29, 1942 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE Caps1uo T' Hopwood Awards Spur Young Writers Contests Entering Twelfth Year; $10,000 Given In Each Competition I Contributing highly for over a dec- adle toward establishing the literary fame of the University and stimulat- ing student creative effort have been the Avery and Jule Hopwood awards. Under the terms of the will of Avery Hopwood, prominent American dramatist and member of the class of '05, one-fifth of the Hopwood estate was set aside and given to the Board of Regents for the encouragement of creative work in Ni-itine. In the 12 years the awards have been given, the have amounted to nearly $10,000 a year. Nowhere else in the world does a university offer suh large prizes to its students in the field of writing. The bequest of Avery Hopwood states, "It is especially desired that the students competing for the prizes shall not be confined to academic subjects, but shall be allowed the widest possible latitude, and that the new, the unusual, and the radical shall be especially encouraged." The income from the bequest is split into major and minor awards. Eligibility for the major awards is confined to senior and graduate stu- dents: but all undergraduate students are eligible for minor awards pro-- vided they meet the general condi- tions for the contests. Separate Hopwood competitions are also held for freshman and sum- mer school students. As early as 1931, one year after the Regents accepted the Hopwood be- quest, publishers began to be inter- ested in the results of the contests, and they are accepting prize-winning manuscripts in increasing numbers. "November Storm," by Jay McCor- mick, '42, winner of last year's major fiction award, will be published soon by Doubleday Doran. Supplementing the fame of the Hopwood contests have been the writers chosen each year to deliver the annual Hopwood lecture, prior to the announcement of the winners. Judge-Advocate General's School opened in Law Quad 0 --Courtesy Ann Arbor News New to the University campus this fall is the Judge-Advocate General's School now being con- ducted in the $7,000,000 Cook Law Quadrangle. Pictured above are those who took part in the Sep- tember 15 opening of the school which will provide specialized mili- tary law training. From left to right they are: Col. Edward H. Young, commandant; Brig.-Gen. Friwin C. McNeil, assistant to the Judge-Advocate General who spoke during the ceremonies; Dean E. Blythe Stason of the University Law School, and Col. W. A. Ganoe of the ROTC. i Engine School Council Prints 'Arch Booklet Serving the University in capacity of coordinator of engineering societies and functions and as a means of co- operation between the students and{ faculty of the engineering school, the Engineering Council will begin its duties of the year by publishing the Arch, an introductory magazine for freshman engineers. This magazine will appear the first week of school, and it will attempt to describe for the new students the var- ious groups and functions of the School of Engineering. The work of the council will be under the direction of president Jim Edmunds, '43E. He will be assisted by Tom Poyser, '43E, vice-president; Howard Howarth, '44E, secretary and Robert Sforzini, '43E, treasurer. University Faculty Members Devote Talents To War Effort .r' ". Greene's Michig an's Favorite Drycleoner Dial 23-23-1 More than 85 University faculty members are now in Government service contributing their talents and knowledge to the war effort. Although most departments-es- pecially engineering and economics- have suffered severe staff depletions, in most cases curricular gaps will have been filled by the time the fall semester opens. Among those now serving in either military or civilian war agencies are: Prof. Henry L. Kohler, mechanical engineer; Prof. Jesse Ormondroyd, engineering mechanic; Prof. Elmore S. Pettyjohn, Chemical and metal- lurgical engineer; Prof. Walter C. Sadler, civil engineer; and Prof. Frank5 H. Smith of the mechanical drawing department are all on active service with the Navy. Prof. Emerison W. Conlon, aero- nautical engineer, is in charge of air- craft structural development in the Bureau of Aeronautive. Prof. Harry C. Carver, mathema- tician, is studying the mathematical problems involved in flying at Kelly Field, Tex. Study Tropical Diseases Dr. Lloyd R. Gates of the public Health school and Lowell T. Cogge- shall, professor of epidemiology, are studying control of tropical diseases at Washington. Prof. Earl V. Moore, musician, and Elmer D. Mitchell, professor of physi- cal education, are assisting as civil- ians in establishing a school to train morale officers at Camp Meade. Profs. Robert Craig, Jr., foremost