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December 17, 1942 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-12-17

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War Pictures
Now Available
Offers New ovies


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The visual education department of
the University Extension Service has
announced more additions to its film
library which is available for use to
schools and organizations in the state.
For. the convenience of those inter-
ested, the Service has also compiled
a catalogue of those films which deal
with various phases of the war ef-
fort. These include films on agricul-
ture and the war, American heritage,
aviation training, Britain at war,
civilian defense, geography of warring
countries, health-physical fitness,
the other Americas, vocational train-
ing and war production.
Of special timely interest is a group
of films on Canada and Britain at
war which has just been added to the
Included among films which are to
be released to the University Exten-
sion Service by the Office of War In-
formation in the near future are Price
of Victory, Henry Brown-Farmer,
Divide and Conquer.

Suds Replace Studies
as Pipils Len-d a Hand
Scrubbing brshes and dust, rags
will replace textbooks In the hands
of University High School pupils as
they take a half day off from classes
on Dec. 21 to clean their Janitor-
short school.
At an assembly last week the plan
was presented to the students, who
then returned to their homerooms
to vote on the measure. It was unan-
imously approved and also decided
to make the work compulsory.
Students will each be responsible
for their homeroom and one other
Even the walls will be washed, ac-
cording to David Ross, leader of the
LANSING, Dec. 16.- P)- A big
cash balance in the State Treasury
has been put to work, Treasurer The-
odore I. Fry disclosed today. F'ry said
$10,000,000 of a $76,541,348 balance
has been invested in U.S. Treasury
Certificates and the earnings in in-
terest will total $87,500, enough to
cover the payroll of his office staff
for two years.



A wide split in campus estimation
of various projected schemes for the
post-war world is revealed in a poll
of student representatives taken
Tuesday at the "Town Meeting" of
the Post-War Council.
Votes cast for four major plans of
international organization, a modified
league of nations, world-wide govern-
ment,: federations of regional sover-
eignty, and pax victorum, by delegates
of many campus activities and hous-
ing units indicated that Michigan
students, like the rest of the country,
are still far from unified in their war
Exactly 36 per cent of the ballots,
favored the modified league with the
same percentage favoring world-wide
government. Pax victorum followed
next with 22 per cent of the votes
cast. The plan for regional sovereign-
ty brought up the rear with only 5
per cent of the voters favoring it.
Although there was great diver-
gence of opinion as to steps to be
taken immediately following the war,
there was a more unified, though far
from unanimous, opinion that world-
wide government should be our ulti-
mate goal.
Typical of such an opinion was this
comment accompanying one of the
ballots, "Pax victorum seems the best
present solution. However, there are
two conditions, two "ifs". First, the
United Nations must be educated and
rehabilitated themselves and second,
Latin Americans
Discuss War,
U.S. Relations
To aid in the fight against the
Axis is the general aim of the Latin
American countries, according to rep-
resentatives of seven of those nations
who spoke at the meeting of the In-
ternational Relations Club last night
on the topic "Latin-America and the
"The first step you should make
toward cooperation is the learning
of Spanish," said J. Alberto Barreda
understanding with the United
in considering possibilities for bet-
ter understanding with the United
Argentina's isolationist attitude
was explained in terms of her desire
for peace and of her fear of American
imperialism, especially distrust of a
consistent policy of the United States
government when .the Roosevelt ad-
ministration loses power. Economic
differences also' cause friction for
"We are buying American products,
but you buy nothing from us," com-
mented Jorge A. Simonelli of Argen-
Another complaint was the fact
that South America does not have
a true picture of the U.S.A. from the
movies, and one of the ways sug-
gested to cure this was the creation
of Student Exchanges.
Vacation Starts at M.S.C.
EAST LANSING, Dec. 16.- (P)- A
three-week Christmas holiday vaca-
tion, one of the longest on record, was
underway today for Michigan State
College's 6,300 students, who closed
the fall term Tuesday.

