It 4 :43 at I Weather Slightly Colder VOL' LII No. 62 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 16, 1942 Active Duty within a Few Weeks for Reserves: MRCE FIVE CENTS F . -.__. Allies Har ass JapRemnants at Cape Hunt Enemy Raiding Party Incessantly Strafed, Bombed in Attempt to Land on New Guinea By The Associated Press ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN AUSTRALIA, Dec. 16. (Wednesday) -Remnants of a Japanese force which made a landing despite bloody losses, at Cape Ward Hunt about half way between Lae and Buna are being harassed by Allied planes, General Douglas MacArthur's noon communi- que reported today., The same air arm which sank land- ing barges, drove off two cruisers and three destroyers and permitted only a portion-perhaps as much as 1,000 -of the Japs to reach land for a new beachhead in the northeast New Gui- nea fighting rained a hail of deadly bombs and bullets upon the group which got to shore. "Our air force," the communique stated, "continued incessant bombing and strafing attacks throughout the day on remnants of the enemy land- ing force at the mouth of the Man- bare River. The entire area is strewn' with derelict barges, wreckage and enemy dead." On either side of newly captured Buna, where Japs still cling to re- stricted sectors of opposition. Allied ground forces were maintaining hea- vy pressure. Under cover of darkness, an enemy plane bombed the Allied base at Port Moresby on the southeast New Guinea shore last night but the communique said they fell "harmlessly." Heavy bombers raided the airdrome last night at Gasmata on New Britain Island. Twelve Jap fighters attempted to intercept. Three were shot down and two others damaged. Navy Charged with Sinking WE NEED MEN: This Jo6b Must Be Done By HOMER SWANDER Daily Managing Editor TODAY and throughout the rest of the week the men on this campus will have the privilege of actually helping to build airplanes for the United States Navy. o An East Coast Naval arsenal is in desperate and immediate need of two vitally essential steam boilers which are now resting in the Uni- versity powerhouse. Those boilers, cannot be used in the production of planes until we Michigan men pitch in and strip them of 60 tons of bricks. IN THIS JOB, as in all war work, time is all-important-the first shipment must leave here not later than Saturday morning. Thus, every minute anyone of us spends working on the boilers is an im- portant minute spent in winning the war. The Navy, through the Manpower Corps, has called upon us for help and as yet we have not responded in sufficient numbers to clear the boilers for shipment Saturday. , We have three more days in which to get the work done-three days to prove that Michigan students CAN meet an emergency, that Michigan students CAN forget vacation long enough to concentrate upon the job of war, that Michigan students WILL sacrifice and actu- ally go out of their way to help defeat the Axis. The production of those Navy. planes depends upon us. WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? * * * * * * Steam Boiler PIroject Requires.,',U' Manpower o~ By STAN WALLACE Word was received late last night that "we need those boilers within six days," according to E. C. Pardon, head of the Buildings and Grounds Department. The source quoted is a spokesman for the company constructing an ad- dition to a Navy Rhode Island arsenal for which the two steam boilers now in the University powerhouse are go- ing to be used. Buildings and Grounds men have been working feverishly for. the past two weeks in an attempt to prepare these boilers for shipment. Because of the acute labor shortage in this area every Buildings and Grounds man, numbering seven, has been forced to work 20 hours a day. Immediate Aid Urgent An urgent call for immediate aid from the Manpower Corps was issued by Pardon yesterday: "We need men, lots of men who are willing to work. Cooperate with the Manpower Mobili- zation Corps but don't put it off. Time is valuable. Do it now." All -workers must report to the University storehouse located on North U. near Forest. Workers may report to the storehouse at any time. If it is not open, press the of Transport 'Blunder' Sinks the President Coolidge Is Company Statement By The Associated Pres WASHINGTON, Dec. 15.