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December 17, 1942 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-12-17

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Fifty=Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of the Associated Press
The 'Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
At or.otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan. as
_second-class mail matter.
8 bscriptions during the regular school year by carrler
$4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 194243
National Advertisig Service, Inc.
College Pxblisbers Representative
Editorial Staff
Homer Swander . . Managing Editor
Morton Mintz. . . . . Editojrial Director
Will Sapp . . . . . * . City Editor
George W. Sallad. . . . Associate Editor
Charles Thatcher . . . . . Associate Editor
Bernard Hendel . . . . . Sports Editor
Barbara deFries . . . . . Women's Editor
MyronsDann . . . . Associate Sporta Editor
business Staff

Fi.ghlters I, ill,

A Drag On Production

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Edward 3. Perlberg
Fred M. Ginsberg
,MarLy Lou Curran,
Jane Lindberg .
Janes Daniels


Business Manager
Associate Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager
puliaiieions. Sales Andyyat

THIS is the story of a local war
plant where skilled workers have
been fired because of a "change in
the war situation," where workers
will tell you all about it but won't
let you use their names for fear of
being black-listed, and where com-
pany officials refuse to answer
charges except under promises of
no publicity.
The plant, International Indus-
tries, makers of precision parts for
bombers, airplane radios and fire
extinguishers, recently released
practically the entire night crew
and a good portion of the day crew,
according to workers - in the plant.
Demanding to know why people
were interested in "our poor little
plant," officials at first denied all
rumors of a lay-off. Later, they ad-
mitted that there had been some
releases, but minimized the impor-
tance of the matter stating that it
was just one of those things-"we
do it every month or so."
All of which may be very true,
and justified, but it seems to us a
mighty inefficient way to run a
factory. The public jumps three
feet in the air when workers in De-
troit strike for an hour and a half,
but when a local and extremely
vital defense factory lays off work-
ers not a word is said.
Actual figures concerning the
lay-off are unobtainable. Workers'
estimates vary anywhere from two
to four hundred in sharp contrast
to the conservative figure voiced by
plant directors. Confronted with
such widely divergent figures, one
is at a loss to explain. Which to
believe--the workers or the mana-
As a matter of fact, none of the
workers' stories coincide in all re-
spects with those of plant authori-
ties and some of them are down-
right contradictory :
The workers' stories were identi-
cal and included even such precise
figures as 46 laid off, in lens polish-
ing, 40 in inspection, 20 in the ma-
chine shop, 26 in the lens cleaning.
Managers say the lay-off is due
to a lack of material. Workers were
told it was due to the fact "that
the Allied offensive in Africa has
changed the need for airplane
Apossible solution to the ques-
tion might.be due, as plant officials

suggested, to the fact
workers were bitter and

that "the
didn't un-

WHICH is all too true--the
workers certainly didn't under-
stand! According to plant officials
the lay-off was only temporary and
workers would be welcomed back
with open arms as soon as there
was work for them to do. But, no
matter whether this was true or
not, the workers DID NOT KNOW
ABOUT IT. As a matter of fact,
they not only did not know about it
but were led to believe that the
situation would continue indefi-
Managers maintained that not
only was the plant willing to hire
them back when the time came, but
was anxious to get them jobs else-
where if they were not willing to
wait. All of which is a very char-
itable and considerate notion,-but
the workers did not know it! Al-
though officials said that all work-
ers had to do was come to the of-
fice, ask for a job and it would im-
mediately be arranged, they ex-
pressed surprise that only two peo-
ple came around.
This is not meant to be an indict-
ment against International. Al-
though the plant is unorganized
and consequently able to hire and
fire indiscriminately, and although
they often lay off workers for three,
four, eight and ten days at a time
(they must be laid off two weeks
before being eligible for unemploy-
ment compensation) they are, as
was pointed out,; unable to doany-
thing about the situation.
According to the managers, and
the explanation is a reasonable on,
the lay-offs are simply due to a
lack of material. This is rot the
first time we have heard complaints
in this vein, and they appear legiti-
mate. A scarcity of glass, however,
seems rather illogical and can be
traced, as the managers themselves
pointed out, not to an actual short-
age, but to the fact that vast sup-
plies, enough for months, even
years ahead, are lying in store-
rooms all over the country unable
to be converted into much needed
bombsights and other optical in-
struments because they are ear-
marked for Army, Navy or Marine
Corps use.

