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December 13, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-12-13

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i 1 4 *31

Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or otherwise credited in thistnewspaper. All rights
of republicatiou of all other matters herein also .reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier
$4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Editorial Staff

"Now-kiss papa!"
77 Y
ilk r--"
F o,- .7
yyA ..n

Homer Swander
Morton Mintz.
Robert Mantho
George W. Sallad ..
*barles Thatcher .
Bernard Hendel . .
Barbara deFries
Myron Dann .

Managing Editor
S . Editorial Director
. . . City Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. . Associate Editor
. . . 1Sports Editor
. . . Women's Editor
Associate Sports Editor

Business Staff
JMward J. Perlberg

Business Manager

Bred M. Ginsberg
Mary Lou Curran
ane Lindberg .
mes Daniels .

Associate Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager
Publications Sales Analyst

Telephone 23-24-1

Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Ifloiinie Says
E VERY alumni discususon ocollege
fraternities is a sturdy tribute to
the ideal of a campus family. Here is
introduced an array of personality
principles, one of which is the nature
of a "free person." Many confuse
"free person" with the "irresponsible
individual," whereas these are almost
opposite concepts. Freedom is reached
by way of the community. "It is or-
dained in the eternal constitution of
things, that men of intemperate
minds cannot be free," said Burke.
Obedience to the higher will, the wish
of an ethical God, is what we mean
by temperance. A community can te
created only by such voluitary chosen
self-restraint. The eagerness of mil-
lions planning to get home for Christ-
mas suggests how tenacious the tc-
loved community may become. Group
status is satisfying. This is the Chap-
ter's aim. Home, that face-to-face
Kingdom of God on earth, is illustra-
tive of the mutual support of person
and community.
A FREE person, with controli over
given common instruments, must
apply himself, his power, whether
spiritual or material, to the welfare
of the community, or he begins to be
slave, not free. In our age of applied
science, machines, services, controls,
conveniences, we are remote from
our neighbors apparently, but actual-
ly we are even more interdependent.
Observe a fire, a rationing -or any
other sweeping social event. It is only
by an inner temperance, constantly
exercised as a struggle on the part of
the strong for the weak, the wise for
the foolish, the mature for the child,
that the entire apparatus of society
can be made to hold together and
perform its appointed work. When
such dedication takes place and a
coordinate functioning of all the sev-
eral parts results, then there can
emerge the free person. But let one
irresponsible individual show up at
any pointa long the line between the
servant who starts the city pump
and the mayor who presides over the
vast city's behavior, and the whole
society is weakened and the efficiency
tends to collapse. Then a subtle slav-
ery begins to take the place of free-
LOYALTY is that deeper confidence
by which nations endure inner
strain, tension, deception and mer-
cantile competition, or can thrive in
spite of political pressures, the pyra-
miding of credit and paralyzing fear.
It is the religious loyalty among per-
sons, each obeying some higher law,
not man, and every worshipper say-
ing with Hagar, "Thou, God, seest
me," which makes life worth living
and a community of free persons a
benefit for which each would gladly
die if need be. If the experience we
share during this Christmas, where
we cement anew our family units,
arrest for a few days the divergent
impulses in community life, shame
evzry hate-breeding agent and halt
racial prejudices momentarily, could
be stretched around the year, our na-
tior- could quickly rise above the pain,
loss and fer of our decade and
achieve that community experience
we call morale. It is only by such
morale that our representatives, he-
roically engaged in hard places, can
be made to feel that they are men
and America is home. The very stars
in their course lend assurance at
Christmas because on that occasion,
"community" and "person" mutually
susgtain each other.
Counselor in Religious Education
-Edward W. Blakeman


Pd Rather Be Right

(1942, Chicago Times, Inc.

