ICA 43a141 Weather coztirnuad il .u VOL. LIII No. 60 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, DEC. 13, 1942 PRICE FIVE CENTS British Midwest War Council Led by Borman Manpower Delegates Set Up New Regional Student Organization to Coordinate Action Manpower representatives from five Big Ten schools and Michigan State College climaxed their two-day conference here yesterday by setting up a Midwest Student War Council with Michigan's Mary Borman Execu- tive Secretary. -. Each school in the Council will{ have a seat on the executive board, delegates voted, as will each new school that becomes a member. Borman, who anticipates "new schools joining the Council rapidly," said the local corps will be instru- mental in the formation and develop- ment of such organizations on every campus in the midwest by acting as a clearing house for all new ideas which member schools submit. The new Council, holding an inter- ' school conference every three months. will have these general purposes, Bor- man indicated: Gu Organization in Every School pa To bring some form of manpower an organization to every school in the midwest. T To coordinate all war activities " through the "clearing house" on this campus. , Hi To collect and distribute informa-H tion on war work in other schools for the benefit of member manpower o boards and student war councils. To make suggestions on new activi- ties and develop a unified midwestern school war organization through clos- C er cooperation. Michigan manpower executive Bob in Johnson, in charge of the conference, reported last night it had achieved "results better than ever imagined." WAS "Other campuses sent their top troop men," he said "and every school, in- aboard cluding Michigan, got new ideas." Coor Other Big Ten schools, barred from Coolid attending the conference by the twin the So preventives of transportation and fi- were sa nals, have requested complete notes The on the conference.' h t d Drive Launched At El Agheila - -{") e U. S. Soldiers Arr iv,? in New Guinea Students to Sell Papers on Campus for Needy Marching away from a transport plane (background) which has carried them part way across New ainea, United States soldiers advance toward a massed Allied artillery attack. These Americans. were rt of the massed Allied artillery attack which doomed to extinction two Japanese garrisons at Buna d Buna mission beacheads. Allied Planes Blast Routen in Heavy Raid By The Associated Press LONDON, Dec. 12. - The rolling and widespread Allied aerial offen- sives dealt a blow with American heavy bombers and Allied escort squadrons today ondGerman indus- tries and transport at Rouen, France, with the resultant destruction of 18 enemy fighter planes in bitter aerial combat. Two bombers and four Allied fight- ers were reported missing but the pilot of one fighter was declared safe. In all, the Allies knocked down 20 enemy fighters in battles close to British home bases. RAF offensive patrols accounted for two without loss to themselves in attacks on an airfield and canal barges in Holland, but the British lost one plane from other patrols during the day. Because of bad weather "results were not seen" at Rouen but the strong enemy opposition indicated that the American bombers were over their targets for some time, giving the Germans the opportunity to rise to combat. Be A Goodfellow French Colonials Join African Allies WASHINGTON, Dec. 12.- (A)- The Office of War Information said today that the North African cam- paign had added tens of thousands of French colonial troops - the "dreaded . . . sharpshooting, bolo- wielding Senegalese'-to the forces of the United Nations. Meanwhile, Secretary of War Stim- son told a press conference that the "real work" still lies ahead in Tunisia. The Allies, he said, must complete the task of winning control of the Be A Goodfellow - - BULLETIN - NEW CASTLE, Ind., Dec. 12.- worst . history port, t war, v made statem recent The omon. indicat operati hit th Enemy Meal Solonn Japarn disclos in con miles Guada nese canal1 A c Wedne ated 1 harbor and th damag Army eight I ers, at Shortl Jap the Ar shot d a sixt undam . ransport is Mine; Only ur Men Lost onverted Liner Pres. oolidge Goes Down- South Pacific Area By The Associated Press SHINGTON, Dec. 12.