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December 11, 1942 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-12-11

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97^CXR i

PA&E flVIi

Jingle Jive' To

Be Held


Tn League Ballroom





Senior Society Athletic Leaders

Ann Arbor WAAC Likes Army
But 'Craves Service Overseas


Spirit Of Christmas Prevails
As Nine Groups Hold Dances


Wife of a renowned Flying Tiger
who has seen much action in China,
Third Officer Mary Newell, first re-
ported WAAC officer from Ann Ar-
bor, was graduated from Officer's
Training School at Fort Des Moines,
Iowa, on November7,in the seventh
class-just 11 months after Pearl
Third Officer Newell's rank is com-
parable to that of a second lieutenant
in the Army. Home on a ten-day
leave, she expressed her desire in an
interview to be sent overseas. "When
I get back to Des Moines, I will do
company work, which means training
and drilling auxiliary WAACS. Then
I would really like to see overseas
duty. Of course the Women's Army
Auxiliary Corps is a purely non-com-
batant force, designed primarily to
replace army men doing office and
administration work."
Graduated in '37
A graduate of the University in the
class of '37 and a Latin major, Third
Officer Newell worked at the Uni-
versity 'Hospital for some time as a
medical social worker. Like every oth-
er WAAC, when Third Officer Newell
joined, she signed up for the dura-
tion plus six months. "Every woman
in the Army Auxiliary Corps is also
BLOUSES are excellent gifts
this year. In crepe or satin,
round neck or tailored styles.
$2.00, $3.00 and $4.00.
ROBES - cotton quilted,
$4.95 and $5.95. Silk quilt-
ed, $7.50 to $15.00.
PAJAMAS -cotton broad-
cloths at $1.95 and $2.95.
Spun rayon $2.49 and $3.00.
Big assortment-- all attrac-
tively tailored.
HOSIERY is always a wel-
coned gift.. Seamless sheer
mesh rayon at $1.00.s-
Michigan Theatre Bldg.

subject to overseas duty," she stated,
"and most of the women I have asso-
ciated with are anxious to go."
"We are most pleased to see the
enthusiastic acceptance of the WAAC
unit in all military spheres; "and in-
cidentally," she continued, "I was
especially delighted to have members
of the ROTC salute me as I walked
down the "Diag."
Wears Two-Tone Uniform
Third Officer Newell was wearing
her winter dress uniform, which con-
sisted. of a "pink" skirt (actually
khaki in color) and a forest green fit-
ted jacket on the lapels of which were
the insignia of the WAAC, which is
Pallas Athene, ancient Greek goddess
of wisdom. Her hat, similar to the
Foreign Legion visor cap, bore the
gold eagle design granted to officers
upon graduation.
"About make-up," said Third Offi-
cer Newell in answer to our queries
of how much WAACS are permitted
to wear, "certainly we are allowed to
wear it, and nail polish, too, as long
as it isn't conspicuous. Complete out-
fits of clothing are issued to us, in-
cluding three pairs of cotton hose and
four pairs of rayon."
New Recruits Welcome
"The camp at Des Moines, which
now houses 5,000 WAACS, is con-
stantly receiving new recruits as the
law for the Women's Army Auxiliary
Corps calls for a maximum of 150,000
members at present. The corps will
take women between the ages of 21
and 45, and, although a college degree
is not required, most officers have
had some college training."
"Although the training period was
stiff," she concluded, "the thrill of
receiving my gold bars more than
made up for it. I am now waiting for
the opportunity to salute my husband
who is a captain in the Air Corps."
Be A Goodfellow
Jobs To Be Plentiful
For Women Here
Throughout Vacation
Any coed who is remaining on cam-
pus for the Christmas vacation will
find a variety of jobs open to her.
Dean Byrl Bacher has received a
great number of requests for girls
interested in clerical work, child care
and other positions for this period.
Any coed seeking a job is urged by
Dean Bacher to register her ability
and job preference in the Office of
the Dean of Women as soon as pos-
- bleBe A Goodfellow
Production of bubble bath, delight
of Sybaritic soakers, has been ordered
reduced by the government. The
problem is not critical war material
but transportation.

