T fl~ " . Is,: . . . . . ..... .......... ..... ....... .... ..... . Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University Of Michigan under the authority of the Board In Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except .Monday during the rEgular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of the Associated Press "'The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it, or otherwise credited In this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. . Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, s second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the fegular schbO year by arter *4.25, by mal $5.25. ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 RE pRESENTED FOR NATIONAL. ADVERTIOING BY Nationi Advertising Service, Inc. college Pxblishers Representative 420 MADISON Avs. NEw YORK. N.Y. CuicAo * DOSTOR - LOS AEEILES * Sa F1acRIscO Editorial Staff The 4\T Pit, Ja 1117 ,eCook nEook- PO K) Nf r a. -! ~J... .s. .. . I SAMUEL GRAFTON'S IkI.. Rather Be Right r k . ~.I ~. - 1 1 Homer swander Morton Mintz. Will Sapp George W. Sallade Charles Thatcher Bernard Hendel Barbara deFries Myron Dann * . .. i . Uaag" rdtoft S aEditorial ireetor S . . CityEditor . . Associate Editor . . AssociateEditor S. -Sports 'ditor Women's Editor Associate Sports Editor Business Staff Edward J. Perlberg Fted M. Ginsberg Mary Lou Curran Jane'Lindberg . ames Daniea . . . , * . Business Maiagt o Assoiate Business Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Publications Sales Analyst Telephone 23,24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: MARY RONAY Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily Staff and:represent the views of the writers only. f r COURSE CLEAR: University Students Now Inow Where They Stand YESTERDAY'S Daily extra carried the final chapter in a book of confusion and anxiety. Now the men in college know what will happen to them in a military way. The plan is complete and comprehensive; it is a clear program of hard training for important jobs. There were little leaks in the announcement of the plan which may have caused unnecessary worries, but now the problem is solved. President Ruthven clearly indicated the path ahead yesterday when he said that the best qualified men would get the best positions. AND his advice to students, "continue . . studies to the best of your ability," is the only way left open to serious individuals. - Leon Gordenker ADJOURNMENT: Historic 77th Congress Will Not Be The Worst THE 77th Congress has adjourned. It will long be remembered by historians and statisticians. It will long be remembered by the administration whose task was often made un- needfully difficult by it. It will soon be forgot- ten by the people. Because it lasted 711 days, voted declarations of war for the first time since 1917, and passed about ,$2,000,000,000 in war appropriations our keeps of books and records will remember it. Administration leaders will not forget how it blocked the bill to abolish the poll tax in the south, how it held up vital anti-inflationary )measures, how close it came to turning down our Zelective Service laws and no intelligent person can forget how the Senate allowed a filibuster to )block democracy in action and slow down war legislation." By remembering the men prominent in the 77th Congress they will be able to recall all the blunders it has made. They will remember the names of Hiamilton Fish, John Rankin, Clare Hoffman, of Gerald Nye and Robert Taft. But despite such leadership, the longest Con- gress in history was not a complete failure. We could not call it such because we are so very much afraid that we must reserve such unquali- fied terms for the 78th Congress. And then also to its credit was the enactment of the Lend- Lease program and the prompt provision of all emergency asked of it. It is already possible to see the shaping of a Southern Democratic - Republican coalition that has as its goals the repeal of the 40 hour week wage standard, the defeat of any move to extend the $25,000 net income limitation of incomes from investments and also, among other things, it may be able to force the admin- istration to relax corporation and profit taxes. When we come to a point like this, we would like to be able to suggest a remedy. We would like to say "go out and defeat these men at the polls." But we have just chosen to play an impor- tant role in guiding our efforts for the next two years. We have asked for it but we can't afford to let ourselves get it. - Jim Wienner 6An AXE to By TORQUEMADA THIS is the last column I am going to write personally for a long time. It seems that things of a strange and curious nature have caught up with me, things like school-work, and mostly PEM-so no more columns for some time to come. But I do promise to write a column on the last day before I graduate, and advise you all to await it eagerly-it will contain much of interest to all of you. In the meantime I shall have this space on The Michigan Daily editorial page filled per contract-there will be selected poems, storics, andguest columns, all of them I hope readable. Then my official au revoir for the nonce. The news yesterday was not a shock, because everybody knew it was coming. Neither was it particularly good news, looking at it from the viewpoint of a college student. Everybody I know up here has been screaming for total war for several years now, some of them even before Pearl Harbor. But you can scream for total war for years, and still be sort of set back for a few min- utes of sober thought when it comes. I get in a. peculiar spot, which even intensifies the normal reactions. Subject to the draft, I am not eligible for officer training. So