it 4trn
Feb. 1
,fni Dr. Ruthven
New Orders
that the Air Corps Reserves
nclng and Keep Present Status;
Certain Others Also
ring in sup- to Get Defernents
Wounded Marine Is Evacuated
v _.
-AsOclated Press Photo From U.S Navy
Wounded in action, a U.S. Marine is carried aboard a landing
barge pulled up on Guadalcanal Island in the South Pacific. He was
transferred to a waiting transport for evacuation from the battle area.
'42Finale to Wekome
Michigan dances for the first time in University history on New Year's
Eve tonight in the '42 Finale, an official campus celebration that will usher
in fateful 1943.
Tickets are still available for the dance, which will be held from 9 p.m.
to 12:30 a.m. in the Intramural Building. They will be on sale all day
today in the Union, League, and 1009
Angell Hall, the Manpower Corps
In an attempt to make this first
campus New Year's Eve one to be re-
membered, the Manpower Mobiliza-
tion Corps conceived the idea of an
all campus dance. All other parties
were banned by University officials.
Haskell Kelner, '44BAd, general
chairman, put preparations into full
swing two weeks ago, and yesterday
reported things in readiness for an
evening of "fun, frolic, and merri-
Bill Sawyer and his band will syn-
Ten men are needed by the Man-
power Corps to clean up after the
"'42 Finale." Wages will be 75c per
hour and volunteers are asked to
call at the Manpower Corps Office,
1009 Angell Hall.
copate while the fun-makers "ring
out the old and ring in the new."
Sawyer promises music a plenty to
match the din of noise makers.
Tickets will be sold during today at
the regular pre-dance price of $2.20.
At the gate an increased price of $2.75
will prevail. In any event ticket pur-
chasers must present their identifi-
cation cards.
A "hot time in the old town to-
night" is forecast by Robert Oddy, '44,
publicity chairman. He expects that
Turn to Page 5, Col. 1
Loses Fight in Court
LANSING, Dec. 30.-OP)--Clarence
J. McLeod, the Republican challenger,
today lost in the Supreme Court his
fight to upset the reelection of George
D. O'Brien, Democratic representative
in Congress from the 13th Congres-
sional District which lies in Detroit.
Victory Tax
Deductions To'
Start Friday
Five Per Cent Levy
Will Add Two Billion
.to Treasnry Coffers
WASHINGTON, Dec. 30. - {P) -
Millions of wage earners will find
something missing from their pay en-
velopes beginning Friday-the five
per cent victory tax which treasury
officials estimate will add $2,000,000,-
000 to the government's revenues
next year.
As a result of a treasury ruling that
the tax must 'be withheld from every
paycheck issued in 1943 regardless
of when the income was earned, large
numbers of wage earners receiving
their first paychecks of the year
early in January will find they have
paid a tax on part of their 1942 in-
1942 Checks Taxable
For those who receive paychecks
this Friday, Saturday or early next
week the major portion of the tax-
able income will have been earned
during the last week or month of
1942, depending on the pay period
Under the treasury ruling the vic-
tory tax must be withheld from such
checks unless the money due for the
1942 services was "actually available"
to the employe on or before Dec. 31.
Treasury officials indicated it
would be up to individual employers
to determine whether the money was
"actually available" before Jan. 1 and
thus exempt from victory tax with-
Division Set Up
to Coordinate
Special Courses
Marvin L. Niehuss
Named Director
A Division for Emergency Train-
ing - a new functional University
unit - was created by the Board of
Regents on Dec. 18 to cut corners in
providing specialized instruction not
within the scope of the University's
14 schools and colleges to civilians
and military personnel preparing for
specialized service.
While the new Division will not
replace existing schools or take over
their functions, it will cut through
the work of the established units to
coordinate specialized training pro-
grams. It will be staffed from the
faculties of the other schools and
colleges as the wartime decline in
liberal education hits the campus.
Special Groups to Train
Newly-appointed Coordinator of
Emergency Training Marvin L.
Niehuss of the law school will head
a unit training the following
1) High school students taking
special training prior to induction
in the armed forces.
2) University students wishing
specialized war training not offered
in their own school or college.
3) Adults - not necessarily even
high school graduates - qualifying
for the Division's courses.
4) Men and women in the armed
forces training in courses not
avilable in existing schools and
colleges ..
5) Veterans of this war wishing
speeial1 ed training not available
in the existing schools and colleges.