Telephone 2324.1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.


You Can Use System
Of Prorating Credits
yjMMINENCE of being called to the armed forces
before the end of the semester once more has
raised the question of completing degree pro-
grams. The Board of Regents last spring pro-
vided positive protection to drafted students by
allowing prorated credits for work already ac-
:complished during the semester.
This is the way the plan works:
1) The student should consult with the dean
of his college.
2) The dean will arrange with the students'
instructors to examine him and give him
credit for work done.
3) If the induction date is known, work can
often be speeded up so that full credit for a
course may be given before the student leaves.
The requirement for a degree is simply that
the requisite amount of work be credited. Thus,
if the student can, through prorated credits or
a speeded program, complete the proper number
of hours, he may receive his degree.
Those seniors graduatingin February who are
now in the Army Enlisted Reserve Corps need
not fear that their degree is forever lost to them
because of quick induction. If the proper num-
ber of hours can -be earned through prorating,
a degree will be granted.
However, this does. not mean that a rush of
consultations with deans is needed. The pro-
tection stands. When the orders to the Enlisted
Reserve finally come through the deans will
make the necessary arrangements for examina-
4 tions and credit allowances.
- Lee Gordenker
Fish' :Present Position
Is GOP Strategic Move
long notorious for his pro-Munich isolation-
ism, this week cut his official connections with
the Nation's foreign policy; but both his memory
and his obstructionism will linger on.
Fish resigned from the House Foreign Affairs
Committee after 22 years of service in which
he became the ranking Republican committee
member. However, his severing of ties with that
body is hardly as innocent as it appears. Ac-
cording to1his own statement he resigned "in.
order to devote my entire time in the new
Congress, as a member of the Committee on
Rules, to the restoration of representative an
constitutional government in the United
As if it weren't enough that Representative
Fish must first imply that the government for
which we now fight a global war doesn't repre-
sent us and isn't constitutional, he then insists
upon generously donating his services to the rules
committee which is well known as the most pow-
erful committee in the House.
This body can now easily become the most
dangerous single bottleneck in Congress, espe-
cially when its membership will include a die-
hard Roosevelt-baiter, an all-out Anti-Admin-
istration Congressman who voted against every
pre-war preparedness measure.'
However, the story doesn't end there. Reports
indicate that Fish was high-pressured into re-
signing by the Republican Party organization
which includes several men who share his Munich
views. This means, then, that the GOP strate-
gists are afraid to let defeatist Mr. Fish continue

