Y itP jhu I aiti W~eather Not Much Change VOL. LHI No. 59 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DEC. 12, 1942 PRICE FIVE CENTS Allies Goodfellow Dailies to Be Sold Monday Contributions from Local Defense Plants Will Aid in Boosting Lagging Fund Total To be climaxed Monday by a gen- eral campus and city-wide sale .of special Daily Goodfellow Editions, the annual Christmas Goodfellow Drive received an added boost yesterday, when local defense plants pledged. their liberal support. Five Ann Arbor factories contacted indicated they would contribute, ac- cording to George Sallade, 43, chair- man of the charity drive which will benefit the Family Welfare Bureau, Goodfellow Fund and the Text-book Lending Fund. Posts for sale of the Goodfellow edition of The Daily will be covered all day Monday by fraternity men, Union representatives and Daily re- porters. Donations Drop Iiitial fraternity and sorority pledges indicated hearty cooperation, but contributions in the last week from these organizations have taken a sharp drop, Sallade said. The full support of these groups is necessary if we are to meet our goal of $1,65, he added. The Family Welfare Bureau uses part of the money received from the drive to give immediate aid to fami- lies during the Christmas season, but a large portion of it is put in a spe- cial fund for use throughout the year. Money not allocated to the Bureau will go this year to the Good- will Fund and the Text-book Lend- ing Fund. Worthy Charities The Goodwill Fund releases money to Goodwill Industries, an agency which aids handicapped and aged people by providing them with work repairing discarded articles of furni- ture and clothing for resale. The Textbook Lending Fund provides money to students for the purchase of books that otherwise could rot be bought. - The drive was launched for the first time in 1935 when campus lead- ers determined to begin an all-cam- pus charity campaign to aid needy Ann Arbor families and University students. All contributions should be made out to The Michigan Daily and sent to the Student Publications before Monday. HEROES RETURN: Solomons Fleet Flagship Sails Proudly Home SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 11.- (P)- The cruiser San Francisco, gallant flagship of the U.S. Solomons fleet that ripped a Jap armada, came home today, grimy and patched and proud. On her decks stood a corps of he- roes. On the same decks other heroes died in the blackness of that early morning battle of Nov. 13 when the heavy cruiser raced between two formidable lines of Jap Men-of-War, and finished off a pattleship, a cruiser and a destroyer. "We'll take the big ones first!" That was the challenge of Rear Ad- miral Daniel J. Callaghan. Thrilling Battle The cruiser's big guns thundered in the night. Her shells flashed on the decks and against the sides of the enemy flotilla. "We'll take the big ones first!" The officers and crew cheered the Admir- al's challenge. And three minutes later the Admiral fell dead, and with him, the San Francisco's master,, Captain Cassin Young. The story of that memorable battle of the Solomons in which our navy turned back a desperate Jap thrust at reinforcement of enemy outposts in the islands, had been told before, but today the brave young men who fought the gallant ship came to their home port and a heroes' welcome. Few Greet Ship There were mighty few on hand, however, to welcome the San Fran- nicr ar h dinnedo nt nf thed 1nnm Hurl Back Nazi Thrust In Tunisia ,=. Manpower Delegates Hold First Conference Representatives from Four Big Ten Schools Confer on Mobilization of Student Workers ScrapgPile of Battered Hulks Fills Bengasi Harbor Axis Jabs Repulsed by Planes Enthusiastic delegates from four Big Ten schools held their first meet- ing of the Manpower Conference hereI yesterday and started plans to extend greater mobilization of student work-< ers throughout the Western Confer-i ence.l "The 12 delegates are really work- ing at this conference," Manpower7 executive Bob Johnson said last night,c "and we are exchanging a lot.of ideasc that will build up Corps throughout the Midwest and set up an intercol-E legiate coordinating body."c At the opening meeting yesterday, Clark Tibbitts, director of the Uni- versity War Board, told representa- tives from Purdue, Illinois, North- western and Ohio State, how theE Manpower Mobilization Corps had been entirely initiated by students,1 and how the development of leader- Hitler Furthers Nazi Control over Reich, Move Made to Halt Internal Uprisings By ERNEST AGNEW Associated Press Correspondent, LONDON, Dec. 11.- Adolf Hitler carried the policy of Nazi party domi- nation over Germany a stride forward today following the shakeup of the high command which has made ge- stapo-trained General Kurt Zeitzler the chief of the general staff. A decree broadcast from Berlin by DNB said Gauleiters, heretofore sim- ply district party leaders, henceforth would have the authority of district defense commissioners. As such they are responsible to no one except Hit- ler and Heinrich Himmler, chief of the gestapo. London sources drew these conclu- sions from the decree, the shakeup in the high command and related moves: 1. Hitler is giving more and more power to those he can trust as a pos- sible preventive against an internal' uprising and a repetition of the 1918 collapse. 