-A huge transport with 4,000 men , the former liner President ge, hit a mine and sank in uth Pacific but all except four aved, the Navy disclosed toda$. amazing rescue prevented might have been one of the marine disasters in the Navy's as the 21,936-ton Army trans- he biggest lost so far in this went down. The only detail public, however, was a terse ent that the ship was lost "in weeks in the South Pacific." South Pacific includes the Sol- Islands area, but there was no tion whether the vessel was ing in that battle zone when it e mine. Shipping Damaged nwhile, latest reports fromdthe mons told of new damage dealt ,se shipping by Army planes, ed that the Japs had succeeded structing an airfield only 150 west of the American field at lcanal, and said that a Japa- artillery position on Guadal- had been silenced. ommunique covering activities esday, Guadalcanal time, re- that an enemy tanker in Fasi r had been hit by, three bombs hat another probably had been ed by near misses when 11 Flying Fortresses, escorted by Lockheed P-38 Lightning fight- ttacked the enemy base near and Island. Zeros attempted to intercept merican planes but the P-38's own five and the Fortresses got h. All Army planes returned naged to their base. UNCLE SAM SOLVES MYSTERY: Ettinger, Student Missing for Five Years, Turns Up in Army By BOB MANTHO It happens sometimes that the very best gift two lonely parents can get for Christmas is a terrible shock in one split-second of time that ironi- cally erases the dull, aching pain which has been numbing their hearts for many years of resignation to the inevitable. Such a whimsy of fate has changed the whole life of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ettinger of Detroit and has also closed the books on one of the, strangest "unsolved mystery" cases in the history of the University of' Michigan. For it was just five years ago that Robert W. Ettinger, a sophomore stu- dent at school here, suddenly disappeared from his rooming house at 521 E. Jefferson St. and was not heard of - Be a Goodfellow and buy your pa-c per tomorrow. Early tomorrow morning an army of student salesmen will take to cam- pus and city corners to sell this year's ; Goodfellow Edition of The Daily. Honor societies, fraternities, sorori- ties, the Union, and publications will have men covering all sale posts toj open a 10 hour sale of papers at 8 a.m. Even before these Goodfellows take to the streets, more than $150 will have been received by the Goodfellow Fund in pre-campaign solicitation. Contributions have been coming in regularly in the past few days and have boosted the drive toward reali- zation of its $1,600 goal, George Sal- lade, '43, chairman, reported yester- day. Distributed to Needy Clothes, shoes, Christmas baskets, and medical supplies are distributed to needy Ann Arbor families by the Family Welfare Bureau, an agency to which part of the Goodfellow total is directed. The remainder of the Goodfellow total will be allocated to the Goodfel- low Fund and the Textbook Lending Fund. The Goodfellow Fund is a year- round charity organization which comes to the aid of the needy in any emergency. The Textbook Lending Fund is spe- cifically directed to the use of stu- dents. It aids them in the purchase War Congress to Ajourn Soon Important Measures Stalled until January WASHINGTON. Dec. 12.-(AP)-A Congress which began the first year of war by granting sweeping powers to President Roosevelt and delegating unprecedented authority to execu- tive agencies adjourns next week in a mood portending action in January to reclaim some of its controls. A new spirit of independence fol- lowing the November elections balked last-minute administration efforts to push through legislation and Demo- cratic Leader Barkley of Kentucky said today Congress probably would adjourn Wednesday without trying to pass any more bills. A half dozen important measures were stalled on the calendars. These included administration proposals to boost the Reconstruction Finance Corporation's borrowing and lending authority by $5,000,000,000 to approx- imately $23,000,000,000, a bill per- mitting the Treasury to sell non- monetary silver for war industry use and a measure authorizing the "good neighbor" transfer of American util- ity properties to Panama. Those students who picked beets on the Saturday afternoon of the Minnesota game and those who picked apples three weeks ago can stop at the Manpower Corps of- fice and collect their money. again although the police combed the entire nation to find .him. Together the two parents of the boy waited, nursing a hope that grew dimmer and finally died out. They gave him up for dead and then watched with patient resignation while the war took the only other son they had. . The other day a shock came in the form of a formal statement from the FBI that Robert Ettinger had enlisted in the U.S. Army on September 1 and was now located in Camp Wheeler, Georgia, POC Company, 17th Battal- ion, as a candidate for officers' train- ing. How the boy was found is another quirk of life where fate laughs. But the tears of two parents were thank- ful tears. Searching Since 1938 Ever since Saturday, January 22, 1938-the.date of Robert Etting's dis- appearance - the FBI had been searching for the missing boy but it took a routine check-up of all candi- dates for officers' training school to turn him up. The well known efficiency of the FBI failed this time