THIUIRSDAY, DEC. 17, 1942 Ann Arbor Takes British Young Under Wing, Aids Nursery Abroad THE MICHIGAN DAILY r ' QUITTER? Siall Group Of Women Use War To Rat onalize Abandoning Education By MARJORIE ROSMARIN "I'm impressed with the great amiount of work the Save the Chil- dren Federation accomplishes with the least amount of red tape," said, Mrs. Preston Slosson, chairman of the federation branch in Detroit and Ann Arbor. The SCF was founded in 1932 and is affiliated with the Save the Chil- dren International Union which was inaugurated just after the first World War for the purpose of child welfare. Ann Arbor Sponsors Nursery The Ann Arbor group sponsors a nursery in Red Roof, Cornwall, Eng- land, called Trevince House, which consists of all English children from the Plymouth vicinity. Mrs. Slosson declared that the group tries to raise $4,500 a year to support the nurs'ery. It costs but ten dollars a month to care for each child, the children rang- ing.from two to five years of age. These childiren are sent to the'nursery *when the British government drafts The Zeta Beta Tau house officers for the coming year are Marvin Bor- man, '44, president; Martin Fefer- man, '44, vice-president; Norman Schwartz, '44, treasurer; Robert Wise, '45, secretary; Richard Spitz, '45, his- torial; Ora Sievers, '44, house mana= ger, and James Wienne', '45, rush- ing chairman. into industry any mother of a child over two years old, but, in order to keep the mother anduchild in con- tact with each other over this diffi- cult period, the government at its own expense sends the working moth- er to see her child every other month. As soon as the child gets to the nursery, he is assigned to a special person to whom he becomes accli- mated. The child must have a feel- ing of security. This individual cares for him, attends to his food, recrea- tion, sleep and becomes his "auntie." "There are three 'ways a person can support the federation, if he wishes," Mrs. Slosson continued. "He may donate directly to the nursery; he or an organization may donate thirty dollars and act as a godparent to a 'child; or he' may collect wool clothes and, shoes and send them to the New York headquarteris." Volunteers May Be Sent After transportation becomes more safe, the federation hopes to send volunteer workersacross the sea to Great Britain to help in the various nurseries. After examinations, Mrs. Slosson said that she would like to have the opportunity to speak at the dormi- tories, league houses, and sororities in order to tell them of the federa- tion's work. (Editor's note: The following editorial was written by Mike Minnick, last year's' cditor of the Daily Trojan, University of southern Caslifornia's newspaper, and now a second lieutenant in the Marine Corps. For this article he received an award for the best editorial written in the editorial writing class and printed in the Daily Trojan.) So you're dropping out of school. You are one 'of a minority group of women students who are quitters. With a promising university career before you and with every incentive to continue that career, you suddenly have decided that you will relinquish the privilege of acquiring an education. The reasons for your decision are not exactly clear. You may tell your sorority sisters and friends that you are leaving college because: (1) there is danger of air raids and the family is worried; (2) the war has "upset" you and you "just don't feel like studying"; or (3) your boy friend has been called into service and college has lost interest for you. At first glance some of these reasons seem sound and well-founded. Actually, the real reason may be that you lack a characteristic known by various natmes, but which we euhemistically will call "backbone." Artanalysis of your ostensible reasons for dropping out reveals their inherent weaknesses. The first so-called "reason" is ridiculous. A metro- politan city has some blackouts, and you are ready to scurry back home to mother, wagging your books behind you. You have let emotionalism (dis- guised as "just good sense") overcome your basic ability to think logically. Even if there should be an air raid, is it likely that the university and vicinity would be a probable target for enemy bombs? You, who should be the first to Perceive that our normal scholastic existence must be continued, have quit cold, simply because you are scared. The second "reason" is closely related to the first. You are an unfor- tunate victim of mild war hysteria. Because academic life has been