WASHINGTON-Purely by accident, Argen-
tina has thrown significant light on the U.S.
synthetic rubber program and the way we have
concentrated most of it in the hands of Standard
Oil of New Jersey's patent pool.
Recently, Argentina asked the State Depart-
ment for permission to use the Polish synthetic
rubber process, now being operated by the Pub-
liker Company in Philadelphia. Argentina also
faces an acute rubber shortage and, after care-
ful research, decided this was the best way to
get rubber.
The Polish process is similar to the Russian,
uses grain alcohol rather than petroleum as its
base. The German process also uses alcohol,
though it was the petroleum process which
Standard Oil and I. G. Farben agreed to keep
from the United States and other world mar-
kets. A group of Midwest senators has urged
the use of alcohol rubber made from U.S. grain
reserves rather than rubber from petroleum
which is needed for high octane gas.
However, when Argentina requested use of the
Polish process the State Department, not want-
ing to reveal secrets to a country still dealing
with the Axis, consulted Dr. Albert L. Elder, chief
of the War Division of the Patent Office, which
handles secret war patents.
Wanted Fair Trial
Dr. Elder replied that the Polish process was
one of the best means of making synthetic rub-
ber, if not the best. However, since it was no
longer a secret, and the Nazis head almost the
same thing, he saw no reason why Argentina
should not have it.
At this point it also leaked out that inside
the War Production Board there had been
doubt regarding the petroleum process, even
at the time Jesse Jones was awarding most of
the rubber contracts to the Standard of N. J.
patent pool. Dr. Elder is also chief chemical
adviser to the WPB and was opposed to put-
ting all U.S. rubber eggs in one basket. He
favored giving the Polish process a fair trial.
Chief opponent of the Polish process was Ed-
ward Weidlein, of the Mellon Institute, whom
Secretary Jones brought to Washington on a
part-time basis as technical adviser to Rubber
Reserve. The Baruch report criticized the fact
that Rubber Reserve relied on one technician
who was only on a part-time basis but neverthe-
less, the Baruch report concluded that to save
time it was better to proceed with the petroleum
process, even though foundations for the big new
rubber plants were not yet laid.
Standard Oil Cleans House
After "Bernie" Baruch wrote his rubber report
freezing the Jones Program because, as he ex-
plained, there was no time to make changes,
Baruch told Walter Teagle, chairman of New
Jersey Standard Oil: "Walter, if you don't come
through on this synthetic rubber, you might just
as well go jump in the river,"
Since then two highly significant things have
h{appened. Rubber Czar Jeffers has announced
that the synthetic rubber program would be
dangerously late. Second, several Standard
Oil officials have resigned or died.
(Copyright, 1942, United Features Sydicate)
Fishun1h wold avebecme chairmn of 1thic c'n-,

I'd Rather
NEW YORK-The murder of certainly more
than a million, and very probably two million,
European Jews by Adolf Hitler is (in part) a
bid to anti-Semitism in the west, as his invasion
of Russia was a bid to Russphobia. It is a spec-
tacular bid, meant to resound through the po-
litical world, which, in our day, is a kind of
continuing auction.
These murders represent an effort by Hitler to
mobilize the dregs of western life on his behalf,
to rouse to his support the shrews and fish-wives
of anti-Semitism, the frustrated and the con-
fused, the unhappy and the perverse.
'HE MOMENT is truly climactic. Once it was
enough for Hitler to set up an anti-Comintern
pact to mobilize large sections of western anti-
Communist feeling. When that wore out, he had
to go on to invade Russia itself, and there is
every evidence that he has been shocked by the
refusal of the western world, in spite. of Its over-
whelming antipathy to communism, to break
ranks in answer to his maneuver.
And once it was enough for him to. epro-
priate the property of some Jews, to set up
occupational barriers against some others,
for him to mobilize anti-Semitism; he gestured,
and a thousand small societies againstthe Jew
were born in the nations of the west.
That dose has worn out, too, and now it is
necessary for him to increase it. For the first
time, political anti-Semitism turns from the
promise to exterminate the Jews, to actual, un-
limited extermination.
PEOPLE is being killed, to make a political
point. The horror of what is now going on
lies precisely in the fact that it is 'a maneuver,
that this unprecedented mass murder is one
man's tactical decision.
The old question. of differences as between
Jew and non-Jew has precisely nothing to do
with the mass murders now systematically un-
der way. That is proved by the fact that no
such unlimited extermination ever took place
before, not through 2,500 years of Jewland-
non-Jew relations in almost every country in
Europe, and under almost every conceivable
social structure.
We know of the historical tensions between
Jew and non-Jew, and we know that, left to
themselves, they never hadto go this far, never
had to seek this particular "solution." Twenty-
five centuries of time and three civilizations are
the laboratory in which it has been;proved that
what specifically is now happening has no social
roots. In spite of all manifestations of feeling
against Jews, and in spite of all heavyburdens
laid upon Jews, never have the people of- Europe
turned in this degree to this direction. The most
terrifying quality in what is now going on is
precisely this "one man" quality, this single
man's decision that is the base of it, this quality
of tactic and maneuver.
.jITLER has broken the thread of the human
story, in what is probably only the first in
a series of adventures in destruction to save him-
self. He is leading an unhistoric rebellion against
history; unhistoric because it is individual, based
on one man's decision, and not in any sense
social. Can there be any doubt that he is kill-