all I know is that I will be in the Army for the duration. NOW of course I want very much that America should win this war-that's what I feel in a sort of extra-ego way. But when I start to think that I, personally, am going to be stuck in an Army camp in the United States for the dura tion, that I am not going to get any excitement, no Dick Powell songs about me, I will be behind a typewriter for a long time. I'm not particularly a snob, but everyone I've talked to says that most of the people in the Army are nice but not particularly good companions, and they all say that it is not a soft life and not a pleasant one. And I've been here for four years now, and had a helluva. wonderful time. THESE are just random thoughts which hit me every time I think about the Army. Maybe they are just stupidities, like saying you don't like to take bluebooks because you have to study for them. But, anyway, all I can do now is to look forward to the Army with a sort of feeling that it's my duty, and something I have to do. And that's the same way I feel about eating spinach. Please read my column on the sports page to- day. So long for awhile. vide for the establishment of a Pharmacy Corps in the United States Army. The enactment of such legislation would co- ordinate under one organization the various pharmaceutical services rendered in the Army by providing a Corps made up of well trained and experienced pharmacists. As yet, all legislation pertaining to this bill has been shelved, although numerous petitions in its favor have been sent to Washington by phar- macists all over the country. Here at the Uni- versity a petition advocating the Bill was circu- lated and signed by almost all of the students and faculty of the College of Pharmacy. T THE present time the Army permits drugs and medicines to be compounded by enlisted in on enm a sse mani givn a "90 day DREW tr, . PEARSON'S X MERY-GO-ROND WASHINGTON-High naval officials, follow- ing the "third round" of the Solomons battle, make this appraisal of present relative strength of Japanese and U.S. forces: The naval battles of summer and fall have resulted in such heavy losses on both sides that the long-range effect is a war of attrition in which the winner eventually is the one who has something left after the heavy sinkings. This should make the United States definitely superior, if only because of her superior produc- tion facilities. Even supposing every unit of the U.S. fleet, as December 7, 1941, were sunk, to- gether with every unit of the Japanese fleet, the odds would be in our favor. This is because our production ratio ranges between 6-1 and 10-1. In other words, even those U.S. naval units which are being produced most slowly are being produced six times as fast as similar units of the Japanese, and those being produced most rapidly are being produced 10 times as fast as the Japanese. In fact, new U.S. naval vessels are being completed as rapidly as the Navy has personnel to man them. Today the U.S. Navy has accurate informa- tion about Japanese production facilities. This is because Japan relied largely on American engineers and industrial consultants, and these American experts have now been summoned to Washington. where they serve as advisers to the military high command. This war of attrition, together*with the fact that our major effort is concentrated in Europe, means that the victory may not come in the Pa- cific for some time. In fact, some naval experts think it may be. decided more by U.S. ships not yet commissioned than by those now serving in the Pacific. Democracy In U.S. Army In the spruce wilderness of the Yukon Terri- tory, distinguished guests witnessing the openin' of the Alaskan highway were bedded down in a long, dormitory-like barracks. Outside, the temperature was well below zero. Inside, a Negro private had been assigned to keep the fire going all night. Brig.-Gen. James A. O'Connor, commanding the Northwest Service Command, which con- structed the highway, had rolled up in his sleep- ing bag when the Negro came into the barracks, a souvenir program of the ceremonies sticking out of his back pocket. For several moments he eyed the general's quiet form, then he walked over and gently shook the sleeping bag. "General, suh," he said, "will you put yuh name on my program for me?" Gen. O'Connor pushed back the flap of the sleeping bag, blinked his eyes. "What'd you say, young man?" The soldier repeated his request. "Sure I will," said the general. Jl'ying Politics Vice President Wallace, who doesn't get mad easily, was so irked at the under-cover Iowa politics played by the War Production Board and the Office of Price Administration appointees and unnecessary red tape are results of such a system. All of these functions should be coordinated in a Pharmacy Corps with the same standing and NEW YORK-At any time within the past six months, there were perhaps 100,000 refugees, Jewish and other, whom we could have reached. " Did not the 30-some United Nations underestimate their power to take care of these wards of the war? Was it really true that 30 nations could not take care of some 3,000 unfortunate apiece, and at once. Was not this a grotesque under- estimation? And can good, gray men who habitually underestimate build the brave new world? Do we not underestimate our own power today, when we address Franco . in precisely the same wheedling accents of three years ago, before we had a decent tank to our names? STILL IN THE GLUE UNDERESTIMATION has been part of our pattern. We have overestimated our dangers, but un- derestimated our powers. We over- estimated Mussolini for years, and underestimated our ability to deal with him. We overestimated Hit- ler's air force, and