2. The fuehrer is committing him- self more and more to a defensive policy. 3. He is throwing down another' challenge to the German Junkers. The Daily Mail also reported an- other change in the German high command coincident with the shake- up which made Zeitzler, a fervent Nazi but little-known soldier, chief of the army general staff; Admiral Fricke, another man without an ad- vance build-up, Chief of Admiral Erich Raeder's navy general staff, and Col.-Gen. Hans Jeschonnek, who had escaped the general notice of London observers, as chief of the air force general staff. Be A Goodfelow FDR Pleads Case of U.S. Employes WASHINGTON, Dec. 11. - (A) - President Roosevelt, declaring the federal government is the largest sin- gle employer in the nation but has permitted grossly unfair employment conditions to develop, asked Congress today to provide that all government employes may receive extra pay for working time beyond 40 hours a week. If Congress is unable to act "within the next few days," Mr. Roosevelt suggested in a letter to Vice-Presi- dent Wallace and Speaker Rayburn that it empower him to deal with the problem himself for the duration of the war or until Congress provides otherwise. ship qualities by organizing the Corps would be a great contribution to the post-war world. Mary Borman listed the purposes and functions of the Corps, described its organization, and outlined the reasons for the conference, naming as its immediate purpose "the estab- lishment of a Big Ten body to co- ordinate Manpower activities, and ex- change ideas and solutions to prob- lems. Eventually we hope to have ev- ery school in the country a member of this intercollegiate organization." The whole trend toward organiza- tion of the University of Michigan campus since the beginning of the war was described by Robert Matth- ews, head of the Student War Board, who explained the establishment of the war board and its activities here. At the first panel, organizational difficulties at the different schools were discussed. The set-up here was explained, and delegates described the work that had been done on their own campuses, contributing ideas and so- lutions and offering problems which had been hard to solve. The delegates from Purdue are Ralph Duster, Dick Sleeper, and Dor- othy Cornthwaite; from Illinois, John Harmon and Pat Brown; from North- western, Shelley Sosna; and from Ohio State, Norwin Brovitz, Bill Cruickshank, and Barbara Waide. More panels and a final meeting will be held today. NAZI LOSSES: Reds Destroy 60 More Big Axis Planes MOSCOW, Dec. 12. (Saturday)- (,)-The Russians have destroyed 60 iiore big Axis transport planes in the Stalingrad area, making a total of 133 id four days, and the Red Army has "occupied heights of con- siderabletactical importance" in the area of Velikie Luki on the frozen Central Front, the Soviets announced early today. The midnight communique said the Russians destroyed 36 Nazi tanks and killed more than 1,000 Germans dur- ing yesterday's operations which were marked with repeated German coun- terattacks on both fronts and Russian consolidation of positions wrested from the enemy. Aside from the "violent engage- ments" near Velikie Luki which r- sulted in the capture of important hilltops, the Russian bulletin did not mention any changes in the general situation. Fighting a steady war of attrition amid snow storms after the early momentum of their twin offensives had slackened, the Russians appeared to be trying to encircle and reduce the two German strongholds of Veli- kie Luki and Rzhev on the Central Front northwest of Moscow. Seg- ments of the railroad highway be- tween the two points were reported to have been recaptured by the Rus- sians weeks ago. But the Germans still were coun- terattacking in most sectors. The communique said several Nazisefforts were beaten down yesterday near Rzhev where the Germans lost 21 tanks and several hundred men. The enemy also lost heavily in numerous charges across the snow near Velikie Luki, it was said. Those boys who picked beets on the Saturday afternoon of the Minnesota game can drop by the Manpower office to pick up their money. fi O p pi ai A B m fc A w a p Pt Reduced to junk by Allied aerial bombs, these twisted, battered hulks filled the harbor at Bengasi, Libya, when the British entered the port in pursuit of the retreating Nazis. This is an official British photo. DID WE SAY SIX TONS...? ' Two 86 Ton Boilers to Be Sent to Long Island Defense Arsenal It's all a mistake! They're 86 tons and not six tons. And what's more, there are two eight- ton stokers attached. No, it's not a gag, but it's the straight dope on the steam boilers the Manpower Corps has been stripping of bricks. They have not been fed iron cap- sules to make them grow. They always