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December 12, 1942 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-12-12

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Girls Eligile
for Bomber
University women serving in the
armed forces are just as eligible as
Ien for Bomber Scholarships after
the war, Coral De Priester, '43E,
chairman of the Bomber Scholarship
student committee said yesterday.
The constitution of the Bomber
Scholarship specifies that any stu-
. dent who leaves school to enter the
"armed forces of the United States"
and who returns after the war to
,,graduate may receive one of these
scholarships. By the term "armed
forces," according to the rules of the
constitution, "any department or di-
vision of the United States Army,
Navy, Air Corps or Marines" is meant.
Thus any woman who leaves the
University to join the WAACS, the
WAVES, or the SPARS which are di-
visions of the Army and Navy, is en-
tering the armed forces of the na-
tion, and is eligible to receive a scho-
larship if she returns after the war.
:Making the application entirely
clear, the constitution also specifies as
one purpose of the Bomber Scho-
larship, that "it will provide a means
by which needy student ex-service
men and women may return to the
University and continue their studies
after having offered their lives to
preserve American Democracy."
De Priester said : "I'm glad that the
point is cleared up. The women really
deserve it. They've been getting be-
hind our drive for a $15,000 goal this
year and giving it just as big a push
as the men have."
"The Victory dances at the League
eah week-end," continued De Pries-
te;, "are only one instance of how
the women have been supporting our
campaign. I hope they keep it up."
Be A Goodfellow
Rabbi Finkelstein
to Speak Wednesday
tnder the auspices of a local inter-
faith committee, Rabbi Louis Finkel-
stein of New York will speak on "Re-
lig'ion after the War" at 8 p.M.
W~dnesday, in the Rackham Lecture
One of the three men appointed by
President Roosevelt to act on the
committee which will consider world
peace and religion in reconstruction,
Rabbi Finkelstein who is traveling
across the country, will speak in sev-
eral of the larger cities, and will con-
fer with professors; political scientists
and leaders in religion.
Rabbi Finkelstein is president of
the Jewish Theological Seminary, af-
filiated with Columbia University and
a member of the Editorial Board of
the Jewish Encyclopedia. Among his
writings are "The Pharisees - the
Sociological Background of Their
Faith" and "Religion of Democracy."
Be A Goodfellow
Grad Dance Tonight
At Raekham Hall
Graduate students will have a
chance to take time off from scholar-
ly things and really enjoy themselves.
From 9 p.m. to 12 today the Gradu-
ate Student Council is sponsoring the
first dance of the year for graduate
students in Rackham Assembly Hall.
All students in Graduate School
and also in the professional schools
sh as the medical, law and public
health schools are invited.:

FDR Honors Pro dction Soldiers

President Roosevelt paid tribute to these 10 production workers who were introduced to him by WPB
Chairman Donald Nelson (second from right) with the explanation that each had given his employer a sug-
gestion which either speeded or improved the quality of war output. Each received a medal of certificate of
individual production merit. The workers: (left to right) Herbert R. James, McKeesport, Pa.; George Smo-
larek, Detroit; Walter P. Hill, Detroit; Edwin C. Tracy, Oaklyn, N. J. . Clinton R. Hanna, East Pittsburgh,
Pa.; Stanley Crawford, Camden, N. J.; Daniel W. Mallett, Akron, O. (rear); Joseph H. Kautsky, Indianapolis,
Ind.; Chairman Donald M. Nelson of WPB, and Madison E. Butler, Rochester, Pa.

Michigan Men
Ensign Walter I. Bietila, well known
on campus in 1935 for his ability with
skis, was recently awarded the "Navy
Wings of Gold" and commissioned an
ensign in the U.S. Naval Reserve. He
received his commission at the Naval
Air Training Center in Corpus Christi,
One of the five famous skiing bro-
thers of Ishpeming, Mich., Bietila
starred in meets in Wisconsin, Min"
nesota and Michigan while a student
here and was named to the United
States Olympic ski teamr in Oct., 1935
when he was a sophomore.
Bietila taught his brother, Paul,
how to jump, and Paul ,went .on to
win the intercollegiate championship
while a student at the University of
Wisconsin and was named on .the
1940 Olympic team.
He also won his baseball numerals
in 1935 and was treasurer of the
Lutheran Student Club in '36 and '37.
He volunteered for flight training
in Feb., 1942 and received preliminary
instruction at the U.S, Naval Reserve
Aviation Base, Glenview, Tex. Upon
successful completion of this training
he was transferred to Corpus Christi.
for intermediate and advanced train-
* * *
Private J. Arthos, that's right, he
was an instructor in the English de-
partment last year, is now receiving
his basic training at Camp Wolters,
Tex. He writes the English Depart-
ment Newsletter that he has just
completed the bayonet course. Says
Private Weimer, also an ex-English
instructor: "We've had a good
deal of bayonet practice (which I
like) and hand-grenade throwing
(which I don't like very much, be-
cause, so far, the form you are obliged
to use seems unnecessarily con-
strained), close order drill, extended
order drill, and of course the manual
of arms. There is a lot to learn, but
I shall sooner or later manage to find
some free time, I hope ..