we underesti- mated Russia. We overestimated the importance of Petain, and we underestimated the role of the French people. It seems to me that we are still,' to a certain degree, underestimat- ing, that our feet are still in the glue. A country which produces only' $100,000,000 of machine tools a year (as we did, three years ago) may find it advisable to butter up1 the King of Italy, to refrain from mentioning him in its propaganda, to hope he will come over to our' side, carrying his miserable, un- heroic past and the scorn of the Italian people with him.' But a country which produces $2,000,000,000 of machine tools a year, as we are now doing, ought to be able to speak with twenty times the voice of three years ago. We don'tvdo it. We resolutely under- estimate our new power. We do not try to seduce Mussolini any more (that would be a little difficult,t after he declared war on us) but we keep our faces closed on the subject of almost every other im- portant fascist in Italy, including the preposterous King. OUR 'LINE' HASN'T CHANGED { OUR "line," therefore, has not en- larged with our military en- largement; it has, in fact, hardly changed at all; we have thrown one fascist beyond the pale, but have not changed our somewhat hat-in- handish approach to other fascists and their supporters. . Isn't there a chance that we are underestimating the appeal of re- publican institutions to the Italian people? Aren't we too shy about1 trotting out the best we have to offer? The thing that kept Hitler going so many years was that he never underestimated his position. When the British thought his position was only good enough to entitle him to a naval treaty, he showed that it was good enough to get him Austria and Czechoslovakia. In a time of crisis, which is a matching of total strength against total strength, underestimation makes us meet the full blow with the half blow. THE MAN WHO SAYS "NO!" 1 WE already outproduce the entire Axis in munitions, and by this time next year we shall outproduce the whole world. Will our tune change with the magnification of1 our arms? How much munitions do we need before we begin to say to ourselves, for instance: The1 two important factors in the Ital- ian situation are not the wretched that he wrote letters about it to Don- ald Nelson and Leon Henderson. In Iowa, Henderson and Nelson magnanimously accorded Gover- nor George Wilson the appointment of OPA and WPB local officials. Later, Republican Wilson turned round and ran for the Senate against the Democratic incumbent, Clyde Herring. . During the campaign, OPA and WPB officials were reported working under cover against Herring and for Governor Wilson, the man who ap- nointed them. Price Administration officials. for instance, were reported giving the wink to people who were protesting against gasoline rationing, and saying that the thing to do was clean house in Washington. Henry Wallace, hearing these re- ports, passed them on in no un- certain terms to Nelson and Hen- derson. Note: One reason why Henderson's name is mud on Capitol Hill is the fact that he permitted Republican governors to appoint OPA officials who did mix in politics. If they had kept out, the kicks would not have reached the present stage where King, and our ability to hypnotize him, but the democratic instincts of the Italian people, and our abil- ity to help them?" I know it is considered a great fault in a statesman to overesti- m-ate. Yes, it is a fault. The pillars of society are the good, gray men who never overestimate, and the quickest way to rise in the world is still to establish a reputation for saying "No!" at conferences. But the function of-the man who says no is rather limited at a time when history is saying yes. (Copyright, 1942, N.Y. Post Syndicate) DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN FRIDAY, DEC. 18, 1942 VOL. LIH No. 64 All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices Meteorology Training. Although applications for the various meteor- ology programs may be made directly to the University Meteorological Com- mittee, University of Chicago, it is also possible to apply through this University. The latter plan has the advantages that worthy students may have the recommendation of this Uni- versity and that probably the process- ing of applications will be thereby ac- celerated. Students should obtain ap- plication blanks before Christmas va- cation so that they may obtain par- ents' consent while they are at home. Details as to procedure may be learned at 1009 Angell Hall. -B. D. Thuma University offices and libraries will be closed at Thursday noon, Decem- ber 24, for the remainder of the week. Offices and libraries will be open and classes' will be conducted on New Year's Day, January 1. The University has recently been1 authorized to issue U.S. War Bonds Series "E". Bonds may now be pur- chased at the Cashier's Office. Under ordinary circumstances, immediate delivery of the bonds can be made. -University Committee on Sale of War Bonds and Stamps Library Hours for the Christmas Vacation Period:r The General Library and all De-1 partmental Libraries will be closed from noon of Thursday, December 24, to Monday morning, December 28. On all other days of the vaca- tion period the General Library hoursE will be 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The Departmental Libraries will be open] froni 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., and from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m., with the ex- ception of Saturday, December 19, when they will close at noon. There will be no Sunday Service on De- cember 20 or December 27. If you wish to finance the purchase of a home, or if you have purchased