but one of those necessary little details everybody hates to do spelled merry Christmas for Mr. and Mrs. Ettinger. Robert was just beginning his sophomore year at the University of Michigan that January back in 1938. A pledge of Phi Beta Delta fraternity, he left his rooming house to all in- tents heading for the fraternity. So the landlady at 521 E. Jefferson, Mrs. E. B. Leisenring, didn't discover his absence until Thursday, January 27, five days later. The parents were informed and the nation-wide search began., Turn to Page 6. Col. 5 Be A Goodfellow Students Will Join in Singing Carols at Library Tonight Traditional old Christmas carols and special Yuletide music will be heard when students join in the sec- ond annual All-Campus Carol SingI at 9 p.m. today on the steps of the Main Library. The Men's Glee Club, under the direction of Prof. David Mattern, will sing several numbers accompanied by a brass double quartet composed of members of the University Band, Gordon W. Mathie, '46SM, cornet; Duane Harmon, grad. SM, cornet; Roger E. Jacobi, '46SM, cornet; Wil- liam B. Henline, '43SM, trombone; Pat C. McNaughton, grad., trombone; Marshall Penn, '43SM, trombone; Harry A. Lichty, '46SM, baritone, and Bynum E. Weathers, '46SM, bass. Members of the Women's Glee Club and the University Choir will support the group singing. Harriet L. Porter, '44SM, will give contralto solos. In the event of unfavorable weath- er the program will be held in Hill Auditorium. Be A Goodfellow- Yearly Presentation of 'Messiah' Is Today Long a traditional Christmas per- formance, the annual presentation of Handel's "Messiah" with four dis- tinguished soloists, the University Or- chestra and the Choral Union chorus under the direction of Hardin Van Deursen will be given at 3 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. Palmer Christian, University or- ganist, will preside on that instru- m--+ . n+mien a-rmnmar and qm.- of books which they would otherwise not obtain, and it helps meet emer- gency situations. Many organizations have yet to indicate their support of the drive. Half of the total raised is dependent upon them, Sallade declared. Made Out to Daily All contributions are to be made out to The Michigan Daily and sent to the Student Publications Building. A partial list of Goodfellows follows below: Katherine Pickerill House, Alpha Xi Delta, Kappa Delta, Kappa Sigma, Alpha Epsilon Phi, Delta Tau Delta, Alpha Phi, Alpha Tau Omega, Stalker Cooperative, and Pi Beta Phi. Be A Goodelow Soviets Fight See-Saw Battle at Stalin grad Reds Claim 169,000 Nazis Killed to Date MOSCOW, Dec. 13. (Sunday)- (IP)- The Russians have capturd 74,500 officers and men, and killed 169,000 since the beginning of their twin winter offensives on the Stahn- grad and central fronts, the Soviet information bureau announced today as the Germans were reported mak- ing a desperate fight to break out ofI an encirclement northwest of the Volga City. A German Army of 20 divisions, or about 300,000 men, was reported at- tacking in a see-saw battle northwest of Stalingrad in an effort to force its way westward across the ice-crusted Don River to open a third battle of the Don bend and break an encircling Soviet ring 20 to 30 miles deep. The initiative in the battle now developing on the east bank of the ice-coated river appeared to be sway- ing from one side to the other, with the Russians beating of f counterat- tacks at some points, persisting in their own assaults at others. Turn to Page 6. Col. 4 Be A Goodfellow Panel to Debate World Planning Mary Borman, Manpower chief, will keynote the Post-War Council's "Town Meeting" discussion of "Inter- nationalism-How?" at 8 p.m. Tues- day at the Rackham Amphitheatre. The meeting, which has grown out of the interest shown in specific post- war plans at the Intercollegiate Post- War Conference held here last week, will be devoted to interpretations and discussions of four major types of projected international organization. The panels will be presented by four students who have done inten- sive research work on the subject. Alan Brandt, '44, will speak on Pax Victorarium; Clifford Straehley, '44, on the Modified League of Nations and Elizabeth Hawley, '45, on Feder- ations of Regional Sovereignty. John Muehl, '43, will report on World-Wide Government. Eighth Army in Libya Hits Axis Forces Berlin Radio Admits Penetration of Lines While Allied Sources Withhold Confirmation By The Associated Press LONDON, Dec. 13. (Sunday)-The British Eighth Army in Libya has launched its awaited offensive against the Axis lines at El Agheila and Axis positions "far to the south" have been penetrated, the Berlin radio announced early today. There was no confirmation from Allied sources, however, that Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery had flung his powerful army against Field Marshal