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December 08, 1942 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-12-08

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Army -Navy





May Start
of Labor
McNutt Says WMC
Is Prepared to Start
Where Demand for
Manpower Is Largest
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7. - (P) -
Chairman Paul V. McNutt said today
that his newly-strengthened War
Manpower Commission is prepared to
"ration scarce labor where available
manpower is insufficient to meet all
competing demands."
Acting with the advice of other
government agencies, he said, the
WMC "has established priorities for
the use of labor, based on the urgency
of various kinds of war production
and services and linked to the pro-
duction schedule and the flow of
Equal Consideration for Industry
One point he made was that needs
of essential industry and agriculture
for workers would be given equal con-
sideration with the needs of the
armed forces under the new draft
Also, he disclosed that "steps are
being taken to adjust hours of work
to a realistic standard designed to
safeguard health and to promote pro-
This adjustment, he said, will in-
clude reduction of hours in industries
where they have been so "excessive"
as to reduce efficiency and increase
absences from work.
Increasing Hours
It also will include increasing hours
in industries were "labor demands are
inflated and production limited by
an unnecessarilyrestricted working
schedule," he said.
McNutt said he was taking steps
"to effect the transfer of the hun-
dreds of thousands of workers needed
to meet the manpower demands of
essential industries and services" and
that machinery was being established
to assure those transferred "suitable
standards of wages and working con-
Enforcement of
NLRB Decision
UAW-CIO officials have officially
asked the WLB to order the enforce-
ment of an NLRB decision which di-
rected the disestablishment of the
American Broach Protective Associa-
tion, independent union at the Broach
Plant, according to Walter Magnor,
regional' director for the CIO.
A temporary injunction delaying
the disestablishment of the Associa-
tion was Vacated Saturday by Judge
George W. Sample because the NLRB
had already provided adequate griev-
ance machinery for the protesting
of its decisions.
As soon as the injunction was va-
cated, the Broach Association entered
a bill of complaint with the U.S. Cir-
cuit Court of Appeals.
The CIO request asks for immed-
iate action, according to Magnor.
"We expect a decision this week," he
said yesterday, "and we have asked
that the directive order be granted

immediately, without the establish-
ment of a board of inquiry.
"We hope that the WLB will either
disestablish the union, or order an
election immediately without bother-
ing to destroy the Association. If the
company were to refuse to comply
with such an order, the WLB could
take over the plant."
There will be a very hnportant
Gargoyle meeting at 4:45 p.m. to-
day. All staff members should be
Alpha Phi Omega, national serv-
ice fraternity, will have an open
meeting at 8 p.m. today in the

Intensive Tank Battle
Raging about Tebourba
British andDAmerican Forces Cling Stubbornly
to Heights Dominating Tunis-Bizerte Defenses

The Rocky Road to Casablanca

Olds May
Joi V-i

By The Associated Press
LONDON, Dec. 7.- An intense
tank battle wasbeing fought today
in the rugged hills around Tebourba
where British . and American forces
clung stubbornly to heights dominat-
ing the Bizerte-Tunis defense arc in
Northern Tunisia.
Tebourba, 35 miles below Bizerte
and 20 miles west of Tunis, is a rail
junction from which the Allies had
been ejected largely by superior Ger-
man air power, after four days of
bitter counter-attacks last week in
which both sides .lost heavily in men
and material.
Renewed Sunday
The battle was renewed Sunday af-
ter a lull inuced by mutual exhaus-
tion, and "is continuing," an Allied
communique said.
Supporting aircraft of both sides
intensified the battle aloft. In sev-
eral sweeps and patrols Sunday, three
enemy planes were destroyed and five
bombers which attacked a forward
Allied base were shot down.
Revising figures on air losses over
the week-end, Allied headquarters
Conference to
Tell Women
about War Jobs
Experts Will Describe
Occupation Chances
in January Meeting
Considering "The Role of Women
in the-War Effort" the University
Bureau of Appointments and Occu-
pational Information, with the co-
operation of the recently formed
Committee on the Women's War Pro-
gram, will sponsor an occupational
conference to be held on Jan. 6, 7,
and 8 in the Lecture Hall of the
Rackham Building.
The position of women in defense
industries, including the phases of
production and specialization, oppor-
tunities for work in business, and
social and health service work will be
the three main categories of discus-
sion by experts in the various fields.
Ruthven to Preside
Pres. Alexander G. Ruthven will
provide the first day of the vocational
conference. At that time Miss Mar-
garet Hickey, chairman of the Wo-
men's Advisory Committee of the
War Manpower Commission in Wash-
ington, D.C., and Dr. Millicent Pond,
an employment supervigor from
Conn., will speak.
Presiding the afternoon of Jan. 7
is Miss Mildred Weber, General
Placement, University Bureau of Ap-
pointments and Occupational Infor-
mation. Dr. T. Luther Purdom, direc-
tor of the Bureau, will be in charge
of the evening meetings.
On this second day of the con-
ference, experts in defense industries
and business will discuss jobs directly
concerned with production and per-
sonnel, jobs requiring specialization
Turn to Page 5, Col. 1

