MTTE MICHI GA NDA ILY PAGI~ ~tR~ ij~ I El -~ ~ Law Progrufmr EA s~" D sit :1.. nrollment . Of School. Although the enrollment. in the b iwSchool. will be reduced below' ArzxnaI by the war service of law, stdents, al o the regular Lawr 6ebool program~s and a.ctivities will: b e con ducte d as uisu al for th e du ra -d o of h stl ie . T e u al c r es *Wlil be offered, although certaiin ex- targ sections nraly available in meof the. larger courses are being AllI of the-jrelatedac tiviti~e s sch as the Law. Review, the Case Clubs, and th Lawyers Club, will operate in.1 normnal fashion. Rigorous and cot -- pee, training in la~w is as essential for those whao graduate in war time1 s ~ under normal conditions. E A satisfactory schbool enirolmnt is op~ected, althioughi the uncertainties! causaed by. the demand' for soldiers ,"dcer the Selective Service Act make! i%numerical ,estirna. a mpossile. practically all law students are col 1ge graduates~, hence they have reached the age of eligibility under eJ Act. Moreover, large numbers of thm have enlisted in various bran- eke~s of the service. ' The Judge, Advocate Geperal's Pe-, PaJrtment. of the Un~ted States* Army ha recently accept~ed an invitation to establish in the L.,aw Quadrangle A'training school for the Army's leal advisers. Th~e officers in this chool will.0e quarered in the Law- yrs Club utilizin~g spacenot needed, because'. .f reducedIenrollment, lby the regular jaw studenits. ESMD T Progrpa m Tra ins 4,000 To Fill Occupational War Needs fejw Conductor ry ! i ii More than 4;000 mhen and wo have been graduated so far from rEngineering Science and Man ~metit War Training program u the sponsorship of the United S1 Office of Education and the Uni fpity of .Michigan since the prq~gr inceptioni in ~the spring of 1941. The program, which incl about .125 part-time and full- ,coigses, is -being given at a1 cost of $190,000, made avail through the Federal Governrr .and serves to train civilians to tively participate in the war cf The -full-time courses which beinig off ered to men and women involved in :actual college work, fromn 10 to 24 weeks and rcq # from 36 to 48 hours of work week. The full-time coursesI been going on during -the sunl mnonths, but the part-time cou for students in the Uniyersity Ireopen this .fall. 0,00 Already Graduated ' 'he .inth section of the Ordnf Material Inspection course, uz the supervision of Col. H. W. Mv and Prof. 0. W. Boston, isc prised of 30 women and 10r About 500 people have been grz Ated already from this course are now employed as inspector. war indu ri es, working as civi epz ployes in the Detroit district the Ulnited States Army Ordn )Department. The second full-time course, U 3 ;1.h Frequency, Techniques, uz the direction of Prof. L. N. Holl, was given last spring to 35 son an th~e Electrical Engineering Scl a~nd to graduate students in phy, Thrwee men are now employed in industries in this field. The coc was also given during the sun r rim nrt i . ... _. ..........___ "_r-. n . ------- _. cry - -_. , T' - *~A. ~,Th ~ 1V~kor5 to ~ ~ We h4VRI4r Ily lich gaits Our h ,e:, a r tj' = LIIIIUI 0o a group ot 1I0 Army officerswho; nec int~o war wor'k. Ano~her courise n the are now undergoing more advanced f to train civilian,; to work with the nape- training at Fort Monlmouth, N. J. Armyr Signal Corps at Wright Fieldr ineiSignal Corps Work l bjasts an enrollment of 60 in a 24- ;tts Prof. WA. E. Lay is in charge of a week course under the direction of ~. . hates thbird full-time course wich Ya Prof. M. B. Stout.....................j~\. beengive twotims inthe ast The part-time courses, given two 7msyear. This course trains men in the eeig ek sal oa ih testing of tank eanginles for accet- weeks in length, most of theml being "'! ludes given at the Rackhamn Educational Stm p7 rS eed( 1 emra Building in Detroit. The , -tim, WT a * remanderof ithe courses are given total in various cities throughout the lable, I L [ state, including Ann Arbor. Although rnent, 7'~JF111~ p lhinarily for students with at least r:y ac- 1twru- vo years of engir, er ing or the a 1u~ equivalent in experience, eligibility ERIC feLAiigi'.s-At i Ffot.will lie detlermined by individual in iare structors, and all those interested+ n not New Eight-Week ('oirs" should apply. NIis S~elo I last Part-time courses will start Oct. quire Will Replace Present 19 and wil be open to those inter- ( jE pe I uiil-T iine -Progra~m se studecnts who are eligible to Staff,%,Vr ndLs hae