seems to

of the above facts, it
us that two necessities


in America's war effort become ob-
1) There should be a unified
command on the distribution, front.
We need someone to step in and
prevent the needless accumulation
of materials by departments jeal-
ous of each other's possible slper-
iority. Both the responsibility and
the power should be placed in the
hands of one man.
2) There must be closer worker-
manager relations in the majority
of plants throughout the nation-
for International is not the only
offender. In this specific argument
it is difficult to tell which side is
right, but it is certainly obvous that
a terrific amount of misunder-
standing has arisen on both sides.
Such misunderstanding is a drag
on war production and if we are to
achieve the maximum all-out effort
that is necessary, it must be com-
pletely eliminated.
call at our office, 201 M.scon Hall,
office hours, 9 to 12 a.n., and. 2, to 4
-University Bureauof Appointments
and Occupational Informatin
University Lectures: Dr. J. Harlan
Bretz, Professor of Geology in the
University of Chicago, will lectue on
the subject, "Life History of Lime-
stone Caverns" (illustrated) at- 4:15
p.m., Tuesday, January 12, in the
Rackham Amphitheatre, under the
auspices of the Department of Ge-
ology. The public is cordially inyited.
At 8:00 p.m., in Room 2054 N tural
Science Bldg., Professor Bretz will
lecture on "The Scablands Of the
Columbia Plateau" (illustrated), be-
fore the faculty and students of the
DepArtment of Geology; others who
are interested are invited.
Academic Notios
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet on Wednesday, Dec. 30, at,7:30
p.m., in Room 319 West Meical
Building. "Thiamine -- Funtonal
Studies" will be discussed. All inter-
ested are invited.
German 159 class will not :neet
today. Assignment for Thursday, Dec.
31, Faust: 2073 to 2336.
Doctoral Examination for Frances
Evelin Willison, field: Bacteriology;
thesis: "The Effect Produced i vltro
by Vitamin C on the Toxic and Anti-
genic Properties of Diphtheria Tox-
in," will be held today in 154 East
Medical, at 2:00. p.m. ChairmanMKi.
Soule. By action of the Exe utive
Board, the Chairman may ivite
members of the faculties a41 ad-
vanced doctoral candidates to itend
the examination and he may, grant
permission to those who for sufficient
reason might wish to be present.
-C. S. Yqkunm
Concerts. The Universitfy lM sical
Society announces the followincoii-
certs after the holiday vacatio:, Jo-
sef Hofmann, Pianist, January 18;
Jascha Heifetz, Violinist, Fe)ruary
16; Guiomar Novaes, Pianist, March
5; Nelson Eddy, Baritone, Marc" 17.
The Third Annual Chamber Iiusc
Festival of three concerts by the
Roth String Quartet: January22 and
23. Alec Templeton, Pianist, in a spe-
cial concert, February 25. olden Ju-
bilee May Festival, May;5, 6, 7 a.d 8,
1943. -Charles A. Sink, Presfjdent
Exhibition, College of Archittstre
and Design: Forty-five prints, n-
eluding lithographs, etchings, .aid
engravings by outstanding contem-
porary American -artists. .GrUnd
floor corridor cases, Architeture
Building. Open daily 9 to 5, except
Sunday, through Jan. 5. The pblic