said four additional enemy planes
and eight additional Allied craft were
destroyed in battles of the sky Friday
and Saturday.
The ground fighting amid the
gnarled olive groves and rugged north
Tunisian hills was for mastery .of a
triangle bounded by Tebourba, Djei.
deda and Mateur which is the key to
the defense of the naval base of Bi-
zerte and the capital of Tunis. Gen.
Walther Nehring's Germans and
Italians recaptured Djeideda as well
as Tebourba last week and held tight-
ly to Mateur. Djeideda is 12 miles
from Tunis and Mateur 25 miles to
the west of Bizerte.
Both sides were drawing up rein-
forcements through gauntlets of air
attacks and the enemy was throwing
his best planes into the battle. The
Allied air position is aggravated by
the lack of forward air fields in the
tortuous mountanous terrain. Long
range P-38 Lightnings of the U.S.
and twin-engined fighters from Malta
have borne the brunt of fending off
dive bomber attacks.
Night Conference
Lieut. Gen. K. A. N. Anderson, com-
mander of the First Army composed
of veterans of Dunkerque, was re-
ported to have held a long night con-
ference in candlelight with British
and U.S. staff officers mapping an
all-out assault. Allied commanders
were reported optimistic and enthusi-
The Morocco radio said fighting
was in progress at Mateur as well as
Tebourba. Reuters said that com-
mandos of the First Army had landed
behind German lines and cut a coast-
al road after a seven mile advance
inland. The road was not specified,
but the route between Bizerte and
Tunis fits the description.
Be A Goodfellow
Total U.S. War
Casualties Are
Set at 58,307
Army Suffers Largest
Number of Losses
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7.-(IP)-The
first year of war cost the United
States armed forces 58,307 casualties,
the Office of War Information report-
ed today.
This total, complete to today, in-
cludes dead, wounded, missing, in-
terned in neutral countries, and pris-
The casualties number those of the
Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast
Guard, Merchant Marine and the
Philippine Scouts, it was stated.
The Army's casualties totaled 35,-
678, most of them classified as miss-
ing and presumed to have been made
prisoners of war after the campaigns
in the Philippines and Dutch East
Indies. Definite information is lack-
ing because of the absence of accur-
ate prisoner lists from Japan.
The Navy Department reported, or
now is in the process of reporting,
22,629 casualties.

These uneven plains of Morocco were the "road s" used by U.S. armored units to reach Casablanca,
French Morocco. An American armored unit is shown pausing during an advance. Armored forces such as
these were contending for control of Tunisia, but were hampered by .supply problems and lack of sufficient
air support.


Preparations Go
into Final Week
Committee Reports
Contributions from
Campus Societies
Going intorthe final week of prep-
arations before the Goofellow Drive,
the Goodfellow Committee reported'
yesterday that contributions from
fraternities, sororities and coopera-
tives 'were being received at an in-
creasing rate and that assignment
of volunteers to posts for Goodfellow
Daily sales had begun.
"The response to requests for con-
tributions from campus organizations
has been gratifying," George Salade,
'43, chairman of the drive said yester-
day, in reporting progress of the cam-
paign, "and assignment of volunteers
has begun."
Miss Mary Hester, executive secre-
tary of the Family and Child Service
Bureau, to which the large share of
Goodfellow Drive funds are allocated,
said yesterday, "Although we do use
some of the money we get for im-
mediate aid to families during the
Christmas season, the large portion
is put in our fund for use throughout
the'year. There are other organiza-
tions which take care of Christmas
aid, but our Bureau attempts to pro-
vide aid throughout the year as well,
when there is often greater need than
just at Christmas."
-Be A Goodfellow -
'Ensian Pictures
Due by Jan. 1
Deadline Extended
for Juniors, Seniors
Worried seniors and second semes-
ter juniors, still pestering local pho-
tographers and keeping 'Ensian
phone lines busy, can sigh in relief
now-the 'Ensian staff has found a
solution for their difficulties, by en-
abling them to have pictures taken
during Christmas vacation by home
The extended deadline for senior
pictures, announced in Sunday's Dai-
ly, is accompanied by another special
offer which will make it possible for
students to have their portraits taken
by home photographers, saving the
strain on local studios and 'Ensian
lines. If directions are followed and
the January 1 deadline is met, all
seniors and September '43 .graduates
can be assured of having a portrait
in this year's 'Ensian.
All picture applicants who want to
take advantage of this latest offer
are requested to make one short per-
sonal call to the 'Ensian business of-
fice tomorrow. There they can pur-
chase a special coupon to cover en-
graving and printing costs of the
This coupon will contain specifica-
tions which must be followed by the
home photographer if the picture is

Japs atRelocation Camp
Riot Over Pearl Harbor

MANZANAR, Calif., Dec. 7.-()-
The Japanese relocation center here
was under martial law today after a
pro-Axis anniversary celebration of
the Pearl Harbor attack precipated a
riot in which one Japanese was killed
and nine wounded.
Director Ralph P. Merritt said
military police fired into a milling
crowd of 4,000 in which Japanese-
born or Japanese-educated shouted
"Pearl Harbor, Banzai Banzai !" and
jeered other Japanese or pro-Ameri-
can sympathies who were endeavor-
ing to assist camp authoritiesain re-
storing order. He gave this account
of the violence:
Part of the crowd surged toward
Soviet Troops
Are Advancing
German Resistance
Growing in Russia
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW, Dec. 8.. (Tuesday) -
Russian troops attacking German
"hedgehog" positions west of Rzhev
on the central front drove the Nazis
from two fortified positions yester-
day, but the Soviets made it clear to-
day that enemy resistance was grow-
ing both in that area and in the Stal-
ingrad sector.
At Rzhev the Germans also were
hitting. hard in an effort to retrieve
lost ground, but the Russians said
they knocked out seven of 20 enemy
tanks and killed 200 more Nazis in
all-day fighting there.
The Germans also were counter-
attacking northwest and southwest of
Stalingrad where an 18-day-old So-
viet offensive has endangered their
big army anchored between the Volga
and Don rivers, but the communique
said all of these attempts were re-
pulsed and that the Russians contin-
uedto consolidate positions.

the soldiers and were met with tear
gas bombs. After the fumes were1
blown away, the Japs hurled stones.
The soldiers then opened fire. ThisE
halted the shouting, gesticulating
mob, and sullenly they returned to1
their bungalows.
Trouble between Axis and Ameri-
can factions among the center's 10,-
000 residents flared Saturday night.a
Small groups milled through the
streets, but the center's Japanese and
Caucasian police quieted them. Yes-
terday, approximately 1,000 Kibei-
anti - American Nipponese - assem-i
Pro-Axis leaders harangued them
and loyal Japanese were jeered and
insulted. The meeting broke up in
a free-for-all in which Fred Ma-
yama, president of the Japanese-
American Citizens' League, was so
severely beaten he was taken to the
camp hospital. Another pro-Ameri-
can Japanese, Tay Uyeno, and his
family, were taken for safety to the
Inyo County jail' at Independence.
The crowd then surrounded the
hospital and demanded that Tayama.
be turned over to them. A doctor
spirited Tayama to safety. The crowd
proceeded to the administrative of-
fices, shouting for Uyeno.
Be A Goodfellow-
Republicans Choose
Harrison Spangler
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 7.-(t')-Harrison
E. Spangler, veteran Iowa Republican
leader, was unanimously elected
chairman of the Republican National
Committee today. He was the com-
promise choice after two ballots had
failed to produce a majority for Wer-
ner W. Schroeder of Chicago, opposed
by supporters of Wendell Willkie.
Schroeder withdrew as did Fred-
erick E. Baker, 35-year-old Seattle,
Wash., business man, who 'tied
Schroeder, 40 to 40, on the first ballot
and went ahead of him by 5 votes on
the second.

Applicants of Dec. 5
Will Be Allowed to
Continue Registration
If Finished in 10 Days
Enlistments in Army and Navy Re-
serve programs were formally dis-
continued yesterday by the Univer-
sity War Board as Army and Navy
officials acted to carry out the Presi-
dent's executive order.
Only one exception was made: stu-
dents 17 years of age may still enlist
in Navy V-1.
Army and Navy volunteers who en-
tered applications on or before Dec. 5
will still be "processed" by the War
Board and their enlistments will be
accepted if the complete requirements
are filled by Dec. 15.
Work Overtime
Health service and ROTC officials
will work overtime to hurry enlist-
ments through by the deadline.
The Sixth Service Command noti-
fied ROTC headquarters yesterday
that all its reserve programs includ-
ing the Army Enlisted Reserve, the
Army Air Corps Enlisted Reserve pro-
gram and the Army Air Corps Cadet
programs were closed to enlistments.
Navy officials in the Detroit Offi-
cer Procurement yesterday tele-
phoned Prof. Burton D. Thuma, Joint
Procurement Committee representa-
tive on the War Board, that its pro-
grams, V-1, V-5, V-6 and V-7 were
Men over 38 Can Enlist
Men over 38 will be accepted for
Army specialist enlistments until Dec.
15 while enlistments in the WAACs
will not be affected. Officials expect-
ed that few college students would be
affected by this ruling.
War Board Director Clark Tibbitts,
speaking of the executive order, said
"This long awaited action regard-
ing selective service and reserve en-
listments should clarify the situation
Turn to Page 2, Col. 1
Koussev itz
Will Conduct
Concert Here

Steuben Guards Praise Army
Routine of Makeshift Barracks'

Ilka Chase Gives Out with 90'
Minutes of Female Philosophy

Presenting the first Ann Arbor per-
formance of' Dimitri Shostakovich's
great Seventh Symphony, the Boston
Orchestra, under the direction of
Serge Koussevitzky, will give the
ixth Choral Union Concert at 8:15
p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium.
Conceiving the Seventh Symphony
as "a musical embodiment of the su-
preme ideal of patriotic war," Shos-
takovich began, his work a few days
after the Nazi invasion of Russia.
The first movement was completed
on Sept. 3, 1941 and flown from en-
,ircled Leningrad with Shostakovich
to Moscow's comparative safety be-
cause of the government's high re-
gard for the work.
Working intensely, Shostakovich
completed the Symphony in Decem-
ber, less than six months after start-
ing it. In March, 1942, the symphony
was performed for the first time.
After being shipped in microfilm
form by plane and automobile to this
country, it was given its first Ameri-
can performance by the NBC Sym-
phony under Arturo Toscanini, being
broadcast over an international hook-
Be A Goodfellow
No Action Taken on
City Fire Ordinance
The fate of the old Majestic Thea-
tre and other buildings which do not
conform to the fire protection pro-
visions of the city building code was
left hanging in the balance yesterday
when the Common Council took no
action on a proposed revision of the


Sixty-five days have passed since
40 ROTC cadets voluntarily banded
themselves together under strict mar-
tial discipline forming the Steuben
Guards and took up quarters in a
'miniature West Point' in the base-
ment of the East Quad.
For those two months the cadets
of the'Steuben Guards have been
living a simulated army life, rising at
7 a.m. sharp to the notes of reveille
in the makeshift barracks. They have
been making their own beds, scrub-
bing floors, living in uniform, salut-
ing officers and going to class to mar-
tial cadence. Now cadets and officers
alike agree that the trial period is

ever known; known them at their
best and at their worst," said Top
Sergeant John Vaughn, second se-
mester sophomore. This is strictly
true because the cadets are constant-
ly together. They sleep in two large
20-man dorms. All study in one room.
But tothe oft-heard criticism from
outsiders about "no privacy," the
standard reply is "So What?"
All agree that it is a matter of
share and share alike-including all
packages of food from home. The
sophomores help the freshmen with
their studies, all help one another in
every way possible. "No blood is shed
even between the lit students and the
engineers," remarked cadet Andy
Chapman. freshman.

Billed as "witty, sophisticated and
charming," Ilka Chase was just that
to 3,000 lecture-goers last night in 90
minutes of rambling female "philoso-
Although her announced topic was!
"The Philosophy of Being a Woman,"
the "address" was primarily an un-
connected stream of quip and witti-
If she had a philosophy, here are
the samples:
"What this country needs is more
love-who doesn't?" Counseling the
audience, especially the younger ele-
ment, that the passionate, soul-con-
suming first love doesn't last but us-

easy on the eyes, she agreed that it is
nice to cultivate the mind an "eensy-
beesy bit" too. It is surprising to find
how much fun learning is, she said,
and "who knows, you might meet a
man who also likes intelligence.
More on the sober side, Miss Chase
urged modern women to mobilize
their talents and get out and do
things. "Don't just read a book; write
one yourselves" was the advice of the
author of the best-seller "Past Im-
perfect," as she confided that "an
author doesn't need inspiration as
much as he needs money, a deadline
and a Simon Legree publisher."
In answer to the debatable Should

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