- A ship- ping company official asserted today that a Navy blunder led to the sinking of the 21,936-ton former liner Presi- dent Coolidge, while operating in the Solomons area as a troop transport. Meanwhile, the Navy undertook a "very thorough investigation." The accusation came from J. Hugh Jackson, a director of the American Presidents Line, which formerly owned the ship. He told a luncheon meeting at Stockton, Calif., that the captain of the transport, abouttto enter a.harbor, met two U.S. destroy- ers outside. He stopped, asked wheth- er the harbor was safe, and was as- sured there was nothing to worry about. The ship entered and struck two mines, Jackson said. Asserting that a "question of pos- sible fault" was involved, Secretary of the Navy Knox at the same time announced that a naval board of in- quiry was looking into the incident. He was asked whether the vessel might have struck a mine. "I have no information that it hit one of our mhines," he replied, adding that the area in which the vessel sank was no proof that the mine was part of an American-laid field. Japanese submarines, he said,dhad been sowing mines in the same waters. Congress Adjourns; Will Convene Jan. 6 WASHINGTON, Dec. 15.- ()-{ buzzer at the door. There is some- one on 24-hour duty. Do not repor to the powerhouse directly;. go to the storehouse first. Mary Borman, '44, Manpower head, indicated that the Corps would step into the breech only to the measure that University men students cooper-. ate. Said he, "We have contacted over 150 men, and it is up to them to ful- fill their pledges to work. The gravity of the situation demands that they give this job a priority on their time." This is the work that has to be done: 1) Remove 60 tons of bricks from inside the powerhouse. 2) Remove the fire bricks from two eight-ton stokers. Turn to Page 2, Col. 4 Anderson Is Elected to Lead Senior Class Harry Anderson is the new presi- dent of the senior class of the liter- ary college. His fellow leaders of the class of '43, chosen in yesterday's bal- loting, include Ben Smith, vice-pres- ident; Nancy Gray, treasurer; and Ann Herzog, secretary. The new leader and director of class activities comes into office with an active University record already behind him. A member of Druids, Anderson was managing editor of the Gargoyle, served on the Daily sports staff and was a pember of his fresh- man football squad. Smith is president of the National Intercollegiate Golf Association, and was captain of the Michigan golf squad. . Treasurer Nancy Gray, a member of Alpha Gamma Delta, is prominent in League activities, serving as pub- licity director of the Defense Com- mittee, as a member of the social committee and as the head of the Seven-Eleven Club: Red Army Slowed'on Rzhev Front Soviets Capture Two More Towns Despite Nazi Counterattacks; Kill 1,000 Germans By The Associated Press MOSCOW, Dec. 16. (Wednesday)- The Russians announced the capture of two more populated places west of Rzhev on the frozen central front yesterday, but the midnight commu- nique made it apparentthat steady Nazi counterattacks still were slowing the Red Army both there and on the two wings of the Staliigrad sector. More than 1,000 Germans were de- clared killed and 40 tanks and 10 planes destroyed, but no significant changes in 'the general situation were reported. Waves of Nazi infantrymen supported by tanks were meeting nearly every Russian thrust. 400 Germans Killed Approximately 400 Germans were killed west of Rzhev, and the Soviets also reported the destruction of sev- eral dozen enemy blockhouses -and artillery nests near the Rzhev-Vyaz- ma railway. This railway is one side of the Rzhev-Vyazma-Velikie Luki triangle the . Russians have undertaken to smash northwest of Moscow. About one battalion of enemy infantry was dispersed and partly destroyed in the railway area, the communique said. The Velikie Luki sector was not men- tioned. Twenty-six Nazi tanks were report- ed knocked out on the central front, and the remainder were disabled in the repulse of German counterattacks northwest and southwest of Stalin- grad. Stalingrad Barrages Continue Inside Stalingrad the Russians con- tinued their methodical artillery bar- rages interspersed with small infan- try charges to destroy 16 enemy blockhouses, ten dugouts, six guns and 20 machine guns. "Our troops engaged big forces of enemy infantry and tanks" southwest of Stalingrad, the communique said. This sector appeared 'to be the most troublesome for the Russians who have been trying to link up with other Red Army units slugging it out with the Germans on the Eastern Don Bank northwest of the city. Situation Summarized In this southwestern sector earlier dispatches had summarized the situa- tion thus: The Germans, with advantage of a rolling fog to mask their surprise at- tack, struck with the weight of re- serves massed for three days in the Stalingrad sector, presumably at the approaches to Kotelnikovski on the Caucasus Rail Line 90 miles south- west of Stalingrad. Daily Editor Will Resign Swander Leaves to Advance Juniors Homer D. Swander, Managing Edi- tor of The Daily, last