To Take Over
Victory Dance
All Proceeds To Be Donated
To Bomber Scholarship Fund;
Mrs. Santa Claus To Bring Gifts
Every student on campus is invited
to "sing, dance and be merry" at the
"Jingle Jive," to be held from 9 p.m.
to midnight today in the League
Senior Society is taking over the
ballroom today to present their ver-
sion of the Victory Dances which are
held every Friday and Saturday.
The purpose of the Victory Dance
is to benefit the Bomber-Scholarship
Fund. All of the proceeds from the
dance, with the exception of cost of
the band, will be donated to the
Since "Mr. Claus has gone to war,'
Mrs. Claus will be present at the
"Jive." She will bring gifts for all
those who are named as winners of
the door prizes. Mrs. Claus may be
found on the "diag" today, between
classes, selling tickets for the affair.
"Doc" Spracklin and his orches-
tra will play for the dancing and
will include a Christmas medley in
his selections. Anne Barrie, Sprack-
lin's new soloist, will be featured in
a number of new arrangements.

To Meet Today
WAA Physical Fitness Group
Will Gather At Barbour Gym
Third in the series of six leader-
ship meetings for the WAA Volun-
tary Physical Fitness program will be
held from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. today at
Barbour gym, according to Shelby
Dietrich, '45, general chairman of
the project.
Athletic managers and other lead-
ers are urged to be dressed and ready
at precisely 4 p.m. in order that the
meeting end at the scheduled time.
Theme of the program is being
planned by Nancy Hattersley, '44, and
Marcia Sharpe, '45, and Miss Hat-
tersley will speak of the subject of
diet and sleep from a new angle.
Particulars as to how house points
are figured for the WAA Participa-
tion Cup, which is presented in the
spring, will be explained by Esther
Stevens, '44, awards chairman. Con-
cluding the program, a new set of
exercises will be presented.
Leaders are to turn in their house
participation for the past week at
this time, and are to be reminded to
wear slacks or shorts and to bring
gym shoes.
Be A Goodfellow
Barn Dance Today
Open To Campus
Come stag or in couples, but be
sure to wear blue jeans to the WAA
Barn Dance, to be held from 8:30
p.m. to 11:30 p.m. today in the lounge
of the WAB.
Miss Ruth Johnson, faculty advisor
of the Outdoor Sports Club, will call
the steps for square dancing and
Gloria Fisher, '45, will play the piano,
Dorothy Lundstrom, '45, and Dan
Saulson, '44, co-chairmen for the
affair, have announced. Ginger ale
and candy will be on sale, and there
will be a small admission charge.

With the spirit of Christmas per-
vading the campus during these last
days before vacation, nine dances are
being held tonight in an atmosphere
of gaiety.
Alpha Chi Omega will honor their
pledges at a formal dance from 9
p.m. to midnight. Hostesses will be
Mrs. Harry B. Phelps of Kappa Del-
ta, Mrs. Fred Steinhilber of Chi Ome-
ga, and Mrs. Edith. Quinn of Delta
Alpha Tau Omega is also having a
pledge formal from 9 p.m. to mid-
night, with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nu-
gent and Mr. and Mrs. Herman G.
Roth as patrons.
At Betsy Barbour House tonight
Mrs. Hazel D. Overton, house mother,
and Mrs. Paul Kircher of Kappa Al-
pha Theta will be chaperons at a
formal dance to be held from 9 p.m.
to midnight.
The Congress Co-operative House
is giving a house party from 8:30 to
midnight. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hootkins
and Prof. and Mrs. W. Frankena will
be guests.
At the East Quadrangle a radio
dance will be in progress from 9 p.m.
to midnight with Mrs. Alfred Lee,
Mrs. Charles W. Lobdell and Mrs.
Joseph E. Kallenback of the East
Quadrangle as chaperons.
The Lutheran Student Association
is holding a party and dance from
8 p.m. to midnight with Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Manning and Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Barth as guests.
At Phi Gamma Delta a pledge
Sigma Alpha Iota, national musicI
sorority, announces the pledging of
Barbara Pierson, '44SM, Florence
McCracken, '43SM, Bernarda Dan-
ford, Grad., Charlotte Williams,
43SM, Frances Phillips, '45SM, Phyl-
lis Gugino, '43SM, Lois Kerstetter,
'45, Jane Sefton, '44SM, Marian
Rickert, '44SM.