were 86-tons and their home is the University powerhouse. E. C. Pardon, head of the Buildings and Grounds Department cleared this up for us last night. Here is the story. These boilers have proved inade- quate for University use for quite some time, and B. & G. men thought they could do some good in the war effort. A conversation with the Man- power Corps to get the workers and a communique from the War Pro- duction Board set the ball rolling. An arsenal in Long Island can use these two affairs if they can stand the right pressure. WPB officials asked Pardon to make them ready for testing, and from this has sprung all the receint activity. Volunteer student salvagers have for the past three days helped Build- ings and Grounds men strip the brick linings from these two metal giants which stand 50 feet high and are 12 feet around. The stripping was completed yes- terday morning, and the WPB men. were here yesterday afternoon and began testing. Each boiler must with- stand 220 pounds of pressure to be used. The pressure was built up in them last night, and if they hold up till noon today, the green light will be flashed to really begin work on dis- mantling them.N The dismantling process has to be accomplished through the use ofe acetylene torches, and experienced1 operators are scarce.1 Be A GoodfellowC Axis itters' Are Reported British 'Swan Patrols' Pierce Enemy Lines CAIRO, Dec. 11.- (A)- BritishE "Swan Patrols" feeling out the strength of Marshal Erwin Rommel's powerful fortifications at El Agheila in Libya have come back with the diagnosis that a "state of nervous- ness" exists among the Axis troops there. This state of nerves was marked, they said, by shooting at nothing at night, sending up flares without much reason and various other jittery ac- tivities which indicate the enemy feels none too happy in his position. Swan Patrols, or Swan Columns as the soldiers call them, are the British adaptation to a new type of country in which the fighting is now going on. These columns, rather large as pa- trols go, include tanks, armored cars, trucks filled with infantry and even some artillery especially equipped for crossing more solid stretches of the salt marshes which provide much of El Agheila's natural defensive strength. The various elements of a patrol fan out like swans on a lake, but can come together quickly if the exigen- cies of operation require it. They have penetrated into various parts of the enemy's outer establishment lately and have fought several sharp en- gagements. Jas Repulsed in New Guinea ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN AUSTRALIA, Dec. 12. (Saturday)- ()-Repulse of Japanese counterat- tacks at Sanananda, between Gona and Buna on the northeast New Guinea coast, was announced by the High Command today. "South of Sanananda, the enemy repeatedy 'counterattacked but was bloodily repulsed," the noon com- munique from Gen. Douglas MacAr- thur reported regarding the show- down battle for control of all north- eastern New Guinea. In the Buna area, anti-aircraft and machine-gun positions of the trapped Japs were silenced by Allied artillery and mortar fire. In the final stages of the battle which resulted in the Allied conquest of Gona, 12 miles up the coast from Buna, at least 440 Japs were slain, with other dead yet to be counted. Sixteen were taken prisoner. The failure of the Japs to break out of entrapment was the second such reported in as many days. Yester- day's communique told of the re- pelling of counterattacks in the Buna sector. Jap planes dropped supplies to their beleaguered ground troops. --- Be A Goodfellow Congress Decides to Quit for Remainder of Year WASHINGTON, Dec. 11.- (P)- Congressional leaders decided toda3 Roosevelt Saysw b Axis Has Lost ,l in War Initiative $ I U.S. Troops Overseas t Will Total More Than p Million Very Shortly t fi By RIChARD L. TURNER N Associated Press Correspondent a WASHINGTON, Dec. 11.- Presi- dent Roosevelt said today that the i: Axis has lost the initiative on a global s scale "temporarily at least," and re- s vealed that American troops overseas e will total more than a million by the t end of this month. s At the same time he reported that lend-lease assistance to America's al- t lies aggregated $2,367,000,000 in the s quarter which ended on Nov. 30. The o figure was almost a third greater than t that for the preceding quarter, he " said, and represented an annual rate of $10,000,000,000 or about 15 per cent e of the nation's over-all war expendi- i tures, t Mr. Roosevelt informed Congress h of these developments in his seventh t quarterly report on lend-lease pro- t gress, a document which placed heavy n emphasis upon the interdependence of all the United Nations, a necessity h for a "single world strategy," and r joint operations both in the war zonesh and in the field of production. v In addition, discussing a tremen- dous program for rehabiltating "lib- erated areas" as Allied forces of occu- pation' move into continental Europe, he disclosed that these activities also are to be. put ,on a lend-lease basis. Great