p_____iarticipate. Although the program urmer)TeCvla iot'Tann i has not as yet been arranged, it is To fill the vacancy caused by the definite that such courses as ele- willi gram is not "civilian" any .more, for mentar'y radio circuiting and me- ndction of Thor Johnson into the with tho advent of the war and the Cl~ncldaigwl eofrd Army, 'Dr. Earl V. Moore, director ofj- increasing need for trained flyers, a clncldaigwl eofrd the School of Music, has announcedi new accelerated program of eight . ! the appointment of Eric DeLamarter lance wek a ae tepaeo hefr { to the position of conductor of the rde(' mer extra-curricular 16 week course. ' University Symphony Orchestra. Miller Although at present the program is i. PoesrD~m~trhsLn nom- a full-time one with classes from 8 i Sc h Profh s b esor Dasae hasodulong men. a.m. to 9 p.m. and is limited to men i_(having held the position of associate ad- classed in the Navy's V-5 program Ad ~ ' conductor of the Chicago Symphony! an and those who have been rejected by 1 . ..FII 3 UiOchestra and conductor of the Chi- rs ien the Army Air Corps or are too old for ;ago Civic Orchestra. He is also Ihanf combat duty, a part-time course for! The University offers a number of known as a composer of many and tofmen still in school will be resumed scholarships to undergraduate stu- varied symphonic and choral works. lanec with the coming fall term.' dents of the College of Literature, i Five other members have also been Subsistence Provided Science and the Arts and the College idded to the faculty of the School of Ultra The present program provides full1" of Engineering. These are awardedi Music. Gilbert Ross on leave of ab- I ender subsistence for those enrolled, the on the basis of both scholarship qual-I sence from Smith College will hold land, money for their room, board, trans-I ification and financial need.( the position here as visiting professor I niols portation and uniforms being made In the College of Literature, Sci- of violin. Professor Ross in addition ho available through the Civil Aeronau- ence and the Arts two organiations, to his work in the University will pre- ysc.(tics Authority. Although they live in offer scholarships to freshmen. The sent a series of concerts, featuring (wrthe Union and take their meals there, Michigan Alumini Undergraduate well-known violin sonatas. He wil rie all actual training take~s place at the cholarships are awarded to entering be accompanied by Mabel Ross imrAnn Arbor airport. students recommended by alumnae Rhead, who is on the faculty of the In order to enter the Elementary chapters throughout the state. The music school. - Navy course, a man must be enlisted holders of these scholarships are eli- Logatchrnddmisaor inteV5prgaadhv200 gibie to have them renewed for three in -the field of musical education, uncorrected vision. The Army Ele- years upon satisfactory completion of Marguerite Hood, instructor at the mentary course requirements, how- each semester of work. Unvriyo'otenClfri evr1r ls tiget.n1i soe The Horace H. Rackham Fund for since 1940, will fill the position here to those men who did not pass the Undergraduate Scholarships offers1 of assistant professor of music ed- I mental or physical requirements nec-I an additional number of scholarships cation. essary for Air Corps Cadets or who to entering men who have already se- Two instructors in music education are too old for actual combat duty. cured admission to the University. haeas'enade otefcly Requirements o stedAm E Dorn Scholarships! Rose Marie Grentzer has come here Requremnts or he Amy le- Three types of scholarships areI from Braddock, Pa., where she was mentary course limit the program to !available for undergraduate women. sprio fpbi colmsc n thoe btwen 8 ad 6 yarsofage iMartha Cook, Betsy Barbour, Helen laetA..Grewiljnth although those under 21 must obtain NweX' n dei hevi El UivaertyfAultyGroe astll Wanther the written consent of their parents. dence hals each offer a number of UnioerifaculthereoEast dter-o In addition, an applicant must be aaIroomcand boardr scholarships.toThe roomand oardschlarsips.Theorchestras. citizen of the United States and must Ethel A. McCormick Scholarships are Tesxhnwmme fSho be bleto asstheCAAmenal ndgranted to junior and senior women o ui aut sMs ynW physical examination. A CPT Army who are prominent, in activities and oalMeric wholtwihodMhersiton of trainee may wear glasses if he has in financial need. The Levi L. Bar- PnstucrofwilthoehpoMs.tPalmer 