6) Other individuals not qualify-
ing for the existing schools and
colleges but for whom specialized
training is desirable to stream-
lined military or civilian work.
Army and Navy plans for use of
college facilities necessitated the new
Division which will coordinate the
military programs and civilian pro-
grams to make smoothly-function-
ing curricula. The Division's specific
duties will be to "coordinate the sev-
eral programs within the restrictions
of existing facilities, represent the
University in-dealing with the con-
tracting agencies, and procure, allo-
cate, and, perhaps, train necessary
teaching personnel."
Answers Training Demands
University authorities see in the
Division for Emergency Training an
answer to persistent demands for
trained men and women. They point
out that existing facilities, hedged in
with scholastic requirements, are in-
sufficient to deal with the problems.
Courses i the Division will not be
bound with credit requirements and
many of them will be short, intensive
developments of skill. Training can
thus be given to many men who ex-
pect to be called into the Army with-
in a short time.
But the program - not replacing
in any way the present educational
work - aims at developing skills as
such and will not provide "funda-
mental educational backgrounds."
Many of its courses may not be on
the college level.
Another groups which the Univer-
sity expects to train in large numbers
is the disabled veterans of this war.
Some will resume their education
where it was interrupted while others
will be retrained for industry.
Trouble Seen
in North Africa
OWl Predicts Food,
Clothing Shortage
WASHINGTON, Dec. 30.-(J)-
There will be "serious disturbances"
in North Africa by the first of Feb-
ruary if the United States doesn't
get substantial shipments of food
and clothing into that area, Milton
S. Eisenhower, Associate Director of
the Office of War Information, pre-
dicted today.
z. , ...a _
Van Wagoner
Appoints Cook
to Regency
Returns to Position
Relinquished in Spring
Election as State
Court Ousts Burhans
Franklin M. Cook, who was ap-
pointed by Governor Van Wagoner
a University of Michigan Regent
after a state supreme court verdict
held Senator Earl L. Burhans' elec-
tion of a year ago invalid, yesterday
took the oath of office from circuit
judge Charles O. Arch in his home
in Hillsdale.
One of those less familiar provi-
sions in the state constitution re-
turned Cook to the position he had
relinquished to Burhans last spring.
Decided Recently
When Burhans was elected Regent.
he was a member of the state senate.
Cook has been contesting the elec-
tion since his defeat but the case
was terminated only a few days ago.
The state supreme court cited Arti-
cle 5, Section 7 of the state consti-
tution to oust Burhans and permit
Governor Van -Wagoner to appoint
Cook his successor.
The article in question states:
"No person elected a member of
the legislature shall receive any civil
appointment within this state or to
the Senate of the United States from
the governor except notaries public,
or from the governor and senate,
from the legislature, or any other
state authority during the term for
which he is elected.
Verna Still Vage,.,
"All such appointments and all
votes given for any person so elected
for any such office or appointment
shall be void."
Governor Van Wagoner appointed
Cook immediately after the vacancy
which was created.
The new appointment was taken to
mean that Cook will hold office for
the remainder of Burhans' term
which will end in 1949. (Regents are
elected in a general election for a
term of eight years.)
However, some authorities held
that the appointment was only until
next spring when a new general elec-
tion would be held to elect three Re-
gents to office.
Red Drive on
Rostov Meets
Stiff Defense
Soviet Offensive on
Left Wing Smashing
Past Kotelnikovski
MOSCOW, Dec. 30.-(P)-The right
wing of the Soviet offensive down
upon Rostov moved slowly today over
violent and repeated German counter-
attacks, but the left, rolling swiftly
after overrunning Kotelnikovski,
smashed southwestward along the
railway leading down to the Black
Sea and southeastward deep into
Thenkalmyck Steppe.
More Towns Taken
The fall of Kotelnikovsk-the
main forward base used by the Ger-
mans in the siege of Stalingrad-was
followed by the swift recapture of a
number of additional towns and vil-
lages, the Soviet command announced
in its mid-day communique. Among
the trophies of war were the head-
quarters of two Nazi infantry divi-
This Soviet army was thrusting for-
ward roughly in two great columns.
Elista Approached
One was advancing down the rail-
road from reclaimed Kotelnikovski
toward Zimoviki, 42 miles to the
southwest, some 65 additional miles
beyond which lies the important
junction of Salsk. From Salsk a con-
necting spur of the Stalingrad-Ko-
telnikovski-Black Sea line thrusts
westward to Rostov.
