PAGE TEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DEC. 6, 1942- University Undergoes Changes During First Year Of War O - Ruthven's First Move on Dec. 8 Was Mobilization of All Campus By LEE GORDENKER Excited students told each other that their nation was at war a day short of a year ago and began their first wartime year in the University- a year filled with drastic changes, speed-ups and anxieties. Until that Sunday 364 days ago the campus felt the impending war lit- tle. A few students had been drafted, but deferments were easily obtained. There was no pinch in food, coffee or higher prices. Life was the usual work and study and play. University Mobilizationh But on Dec. 8, 1941, President Alexander G. Ruthven mobilized the University to "total war": "The University of Michigan takes her battle station as she has in every war." Every person .on campus was invited to hear Gov. Murray D. Van Wagoner, President Ruthven and representatives of the armed forces as .. <., Rn A 14 Maryland Slightly Damaged school was excused on Dec. 17, 1941. Hill Auditorium was packed tight by worried men and women who heard Gov. Van Wagoner tell them that they must make up their own minds, but that it was just as patriotic to stay in school as to rush to the re- cruiting station. Campus Wonders But the campus still' wonders what it was to do. Decisions to switch to engineering school were heard from lit students while others decided to sit tight where they were. A foreshadowing of what was to come was announced immediately af- ter Christmas vacation - then still at its regularly determined date - as the law school and the business ad- ministration school announced dras- tically altered programs to graduate men more quickly. Campus leaders organized the short lived Committee of 1942 to bring the campus into the war effort. They im- mediately began the job of distribut- ing war questionnaires for the Uni- versity. OPT Men Go The Army and Navy issued appeals on Jan. 9 to all CPT trainees to en- list in the short-handed air corps and students already began to feel the seriousness of America's posi- tion as their friends enlisted and were immediately sent into training. The first University alumnus to be killed in the war was revealed as Marine Lieut. George Ham Cannon, killed on Midway Island, Dec. 7. He was awarded posthumously the Con- grgssional Medal of Honor. Then came the first real cut of the war: on Jan. 13 the Board of Regents met, scanned the question- naires, considered the University at war and shortened the school year. The traditional spring vacation was to be a thing of memory only and now seniors would don their caps and gowns on Memorial Day. Students Join Reserves Once more students began to re- alize what they were up against. They flocked to join the reserve pro- grams announced one after another by the armed forces. Mathematics and physics courses began to over- flow their usual quotas as new sec- tions were constantly added.' ular sessions. after the winter final When the University resumed reg- examninations, students found an- other sensational- announcement awaiting them: a full third semester had been added to the academic year. War had lopped 16 months off the regular program so that now one could graduate in 32 months. A draft registration on Feb. 16 put more men under Selective Serv- ice and already the University's en- rollment dropped 9.7 per cent. War Catalog' Packed But the remaining students and incoming freshmen poured over a catalog packed with courses designed to be of use to the war effort. Diffi- cult Japanese language courses were rare languages were again being put on an intensive basis while many taught. .e Fraternities were warned on Feb. 10 that they "must pull in their " horns," cut out the frills and fancy dances, put themselves on a war- time basis. The University's report on fraternities showed that they had suffered during the previous semes- ter and were told that they must con- serve their resources if they expec- ted to continue existence. Another University poll was an- nounced to determine the Summer. Term's enrollment, to plan course and to advise the Deans. It was cir- The 31,500-ton USS Maryland, culated in every school and college. USS Oklahoma, which capsized (ri Friday Permission attack on Pearl Harbor, and was one Loud squawks of ever-loving an- quish arose from campus ladies' men jumped to Charles Barnet's rhythm as the League Council hacked one when the concert was held on April hour off late Friday permission. 15. Henceforth, .the Council decided the J-Hop Gives Money last goodbyes must be said by 12:30 The J-Hop Committee gave the a.m. Saturday. fund another boost on March 14 Reactions were hardly favorable- when it presented a check for $1,950 and then the blame for the resolu- to Art Rude. These were the profits tion could not be placed as the re- of the great dance - the last of its sponsibility was disclaimed by every- kind for the war. one from the League Council to thek Dean of Women. But the new hours Soft-muscled men jumped from stuck, their seats on March 19 when they Final announcement of the Sum- read Col. William A. Ganoe's charge mer Term came Feb. 27. The start of that they were "lounge-lizards." The the semester was set at June 15 and commandant flung charges at them, its close at Sept. 26. Running con- accusing them of being cream-puffs, currently would be a regular eight- fit only for sendentary activities. week Summer Session. He followed up his blast with a Blackout Plans Made comprehensive program of physical Air raid precautions were begun exercise to take the slack out of the soon after the war started and by students' mucsles. We know it now March 1, a plan for the entire as PEM. University system was announced. The University considered the pro- Blackouts were no peril to the school gram, noted its essential nature and facilities as dormitories and buildings the.Board of Regents passed a resolu- got their instructions. tion