Reaffirm Democracy
By Supporting Drive
TO]MORROW several hundred University stu-
dents will take to the streets of Ann Arbor to
sell Goodfellow Dailies in the annual drive con-
wted by The Daily for the benefit of the needy.
As this second war Christmas approaches the
Gooofellow spirit should be typical of a re-
iakened America that fully appreciates and is
-illing to fight for our democracy.
The drive is an appeal to the student, the
teacher, the defense worker, the foreman and
1he factory boss to reaffirm their faith in the
American way of life by giving generously for
the support of their fellow, but less fortunate,
men. Already many organization have con-
tributed to the Goodfellow drive. Their re-
sponse is gratifying and appreciated.
But the goal is still far from attainment. In
the last few years a noticeable decline in receipts
from the campaign has been noted. The peak
year was only slightly more than thirteen hun-.
dred dollars collected The money secured is
divided between the Student Good Will Fund, the
Family Welfare Bureau and the textbook lending
THIS year the drive is aiming at surpassing the
all-time high record. The need for charity aid
and relief agencies is ever more important to a
nation engaged in a struggle for its existence.
There is still time for the many student organiza-
tions to add their names to the rapidly growing
list of contributors. The rest of us have our op-
portunity tomorrow. Be a Goodfellow!
- George Sallade
House Group HMinders
Yital Beef Imports
NOW the House Ways and Means Committee
is a body of men who know on which side
their beef is fat.
With meat rationing pending, they spend
their time, and valuable time it must be, de-
bating about giving the President power to
lower tariffs. The arguments are usually fine
ones about bringing cheap foreign products to
Among those products is beef from the Argen-
tine. There the beef grows fine and fat and the
best beefsteak in the world is exported.
BUT the House Ways and Means Committee is
not hungry for its meat and considers ser-
iously the arguments against bringing the much-
needed meat here. It would be fine to go without
beef for the duration of the war while it rotted
in the Argentine. - Leon Gordenker
He Is Now Crusading
Against Bingo Games
IT HASN'T been so long ago that solemn articles
used to appear in the newspapers suggesting
that Fiorello H. LaGuardia, Mayor of New York
City, would make a first-rate President. There
was always some question as to what ticket he
might run on, but the perennial booms at least
indicated the general high opinion of LaGuardia's
ability and stature. He was a fighting progressive,
a man who got things done, a belligerent apostle

UE to a few differences of opinion and some
misunderstandings and misinterpretations,
what started out as a short review of the Boston
Symphony's concert has become a lengthy con-
troversy. It is at least gratifying to a reviewer of
music that there are people on the campus who
take their music seriously, even if they do not
agree with him and write to say so. That this
would entail also a discussion of his personal life
and prose style he hardly had a right to expect,
but even this has occurred.
To begin with, he should like to explain that
due to lack of space, which is no one's fault
these days, the review was cut by the editors,
so that points that might have been made
clearer remained only oracular and unspecific.
In particular, there were a short' list of Shos-
takovich's orchestra devices and mention of
a specific loan from Sibelius' Fifth Symphony;
-but this would hardly make much difference
now. Neither would a page of assurance that
he not only heard the Haydn Symphony and
enjoyed it immensely, but even was standing
at his seat singing the National Anthem at the
opening of the concert. It has all gotten far
beyond that.
First of all, however, there seems to have been
some misunderstanding of the reviewer's term
"second rank," by which he did not mean the
same as second rate. By composers of second rank
he humbly enough meant only to say that they
were not in the class of, for example, Mozart,
Beethoven or Handel. If this sounded high-hand-
ed, he apologizes. There seem also to have been
a few minor misunderstandings, but they appear
mostly to have been due to a slight difficulty in
managing English and have nothing to do with
MAINLY, though, your reviewer is puzzled at
what people want from him. Mr. Bentley be-
rates him for not being aware of the Larger Im-
plications of Life, while a certain Mr. Stubbins in
an unpublished opus pictures him in a series of
horrifying attitudes, the most crushing of which
is the reduction of music to programmatic terms.
Well, what is it boys, Life or Music?
Your reviewer is afraid he believes that "Life"
exists in music only so far as the music sustains
itself; if that is programmatic or self-loving, then
he doesn't understand the words. As far as Ra-
vel's Bolero goes, he has profound respect for the
virtuosity that sustains its hackneyed excitement.
If he does not, however, think that the crescendo
is the acme of art, perhaps that is pettiness. Who
can be sure? If he thinks more has been said of
war by eight instruments in Stravinsky's L'His-
toire d'un Soldat than in all of the Seventh Sym-
phony, that is, after all, what he thinks. If he is
suspect of any music that pretends to be the
spirit of a people, even if it be scored for three
more tympani and a brass band of blood and fire,
perhaps it is because he believes in music as
music and not as a form of escaping political
responsibility by having political experience as
If he is sorry for being, at times, tactless he
can only look to his own critics and admit that
as far as tactlessness goes, he is, after all, only
an apprentice. - Chester Kallman
EDITOR'S NOTE: We're calling off the fire-
works on Mr. Kallman's review, and thanks to
everybody for taking such an interest. If there's
something else you'd like to write in about, we'll
be glad to hear from you.
with the press on the reporting of City Hall news.
He is announcing a recipe for making coffee from
'fl'-f l avAfll'C Cf'flh