The nther on nmn was annrachina
Soviet Armies Pressing Ahead;
Americans Strafe Jap Ships,
MOSCOW.-(A)-The Russians announced early today
Red Army offensive south of Stalingrad continued adva
the Soviets occupied a number of district centers and popula
* * * *
WASHINGTON.-(/)-Smashing anew at attempts to bi
plies to Japan's harrassed forces in the Solomons, United S
Lwice bombed and strafed enemy cargo vessels and sank twoc
ALGIERS, Dec. 30. -(IP)- Gen.
Henri Honore Giraud, new French
high commissioner, today announced
the arrest of 12 persons to prevent
"further assassinations" in the wake
of the slaying of his predecessor, Ad-
miral Jean Darlan, who aided Allied
occupation of French Africa.
Among the 12 were "some of my
best friends" and at least two per-
sons who aided landings in Africa,
Giraud said.
Darlan was killed by an assassin's
bullet just six days ago and General
Giraud said "there must be complete
order behind the lines. No order
cannot be called complete when .a
high commissioner such as Darlan
can be murdered.
U.S. Minister Involved
"That is why, being in command
and having received the commission-
ership, I took certain preventive
measures in order to prevent a re-
currence of such tragic events as the
one a week ago."
(Correspondents for the National
Broadcasting Company and the Co-
lumbia Broadcasting System report-
ed from Algiers that the assassina-
tion plot was directed among others
against General Giraud and Robert
Murphy, United States Minister to
French Africa. Milwaukee-born Mur-
phy, helped pave the way for occupa-
tion of North Africa by American
Four of the 12 arrested, Gen.
Giraud said, were police officers.
When word of the arrests spread
through Algiers, General Giraud
hastily called a press conference and
said that those taken into custody
were "only put in shelter," adding
that it was his aim to "prevent rath-
er than punish."
Admits Difficulty
Giraud asserted that "I've only one
idea - to win the war. For that I
must have order without considering
Northwestern Receives
$20,000,000 Bequest
CHICAGO, Dec. 30. -(P)- A be-
quest "in excess of $20,000,000" from
the estate of Walter P. Murphy, rail-
way supply manufacturer, to North-
western University Technological In-
stitute for "qualitative expansion,"
was announced tonight by Dr. Frank-
lyn B. Snyder, university president.
This brings the total gifts from
Murphy, who died Dec. 16, to more
than $26,735,000; and President
Snyder said it was probably the larg-
est single gift to an institution of
higher education since James B.
Duke, the tobacco magnate, willed
$40,000,000 to Trinity College, now
Duke University.
in any way the politics of one person
or another."
He asserted that the present mili-
tary situation in Tunisia "is difficult
because Germany has accepted the
fight in Tunisia and particularly be-
cause the battle which started six
weeks ago is hardly won."
Ticket Drive
Begins7Tod ay
See the colorful "Victory Vanities".
and aid the Bomber Scholarship at
the same time! Students will have
this opportunity by purchasing tick-
ets today for the all-talent "Victory
Vanities" to be held at 8 p.m., Janu-
ary 15 in Hill Auditorium.
All Campus organizations, dormi-
tories and local stores are coordinat-
ing their efforts in the sale of 3,0001
tickets which must be sold to reach
the goal of $1000. All proceeds will
be turned over to the Scholarship
Outstanding talent on campus will
participate in the "Vanities." Any
campus group, fraternity, sorority, or
independent organization is eligible
to compete. Eliminations are sched-
uled for next Friday and Saturday
nights at the Union.
Deadline for obtaining blocks of
30 or more tickets has been extended.
Fraternities and sororities will be
able to get seats together until a
week from today.
Traffic Death Toll
Is Less Than 28,000
CHICAGO, Dec. 30.-R)-The 1942
traffic accident death toll in the
United States will be less than 28,000,
the National Safety Council reported
The figure represents a drop of
12,000 or 30 per cent from the 1941
total of 39,969, but the organization
regarded the loss of lives this year as
a greater blow to the nation's produc-
tive effort because almost 18,000
workers were on the list of the dead.
The 1942 estimate was based on
the 25,580 fatalities recorded during
the first 11 months and trends ob-
served during December.
Navy reported toay.
BERN.-(/P)-A spokesman for Berlin's foreign office issued the
suprising statement today that Germany's only hope was that neutral
nations would hold steadfastly to their neutrality. The statement, re-
ported by the official German news agency DNB, significantly came
two weeks after the Voelkischer Beobachter criticized Turkey. The Turk-
ish press retorted sharply, and there were reports that Turkey seriously
was considering siding with the Allied Nations.
