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December 18, 1942 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-12-18

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Go On Active Duty

x * :






* *

In Half
y Trapped

Subsistence, Pay

American Troops Continue to Pour into Africa

to Be


All college enlisted reserve corp
by the end of the spring semester, gi
many cases detailed to special trainin
This is the comprehensive joint
terday by the University and by the A
affect every one of the college reservi
The first Army Specialized Trai
February, 1943-after the conclusion
and the first Army Enlisted Reserve
Men not in certain designated cate-
gories will leave school at the end of
the spring semester.
Navy Program
Initial dates of Navy training pro-
grams have not yet been announced.
The complete story of what will
happen to college men is shown
graphically in charts on Page 2 of
today's Daily.
Army Training
Selected Universities named by the
Army and Navy will be used to train
the men who will be under discipline,
housed in special quarters and pro-
vided food through contracted school
Individual training programs will
vary according to the length of time
necessary to learn specific jobs and
the training toward specialized jobs
already taken by students.
Dean Russell W. Bunting of the
dental school yesterday reassured
Army Specialized Training Pro-
grains are designed to take men
who have finished the current se-
mester which will end in January,
1943. Men will not be taken from
school before the end of the semes-
ter if they are in. the reserves.
dental and pre-dental students that
they would be treated in exactly the
same manner as medical and pre-
medical students. He advised pre-
medical students to obtain deferments
from Selective Service on that basis.
Meanwhile, University officials
have been preparing a plan to mobil-
ize the University's facilities. The
blueprint of the Division for Emer-
gency Training-a powerful new ad-
ministrative body that will hold co-
ordinate power with the present
schools and colleges-will be placed
before the Board of Regents today.
New Division Created
Direction of all the specialized ser-
vice training programs which may be
located here will be placed under the
Division for Emergency Training.
It is expected that radical innova-
tions for the quick training of women
workers for industrial and other jobs
vacated by men will be effected by
the new Division. A further plan of
completely unheralded scope may af-
fect certain high school students.
Adult education plans are also re-
ported to be part of the projected
Turn to Page 6, Col. 2
Mwchigaffn Quota
for Month Fitled
LANSING, Dec. 17.- ( P)- The
State Selective Service Headquarters
said today no volunteers would be
accepted by local draft boards for in-
duction into the Navy and Marine
Corps for the rest of December, be-
cause quotas have been filled.
An exception, the statement said,
would be made in the case of candi-
dates for officer training in the Ma-
rine Corps, who first must obtain
from Marine recruiting offices letters
of identification for presentation to
their local boards. -
Col. E. M. Rosen rans, State Selec-
tive Service Director, said there would
be a temporary arrangement in Jan-
uary allowing volunteers to join the
Navy, Marines and Coast Guard. It
will be a stop-gap, he said, until a
system is ready for regular draft calls
for all branches of armed service.
Men 18 to 38 years old seeking to
enlist in the Navy, Coast Guard or

s men will be placed on active duty
ven exhaustive screening tests and in
g programs in colleges.
Army-Navy plan released here yes-
krmy and Navy in Washington. It will
ning Program will begin operation in-
of college terms current on Jan. 1-
2 50,000 Men
to Be Edueated
by Army, Navy
Uniforms and Pay
for Soldiers, Sailors
under New Program
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17.- (P)- A
huge portion of America's higher edu-
cational system was dedicated to the
arts of war today as the Army and
Navy announced plans for the train-
ing of perhaps 250,000 young men in
Secretary of War Stimson readily
acknowledged that the tremendous
plan will go far to destroy liberal edu-
cation for the time being, "So far as
the able-bodied men of college age are'
concerned." But he quickly-. added
that the long run effect will be to.
preserve liberal education, and plansi
for its revival after the war are al-'
ready under study.
Contracts with Colleges
"The immediate necessity is to win
this war," he said, "and unless we do
that there is no hope for liberal edu-
cation in this country."
The youths to be trained will be
selected from among those now in
colleges, in the armed services and in
civilian life.
The Army and Navy will contract
with the colleges to provide educa-
tional facilities, faculties, living quar-
ters and food for the men. A cadet
system will be established in each
institution selected to take part in
the program. The soldier and sailor
students will be uniformed and will
receive the pay and rating of the
lowest enlisted grade.
From All Programs
The Army plans to draw its stu-
dents from its own enlisted ranks and
from the existing Enlisted Reserves
and ReserveOfficers' Training Corps
enrollment. The Navy, too, is count-
ing on its enlisted men and reservists,
and in addition may enroll young men
now mn civilian life.
In all cases, the youths who receive
this educational preparation for more
useful posts in the services must meet
satisfactory e duc ational require-
ments. Army students may not be
younger than 18 nor older than 22.
The Navy will take civilians who have
reached their 17th but not their 20th
birthdays and enlisted men who are
not more than 22.
At present there are considerably
fewer than 800,000 male students in
the nation's colleges.
Turn to Page 6, Col. 1