Campus Purchasing Agent Has
Those Priority Number Blues

Engine Women
Spotlighted M
New Technic
Huge Issue Scheduled
to Appear Tuesday;
Five Articles Featured
The Michigan Technic appearing
this Tuesday salutes the engine
school's ordnance women with an
article on "Women in Science" by
Alice C. Goff.
Well qualified to write in the field,
Miss Goff is one of the five women
to graduate from the University with
a degree in civil engineering. She has
worked as checker and squad leader
over a group of men in a steel com-
pany, and has designed buildings of
reinforced concrete here and espec-
ially for the earthquaky climate of
Venezuela. Her article should be of
interest to everyone according to Len
Anderson, '45E, publicity director of
the Technic, but should especially ap-
peal to those women taking courses
in the engine school now in prepara-
tion for war work.
Four other feature articles are
scheduled for this 40-page issue, the
first to come out under Keith Smith,
'43E, new editor-in-chief. Mr. R. G.
Freeman, research man in charge of
the course development program in
tool-engineering at the General Mo-
tors Institute in Detroit discusses the
economic aspects of his field in a
story entitled "Production. Engineer-
"Synthetic Rubber" by Don O'Neill,
'43E, "Electro-Chemical Industries"
by Paul Kennedy, '44E, and E. Aik-
en's "Glass" complete the list of at-
Besides the regular sections, read-
ers will find the new "Ethics" depart-
ment begun last month present again,
and again offering $5 for the best
solution to its second problem.
Be A Goodfellow
Lieut. Demorest
Killed in Greenland
The War Department yesterday
disclosed that Lieut. Max Demorest,
'34, met an accidental death while
performing his duties on the inland
ice of Greenland.
Lieut. Demorest, who was a promi-
nent authority on glaciers, was riding
his motorsledge when it fell into a
crevice in'the glacier, the War De-
paremtn report stated.
He served as an assistant in the
geology department while he was a
studept here and went on two of the
University's expeditions to Greenland
in 1930 and 1932. His studies centered
around the physics of glacier ice, and
upon entering the Army last summer
he held a $3,000 Guggenheim Fellow-
ship for continuation of these re-
Be A Goodfellow
WPB regulations, with a nod to
Cupid, permit wedding gowns to be
made in any amount of any desired
fabric.'Skirt-shearing and sleeve-
skimping rules don't apply.

Food Distributor?

Roy F. Hendrickson, former news-
paperman, may become food dis-
tribution chief under Secretary
Wickard's new wartime food pro-
gram, associates of Wickard said
in Washington.
V. M. Lassila Appointed
to Assist PEM Program
V. M. Lassila, newly appointed
Chief Specialist, USNR, is now as-
sisting with the University PEM pro-
gram, it was announced by the
NROTC Department Thursday.
Mr. Lassila held a position as assist-
ant to Dr. May from 1932 to 1937.
Since then, he has worked as a Physi-
cal Education Instructor with Oscar
Toiko, former prime minister of Fin-
land, at the Finnish Community Cen-

Thuma Says
Liberal Arts
to Continue
The Arts school is not going to
close its doors and liberal education
is as necessary in wartime as in peace
time, Prof. B. D. Thuma, chairman
of the War Information Committee,
said last night at the semi-annual
initiation banquet of Phi Kappa Phi.
Professor Thuma's main assump-
tion was that it was our duty to do
all in our power to contribute effic-
iently to the winning of the war. He
said that the housewife who is hoard-
ing food is merely assenting to the
assumption rather than supporting it
and believing in it.
"Emotions must not interfere with
reason-thus while admirable mo-
tives might lead some student from
continued study in a specialized field
to immediate work in a factory, the
final effect is wasteful. The college
student presumably rating above the
average in intelligence should train
for jobs where intelligence is most
useful, rather than on the develop-
ment of purely mechanical skills."
He said that it has been the fail-
ure of people to realize where they
would be most valuable and that the
War Manpower Commission has be-
come a necessity.
Professor Thuma outlined the con-
tributions of different classes of stu-
dents. He concluded by saying that
we must combat the present tendency
to regard technical training as the
only necessity for prosecuting the
war effort and we must preserve lib-
eral education.

Don't let them confuse you,
Adolf! P-43's, or double-A-5's, or
even PD-1-A's aren't the new U.S.
super-bombers or pursuit planes that
zoom through your nightmares.
And, even the double-A-2-X will
never get to cause you half as much
trouble as it's causing J. F. Shears,
the University's assistant purchasing
You see, Adolf, these are only the
numbers of government priorities. As
Shears explains it, the University has
to secure them in order to expand its
plant facilities and to get supplies to
continue its essential war work for
the Army, the Navy, the air corps,
the surgeon-general of the U.S. Ar-
my, the Office of Scientific Research'
and Development, and several large
industrial concerns.
Shears' job happens to be filling
out the University's priority appli-
cations, amassing the great amount
of information that goes into them,
and then keeping his fingers crossed
in hopes that his work will get a
government "o.k."
Shears explained in an interview
yesterday that although the Univer-
sity falls in a bracket of war work
that allows $1,000 worth of work to
be done in a 12-month period on any
building, the materials to do even
this amount of work are so scarce
that they've got to be secured with
priority assistance.
The exact amount of nails and
screws, the number of pipe joints,
the amount of plumbing and elec-
trical materials, the exact board feet
of lumber, its dollar cost and several
other items must all be calculated by
Shears for Uncle Sam before the ap-
plications are, complete.
One of the major difficulties, he
said, is that by the time a priority is