night revealed that he had handed his resignation, effective Feb. 8, 1943, to the Board in Control of Student Publications. Swander attributed his resignation to a desire to open .senior jobs to Daily lower staff members and to a heavy scholastic load required by the -Navy Reserve in which he is enlisted. He was appointed to the top posi- tion on The Daily last spring for three semesters. His termof office would normally end in May, 1943. Two other Daily senior staff jobs will be vacated because of graduation. Barbara De Fries, Women's Editor, Coll1ege Studentsi To Report Soon P f Enlisted Reserves to Get Orders after Jan. 1, War Department Says By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Dec. 15.--College students who are members of the -Army's Enlisted Reserve Corps probably will be called to active duty within a few weeks. This was disclosed today by a War Department spokesman who said the orders taking those youths into service probably would be issued shortly after the first of the year. No prediction was made as to the date the enlisted reserves would be directed to report. Members of basic Reserve Officer Training Corps who are not members of the enlisted reserve are subject to induction, the Department said. Spokesmen at 'the Navy Department and Marine Corps Headquarters said they had no information of any similar action to be taken in the near future by those services. 850 Campus Reserves Face Active Service An estimated 850 Michigan men are members of the Army. Enlisted Reserve Corps and the'Airmy Air Corps Enlisted Reserve. Enlistments were completely discontinued yester, day in 'accordance with President Roosevelt's recent executive order. A foreshadowing of this latest move came in September 'when Secretary of War Henry Stimson told college stu- dents in the Reserves that they would be subject tocall soon. At that time students crowded the War Informa- tion Center seeking additional details which, however, were not revealed. Another indication that reserves would be called came this month when Manpower Director Paul Mc- Nutt said that the Selective Service System would be tightened up. In all there are about 650,000 men in the colleges of the Nation. The number in the Enlisted Reserve Corps is not definitely known. Town Meeting' t 9 , Airs Plans for Post -War Era. Reaffirming their belief in post- war planning now, four University students outlined their plans of post- war reconstruction last night before a student audience in the Post-War Council's "Town Meeting" held in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The proceedings were introduced by Mary Borman, '44, head of the Man- power Corps. Clifford Straehley, '44, advanced the theory that a "modified League of Nations would solve the post-war problem." John Muehl, '43, proposed a "world federation of states" as a solution 'to the problem while Elizabeth Hawley, '44, dwelt upon the theory of a Fed- eration of Regional Sovereignty. Alan Brandt, '44, speaking on "Pax Vitor- um--Peace of the Victors", and a general floor discussion rounded out the program. To determine the sentiment of the audience, a vote was taken on the four types of world after the war. 'Teen-Age Draft Status to Be Clarified Today IOWA CITY, Iowa, Dec. 16.- (/P)- An announcement clarifying the Se- lective- Service, status of 18 and 19- year-old college students will be is- suedtat 4 p.m. today in Washington, Lieut. Col. W. L. Smith, executive officer of the University -of Iowa ROTC unit, said today. He.said a communication from the War Department had ordered mili- tary instructors to tell .studlents to "sit tight" until. tomorrow and .not become excited over reportsemanat- ing from draft boards.-The communi- cation was directed to Col. Homer H. Slaughter, commanding officer of the ROTC unit.' 'Tickets, on Sale for '42 Finale at union, League New Year's Eve Dance to Be Held inmI-M Gym Tickets for "'42 Finale", Manpow- er's New Year's Eve Ball, are now on sale at the League, Union, and Man- power Corps headquarters at 1009 Angell Hall. Only campus social event of New Year's Eve, the "Finale" will be held at the Intramural Sports Building. Holiday revelers will dance to Bill Sawyer's music until 12:30 a.m., while University oeds will have 1 a.m. priv- ileges despite the classes they will attend on New Year's -Day. For what will be the last civilian New Year's for many men who will shortly leave for service, "'42 Finale" will be carried through "in all the holiday atmosphere and spirit we can muster" say Manpower Corps Repre- sentatives. Favors, horns, confetti, and all the other traditional New Year's funmakers will be provided. Identification cards and $2.20 are required in order to purchase tickets. This month's issue of the Gar- goyle is a complete sellout but subscribers holding part-payment subscription stubs can get copies of the magazine by presenting them at the Gargoyle offices. Afri6ka Korps Flees .Allied Air Assault Rommel Retreats under Savage Attacks; Planes Batter Tunis Harbor, Leave Naples Aflame By The Associated Pres LONDON, Dec. 15-ield Marshal Rommel's army in Libya retreated on to the west today along a harsh and perilous road while official reports indicated that there, in Tunisia and over the Mediterranean generally the Allied air arm was striking. 