WASHINGTON- Diplomatic dispatches from
Europe report that the German death rate is
going up and the birth rate is going down.
Also the number of German soldiers killed or
permanently disabled since the war began now
totals 1,900,000. This estimate was made before
Russian counter-offensive began, and before the
British turned back Rommel in Egypt. Obviously,
therefore, the total is now well above 2,000,000.
This does not include prisoners nor men suf-
fering minor wounds. If these were included, the
total casualty figure would be, according to ac-
cepted military ratios, more than twice the basic
figure, or approximately 5,000,000.
Meanwhile, exact figures on the German birth
rate have been received. These indicate the usual
wartime downward trend of births, despite Hit-
ler's frantic efforts to make procreation popular.
The birth rate was 20.5 in 1939 per thousand,
20.4 in 1940, 18.8 in 1941, but for the first three
months of 1942 took a drop to only 15.8.
Neutral diplomatic sources report that business
men in Germany are beginning to foresee defeat.
But the people as a whole will not be aware of
approaching defeat, and their morale will not
crack, until the German army suffers a major
military reverse. The heavy casualties, now com-
parable to the total suffered in the first World
War, are not enough in themselves to cause
popular revolt, as long as the German armies suc-
cessfully dominate Europe.
But when Rommel is cleaned out of Africa, and
when that news seeps into the German conscious-
ness, we can look for popular discontent, plus
burning distrust of the Nazi military machine.
Cordell Hull Looks Back
Speaking among intimate friends, Cordell Hull
looks back on a year of war and borrows a color-
ful hill-billy phrase to express his opinion of iso-
"If we hadn't done our part, we would be
friendless," he says. Then, to complete 'the pic-
ture of loneliness, his mind goes to the scene of a
desolate farm field, where the fodder has been
eaten away from the stakes on which it was
stacked, and a lone bird looks for a stray seed.
"We'd be as lonely as a martin sittin' on a
fodder pole," he says.
And for certain individuals who opposed the
policy of intervention, Hull has this phrase: "He's
a one-gallus farmer."
The delegation who come down from New York
to present petitions urging rapid-fire action in
foreign policy Hull calls "the Hosanna shouters."
Only the persons who see Hull in small circles
realize how close he still is to Tennessee. One
such friend was recalling recently an incident in
Hull's young manhood which illustrates his sense
of humanity.
Hull was riding horseback through the Ten-
nessee hills and came to a swollen stream. On the
bank of the stream was a carriage, with a man
and woman, and a child's coffin. They were un-
able to cross without submerging the coffin in
the stream.
Hull lifted the coffin over his head, and walk-
ing into the cold water up to his armpits, carried
it across the stream. Then he mounted his horse
and rode on.
Italian Unrest
Those who expect the bombing of Italy to