Erwin Rommel's forces, to renew the offensive that has pushed the Axis 700 miles back from Bl Alamein in Egypt. Recalls First Intimation However, observers recalled that the first intimation of the smashing British offensive at El Alamein in October came from Berlin also. Tli Berlin announcement indicated that Montgomery apparently was striking hard at the lower end of the Agheila front in an effort to outflank Rom- mel's bastion across the route to Tripoli. While the British and American armies in Tunisia were repulsing two more German tank and infantry at- tacks against their straightened line in northern Tunisia, including one attack directed to the northwest of Bizerte, a transocean broadcast from Berlin gave the following details of the Montgomery attack against Rom- mel: Strong British infantry forces ad- vanced after thorough artillery prep- aration on both sides of the coastal roads yesterday but were repulsed after repeated and costly attacks. Switched His Assault Saturday noon, General Montgom- ery switched his assault to the south where the British commander used several special formations to clear the way for tanks. These penetrated a "small sector" of the Axis lines, but met German armored forces andheavy artillery fire and were forced to back out be- fore they could consolidate their posi- tions, the German version said. The British renewed the battle late Saturday afternoon, however, and threw an entire fresh tank division into the assault in the same sector. The Germans said this attack still was in progress and the results were I not yet known. Allies Pound Jap Bases at Lae, Salamatta ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN AUSTRALIA, Dec. 13. (Sunday)- (P) - Rain hindered operations around Buna where the Japs are trapped along the northeast New Guinea shore but Allied planes kept up the pressure by raiding Jap bases at Lae and Salamaua further up the coast, the high command said today. Heavy units of bombers started fires at the airdrome at Salamaua. Medium and heavy bomber forma- tions raided, dispersed aircraft and installations on the airdrome at Lae. Both airdromes are potential sources of air support for the beleaguered Japs at Buna. The communique had this to say of the ground fighting: "At Gona (now entirely in Allied hands) 638 enemy dead, killed in the final stages of the assault, have now been buried. Our patrols destroyed a party of enemy refugees west of Gona. In other sectors, there was only de- sultory fighting. Both our air force and the enemy's were active over the field. Heavy tropical rains are ren- dering all operations difficult." FOR STUDENTS IN SERVICE: Bomber Scholarship to Receive Donations from Student Dances, SECOND STRAIGHT FOR QUINTET: Varsity Cagers Improve to Stop InvadingHilltopper Five, 42-32 A greatly improved Michigan bas- ketball team met and defeated its sec- ond- opponent of the year as it whipped Marquette, 42 to 32, last night at the Yost Field House. Decidedly different from last Mon- day, Michigan was in the ball game right from the opening whistle as Capt. Jim Mandler flipped in the first basket. Marquette came right back to head the Wolverines, but it was short I-A r4-1' m."-Lo sncahaai,- Blue squad in scoring with seven bas- kets while Mandler was just behind with six. Wiese, whose fame spread for his football ability, gave th'e local fans one of the best displays of shooting that has been seen on the Field House court in recent years. Starting at for- ward, the spirited sophomore was hit- ting from every angle of the court with left-handed push shots that mA *n a ' 49RAn flr n ra, + antwnnr ir Campus dances have gone to war. Every fraternity, sorority, dormi- tory and cooperative has announced that it will no longer hold any radio dance unless it contributes to the Bomber-Scholarship fund the equiva- lent of $.25 per member and will hold no orchestra dance unless the equiva- lent of $.50 per member is contribut- ted. The "25-50 cent plan" was recom- mended by the Student War Board and was adopted by the fraternities and the majority of sororities exactly as recommended. Each of these hous- es has agreed to nay the assessment Office at the time of approval of each dance, the sum in every case to be at least as large as that which would result from the "25-50 cent plan." The girls' dormitories and three sororities have pledged an amount- in one instance totalling $100-to be paid by the semester regardless of how few dances are held. The men's dormitories, which have cut their social functions to a mini- mum this year, have promised to con- tribute lump sums which would ex- ceed a per capita assessment at each dance. They will also turn in mdi- Work on Giant Boilers Is Halted Temporarily -. ..-.m-j Two unforeseen circumstances yes- terday halted any further work on those two steam boilers the Manpower 1