'with sharply growing power. Allied air attacks, described by British Headquarters in Cairo as "the most successful" .yet made, battered Tunis and its harbor of La Goulette for four hours and kept Rommel's columns under almost unending as- Sault. Naples also was atti6k Ilast'igh by heavy RAF bombers which caused numerous fires among important port installations, itwas announced in Cairo tonight. The'- Italian High Command had said earlier that "doz- ens of bombs" fell in that vital naval base and supply depot for North Af- rica, bUt claimed little damage was done. Fom Allied headquarters in Norti {frica, a spokesman for the Twelfth U.S. Air Force, which 'ias operated with the British In powerful, rolling attacks on Axis troops, harbors and other' positions, announced that through Dec. 11 U.S. planes had de- stroyed 70 "enemy plan and dam- aged 43 more while losing only 35 definitely with eight more missing. In La Goulette, at least three en- einy ships were repotted squarely hit and set aflame and great fires were set off on La Goulette Island and near the main Axis docks at Tunis. One fire, in a fuel dump, was visible 100 miles away. Plane Crashes in Utah Desert; Pilot Tries to Reach Emergency Airport, Fails; Two Survive By The Associated Press FAIRFIELD, Utah, Dec. 15.-A Western Airlines transport plane crashed in the sagebrush-dotted des- ert country of central Utah today, killing 17 of the 19 persons aboard. The two survivors, seriously in- jured, lay all night and up until after noon today in the wrecked plane in Cedar Valley, four miles south of an emergency airport at Fairfield and about 50 miles south of Salt Lake City. At a Lehi hospital, the survivors were identified at A. J. Mallett of Springfield, Ark., and Lieut. A. F. Gardner of the U.S. Marine Corps, whos home was said to be in Alex- ander, N.Y. Gardner was one of three military officers aboard. The other two, Lieu- tenants T. A. Baldwin and H. E. Mc- Crae, of the U.S. Army Air Corps, were killed, along with 11 other pas- sengers and four crew members. One Turn to Page 2, Col. 4 ERC Ruling May End College Sports "Intercollegiate athletics, along with the rest of college life,. will be swept out by the calling of the En- listed Reserves," was the opinion of Michigan athletic officials last night. Dr. Finkelstein to Talk Today, The place of religion in a post-war world will be the general topic of dis- cussion when Dr. Louis Finkelstein, president of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, speaks at 8 p.m. today in the Rackham Lecture Hall. Dr. Finkelstein is representative of Judaism on a special committee cre- ated by President Roosevelt to con- sider religion in a post-war world. Pope Pius XII as head of the Catho- lic Church and Dr. George Buttrick, president of the Federal Council of Protestant Churches of America are the other members of the committee. TO SAVE COPPER: Mint Office Urges All Pennies Be Put Back into Circulation GOODFELLOWS ALL: Charity Drive Is Successful; Daily Street Sale Nets $810 While only 27 of 56 organizations contacted have turned in their pledg- es to the Goodfellow Drive, this year's total has already exceeded proceeds for the past three years, according to George Sallade. '43. Goodfellow edi- publications staffs,' fraternity- and sorority members and honor'society representatives during the nine hour campaign in near-zero temperatures. Money from the drive this year will beamlocated to the Famil Welarp,. By IRVING JAFFE Every government agency seems to have contributed some suggestion or other about how civilians can con-, tribute to the war effort. The most recent request springs from the Office of the Director of the Mint, which has just announced the urgency of returning to circulation the many millions of small coins, es- to convert their penny savings into war savings stamps, or even into coins of larger denomination, of which an ample supply. Several months 'ago, it was added, in accordance with an Act of Con- gress, a change was made in the con- tent of five cent pieces which elimi- nated all the nickel from these coins. While it is expected that pending leg-