adjust- ing itself to the demands of the emergency, you seem to think that every- thing is upset. Your former goal of acquiring an education has, in your mind, diminished in importance. A few weak-kneed students have found an opportunity in the crisis to shed their responsibilities, and you have ab- sorbed their philosophy through a kind of academic osmosis It requires intellectual effort to concentrate on studies when there is confusion in the air, and you have given no your goals because you are an intellectual weakling and cannot shoulder your preconceived responsibilities. If you "just don't feel like studying" at this time, the chances are you never did feel like it anyway. The third reason, easily the most absurd of them all, might be referred to as the "curve" of decreasing masculinity. A comparatively small number of men students have been called into the service, and word-of-mouth rumor has distorted this number until you are discouraged. Or possibly the with- drawal of your boy friend from college has influenced your decision to sever your university affiliations. If you drop out of college for either reason you are admitting you are an academic sham. You are announcing to all and sundry that you really came to school to acquire a husband and not an education. Has it ever occurred to you that you, as well as the soldier, have a duty to discharge? Do you realize that you are not merely an ornament but a citizen? Not only must you prepare yourself so that you may, if necessary, take the place of a man in the fields of business and production, but you also are responsible for the perpetuation of our educational and cultural activities. President Roosevelt repeatedly has stressed importance of undiminished cohtinuation of the work of our educational institutions. If you have any real "backbone" you will be cognizant of your duty. The obligation of our soldiefs is to carry guns; your obligation is to carry boobs-and to use them. Riflery Gives Coeds 'New Aim' Cook Residents To Hold Diiner In place of its traditional Christ- mas breakfast for residents' mothers which was cut out this year because of transportation difficulties, Martha Cook will hold a formal Christmas dinner at 6 p.m. today. Special guests at the dinner will be Dean Alice Lloyd, and assistant deans Miss Jeannette Perry and Mrs. Byrl Bacher, as well as three mem- bers of Martha Cook's Board of Gov- ernors, who are Mrs. Chauncey Cook, Hillsdale, Mrs. Edward Maire, De- troit, and Mrs. James Murfin, De- troit. Dinner chairman is Mary Edith Riner, '43; Betty Kefgen, '43Ed, is in charge of dining room decorations, and Jean Zemmer, '43SM, is directing the musical program. Plans for far, for the after-dinner music are an instrumental trio com- posed of Sally Titus, '44SM, on the violin, Dorothy DeVries, '44, on the cello and Patricia Potter, '44, at the piano. Esther Williams, '43, and Mar- jorie Gould, '44M, will sing solos accompanied by a double trio. Honor Societies Go Christmas Caroling Christmas chimes andholly wreaths came closer to becoming realities for those persons who heard the caroling of members of Wyvern, Senior So- ciety, Scroll and Mortarboard last night. Beginning at Health Service and continuing to Betsy Barbour, Helen Newberry, President Ruthven's home and finally the law quadrangle, the groups were served hot chocolate and cookies at the end of their itinerary. Initiations Announced By Two Sororities Alpha Phi announces the recent ini- tiation of Jean Burden, '45A, Mary Ann Crump, '45, Jane Farrant, '45, Helen Mae Kressbach, '44, Jean Lov- ett, '44, Suzanne Lovett, '44, Elizabeth McKone, '45, Jane Woltzen, '45, and Mary Ellen Zahns, '45. Kappa Kappa Gamma announces the initiation of Pat Hiel, '45, Marnie Murray, '43, Marcia Netting, '45M, Shirley Raskey, '44, Daphne Shaw, '44, and Orieal Straehley, '45. *" Dear all: One more chance be- fore Christmas to buy out the stores! So, goods luck on. your. last minute shopping, and Mer- ry Christmas! HAVE A SCENT Is it for he . . . or she? You'll find outstanding Lentheric gift sets for both, at the Mademoi- selle Shop. For Milady . . . pretty cologne and matching bath powder in Miracle, Shang- hair, Tweed. For the Esquire ... a Military Presentation of Tanbark cologne. Try the three Musketeers and Three Silent Women . . . ideal complimen- tary gifts! 