Please note that Washington is
now talking about heavy cancella-
tion of certain existing war con-
tracts. The construction of new
facilities especially will be hit.
There will even be unemployment
in some sections of the country.
What does this mean? It means
we have taken the offensive. It
means we know what we are doing.
Every argument in favor of the
second front which was offered
last fall has been validated by
this change. It will be remem-
bered that some of us said then
that the policy of the defensive
led to a program of mere bigness;
the defensive makes us try to
build everything in the world, all
at once, never knowing what would
be needed, where or when.
There is no limit to what you
need when you are on the defen-
sive, because you can build your
defensive wall of weapons up to
the sky. Remember that man-
power official who wept that we
would need a population of 300,-
000,000 people to complete our
HE change of policy to the of-
fensive, decided long ago, but
made manifest only last month in
the African campaign, eases our
production pressure almost at
This shows up in the most posi-
tive, unmistakable way. Major
General Campbell, chief of ord-
nance, reveals that a large part
of the department's plant capa-
city, used for weapons and fuses
of all kinds, has been turned over
to the air forces. These facilities
are now making special materials
for a specific, offensive job, where
once they were incessantly busy
preparing for any unknown threat
that might come around any cor-
ner at any unexpected time. Now
we are picking the corners and
the times.
that as many as twenty days
now go by, during which not a
single anti-aircraft gun is fired in
England. An enormous reserve of
anti-air ammunition is built up
during such periods, which per-
mits shifting the factories involved
to production of offensive weapons
for use in distant theatres. Those
offensive weapons, when success-
fully employed, whether on the
Russian front, or in Africa, or in
Europe, make it even less likely
that England will have to use anti-
air shells. at home.
The question is one of style, of
whether we have, or have not, a
grip on the war. Curiously, we
need much more manpower, many
more weapons, many more fac-
tories, when we do not have a grip
on the war, than when we do.
This is whatthe second front
debate was about, whether we were
producing for a definite win-the-
war objective, or merely produc-
ing. Before our offensive policy
was determined upon, our procure-
ment officials could do only one
thing: cry endlessly for more. Now
they have made a tremendous ad-
vance, in terms of style. They can
say: "Stop producing this article
entirely. Let's have half as much
of the other. And let's have twice

as much of the third." The order
to stop producing certain articles,
because we don't need them, be-
cause we have a plan, because we
know where we are going, is much
more exciting and promising than
all of last spring's agitated cries
for "More!"
NOW let's note that every sign
shows Hitler to be caught in
a desperate manpower crisis.
He is importing foreign workers
(i.e., importing trouble) into Ger-
many at an accelerating rate. He
was so hungry for French man-
power that he was even willing to
blow up the useful facade of the
Vichy government to get it. One
out of five workmen in Germany
is now a foreigner; the population
of Germany was never less "pure"
than now, after ten years of being
led by a racial purist. Can this
need for more production in Ger-
many be linked with the passing of
Germany to the defensive?
In other words, is a great, tear-
ing shift under way in the War, and
is Germany slipping into the same
insoluble problems of unlimited
defensive production which were
ours last spring and summer? Isn't
Germany making the ack-ack
shells while England and America
turn to bombers?
If so, we have won a profound,
concealed victory, one of those
victories which truly change the
shape of the future, and the argu-
ments of those who pleaded for
the offensive have been gloriously
(Copyright, 1942, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
The U.ofM.
On The Air
TODAY: 9:00 a.m. WJR, The Girl's
Glee Club, directed by Bill Sawyer.
At 1:45 p.m. WJR, Prof. James K.
Pollock, news commentator.
MONDAY: 2:45 p.m. WCAR, Dr. Paul
Cuncannon, news commentator.
At 6:15 p.m. WWJ, Prof. Preston
t Slosson, news commentator.
TUESDAY: 2:45 p.m. WCAR, War
Department skit, directed by Mr.
Donald Hargis.
WEDNESDAY: 2:45 p.m. Original
play by a student, directed by Prof.
David Owen.
At 6:15 p.m. WWJ, Prof. Slosson.
At 10:30 p.m. WJR, Dr. Ralph Pino,
editor of The Detroit Medical News.
THURSDAY: 2:45 p.m. WCAR, "Tell
Me, Professor," directed by Prof.
Waldo Abbott.
FRIDAY: 6:15 p.m. WWJ, Prof. Slos-
This will be the last program until
after Chiristmas vacation. The U. of
M. will return to the air on Jan. 5.
ber 24, for the remainder of the
week. Offices and libraries will be
open and classes will be conducted
on New Year's Day, January 1.
Pre-Meteorological and Meteorolog-
ical Training Programs: A repre-
sentative of the Meteorological Re-
cruiting Board is to meet students
interested at 4:15 p.m. Monday, Dec.
14, in Natural Science Auditorium.
B. D. Thuma,
Armed Forces Faculty Adviser
Members of the Faculty, College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts.
Pursuant to the action of the Fac-
alty on Monday, December 7, there
will be a special meeting of the Fac-
ulty of the College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts in room 1025 An-
gell Hall at 4:10 p.m. on Thursday,
December 17, to consider possible
read justments necessitated by the
emergency situation. A large attend-
ance is desired.
Edward H. Kraus