Campus Divided as to Course
World Should Take after War

it must lead to some kind of world
In indicating his preference for a
modified league, one person com-
mented that, "it should certainly exist
under a different name . . . it is a
psychological factor of fundamental
An advocate of regional federations
remarked that they "would benefit
such areas as Europe but would be
largely academic and unnecessary in
many other areas."
"These four plans are overlapping
in certain fields. It ought to be pos-
sible to combine the most workable,
just, social and humane elements of
each into a more satisfactory pro-
gram," was the reaction of another.
War Housing
Situation in
Detroit Eased

English Idea
for Posvwur
Ph-Inn'ti c a iten
World Union Analyzed
by Kathleen Courtney
"A worldwide organization of na-
tions united as the countries desire
rather than through compulsion is
the most popular idea for post-war
planning in England at the present
time," Miss Kathleen Courtney,
prominent English lecturer, said yes-
"The organization must be formed
with two objectives in mind," she'
said. "First, it must be such as to
protect the world from future ag-
gression; and second, it must pre-
vent an economic chaos such as
followed in the wake of World War I'
She emphasized the fact that this
security may be assured only if every
citizen is convinced that international
law must be maintained. "An inter-
national police force itself will not
be necessary if everyone recognizes
its aim," she said.
"England believes that this is a
generation of the common man," she
added," and it is the duty and privi-
lege of the United Nations to see that
the rights of the common man are
upheld in the post-war world."
Miss Courtney pointed out that
this will be possible only through very
close cooperation of all the Allies.
Charles Knutson and Robert
Krause were named co-chairmen of
next year's graduate business admin-
istration class. Harry Schagrin was
chosen secretary-treasurer.
No Liquor Advertising in Canada,
OTTAWA, Dec. 16.- OP)- Prime
Minister Mackenzie King tonight an-
nounced a ban on liquor and beer
advertising in the Dominion for the
duration of the war.

Hundreds of hitch-hiking students,
polishing up their pet thumbs, fear,
that this year their mooched journeys
aren't going to be so easy to get.
The men of the road with long rides
ahead seem to be facing an impos-
sible task.
On the other hand, the consensus;
of opinion seems to be that if the
goal isn't too far, they will get there,
more quickly by means of the thumb
than the trains and buses.
Doug Aldrich, '45E, who went via
-this method to and from Detroit Sat-
urday, said that he spent a total of
only 15 minutes waiting for rides, al-
though as was to be expected there
were few cars on the road. "Drivers
seem to realize the difficulty, and
they're much more willing to pick
up hitch-hikers,", he said.
Going so far as to say -that thumb-
ing is even easier than before, Al Rus-
kin, '45, said that he spent only five
minutes beside the road during his,
trip to Detroit last week-end. Herman
J. Hudson, '44, echoed the statement,
saying that he has had "not much
So far as going a great distance is
concerned, Louis Zeitz, '44E, thinks
it doesn't pay. He spent 36 hours on'
To brighten your holiday mood.
719 North University

Hitchhikers Face New Trials
ii Toir-Galion-a-Week' Era

the road going from Lakewood, N.J.
to Ann Arbor after gas rationing was
in effect in the east, although before
it had started here. The trip formerly
took about 24 hours. He explains that
in his cane it's the long rides that
count, and drivers aren't going far on
four gallons,.a week.
A sentiment common on campus
was expressed by Bob Steele, '45E,
who said that he had taken it for
granted' that thumbing had become
futile. Most of the fellows he knows,
he said, had "given up without try-
.LANSING, Dec. 16.- (N)- The
executive office announced today that
at request of the War Department,
Governor SVan Wagoner has ad-
dressed letters to' labor unio, officials
and - industrial organizations asking
compliance with the War Production
Board's demand that factories work
as usual on New Year's Day.
Have'yours taken at home,
during vacation.

LANSING, Dec. 16.- VP)-


Michigan Council of Defense, holding
its final 1942 meeting here today, was
informed that the housing situation
in war-busy metropolitan Detroit
would not be as serious as expected
this winter.
Raymond M. Foley, state housing
administrator and council member,
reported that the rate of migrant
munition workers had fallen below
expectation in the Detroit and Willow,
Run areas.
Foley estimated that 28,000 living
units, privately built,.have been made
available or are under construction in
the Detroit and Willow Run areas and
that 8,000 additional units are allow-
able there. He said construction of
2,000 privately built units had been
recommended for the Detroit area



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