'i I TNademoijeCCe Jry{.GN D "'lSOa". S -' DESIGNED 6Y PALTER DE LIS4 $395 $9.95 You young connoisseurs of'fashion know" the "pick-me-up" magic of new De Lisa Debs. . . so welcome while you're waiting for the holiday festivities to begin! Shoes with a new season look, arriving npow have that knack of being "first with the- new", that's typically De Liso Deb. BIIOOKINS' Snarl S..hoei 108 East Washington Phone 2-2685 lLULWUllLFLT L U1FYfL[YFYJ1L1fF eftTt W99 es 6M I MOONSHINE Top. . . Sterling Silver Vanity for atfavored lady. $10.00 Center ... Thunderbird ... Gold and Platinum-plated double. . . $7.50 Bottom . . . Gold-plated compact holding rouge and powder.. . . . 5.00 Zo( ownt one of these simply elegant Richard I udnut vanities would make any woman vain . . . and justly so! Wait till she sees how sleek and trim they are! How they will do her double duty ... smart by day, glamorous by night! Here's the kind of gift that will serveher thoughout the year, always $100 t0 $1000 ..- q. All that glitters may not be gold . .. but take a look at the stunning evening Mr. Foster's Remembrance Shop. Gold, beaded, silver ... rich in lustre and'shape variety. Equal- ly smart ... the roomy stitched sportswear bags, especially their shoulder-straps! Throw in a linen hanky, just for fun! \ Jl4 \I By MARJORIE HALL It makes no difference whethe: one prefers to sprawl, sit, or stand at the rifle'range in WAB these days, for plans to suit each person's choice while shooting are being formuated according to Doris Kimball, manager of the women's rifle club. Sgt. Dewey Bonnewell, sharpshoot- ing instructor for the local ROTC units, has been teaching some 11( energetic coeds how to groove light- weight (?) army rifles into their shouldei's, paralyze their left arms with a maze of' leather straps anc the weight of their en tirebodies (al- most), put life-sized kinks into their necks, sprawl all over the 'floor like ten-year-olds, and squint like her- mits emerging from their caves for the first time' in ten years-all this masquerading under the nametof riflery. Kinks' Anticipated So'far these valiant students of genine punishment have been af- flicted only from the sprawling posi- tion, but with the advent of the new year new muscles and accompanying kinks will be brought into play as shooting from a sitting position and also from' a standing position will add to the orders of the day. At present the girls shoot for a 1' i I, e' ), half-hour each week, complying with the regularly assigned periods set up for them Mondays through Thurs- days. However, these shooting peri- ods will be increased to an hour a week as the girls become more pro ficient in the art. New Periods Assigned A mass meeting will be held soon after Christmas vacation at which time the girls who are willing and able tohcontinue shooting will sign up for their hour periods. And, Miss Kimball warns, "The girls who at- tended all the preliminarynmeetings and have all the basic training nec- essary will have first chance to sign for the permanent hour shooting periods." mademo 0eA Sh0 6 1108 SOUTH UN IVEIRSITY Telephone 9317 Open Monday and Thursday 'til 9 -~ _ . _' *' $4; . ,, .A c j ooear ::..~~~xc: Special Pre-Christmas Sale lb stpreme: IKI- Through the ages the ultimate gift b of luxury and esteem has been . .. precious furs. And this Christmas a gift of furs has added meanings, a thoughtful assurance of warmth ' and beauty for the loved ones, for years to come. We can't urge you too strongly f z to take advantage of our pre- Christmas Fur Values. Definitely not Sale Coats.. but distinguished couturier fash- ion perfected for a discriminating Rt clientele. We can't urge you too .. strongly to take advantage of these wonderful values NOW. MOCK THE WIND First call for ice skates! Spied the snug: 100% wool hand em- broidered skating socks over at Dillon's. Their full and knee length stockings are quite the thing... bright colors, only $1. And there's nothing sher could better use than apair of Muk- luks . . . all wool, handwoven, cute tassels, 'n everything! MORE FOR LESS The unique cosmetic set at Cal- kins-Fletcher is called Attar of Petals, Apothecary lines! The perfume, talc, toilet water, bub- ble bath bottles can all be tran- sformed into salt and pepper shakers . . . the creams conver- ted into cigarette jars' and lamp bases. Their white con- tainers have the prettiest floral designs . . . don't miss them! DU . SWAr A MY / q SANTkS WOMEN * Take a peek in the Yarncraft Shop window! Adorable kewpie dolls ... remember little sister? Knittin'g bags, alf shapes -n sizes, leather and shoulder- strap . . . remember mother? Churchill scarfs, handwoven, home spun . .. remember Ger- tie? ra