formal is being held from 9 p.m. to
midnight. Dean Walter B. Rea and
Dean Clarence S. Yoakum will be
their guests.
Phi Kappa Psi is having a dance
from 8 p.m. to midnight at which Dr.
and Mrs. R. G. Adams and Dr. Wil-
liam Brace will be chaperons.
The Society of American Military
Engineers will hold a dance from
8 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. at the Saline
Valley Farms. Capt. and Mrs. L. W.
Peterson and Capt. and Mrs. J. A.
Lohla will be patrons.
Be A Goodfellow
Group Starts Chapter
Members of Phi Sigma Kappa are
going to Akron, Ohio, this week-end
to install a new chapter of their fra-
ternity at the University of Akron.
Those making the trip are Carson
Grunewald, '44, Gwyn Thayer, '45,
Dick Lapidos, '44E, Wiley Waggoner,
'43, Mervin Walsh, '45, and Robert
Smallman, '45E.

Qlee Club Plans
Holiday Music
To Go On Air
In honor of the Christmas season,
the Women's Glee Club will render
religious hymns and carols during
its third broadcast of the semester
at 9 a.m. Sunday over station WJR.
The group, under the direction of
Wilson Sawyer, will present the first
performance of a new hymn entitled
"Mary's Lullaby" from the poem by
Elizabeth Coatsworth and set to'mu-
sic by Dorothy James. The lullaby
has been dedicated to the glee club
by the composer.
The other selections will be "Ador-
amus te," a Latin hymn by Pales-
trina; "Carol of the Russian Chil-
dren" from White Russia; "Christmas
Song" by Peter Cornelius, featuring
the baritone soloist, Alfred Sukey;
"Merry Yuletide," from the opera,
"Christmas Night," by Rimsky Korsa-
koff, and "Come All Ye Faithful."

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THE ALL-AMERICAN RAGE! Our fastest selling shoes-
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Moccasin oxfords in brown, or brown and white, rubber
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Those independent women who
are interested in petitioning for a
position on the general committee
of Assembly Ball will have their
last opportunity for an interview
from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. today in
the Undergraduate Office of the
League. Appointments to chair-
manships will be announced Sun-

--- - ,



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Gorgeous lingerie, soft pastel sweat-
ers, and sparkling jewels to make
your Christmas merry.
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Christmas Eye Aiew
of Goodyear's
Furniture Gift Galleries

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HREE ROOMS filled with decorative furnishings for the home.


a haven for Christmas 1942 gift-seekers! For this year, strains of the
old American favorite "Home Svweet Home" will be heard 'twixt Merry
Christmas carols, emphasizing the increasing trend to make "home" a
welcome and cozy refuge. So, choose your gifts accordingly, profiting
in the knowledge that they will enjoy a warm and eager reception.
YOU'LL FIND GIFTS for the home easy to select in the gracious, home-
like atmosphere of the rooms that compose our Furniture Gift
Galleries. Whether it's a pair of dainty pictures at 1.25 for a
friendly remembrance, or a beautifully upholstered sofa, at 150.00,
that will be the focal point of a living room for a life-time . . .
there's a nice variety of choice, and always, the quality and dis-
tinCtion of materials and craftsmanship that make for lasting



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