by British Army
Associated Press Correspondent
CAIRO, Egypt, Dec. 17.-The British Eighth Army, throwing a strong
force across the line of Field Marshal Rommel's retreat, has cut his fleeing
columns in two and now threatens to inflict another major disaster upom
A swift and powerful thrust which reached the Wadi (Gully) Matratix
about 65 miles west of the abandoned Axis positions at El Agheila, thee

American troops are shown landing barges at S urcauf, near Algiers, on:the coast of French North
Africa, preceding announcements that U.S. bombers and fighters are spreading-destruction' in the Axis-
held ports of Tunis and Bizerte. At least one ship w as sunk and five enemy planes were shot down.

Col. Gan "h Foresees Prefer-ence
for ROTC, ERC after Induction

Elgven hundred bewildered ROTC
cadets grasping at every possible
source for knowledge concerning their
status in the vast nation-wide calling
dif. the Army ERC, sought vainly for
specific details yesterday from a mili-
tary science department which was
quite as astonished by the sudden ac-
tion as themselves.
Addressing half the campus unit
during its drill period yesterday, Col.
William A. Ganoe stated that prior
to the release in The Daily extra the
department had had no inkling of the
sudden change.
Col. Ganoe told the cadets that it
was no time for bitter charges that
Meat Supplies
to Be Reduced
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17.- (P)- In
order to fill expanding war needs,
government food authorities issued
orders today reducing the per capita
supply of meat available for civilians
from the present limit of 40 ounces
to-35 ounces a week during the first
three months of 1943.
The civilian supply of pork, veal,
lamb, and mutton was ordered cut
about 13 per cent. Beef supplies will
continue to be restricted at the pres-
ent levels. There is no compulsory
rationing of meat at present, but con-
sumers are being asked to limit them-
selves to 40 ounces a week. After the
first of the year this voluntary ration
will be cut to 35 ounces.

"we had embezzled you into the
9RC." He emphasized that this was
but one of the many sudden and un-
expected changes of wartime.
Urging the cadets not to be down-
cast or to think about quitting school,
Col. Ganoe said, "I do feel that the
ERC men will have preference after
being called. I feel that ROTC boys
will have preference either in getting
back to school or into officer training
He told the cadets that specific de-
tails regarding the plan undoubtedly
will be arriving shortly which should
clear up the confusion. Col. Ganoe
assured the cadets that, "Every man
who has done well in ROTC, I'm go-
ing to fight for as much as regula-
tions will permit."
Captain Roland L. Kolb, regimental
adjutant, told the assembled ROTC
students that under the new plan
there would be much screening of
officer material. He assured the stu-
dents that by their enlistment and
acceptance into the ERC, they had
already been screened and were con-
sidered officer material. He urged all
students to come back after Christ-
mas vacation and to not let up on
their studies.
Is Disapproved
MEMPHIS, Tenn., Dec. 17.- (P)-
The president of the Association of
American Colleges tonight expressed
his disapproval of Army and Navy
plans to train young men in colleges,
and added that the Association was
particularly against one phase of the
Army's program.
Dr. Charles E. Diehl, President of
Southwestern University, said the
Association, meeting in Philadelphia
Oct. 29, drew plans for training col-
lege men that are opposed to the
Army plan to require 13 weeks of
basic military training before a stu-
dent can be eligible for the college
"We do not think the military
training is going to be much use if
interrupted with a year of college
work," he said.
He declared the Association opposes
the Army's plan to select students for
training by following the general pol-