Christmas recess: By action of the
Regents the announced time of the
Christmas recess has been changed
to the following: Christmas recess
begins Friday evening, December 18;
classes resume after recess on
Wednesday morning, December 30.
Classes will be held on January 1.
The above changes are occasioned by
transportation conditions during the
holiday season.
University Automobile Regulation:
The automobile ruling will be lifted
from Friday noon, December 18, to
8:00 A.M. on Wednesday, December
Dean of Students
Seniors, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts, School of Educa-
tion, School of Music, School of Pub-
lic Health: Tentative lists of seniors
including tentative candidates for
the Certificate in Public Health Nur-
sing have been posted on the bulletin
board in Room 4, University Hall.
If your name does not appear, or, if
included there and is not correctly
spelled, please notify the counter
Robert L. Williams


SUNDAY, DEC. 13, 1942
VOL. LIII No. 60
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
To the Members of the University
Council: There will be a meeting of
the University Council on Monday,
December 14, at 4:15 p.m. in the
Rackham Amphitheatre. The agenda
includes a communication from the
Director of the General Library and
the presentation of a memorandum
from the University War Board by
the President. All regular meetings
of 'the University Council are open
to the members of the University
Registration for Selective Service:
1. Who Shall Register. All male stu-
dents who were born on or after July
1, 1924. Foreign students must regis-
ter and give country of citizenship.
Those who have alien registration
cards must give the number. Those
who have taken out first citizenship
papers only are not citizens of the
United States. Anyone who fails to
register must individually bear full
responsibility for this failure.
2. Place of Registration. All male
students born on or after July 1, 1924
should register with the Ann Arbor
Selective Service Board which will

were born on or after July 1, 1924.
but not after August 31, 1924, shall
be registered on any day during thej
week commencing Friday, December
11, 1942, and ending Thursday, De-
cember 17, 1942. Those who were born
on or after September 1, 1924, but not
after October 31, 1924, shall be regis-
tered on any day during the week
commencing Friday, December 18,
1942, and ending Thursday, Decem-
ber 24, 1942. Those who were born on
or after November 1, 1924, but not
after December 31, 1924, shall be
registered on any day during the per-
iod commencing Saturday, Dec. 26,
1942, and ending Thursday, Decem-
ber 31, 1942. During the continuance
of the present war those who were
born on or after January 1, 1925, shall
be registered on the day they attain
the eighteenth anniversary of the day
of their birth; provided that if such
anniversary falls on a Sunday or a
legal holiday their registration shall
take place on the day following that
is not a Sunday or a legal holiday.
4. 'Registration during Christmas
Vacation. Students who return to
their permanent homes for their
Christmas vacation should register
with their local board at that time,
provided the above schedule did not
call for their earlier registration.
5. Registration Certificate. Each
registrant will be given a registration
certificate which he should carry at
all times, "as he may be required to
show it from time to time."
6. Change of Address after Regis-
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