Britain and the United King- dom will participate, he said, and the cooperation of all the United Nations is necessary, too. The President held out the Egyp- tian campaign as a demonstration of what united action can do. British troops, planes and ships did most ofc the fighting, he said, while Americas made its big contribution in transpor-1 tation and supplies.1 Be A Goodfeiow - Russian Bazaar 1o e Today Money to Buy Medical Supplies for Soviets Supplies for our besieged Russian1 Allies will be bought from the pro-j ceeds of the Russian Bazaar this af- ternoon and evening. The money will be used to purchase medical supplies, clothing and woolen goods for the Soviets. Among the many attractions at the Bazaar will be valuable antiques, Rus- sian cigarettes and Christmas cards. The Volga Russian Dancers of De- troit, under the direction of Madame Lillian Federoff, will perform peasant dances. Mrs. Otto Graf will sing Russian and Ukrainian songs. Scrolls distributed by the national Medjez El Bab and Tebourba Threatened by 'T'win Offensives; Air Force Is Praised By LEWIS HAWKINS Associated Press Correspondent LONDON, Dec. 11.-Newly-arrived ghter planes, hitting in perfect co- rdination with Allied ground troops, layed a big part yesterday in stop- ing and hurling back twin Axis rmored columns that struck at the .llied Tunisian base of Medjez Hl ab, 35 miles southwest of Tunis. One of the Axis columns lashing ut in a threatening flanking move- nent to the main Allied forces be- ore Tebourba was struck by a sharp llied counterattack and driven back with the loss of a number of tanks, report from Allied headquarters re- orted. Within Two Thousand Yards The second Nazi column, approach- ng from the east, was permitted within 2,000 yards of Medjez El Bab efore it came under a concerted lasting from Allied tanks, artillery, nfantry and aircraft and ' was sent eeling from the field, leaving a "sub- tantial number" of its tanks behind. [n both clashes Allied tank losses were said to have been "much lower" ;han those of the enemy. An Allied spokesman was lavish in raise of the aerial support giving she defending forces, saying that ighter planes swooped to attack the vazis quickly after the battle began nd "strafed the enemy like hell." Both U.S. fighting planes and Brit- sh Spitfires participated in the as- ault on the retreating Germans, he aid, while American forces in Gen- ral Grant tanks "distinguishe. hemselves." till Hold Ground After repulsing the twin attacks he Allies were said to be still in po- session of high ground northeast f Medjez El Bab, and the result of he day's fighting was described as encouraging." The Allied spokesman acknowledg- ed that American and British forces n recent days had withdrawn from he crescent-shaped line which they had held between Tebourba and Ma- eur and said that their line between those two strategic points now was nearly straight. It had been forecast from the start, he said, that the first Allied line, roughly paralleling the rail line and highway between the two cities, would be difficult to hold. CHINA RESISTS: Japs Launch Of fensive with Burma Troops CHUNGKING, Dec. 11,-(P)-Vet- eran Japanese troops, with fresh re- serves from Burma, are stabbing re- peatedly at the far-flung Chinese lines defending the mountainous heart of Yunnan Province from inva- sion, the high command reported to- night. About 6,000 Japanese, striking in three columns, began offensive opera- tions Dec. 6 against Chinese forces in wiestern Yunnan in the area north of Tengyueh and weSt of the Salween River's upper- gorge, a communique said. The report did not specify whether the fighting, heavy the first two days and still continuing, was the start of the large-scale enemy drive that an army spokesman here had forecast would be made with Kunming, Yun- nan's capital, as its ultimate objec- tive. Lines Hold Resisting fiercely, lightly - armed Chinese infantrymen were said to have held their lines in the face of repeated Japanese assaults. The old Burma Road to Junming runs south of the Tengyueh area, where hostilities have resumed, but a Japanese advance across the Salween there would constitute an out-flank- ,,I IT'S THEIR TURN NOW: First Lady Says College Girls Should Specialize or Go to Work t 1 v Ensian Picture Deadline Will Not Be Changed "It's sabotage, fifth-column work and subversive activity!" groan En- sian editors as rumors go round that the January 1 deadline for senior pic- tures will be shoved ahead. "It can't be changed," the editors say firmly, for all pictures must be classified, according to school, class and alphabet, then mounted and made ready for engraving early in CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Dec. 11.- (AP)- Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt ex- pressed the belief today that girls had "better get out of college and go to wonlr unle their cn11ge training is The interview was during a busy round of appearances which began in nearby Boston with a speech be- fore the Massachusetts Committee on Russian War Relief and culminated