utilization expert, and William Ky- noch, wood technologist, are being employed by the Army Ordnance De- partment in a research project. Prof. Robert P. Briggs, economist, is chief accountant of the Detroit Ordnance District. Prof. Joseph R. Hayden, poltical scientist, has been called upon by the Federal Co-ordinator of Information to serve on its Board of Analysts. Prof. Preston A. James, geographer, has been called upon by the Federal Coordinator of Information' to serve as chief of Latin-American affairs. In South America Prof. Dudley M. Phelps, of the bus- iness administration staff, is special agent for the Department of State in South America. Prof. Charles F. Remer, economist, is now acting as chief of the Far Eastern section for the Federal Coor- dinator of Information. Prof. Richard U. Ratcliff, real es- tate management authority, is form- ulating policies on housing construc- tion and Prof. Herbert F. Taggart is in charge of accounting in the Office of Price Administration. Prof. Byron A. Soule, chemist, is making scientific studies in the Li- brary of Congress. Prof. Samuel A. Goudsmit and James L. Lawson, physicists, are as- sisting in problems undertaken by the National Defense Research Com- mission at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Prof. William Haber, economist, is director of planning for the War Manpower Commission. Prof. Paul S. Dwyer, mathema- tician, is in charge of statistical work on a vital defense project at Prince- ton, N. J. Prof. Robert B. Hall, geographer, is investigating 'oriental infiltration in South America as a possible anti- sabotage measure. Prof. Theodore M. Newcomb, soci- ologist, is analyzing foreign radio broadcasts for the Federal Communi- cations Commission. Dr. Wile Gets Coloneley Dr. Udo J. Wile, chairman of the department of dermatology and syphilogy in the medical school, was granted a leave of absence to accept a medical directorship with the rank of colonel in the United States Public Health Service. Prof. Edgar M. Hoover, economist, will continue in charge of research in connection with gasoline rationing in the Office of.Price Administration. Prof. Hayward M. Kiniston, chair- man of the Department of Romance Languages, will serve as senior cul- tural relations officer at the Ameri- can Embassy, Buenos Aires, Argen- tina. In Army Intelligence Prof. Henry - M. Kendall, geo- grapher, has been granted leave of absence for special work with the geographic section of Army intelli- gence. Prof. William S. Housel, civil engi- neer, has left for active duties as lieu- tenant commander in the Naval Re- serve. Dr. Clark Hopkins, professor of Latin and Greek, has left for service as a major in the Army. Dr. Robert C. Angell, sociologist, has been commissioned as a captain in the Army Air Corps. Dr. Herman H. Goldstine, mathe- matician, has left for service as a first lieutenant in the Army Air Force.. Drs. John M. Sheldon, Edgar A. Kahn, Walter G. Maddock, S. Milton Goldhamer, Moses M. Frolich, George Hammond, Harry A. Townsley, Mar- shall L. Snyder and E. Thurston Thieme, are all serving with the Army Medical Corps in the 298th General Hospital Affiliated Unit. Prof. Harley Bartlett, chairman of the botany department, has been granted a leave of absence to carry on investigations for the Department of Agriculture. In State Department Prof. Lawrence Preuss, political scientist, has accepted an appoint- ment as principal divisional assistant in the Department of State in order to carry on research in international law and relations. Prof. James M. Cork, physicist, has left to take part in the research pro- gram at the California Institute of U'Will Offer Varied Speech Opportunities Department Has Widened Field To Include Radio, Plays, Speech Science The University Speech Department, founded fifty years ago by Professor Thomas C. Trueblood, offers the best in "word of mouth" to Michigan stu- dents. From a humble beginning wherein only public speaking, debating and interpretation were offered, the de- partment has widened its field to in- clude play production, speech science, and radio. Professor G. E. Densmore is chairman of the deartment. To give the students an opportun- ity for practical application of the speech studies, various outside activi- ties have been developed. The general theme of these projects for the com- ing year is "Post War World Organi- zation". Included among these are oratori- cal contests under the direction of Dr. LE M. Eich. The University is a member of the Northern Oratorical League which includes six colleges in the midwest. Each year the Univers- ity holds a local contest to choose the representative in the finals. Last year, Paul Lim-Yuen, '43, a Chinese stu- dent who spoke on the Pacific