machines and in improving their design to obtain greater efficiency. Your section of the Country is getting the finest equipment that technological skill has devised - the most reliable equipment that money can buy. GENERAL;' ELECTRIC