* * * *
MUSSELSHELL, Mont.-(P)-A four-motored Army plane crashed and
burned in the wooded, sparsely settled hill country 11 miles south of this
central Mountain village today, killing 10 persons.
-12 Arrested in Algiers
for NeMudrPo
tates planes
of them, the
Reservists in the Army Enlisted
Reserve Corps will not be placed on
active duty before Feb. 13.
This was the official -interpretation
of the Army Specialized Training
Program received from Washington
yesterday by President Alexander G.
Students in the Air Corps Enlisted
Reserve will retain their present
status, the interpretation revealed,
until they are called to active duty
tt the Army's discretion. They will
':e called when they can be imme-
jiately assigned to training.
Sased on Semester's End
This is what the interpretation said
,f the Enlisted Reserve Corps:
"No orders will be given to re-
port on a date prior to two weeks
after the completion of the stu-
dent's first academic quarter, term
or semester terminating after De-
cember 31, 1942."
* Applied to the University, the effect
of the interpretation wil be that no
men will be called until Feb. 13. The
fall term will end on Jan. 30 and it
Is on that term that the call dates
are based.
Deferments Will Be Given
Selective Service will continue to
give occupational deferments to cer-
tain non-reserve students until "the
end of the academic term which is in
progress on March 1, 1.943." This
Michigan kept its basketball ree-
ord clean last night with a 56-33
win over Selfridge Field at Yost
Field House. See the story on page
ruling by the War Manpower Com-
mission will provide deferments to
certain University students until
may 29, 1943, the end of the Spring
These are the classes eligible for
1) All non-reserve medical stu-
dents enrolled in approved schools.
2) All pre-medical and pre-
dental students who have compet-
ed one year of study In approved
3) All graduate students enrolled
in approved engineering curricula.
5) All undergraduate and gradu-
ate students in approved colleges
who arespecializing-in eemistry,
physics or bacteriology and are
within two years of the completion
of the specialized curricula.
6) All full-time instructors in the
above curricula may be deferred
until July 1, 1943, or until a date
determined by the War Manpower
7) All part-time instructors in
the above curricula devoting the
balance of their time to study in
their fields may be deferred until
July 1, 1943, or until a date deter-
mined by the War Manpower Com-
Deferments are not automatic and
each case is subject to action by the
individual's draft board. Specific
action must be requested for each
Paul V. McNutt, chairman of the
War Manpower Commission, an-
nouncing plans for deferment, yes-
terday urged students to stay in
school until they are called for mili-
tary service. He said that 18- and
19-year-olds need not fear enrolling
in colleges at this time.
"The War Manpower Commission
is planning ahead so that there may
be adequate reserves for leadership
in professional and technical fields
to avoid serious shortages," McNutt
College Counsel Meets
with Federal Authorities
WASHINGTON, Dec. 30. -P)-
Nine members of the ten-man com-
mittee named to advise War' Man-
power Commissioner Paul V. McNutt
nn iitmlivan n on11llae in the war
You're not the only ones; we
like our New Year's Eve, too. So
The Daily's knocking off a couple
of days. Why a couple of days?
Don't ask us but we've heard that
the first of any year is a day to
take things easy. We'll be back
Sunday morning.
Students Return Grumbling,
of Their 'Sacrifice Supreme
University of Michigan students,
asked to make the "sacrifice su-
preme" for war and victory this year,
returned to school yesterday grumbl-
They had left good cooking and
comfortable easy chairs to ride, for
long hours on stuffy, overloaded
mxnm V , + +all nI.. "I m-A
Some got here earlier-in time at
least to lug those crammed suitcases
to their rooms before class.
Others didn't come, holding out to
the bitter end-tomorrow.
A fewaren't expected by the Uni-
versity before the year is up.
But most of them are here,
Taxis did a brisk business all day
and nilane1 +hm in+nh blr ctaa ,rnnti
15,000 Left Homeless
By The Associated Press
Flood waters swept through many
sections of the East and South yes-
terday, swirling into business sec-
tions, halting some war work, clog-
ging transportation and causing
many householders to flee.
nmmargP and ri.%inz hazards e wrp
Pittsburgh area alone, he said, call-
ing this the worst December flood
on record.
The Red Cross chapter in Wells-
burg, 0., reported that it was taking
money out of flood-threateied sav-
ings banks, while in Marietti, 0., the
ratinnine hoard was aidinĀ¢ the- han-