improved property on a land contract and owe a balance of approximately 60 per cent of the value of the prop- erty, the Investment Office, 100 South Wing of University Hall, would be glad to discuss financing through the medium of a first mortgage. Such financing may effect a substantial saving in interest. City Telephone Directory: Will all those offices which need an Ann Arbor City Telephone Directory please notify Mrs. Mildred Burns in the Business Office. . -Herbert G. Watkins Assistant Secretary Mail is being held at the Business Office of the University for the fol- lowing people: Abbitt, Mr. and Mrs. Henry; Bentley, Betty; Bowie, Hya- cinth; Colby, Lyn,; Denny, Bill; Ges- THIS WEEK'S APPRECIATION To Obie Bartlett, a Negro soldier who lost his left arm at Pearl Harbor and is now working as a welder on the swing shift at the California SShipbuilding Corporation's Los An- geles plant. Obie, who was with the 47th Quar- termaster Corps on Oahu, is entitled to a pension on which he could live comfortably. But he isn't the kind to take his ease when manpower is at a premium. He took a course in welding, and is now helping to build ships for Uncle Sam. Not-only has Obie triumphed over a handicap, but his country is profiting thereby. I kinda feel like my 'stinger' (welding tool) is more powerful than the rifle I left behind me," says Obie. - Christian Science Monitor Touching Exchange . That was a touching exchange be- tween those old friends, Adolf Hitler ner, Dr. Marjorie; Henry, Donald L.; Hess, Lawrence; Labadie, Eugene; Mann, Dr. and Mrs. Nathan;- MeKoo, Ruth; Mecusker, Edna; Moyer, PFC Harvey D.; Negethon, -Pvt. Leo C.; Perkins, Mrs. E. A.; Smith, Dr. Hewitt M.; Stephan, Professor and Mrs. Fred F. . Since Friday, January first, is a day on which classes are in session, the students are asked not to request late permissions and overnight permis- sions for Thursday, December 31. -&Alice C. Lloyd, Dean of Women Choral Union Members will please return their copies of Messiah at this time, and receive in return copies of Verdi's Requiem, at the oflces of the University Musical Society, in Burton Memorial Tower. --Charles A. Sink, President University Automobile Regulation: The -automobile ruling will be. lifted from Friday noon, December 18, to 8:00 A.M. on Wednesday, December 30. Dean of Students All women students are reminded that they must register any change of residence for the second term in the Office of the Dean of Women by noon of January 2. They must also inform their househead of their in- tention by that date. Seniors, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts, School of Educa- tion, School of Music, School df'Pnb- lie Health: Tentative lists of seniors including tentative candidates ',for the Certificate in Public Health Nur- sing have been posted on the bulletin board in Room :4, University Hall. If your name does. not appear, or, if included there and is not - correctly spelled, please notify the counter clerk. Robert L. Williams Most of the delayed pins, and cer- tificates for new Phi Kappa Phi mem- bers have been received. They may be secured in room 3123 Natural Science Building on Friday between 9:00 and 11:30 or 1:00 and 4:00. Telehone Ex- tension 316. Attention: Detroit Jobs: The Uni- versity Bureau of Appointments has -received notice of the following Civil -Service positions, examinations for which will be given during the Christ- mas vacation: Playleader (male and female) $5.50 to $6.50 per day. Junior Recreation Instructor (male and female) $1,650-per year. Swimming Instructor .(male and female) $2,046 per year. The last date for filing applications is December 21, and examinations Will be held December 28. For further in- formation concerning these notices call at our ..office, 201 Mason Hall, office hours, 9 to 12 a.m., and.2 to 4 p.m. -University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information Attention Men Students: The local express agency can use a number of students for extra work immediately. For further information, call.or phone the Bureau of Appointments and O- cupational Information, 201 M Xasn Hall. Office hours are 9 to 12 a.., and 2 to 4 p.m.: Saturday, 9 to 12 a.m. -University Bureau of Appointments jand Occupational Information Academic Notices Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet on Wednesday, 'Dec. 30, at 7:30 p.m., in Room 319 West Medical Building. "Thiamine - Functional Studies" will be discussed. All inter-- ested are invited. Electrical Measurements, Srng Term: Physics 145 will not be offered during the Spring Term, but will be given again in the Summer term. Physics 154 will be given during the Spring term at the hours announced for 145. Students planning to register for this class, please consult Professor A. W. Smith. -E. F. flarker Concerts Concerts. The University Musical Society announces the following con- certs after the holiday vacation: Jo- sef Hofmann, Pianist, January 18; Jascha Heifetz, Violinist, Febrhary 16; Guiomar Novaes, Pianist, March. 5; Nelson Eddy, Baritone, March 17. The Third Annual Chamber Music Festival of three concerts by the Roth String Quartet: January 22 and 23. Alec Templeton, Pianist, in a -spe- cial concert, February 25. Golden Ju- bilee May Festival, May 5, 6, 7 and 8, 1943. -Charles A. Sink, President Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: Forty-five prints, in cluding lithographs, etchings, and engravings by outstanding contem- porary American artists. Ground floor corridor cases, Architecture Building.hOpen daily 9 to 5, ecept Sunday, through Jan. 5. The Public is invited. Exhibit: Miniature Chinese bowls and oil pots of interest to students of Pottery and Far Eastern Art. On view