finally secured-it takes about two
months-and after the critical ma-
warehouse or distributor's, the Pri-
ority ratings have changed, new re-:
strictive orders halting deliveries
have been issued, and then the ef-
forts to get an amended rating must
be started all over again.
Shears, in explaining the "prior-
ities run-around,"said that the Uni-
versity falls in the class of educa-
tional institutions which must send
any request for. building construc-
tion to the War Production Board
The WPB then refers it to the U.S.
Office of Education which sends the
applications to its regional ; office
This office then sends out a special
investigator who in turn reports back
to the Washington office on the proj-
ect. The latter one reports back to
the WPB which finally either okays
or turns down the University's appli-
In deciphering the priority num-
bers, he disclosed that the University
has a blanket priority, the P-100;
which carries an A-1D rating ' andt
can be used to secure materials need-
ed for repair and maintenance of
the equipment and buildings..
However, he said, this priority is
now too low and an AA-5 must be
had in order to get steel deliveries.
While the P-43 is a blanket order to
facilitate getting materials for re-
search and production control in the
public interest and to promote the
war, the University AA-2-X is a
higher which is limited in that the
value of any item or quantity of ma-
terial can't exceed $50. If it does,
Shears must then reapply to Wash-
ington and again state the Univer-
sity's needs.
"It's all very complicated," he fi-
nally admitted.

I 7CIS l1 Jt

r ,
, . a r.

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I'm saving with safety by investing in U. S.
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Member Federal Reserve System
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Campus Sing
Is Tomorrow





for chridEmai

Christmas atmosphere will fill the
campus when students join in the
second annual all-campus carol sing
at 9 p.m. tomorrow on the steps of
the Main Library.
Participating will be the Varsity
Glee Club, under the direction of
Prof. David Mattern, singing special
numbers with instrumental accom-
paniment by members of the Uni-
versity Band. Harriet Porter, '44SM,
will give several contralto solos.
Members of the Women's Glee Club
and the University Choir will be there
in a group to join in the singing of
the traditional Christmas carols,

Ann Arbor Flying
Club to Conduct
Model Contest
As their feature for this month, the
Ann Arbor Model Flying Club is spon-
soring a scale model building contest.
Mr. R. L. Painter, senior leader of
the group, has announced that a limit
has been set on the price of the kit
to be used. Entries will be accepted
until Jan. 4. The winning model,
which will be chosen on a basis of
workmanship, will be displayed in a
downtown store. There is a small en-
trance fee for non-mempers but this
will pay for their membership in the
organization if they so desire.
The Ann Arbor Junior Chamber of
Commerce is sponsoring the group.'


The More Dollars You Save in Defense Bonds

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The More "Axis-Crushers" Our Army Will Have


The Ideal Gift for Everyone on your List



He's telling her about

KINGS ROW-Bellalnann - - - -
NIGHT SHIFT-WOlff - - - - -
THE ROBE-DOuglaS - - - - -
THOROFARE - Morley - - - -
!etu'a I
PAST IMPERFECT - Chase - - -

- - - - $2.75
- - - - 2.75
- - - - 2.00
- - - - 2.75
- - - - 2.75
- - - - 2.75
- - - - 3.00
- - - - 2.75

AMERICA must produce 45,000 tanks this
year! 60,000 planes! 20,000 antiaircraft guns!
Altogether, 56 billion dollars worth of fighting
equipment to smash the military maniacs at-
tacking us.
That's why billions of fighting dollars-your
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That's why every American man, woman,
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into auto tires but into automatic rifles-not into
luxuries, but into tanks--not into spending for
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for the relentless pursuit of our enemies.
An important part of America's job, your job,
this year is to spend less and save more-to in-
vest in safety with perfect safety! Not only does
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guarantees to give you $4 for every $3 you save
in Defense Bonds when you hold the Bonds to

Make up your mind right now to save for
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as you can: Make every pay day Bond day!
You Get a $25 Bond for Only $18.75
Facts About Defense Bonds (Series E)

How much do they cost?
You LEND Uncle Sam
$18.75s a
$37.50 a
$75.00 .
$375.00 i
$750.00 7

upon Maturity
a a aa $25.00
a ; ; $50.00
7 a $100.00
a a $500.00
a .a a $1,000.00

When is maturity? Ten years, but you can cash the Bonds
at any time after 6o days from issue date. Naturally, the
longer you hold Bonds, up to 10 years, the more money
you'll get back. But you'll never get less than you put in.
Wha'sthe interest rate? When held to maturity, the Bonds
yield 2.9 percent per year on your investment, com.
pounded semiannually-you get back $4 for every $3.
This is guaranteed by the United States Government.

- - -2.00
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') AA


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