making PEM compulsory for all A small Abe Lincoln Cooperative men. Four-and-one-half hours per Aouse partyAbecameaCbig tias week of hard labor was the wartime House party became a big thg asentence the Bomber-Scholarship Fund tooks . hold. The drive to put aside the War Board Created bonds as. scholarships for the time Badly failing its duties, the Com- when Johnny comes marching home mittee of 1942 was abolished on was directed by hard-working Art March 25. Replacing it was the new Rude, a house member. Soon almost Student War Board, created and every campus organization was con- granted extensive powers by the Uni- tributing. versity. Engineering school facilities were Already existing Naval Reserve working day and night to train a programs were greatly expanded as group of civilian ordnance inspectors the .sea-goers established a V-1 plan for' the nation's booming defense on the Michigan campus. Freshmen ,plants. And as soon as one group and sophomores were to /be put into was trained another group followed storage - learned variety - when it in. they enrolled in the program requir- Housing Plan Made ing math and physics courses. Im- mediately war-anxious undergradu- Boom-town Ypsilanti, filling up ates 'hurried to enlist. with Willow Run workers, got an War itself was not the only worry answer to its housing shortage when in the first year of the war: the first Prof. Jean Hebard of the architec- Post-War Council gneec ture school presented the National discussion of the conference of the ResourcsiPlannsg Boarfwitheaproblems o h hReources Planning Board with a peace to come - began on April 17 A storm of protest arose from con- as Dr. Fracis McMahon of Notre Dame and Prof. J. Donald Kingsley servative Ann Arbor and Washtenaw of Antioch College spoke to a large County burghers and the plan was audience. The Council's first large delayed for month after month, meeting, a success, it voted itself into Meanwhile, the houseless defense permanent existence and carried on workers began taking rooms formerly activities through the war's first sumn- used by students'in Ann Arbor. Rents mer. rose sharply here while students fore- saw a shortage which was to hit this Air Force Recruits fall. The Army Air Force invaded the The recently f'ormed Bomber-Scho- campus on April 21 with a new pro- larship Fund projected plans to hold curement plan to recruit students for a "Swing Concert" in Hill Auditor- ever more important air arm. Here ium, to collect the admission price again eligible students learned the for the scholarship fund. Students details, were examined, enlisted sub- registrars felt very tired after a dayi of scribbling names.i "Whitey" Frauman, now a Naval ensign came back to school on a dif- ferent mission this time. He tackled the job of organizing the Wolverine Squadron, a group of Navy fliers, all from Michigan. The boys left for the Iowa pre-flight school soon after-, ward. Kenneth Morgan, former SRA di- rector, on May 14 was appointed di- rector of a conscientious objector camp in New Hampshire, gained wide publicity as the faculty's first CO. PEM Approved The Board of Regents approved the, PEM program for the Summer Term on May 16 and the University swung, into action to put its facilities into; generation of strong men. top-notch order to turn out a new On May 30 the first wartime class graduated to face a world struggling for freedom. President Ruthven warned them of their solemn obliga- tions to push ahead, to win a great victory, to keep civilization alive. Some 5,000 students, registered for the combined Summer Session and Summer Term, began school on June 15 for a hot, quiet summer. They sweated and broiled in the sun as tough PEM instructors put them through physical exercises that would toughen Marines. And at the end of the summer many of those who sceptically enrolled in their first PEM course felt like Charles Atlas. ERC Set Up gere A new Army Enlisted Reserve pro- gram was organized to guarantee fin- ishing school to many who were not up to other reserve's qualifications. This program enlisted more men than any of the others had up to that time. Adequate housing facilities grew harder and harder to find as the in- flux of defense workers grew larger and larger. Many rooming houses were converted into war workers' houses. The fraternities came through the summer holding their own in spite of lowered enrollment. But at the end of the summer, many a college man felt that he had had a confused time of it. He took courses that ran for eight weeks in 'the Summer Session, for eight weeks in the Summer Term. He found that it was difficult to find satisfactoryz courses. Army Moves In1 The Army moved into campus for the first time in the war, establishingr a training school for specialized med- ical practice in the Medical School and the Judge Advocate General's, School in the Law School. Only seven per cent fewer studentsa enrolled in a booming fall term at the end of September. Many of them felt for the first time the imminence of army induction, tried hard to get their education finished before the day of khaki came. A new yellow and blue phenomenon appeared on campus during Orienta- tion Week as the Wolverines - a pep organization - sold pots to freshmen who dutifully wore them until they were told that it was unnecessary; Yellow and blue dotted the campus about 90 per cent less then. Daill Challenges The Daily lashed out at what it called a sleeping campus and chal- lenged it to work into the war effort. Front-page editorials read all-over campus presented the first organized appraisal of what the campus had done. On Oct. 9 The Daily told of the University's 130 tons of collected scrap and suggested that that might be tripled. And Oct. 11 The Daily suggested the agency: the Manpower Mobilization Corps. A day later several campus leaders met to consider the Manpower Mo- bilization Corps. It was officially formed that day. The following day Mary Borman was appointed its di- rector. