d+ r AL tr 4 aitg W eather Snow Fluirries. VOL. LIII No. 58 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DEC. 11, 1942 PRICE FIVE CENTS Allied Youths to Register for Draft First Registration for New 18-Year-Olds Opens at Armory for Week of Dec. 11-17 Selective Service registration for those who have turned eighteen since June will begin today at the Armory, 223 East Ann Street. All male students in this group should register with the Ann Arbor Board which will forward all material to the Selective Service Board at the student's permanent home. The registration office at'the Arm- ory will. be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Those who were born on or after July 1, 1924, but not later than Aug. 31, 1924 should register any day during the week commencing today and end- ing Dec. 17. Those who were born on or after September 1, 1924, but not after Oct. 31, 1924, should register any day during the week of Dec. 18-24. Office at Armory Those born between Nov. 1, 1924 and Dec. 31, 1924 must register dur- ing the period of Dec. 26-31. During the continuance of the war those born on or after Jan. 1, 1925 shall register the day they become eigh- teen, provided that if such annivers- ary falls on a Sunday or legal holiday their registration shall take place on the day following. Students returning to their perma- nent homes for Christmas vacation can register with their local board at that time provided that the' above schedule did not call for an earlier registration. Recent Draft Law Begins to Function WASHINGTON, Dec. 10. - () - Youngsters who became 18 years old in July and August of this year will step up and register for the draft during the week which begins to-I morrow. The country over, they are to pre- sent themselves at the offices of their local draft boards, or if they are traveling, they may register any- where, and the papers will be for- warded to their home board. If they have more than one place of resi- dence, they may take their choice. The registration is intended to car- ry out the purpose of the recently en- acted law making 18- and 19-year- olds subject to the draft. More than a half million young men are in-, cluded in this age group, but many, of them have already enlisted. Youths who became 18 before lastI July have registered previously. Be A Goodfellow- Goodfellows1 Increase Field West Quad May Sellr Edition in Each House Potential returns on Goodfellow Daily sales were increased consider-1 ably yesterday as chances bettered that residents of the West Quad-1 rangle will be contacted by salesmen1 of their own houses during Good-7 fellow Day, Monday, Dec. 14.t Robert Barnes, '45E, newly elected president of the West Quadrangle Executive Council and president of Adams House said last night that "I think we can organize a sales cam-# paign in the dorms, either on a floorf by floor basis or by selling papers at the entrance to the dining rooms at1 mealtimes."z Tura to Page 7, Col. 7 [Forces cy Entire Gona METAL DUST TWINS: Two University Coeds Share School Work with Factory Job American Soldiers Pay Visit to Battered Moroccan Fort Area Japs Fight to Escape Buna Trap Desperate Japanese Night Counterattack at Buna Collapses as Allies Press Attack By CHARLOTTE CONOVER If Hitler and Hirohito think all American women are shirking their part in the war effort, they better think twice and look around, In the direction of 815 E. Ann Street they'll find two girls whose work should be giving all totalitarians one sweet headache. Proudly showing-off a pair of blue jeans, stiff with grease and metal dust, Barbara Jenswold, '43, and Gloria Nishon, '43, claim that to work 54 hours a week at a tool-grinding machine and carry 16 hours of classes at the same time, is "one heck of a lot of fun." War Work Ambitions Early this summer when the girls decided they weren't doing enough war work and asked the Ann Arbor Employment Bureau about it, they be- came the only two women ever to work in the shop of a local grinder com- pany, as well as the only coeds on cam- pus to tackle such a schedule. "The dividends are high," says Gloria, "for we feel that we're helping the men in the service whose places we are tak- ing. It's a grand experience and good for college kids." When Gloria and Barbara applied for jobs, they planned to do clerical work, for 40 hours a .week, but soon found themselves acting as "jack of all trades" for factory men who were called into the services. Full Apprenticeship Starting out as blueprinters and record-keepers, they have beoome in turn grease-monkeys, floor-sweepers, fixture-cleaners and machine-wipers, besides learning to read micrometers and ruining fingernails on every ma- chine in the shop. They even became house-painters, painting an entire new addition to the building by them- selves. Lying on their backs to var- nish shelves, mounting step-ladders to fix window-frames, the girls claim to have had more variety of exercise than any PEM aspirant. Bruises and banged-up toes still give twinges of reminiscence for the days they lugged 50-pound steel fixtures, and a cut in the hand here and there records a slip of the surface-grinder machine which they have been running this fall. "Our handsare a mess," mourns Barb. "If anyone knows how to get rid of this grease and dirt, let us know. As for our clothes, they're so full of metal-dust we're thinking of sending them to the scrap drive." Cooperative Living Between shifts at the factory Barb and Gloria manage their two-room- plus-kitchenette apartment, Gloria ,ooking the meals on $6 a week and Barb washing dishes. They do all their own cleaning and shopping, and share the telephone with their neigh- bors. They get to classes as often as possible and send apologies to teach- ers who have been slighted. "Our profs have really been swell," claim the girls. "We study when we can and carry our books to work for lunch-hour cramming." "As for our social life," says Barb, "it's nil. We've figured out there are two hours of leisure time left each week," With their workshifts and classes (Gloria has five 8 o'clocks) seven hours a day are left for sleep. The two hours of leisure each week are spent trying to get hands clean and taking in a movie once every two weeks." Factory Life Interesting But the girls find factory life far from boring and have made real friends among the workers. Practical jokes liven up long hours at the ma- chine and the bulletin board, crowded with letters from drafted workers, keeps them in touch with friends they made this summer. "We get a real satisfaction out of helping these workers and our own men in the serv- ice." Gloria's rare letter-writing hours are spent sending letters to the Army Air Corps, while Barb's con- nection are with a parachutist in the Marines. The girls sum all their war work up as a "tough schedule but we love' it-and some day we'll figure out when the studying is going to get done." As "Old Glory" waves in the background two A merican sentries march near a battered fort at Port Lyautey, near Rabat, French Morocco, after Allied troops occupied that sector of the African theatre. The irregular structure of the fort walls somewhat s uggests that a little resistance was offered by Axis soldiers before the fort was taken., I Co-Chairmen of Victory Ball Are Announced MacRitchie, Templin to Meet for Planning Combination Dance All eligibility discrepancies were cleared up yesterday, and the Men's Judiciary Council announced last night that Bob Templin, '43, and Bill MacRitchie, '44, will co-chairman Victory Ball as a result of Wednes- day's voting. According to present plans, Victory Ball, the combined dance designed to take the place of J-Hop and Senior Ball, will be held between semesters. As yet these plans are tentative, and the co-chairmen will meet in the near future to formulate definite ar- rangements. Seniors in the literary college who were elected are: Bob Templin, Jeff Solomon, Bill Loughborough, Shirley Altfield, and Hilda Johnson. The junior class of the literary col- lege placed Bill MacRitchie, Merv Pregulman, Jean Whittemore, Jane Prichard, and Mildred Otto on the committee. Chuck Dotterrer, '44, and Bill De- Courcy, '43, were the junior and sen- ior elected in the engineering college. The combined colleges of Archi- tecture, Pharmacy, and Forestry elected one junior, Arnold Agree. The senior representative from these col- leges, Jane Ranahan, '43E, was auto- matically declared elected Tuesday when her candidacy wasn't contested. Manpower Conference Opens Today Michigan State and 4 Big Ten Schools Will Send Representatives Four Big Ten schools and Michigan State will definitely have representa-! tives at the Manpower conference to- day, two will probably send delegates, and the other three probably will send no delegates to the meeting, accord- ing to reports late last night. The four schools that will definite- ly be represented are Northwestern! University, Ohio State University, Purdue and Illinois. Minnesota and Wisconsin may participate, while Chicago, Indiana and Iowa have not announced that any delegates would be sent. After a meeting with Clark Tib- bitts, director of the University War Board and Manpower Director Mary Borman at which the 'purposes of the conference and the functions of the Manpower organizations will be: discussed, the delegates will meet with Manpower Corps executives to discuss problems in organizing cam- puses for war work. Toilers Strip Boilers of Bricks-No Kicks Bricks, bricks, bricks-these were all Manpower Corps salvage workers have seen for the past two days as they were removing the brick lining from two six-ton steam boilers in the West Engineering Building. Each boiler stands two and 'one half stories high, and each has been completely stripped of bricks in the' process of making them ready for War Production Board inspection this' morning. Germans Lose Men, Tanks in Russian Battle' Nazi Counterattack Is Checked by Red Army MOSCOW, Dec. 11. (Friday)--(P)-- Thousands of German troops sup- ported by scores of tanks charged from their ice-covered fortifications yesterday in sustained counterattacks on the central and Stalingrad fronts, but the Russians said they destroyed at least 3,500 Nazis and 50 tanks, and held firmly to the wedges they have driven into German positions. "At the cost of heavy losses the enemy succeeded in advancing slight- ly" in an undisclosed sector on the central front, the midnight Russian communique conceded. But it added: "All attempts by the Germans to de- velop their success were frustrated by our units. "In these engagements the Ger- mans suffered great losses in men and material. Forty crippled or burned out tanks were left by them on the battlefield. Nine German air- craft were shot down in air combats and two were destroyed by anti-air- craft fire." The Germans used 60 tanks in this counterattack and lost two-thirds of them. Presumably this strong Nazi effort occurred somewhere between Rzhev and Velikie Luki, the two points northwest of Moscow where the heaviest fighting has been going on. WMC Freezes Jobs in.Detroit1 660,000 Must Have Clearance to Change DETROIT, Dec. 10.- (/P)- With the acquiescence of labor and man- agement the War Manpower Commis- sion today announced an employment stabilization plan that in effect freez- es some 660,000 war-essential workers in the Detroit area in their jobs. Asserting that "unnecessary labor turnover hinders war production," the plan, effective immediately, stip- ulates that workers, even some en- gaged in such occupations as agricul- ture, food processing and communi- cations services, must obtain clear- ances from former employers before leaving one job for another. The program will be implemented by agreement on the part of employ- ers not to hire or solicit workers from other essential industries within the area unless the applicant presents a certificate of release from his most recent employer or from the review unit of the United States Employment Service. Certain conditions are outlined un- der which employes may move from one job to another. These include in- stances where a worker is competent to perform higher skilled work than his current employer is able or willing to provide and where the worker is employed at wages or conditions sub- stantially less fagorable than those prevailing in the community for the kind of work performed. .Allies Prepare for Lunge at Axis in 'Tunisia Final Stroke Mapped as Rains Cause Lull - BULLETIN - ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH AFRICA, Dec. 11. (Friday) (P)- Big German Junkers troop carriers towing gliders with addi- tional Axis soldiers were reported yesterday: flying into Central Tuni- sia in an effort to halt the advance of U.S. parachute troops threaten- ing to sever Axis communications between Tunisia and Libya. LONDON, Dec. 10.- (M)- Fighter planes urgently needed by the Allies to clear the skies for their final full- scale lunge against the Axis in Tu- nisia were reported pouring into ad- vance bases in "assembly line style" today, but heavy rains created a tem- porary lull in ground fighting in that sector, broken only by patrol action. The Morocco radio reported that Allied forces had resumed the of- fensive in the Tebourba-Mateur sec- tor, but there was no confirmation from Allied headquarters. Fighting patrols and parachute troops were reported to be busy around the clock, though, and one detachment of Allied parachutists was said to have cut Axis. supply routes south of Tunis and to have carried out crippling de- molitions within 10 miles of the cap- ital city. By The Associated Press ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN AUSTRALIA, Dec. 11. (Friday)-The collapse of a counterattack by Japa- nese ground troops trapped at Buna and confirmation of reports that the Allies' have occupied all of Gona on northeast New Guinea's shore were announced today in General Douglas MacArthur's noon communique. Of Buna, where the Allies now are in position to throw strength hithert divided between that point and Gona some 12 miles up the coast, the com munique stated: Bitter Fighting "A night counterattack by the en- emy in the Buna area collapsed under our fire. Bitter hand to hand fighting ensued throughout the position in a struggle for pillbox-type enemy ma- chine-gun emplacements. Our Air Force continued in direct support of the action." Of Gona, it said: "The Gona area has been completely occupied by our forces-." With the fall of Gona, announced by Prime Minister John Curtin of Australia, the surviving Japanese gar- rison of the ambitious force that in mid-summer threatened the main Allied base of Port Moresby, on the south coast of New Guinea, was left holding only a few miles of bomb-torn ground at Buna. Bombers Attack That Buna could hold out much longer against American forces al- ready at its outskirts and fighting bitterly for possession of its airfield was doubtful. Dispatches from that sector said American troops were en- trenched at two places at one end of the Buna landing field, with Japanese blazing away from the other end. Al- lied bombers were reported raking the narrow Japanese-held zone be- tween the air field and the sea. Be A Goodfelow RIAF Bombers Shatter Turin Second Knockdown Blow Reigns Terror LONDON, Dec. 10.- ()- A strong force of 200 to 300 big RAF bombers cascaded explosives ranging up to 4- ton super block-busters on still-smok- ing Turin last night for the second successive terror-striking knockdown blow and the sixth within a month on the northern Italian royal arsenal city. The Italians again admitted that many buildings were damaged and fires were extensive. They said qas- ualties for last night were still 'un- counted but that for the previous night's attack on Turin they were now shown to be 75 killed, 112 wound- ed. In the latest one-two punch aimed at knocking out a great area of in- dustrial northern Italy, the RAF sent over a "force" on Tuesday night fol- lowed by last night's "strong force." The losses in British planes for the two nights were, respectively, one and three bombers, and last night a Lan- caster's gunner bagged one Italian fighter. -IBe A Goodfelow Army Officer Is Held for Sedition SEATTLE, Dec. 10.- ()- Arrest of an unidentified Army officer at Fort Lewis was reported tonight by the post-intelligencer in an investiga- tion at the fort "into what is reported to have been an organized attempt to vilify President Roosevelt." "T" 'hrr#f' er1,'l ' T +an -r .,tl A4 FRATERNITIES SAY 'THUMBS DOWN': Houses Reject. Ban On Hell Week By BUD BRIMMER Campus fraternity presidents, meeting at their regular monthly ses- sion, last night turned "thumbs down" on the proposal to abolish in- formal fraternity initiations-the so- called hell week-for the duration. However, although sentiment among the house presidents was near- ly 100 per cent in favor of continuing to hold these initiations, no formal vote was taken for the records be- cause "hell week" was officially banned several years ago by the exec- utive committee of the Interfratern- ity Council and by the Student Af- fairs Committee. The meeting did agree. however, The fraternity pledges themselves concurred with the house presidents' decision, because in a survey made yesterday of campus pledges, eight out of 10 declared themselves opposed to abolition of hell week. But, more important, every pledge interviewed emphasized that the in- formal initiations could be put to bet- ter purposes, such as that of helping the Manpower, Mobilization Corps. The pledges were asked, "Do you favor elimination of hell week, and if not, do you think that the haz- ing itself should be disregarded in favor of something more profitable antl constructive?" certainly be put to more profitable use." Robert Wallace, pledge of Phi Delta Theta, said: "The informal initiations help us to know the actives better, but I wouldn'tobe particularlyesorry if they did ban them. Instead, it would be a good idea to let the pledges spend their hell weeks in helping the Manpower Corps." Yet, Ed Cole, Delt pledge, was a dissenter, for he agreed that the ini- tiations should be shelved. He said, "They're a lot of fun but should be done away with for the duration. The pledges should do something con- structive instead like aiding Man- power Corns." Soviet Supplies Will Be Bought with Russian Bazaar Proceeds Ukrainian songs, accompanied by Medical supplies, clothing and.I