O PAiretor
Reyigns FPst
Leon Henderson Gives
'Ill Health' as Reason.
WASHINGTON, ' Dec. 17.- (/P)-}
Belligerent Leon Henderson, target of
irate congressional' criticism 'for his
handling":of the touchy price-fixing
and rationing problems, resigned as
price administrator tonight, "princi-
pally" on the grounds of ill health.
President. Roosevelt, in accepting
the resignation,, effective "upon the
appointment..and qualification of
your successor'" did not indicate who
that would be but it was generally
expected that he would appoint Pren-
tiss M. Brown,. Democratic Senator
from Michigan who was defeated for
Factors in Decision
The portly Henderson has long suf-
fered from a back ailment. But his
explanation to Mr. Roosevelt that his
departure was dictated "principally
by a recurrent physical disability
and a rather bad impairment of my
eyesight" indicated that other factors
also figured in his decision.:
There has been. considerable dis-
satisfaction -in Congress over his poli-
cies in the Office of Price Administra-
tion, which he has headed since its
creation, and some senators and rep-
resentatives have threatened to. cur-
tail OPA appropriations if he con-
tinued at the helm.
In this connection Henderson told
the President that he would be on
call to help his successor and would
be "readily available and eager to ex-
plain any and all OPA actions for
which I have had responsbility."
Stabilization His Aim
In his last days in office, Henderson
said, he would' work on "stabiliza-
tion" of the fuel oil and gasoline ra-
tioning "so that these may be no
more special burdens to my successor
than the others which have had such
excellent community acceptance."
These two rationing programs have
come in for particular criticism in
Congress and elsewhere-the gasoline
rationing on the ground that it was
inequitable and unnecessary as a rub-
ber conservation step, and the fuel
oil rationing on the ground that it
was too complicated.
Further Conserving'

swung south into the interior and isol
Russians Make
Small Gains on
Central Front
Strong Nazi Defense
Is Reported Broken
near Kotelnikovski
MOSCOW, Dec. 18. (Friday)-()-'
The Red Army killed 1,235 Germans
and knocked out 12 tanks yesterday
in sharp fighting along the railway
leading to Kotelnikovski, 90 miles
southwest of Stalingrad, made small
gains on the central front, and con-;
solidated its position deep inside the
Don River elbow, the Soviets an-
binounced early today.
--The- -heaviestlighting was-.reported
southwest of Stalingrad where the
Russians announced yesterday they,
had broken a stubborn German de-
fense near Kotelnikovski after a two-
day fight in which 50 Nazi tanks were
Reds Capture Supplies
Supplementing a previous an-
nouncement of a huge victory west
of Surovikino, inside the Don River
bend on the Stalingrad-Likhaya rail-
way, the Russians said today a total
of 580 German guns, 15 tanks, 26
small tanks and armored cars, 65
mortars, 203 machineguns, 650 anti-
tank rifles, and huge quantities of
ammunition and supplies had been
captured in that action which appar-
ently occurred more than 90 miles at
the rear of the Nazi siege army on
the Volga.
Northwest of Stalingrad, in the
area between the Don and Volga
Rivers where subsidiary Russian en-
circlement efforts are underway, the
Red Army was reported to have wiped
out more than 350 Germans, and de-
stroyed three tanks, ten machine-
guns and seven blockhouses. The
Russian effort in that sector, how-
ever, appeared to be devoted mainly
to fortifying the wedges they have
driven into enemy positions.
Transport Planes Destroyed
In the immediate Stalingrad area,
the communique said, the Rus-
sians destroyed seven more transport
planes, one of the main Nazi methods
of supplying their troops in the Don-
Volga pockets, and killed 500 enemy
troops in fighting that raged on the
northwestern outskirts of the city. A
German infantry company also was
reported wiped out in a brisk engage-
ment on the southern outskirts.
Allies Beat Of f
JTaps at Buna
Dec. 18. (Friday)-(P)-Allied troops
in New -Guinea beat off local Japa-
nese counter-thrusts against two
points in their lines at Buna yester-
day as the southwest Pacific com-
mand's hard-working air force helped
ground troops tighten their ring
around the enemy's shallow beach-
After Allied artillery had destroyed
a bridge leading to the Japanese-held
Buna government station near cap-
tured Buna Village, American infan-
trymen closed in to clear out the
Tan naa rnm - r nr lff niin'nf.ra im-

