THE MICIGAN DAILY, THURSDAY, DEC. 17, 1942 .ITE., NOT BRIGHTI': Jap Plan~te hils Cruiser Sai Frantcisco f~ : An"ro Tw oHave FewerF Brioa L ights ' Thils Christmas ________- .s< . BURDEN MUST BE SHARED: Prof. Jamison Stresses Need of Immediate Wage-Freezing Ann Arbor's Christmas this year stead of the usual lights. All the lamp. may be a white one but it won't be a 1 pasts on Main street are made up as very light one, Floyd C. Moseley, candlesticks. In past years the ige fir tree at chairman of the Junior Chamber of the center of the diagonal was decor- Commerce Chr is t ma s Decorations ated with bright lights adding a touch Committee, said yesterday. of Christmas spirit to the campus. Lack of electrical fixtures and This year the tree bears no lights, and workers to arrange street lighting due the campus, like the rest of Ann Ar- bor, will be pretty much dimmed out. to the war emergency will keep this city from having its usual illuminated News Letter to Tell trees and electrical displays which 1 added holiday spirit to past Christ- ofHopwood Writers mases. This does not mean that home dec- News concerning former Hopwood orations have been banned, Moseley winners and their writins will be explained. "Several residents have sent out in the monthly news letter called and asked if it is against civil- soon. ian defense regulations to have elec- Clara Laidlaw, winner of the short tric lights on Christmas trees," Mose- story award for the 1942 Summer ley pointed out, "naturally there is no Hopwoods, has one of her stories, such rule." "TIhe Little Black Boys," in the De- This year. however, there will be no cember Atlantic Monthly. outdoor lighting contest such as that Maritta Wolff, already famous for of past years. Residents would pur- "Whistle Stop" which took a $1,000 chase many supplies vital to war in- prize in 1940, has received favorable dustries in competing for the $100 reviews from the New Yorker, the prize, Moseley explained. New York Herald Tribune, The Sat- Main street is minus its red and urday Review of Literature and the green lights and the miniature New York Times Book Review on her Christmas trees adorning the city novel, "Night Shift," published by streets are decorated with tinsels in- Random ,House. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING] FOR SALE CLASSIFIED F SLE CHRISTMAS CARDS-The largest selection in town. All imprinted RATES with your name. From 50 for $1.00 SNon-Contractup. Craft Press, 305 Maynard St. $ .40 per 15-word insertion for MISCELLANEOUS Emphasizing that at least 80 per cent of production costs arise from labor charges, Prof. Charles L. Jami- son of the School of Business Admin- istration stresses the need of immedi- ate wage-freezing in an article in the December issue of the Quarterly Re-I view of the Michigan Alumnus. Immediate- freezing of wages and farm prices-without allowing loop- holes for adjustments for further liv- ing cost increases-must be put into effect if inflation is to be prevented, Prof. Jamison said. "Sacrifices must be endurec by everybody, and the sooner the factory worker and the farmer start to bear their share-the less they will have to, ACTION ON MEAT SHORTAGE WASHIN'GTON, Dec. 16.- ()- Action may be taken by government. food authorities tomorrow to reliev during the Christmas holiday season- meat shortages in areas which al- ready have consumed supplies allot- ted them for December under a con- servation order of the Office of Price Administration. suffer in the not too distant future," he said. Asserting that the ceiling method of stabilizing living costs penalizes the sellers of goods too greatly, by reducing prices below costs, Prof. Jamison said that better results would be achieved by controlling costs as the first step in price stabilization. Prof. Jamison predicted the exten- sion of price control and rationing into the post-war period as a neces- sary preventive of inflation such as Germany experienced after the first World War. Fine Oriental RUGS A charming gift to your family, or to your friend. Fifty table, piano, chair covers, $3.50 and up. Also scatters, runners, room sizes. N. 1. MANGOUNI 334 So. 4th Ave. Phone 6878 Excellent cleaning, repairing Thirty-three Jap planes attacked an American convoy off Guadal- canal Nov. 12 and American fighters and anti-aircraft guns brought down 32. Here one of the Jananese has just sideswiped the cruiser San Francisco (right) and leaves a dense column of smoke (center) where he crashed. Left foreground, a U.S. cargo transport. The Jap plane killed. 30 of the San Francisco's crew. Two days later the cruiser met and brought about the destruction of a Jap battleship off Guadalcanal. The cruiser is now in San Francisco Bay for repairs. A TWO STAGE PEACE : Hoover Proposes Cooling Off' Period for Post-War Years Celebrate New Year's Eve at the P-Bell Phone 4075 For Reservations P.S: Beerwill be back before Christmas! MIMEOGRAPHING-Thesis binding. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 S.' State. WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL- Driveway gravel; washed pebbles. Killins Gravel Co., phone 7112. LOST and FOUND LOST-Glove. Right hand, fur-lined driving glove-Arcade Post Office Saturday, 2-4379. WILL THE PERSON who borrowed my bicycle from the library, please return it! Phone 2-4068. LOST in Michigan Theatre, Argus camera-finder call Harry Troxell, 441 Michigan House, 2-4401. Re- ward. BLACK FORMAL CLOAK labeled Ruth Schramm on cuff taken by mistake ATO Dance. Call 2-4561, Room 591, for exchange. LOST-one grey fur muff pocketbook on Saturday on Main Street be- tween -Liberty and William. Please call Mrs. James A. Sallade, 2-1218. Reward. LOST-Phi Beta Kappa key inscribed Ralph Mahon, Texas 1939. Finder please return to Ralph Mahon, Jr., University Hospital. HELP WANTED SECRETARIES: Good opportunity for highly skilled secretary. Not over 32. University graduate pre- ferred. Complete charge of small, pleasant office in Detroit. Salary $175. Please phone, write or inter- view Mr. Archer, Michigan Union, Thurs. & Fri. only. CHICAGO, Dec. 16.-aP)-Herbert Hoover proposed tonight that post- war peace making be divided into two stages-a preliminary peace to be followed by a period devoted to solv- ing problems in a cool and deliberate manner. "The essence of my proposal is that we have no armistice, no general peace conference, such as Versailles, but that we set the peace making in two stages," he explained. "The first to be an instant 'con- ditional peace' that will turn the world toward political, economic and spiritual recovery without the delays of last time. And then that the world should take time to cool off and work out one by one and separately the solutions for lasting peace." The former President suggested that the separate problems should be examined or negotiated by separate commissions representing the domi- nant nations as a prelude to action by their governments. He also stated, in an address pre- pared for delivery before the Execu- tives Club and over the Blue Network, that the United States must cooper- ate with its allies in finding a last- ing peace and making it secure. To accomplish the purposes he out- lined, Hoover said, the United Nations should agree in advance to the terms of a conditional peace and a subse- quent program, and should impose and enforce the conditional peace. He added that the declaration of conditional peace should embrace: "1. Total disarmament of the en- emy. "2. The designation of provisional boundaries of nations. "3. Machinery for repatriation of prisoners and civilians driven from their homes. "4. The removal of the economic blockade the instant the enemy has handed over his arms. "5. The immediate organization to relieve famine, combat pestilence and aid in reconstruction. Otherwise there would be anarchy and no peace. "6. The provisional restoration of all commercial treaties." HOW MAITNANCE Maddy Asks 'Free War Music YOUR A NN ARBOR FRIENDS! We lI wrap and. delfiver packages to your local acquaintances. YOUR HOUSEMOTHER She'll keenly appreci- ate a box of delicious Whitman's Chocolates In chcerful Christmas wrappings. ...Y UR INST RUCTORS Some Tobacco from our large assortment of pipe tobaccos LANSING, Dec. 16.-(A)-The Na-' tional Institute on Music in Wartime has struck a copyright snag in its program of morale building, but boasts a battle-wise champion who threatens to inveigle an "act of Con- gress" to make public property of three service songs. He is Dr. Joseph Maddy, chairman of Michigan's wartime Civil Music Committee, whose dispute with James C. Petrillo, head of the American Federation of Musicians, over radio broadcasts at the National Music Camp at Interlochen, Mich., last summer gained wide publicity. Pe- trillo's order banning student broad- casts from the camp precipitated the dispute. Dr. Maddy told the Michigan De- fense Council today that the Music Educators' National Conference de- manded a "reasonable compensation" to the copyright owners of "Semper Paratus." the official Coast Guard song; "Army Air Corps"; and "The Caisson Song." He said an offer of one cent a copy for printing 50,000,- 000 song sheets had been refused. BUY BONDS FOR CHRISTMAS! WAR BONDS ISSUED HERE -- Starts Today - I J Can step up A RECENT SURVEY of war industry plants revealed. that dirt accumulating on lighting fixtures is slowing down production by robbing workers of much of the light they need. In the 27 war plants surveyed, the average loss of light due to dirty fixtures was 17.5%. In one plant producing airplane propellers, 38.2% of the light output was being wasted because dust from a land-grinding operation was allowed to collect on the lights. This dimout is serious because it hinders production. The remedy is simple: A proper schedule of lighting maintenance, under whichlamps and fixtures are washed regularly, will help insure the maximum light output needed for efficient war production. Frequency of cleaning depends on many factors, such as the type of lighting installation and the kind of work being' done in a given area. For advice on how to set up the most economical schedule for lighting mainte- 11 I KANDULPUI :::'"Y