Char- ter, was voted an unanimous first place in the finals at Northwestern. Only once before in the 53 year his- tory of the contest has the first place decision been unanimous. Any eligi- ble student may compete in these contests. The Men's Varsity Debate Team, which consisted of 25 men last year, is under the direction of Dr: Arthur Secord. The debate team meets Big Ten schools, a number of other Mich- igan colleges and universities, and a large number of schools in other parts of- the country. The Women's Varsity Debate team, also under the direction of Dr. Se- cord, meets several other squads each year, and four women traveled to Purdue last year for the round table discussions held there. The girls also debate in Big Ten contests. The National Honorary Speech So- ciety, Delta Sigma Rho, has a chap- ter at Michigan, and an-y student who represents the University in speech contests is eligible for membership after his or her junior year. The University of Michigan Speech Clinic was started in 1937 and has developed into one of the best in the country. Technology to adapt the cyclotron to war purposes. Prof. L. H. Newburgh, of the de- partment of internal medicine, has left to become a member of the Di- vision of Medical Sciences of the Na- tional Research Council. Prof. Arthur Smithies, economist, is on temporary leave to serve as a consultant on Australian affairs in the British Empire Division of the Board of Economic Warfare. Dr. Robert C. F. Bartels, mathema- tician, is now serving as consulting mathematician in the Navy's Bureau of Navigation. Prof. Edwin M. Baker, chemical en- gineer, is now devoting full time to several companies on the manufac- ture of armaments. It's -ti e0 watch the bi rdie. Ensian pictures now being made. Campus Humor Magazine, Garg, To Have Coed As Editor-In-Chief OLGA GRUHZITI Gargoyle, the campus humor mag- azine depicting the lighter elements of campus life, will aupar again on campus this year, guided for the first time in its 36 years by a woman edi- tor-in-chief. Olga Gruzhit. 143, an- nounces a completely revised maga- zine to be published in six issues throughout the year. The new Garg will make its campus debut on Oct. 29 as a football issue, introducing many features that will be carried out as a magazine policy for the entire year. ' Previous divisions familiar to Garg readers-campus talk, music, drama, wa Hurry because a lot of you will be graduating soon. - DON'T be disappointe 'by putting it off until it's too late! 2poohrapteD 322 South State- Dial 5C and books-will be completely re- vised, and the 'preposterous persons department, featuring some out- standing person on campus, will be put out in a new form. Lots of car- toons, the campus calenidar, short stories and short-short stories are promised by the editor. Art work will be stressed more than ever, with a guarantee of 16 pages of photos as the average per month, as well as an unusual number of illustrations and cartoons. In addition to the regular features the first issue will contain Col. W. A. Ganoe's story on how he went through West Point with MacAr- thur, and tentatively, a story by George Ceithaml, '43, captain of Michigan's 1943 football team. The 44-page first issue will also in- clude photo features on football, or- ientation and new faces of the Class of '46. Working with Miss Gruzhit are senior staff members Harry Ander- son, '43, managing editor, and Bob Killins, '43, photographic editor. On the junior staff are Helen Curdes, '44, Al Cohen, '44, Bernice Galansky, '44, Pat High, '43, William Kehoe, '44, and Les Meckler, '45. The business staff comprises Ken- neth Kardon, '44, advertising mana- ger; Barbara Sternfels, '44, promo- tion and publcation manager; Jean Misner, '43A, and Louis Cohen, '44, circulation and publicity managers. All second-semester freshmen, sophomores and upperclass students who are eligible and interested, are asked to attend a meeting at 4:45 p. m. Tues., Oct. 6, in the Garg office. Ili ; - .__ -=_ _.._.., _ -, J1 Ask the guy that owns one IF it's a worthwhile buy If it recorded his year If he'll give it up ... ever! If he's buying this year's If you ought to buy it If you can save money by buying now r._ MI ci 031 JI~________ I II' I I e/come ... THIS YEAR you will find, as many years of Michigan students have found be- fore you, that the Arcade Jewelry Shop is campus headquarters for .. . COLLEGE & FRATERNITY JEWELRY ENGRAVING HIGH-GRADE WATCH & JEWELRY REPAIRING ...ON A NON-PROFIT BASIS SELL YOUR USED BOOKS at your own price at the Student Book Exchange. * * * BUY YOUR BOOKS for this semester at the Student Book Exchange. An enterprise by the students, for the students. SELLING or BUYING, you'll get a square deal at the I I111 I