20-20 coi'ectedvision.bor Oriental Girls' Scholarships arestdeunr alsSzdofthF Actual training for both the Navy offered each year to qualifying On- CsurisdInstitutelosic.zd' f h and Army Elementary course is very ontal women. Curtis___Institute __of__Music. .imilar, both including instruction in War eteans nd hei desend __ physics, mathematics, meteorology, ants may receive aid from the Uni- navigation, code, service of aircraft, versity under the provisions of the La_ military science and discipline and {;erne Noyes, United States Army physical hardening. Veterans, and D.A.R. War Memorial ' Secondary Course i Scholarships. In order to enter the Secondary The Phillips Scholarships for pro-j course, an applicant must either havei ficiency in classical languages areI passed the Elementary course, lhave awarded to six :students who comply at least 70 hours flying time and'li- with standards set by the scholarship ccense or be able to pass thle equivalent committee. flying check given by the CAA board.I Two scholarships for worthy stu- The Secondary course provides in-I dents in chemistry, the Paul S. Bag- struction in navigation, meteorology, ley andi Prof. Moses Gomberg Schol- -aircraft engine operation, theory of ', arships are awarded annually.I flight in aircraft, code, military sci- Engineering Awardzs - ence and, discipline and Fphyical h io adeamShlr harenig.ships, for six Lind ergraduiate men i, I , ~either the"° College of Literature, S^1= 1,.5o0 Instrumnents5 ence and the Arts or the Ccllcge of About 1,500 examples of every type I J giochering arc awarded annually to of musical instrument, both ancient men~f who have attended the Univr- and modern, primitive and European ~~ Wa es n er are on display on the second-floor Partially or etrely self->upporltflg [ever of Hill Auditorium. They makei undergraduate engineers are eligible -up the Stearns Collection of Musical! for aid under thle provisions of four' Instruments, donated by Frederick ischolaships, the Harriet Eveleen Stearns in 1898. It is one of the most Hunt, Joseph Boyer, Cornelius Done- significant collections of its kind in van and Robert C. Gemmell Scholar- the world, ships whichz are awarded each year. ___-- Aeronautics are offered to students I of aeronautics who have completed at I lest wo yarsof work with grades H A VE IT ___dicstinctly .above average. The Minnie E. Hubbard Revolving Fuind is used to aid outstanding jun- ior and senior engineers remain in college to complete their work. Special additional scholarships are offered by separate schools ofth e ; University to qualified members of 4 to l&I11 e.AID t. those schools. A number of annual prizes are also awarded for outstand- ing scholarship and activity o na/b'l Ill ts Makes5-.- 1 campus, on__ ____ 'AHL, EVERSHARP, fII L A~;, livI -RKER .SHEAFFER. IiM ehc n alv Mv~~~~~~~ h._~' Fvrt Dylnc F mom, E ,,.." \. ,'N . ' / , HERE3 YOU .GET THE Upholding the precedent for fine music in the University, the faculty of the School of Music will -again present in the comning year recitals of both an instrumental and ch oral nature. Prof. Percival Price has: planned a series of carillon recitals which will begin Oct. 8 and which will continue through to Nov. 29. For his Thurs- day concerts, he will present composi- tions that have been written especial- ly for the carillon. These selections will be grouped according to the var- ious countries they represent. Other H F *. [CQO)D!I works which have 1been arrangedl for the carillon will be rendered in the Sunday i-rcial . All program ; 0l1 begin Lit 7:1.5 p.M.- Hill Auditorium will -also be. op~i for rcital.; On the organ by Palniel Christian. Several concerts will be presented by guest soloists whose names are as yet unannounced. Other members of the music school faculty will also participate in a ser ies of recitalIs. TIhese will be pre- ,ented either in the School of Music auditorium, the Lydia Mendelssoln 'Theater, or in the RPacwkh m Building. 1- * *_ Id THE LOWEST PRICES! 4. Y9*R~ #4 ~ ~ fqAriidesare t~ip~ Rft~%m j~self ~give you touy.UitePd 8at 'A ." .: a t1 vnp _ _ I _ 31 S~SATE STg .. __ _ _ -~-~ -~-~ I Its# 3 c ch Mate 10SouthAin P , r. . } , ' T^A. M , d 1 I WE a~tnd1 Offlice Nal Iw ~1 s eeesaae, .--wsrec"- a c I ATERAK and Others TYPEWRITER TABLES FLUORESCENT LAMPS Proken Assortmecnts 1/3 to- 1/2.Regular Prices Service' Work ia Specialty I lot; ~ ~ IS V ,: 0 DILIENTL ,d mpsLA i a 4MMA W ~ iAl 14WIthI - 14A * IIII' I E 111! ,! ~ii" ? ,,