is invited.
Exhibit: Miniature Chinese bowls
and oil pots of interest to studenits of
Pottery andFar Eastern Art. On view
this week only. Main Floor, Architec-
ture Building.
Events Today
The Lutheran Student Assocj4 tlon
will meet for a caroling party tonight
at 7:00. In the Zion Lutheran Parish
Hall, 309 E. Washington St. After the
carol sing, the group will go to the
home of Rev. and Mrs. Yoder for re-
Physical Education for Women:
The 2:30 Winter Sports classy will
meet from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. today.
Michigan Dames: Click and Stitch
Group meets tonight at 8:00 at the
home of Mrs. C. B. McDowell, 332 E.
William Street.
Episcopal Students: There will be a
"Last Nighter" party at Harris Hall
tonight at8:00 sponsored by the Can-
terbury Club. Episcopal students and

THURSDAY, DEC. 17, 1942
VOL. LIII No. 63
All notices for the Daily official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Mgteol ogy Training. Although
applications for the various meteor-
ology programs may be made directly
to the University Meteorological Com-
mittee, University of Chicago, it is,
also possible to apply through this
University. The latter plan has the;
advantages that worthy students may
have the recommendation of this Uni-
-versity and that probably the process-
ing of applications will be thereby ac-
celerated. Students should obtain ap-
plication blanks before Christmas va-
cation so that they may obtain par-
ents' consent while they are at home.
Details as to procedure may be.
learned at 1009 Angell Hall.
-B. D. Thuma
Members of the Faculty, College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts.
Pursuant to the action of the Fac-
ulty on Monday, December 7, there
will be a special meeting of the Fac-
ulty of the College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts in room 1025 An-
gell Hall today at 4:10 p.m. to con-
sider possible readjustments necessi-
tated by the emergency situation. A
large attendance is desired.
--Edward H. Kraus
University offices and libraries will
be closed at Thursday noon, Decem-
ber 24, for the remainder of the
week. Offices and libraries will be
open and classes will be conducted
on New Year's Day, January 1.
The University has recently been
authorized to issue U.S. War Bonds
Series "E". Bonds may now be pur-
chased at the Cashier's Office. Under
ordinary circumstances, immediate
delivery of the bonds can be made.
-University Committee on Sale
of War Bonds and Stamps
Library Hours for the Christmas
Vacation Period:
The General Library and all De-
was to help Russia. The only way to
block the Jewish maneuver is to help

partmental Libraries will be closedI
from noon of Thursday, December
24, to Monday morning, Decembert
28. On all other days of the vaca-
tion period the General Library hoursz
will be 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The
Departmental Libraries will be open
from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., and
from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m., with the ex-
ception of Saturday, December 19,
when they will close at noon. Theret
will be no Sunday Service on De-
cember 20 o'r December 27.
University Automobile BRegulatlon:
The automobile ruling will be lifted
from Friday noon, December 18, to
8:00 A.M. on Wednesday, -December.
Dean of Students
All women students are reminded1
that they must register any change
of residence for the second term in
the Office of the Dean of Women by
noon of January 2. They must also
inform their househead of their in-
tention by that date.
Choral Union Members will please
return their copies of Messiah at this
time, and receive in return copies
of Verdi's Requiemn, at the offices of
the University Musical Society, in
Burton Memorial Tower.
-Charles A. Sink, President
Seniors, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts, School of Educa-
tion, School of Music, School of Pub-
lic Health: Tentative lists of seniors
including tentative candidates for
the Certificate in Public Health Nur-
sing have been posted on the bulletin
board in Room 4, University Hall.
If your name does not appear, or, if
included there and is not correctly
spelled, please notify the counter
Robert L. Williams
Attention: Detroit Jobs: The Uni-
versity Bureau of Appointments has
received notice of the following Civil
Service positions, examinations for
which will be given during the Christ-
mas vacation:
Playleader (male and female) $5.50
to $6.50 per day.
Junior Recreation Instructor (male
and female) $1,650 per year.
Swimming Instructor (male and
female) $2,046 per year. -
The last date for filing applications
is December 21, and examinations will

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