ated large German armored, infantry
and artillery units under a punishing
"Enemy troops east of this area
(the scene of the cut in Rommel's
line) include armored formations
which, in attempting to' break out,
have already suffered heavy casual-
ties and continue to be severely
mauled," the British communique an-
The Allied Air Force, meanwhile,
carried the offensive farther west-
ward with heavy attacks on Axis
airfields in Tripolitania, including
Tamet, 25 miles 'west of Sirte, and
CastelBenito, .16'milea--seoth-of Tri-
poli, it was announced tonight.
Planes Destroyed
Destruction of planes on these
fields is one reason for the compara-
tive immunity from enemy air oppo
sition in the present drive.
(In London, the News Chronicle
estimated that 10,000 of Rommel's
best men are in the Allied bag and
estimates of tanks trapped ;ranged
At the western end of the Allied
offensive in North Africa, in Tunisia,
the day's information indicated that
new and heavy ground fighting was
in preparation as the rains abated.
The Morocco radio was heard broad-
casting reports that Axis forces were
falling back from the vicinity of Med-
jez-El-Bab, a key point along the
Allied line before the cities of Tunis
and Bizerte. (An earlier broadcast
from German-controlled Vichy had
claimed, on the contrary, an Allied
withdrawal from that point.)
Air Action Heavy
(At Allied headquarters in North
Africa it was reported that the big-
gest bomber and fighter force yet
in action in North Africa bombed and
strafed Axis shipping, docks and air-
dromes in Tunisia Thursday, sinking
one ship and shooting down five Axis
planes and damaging three others.
(The Americans attacked Bizerte,
Tunis, Gabes and other Axis strong-
soldsn- iTunisia and beat-off attacks
by a record number of German
Jap Zero Planes
Lost in Battle
Big Bombers Down
12 Enemy Aircraft
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17.- (')-
Twelve Japanese Zero planes which
dared to challenge a group of Army
Flying Fortresses on a bombing mis-
sion near New Georgia Island in the
Solomons were wiped out by the gun-
ners in the big bombers, the Navy re-
ported today. One of the Fortresses
was lost but its crew was rescued.
The intercepting enemy planes
were standard land-type Zeros in-
stead of the pontooned craft which
have participated in most of the re-
cent engagements there, and presum-
ably came from a field established at
Munda. This would indicate that the
foe has succeeded in establishing this
field for at least limited use despite a
series of heavy bombing attacks by
American Army and Navy planes.
If the field is completed, it would
mean that nearly half the distance
the enemy has been flying in some
attacks on Guadalcanal has been
whittled off. Heretofore the Japanese
presumably had been using Buin on
the southeastern tip of Bougainville
Island, 275 miles northwest of Guad-

Crowbar Wielding Students
Ready Boilers for Shipment;

Thanks to a crowbar wielding
crew of student workers, the first
shipment of parts from the Univer-
sity's two ponderous power house
boilers will leave Saturday, on sched-
ule-Tfor a Naval airplane arsenal,
Buildings and Grounds head E. C.
Pardon announced last night.
Tough University males, excused
from PEM, worked with NROTC ca-
-.i,..... . ..~+e d _ r n C e ln

men who aren't afraid to get dusty
and want to make a real contribution
to the war effort are needed desper-
ately," he said.
Men from regularly scheduled PEM
classes appeared at the University
Storehouse all yesterday afternoon to
work on the razing. These men were
given excused absences to devote
their time to the war effort.
All the bricks by last night had

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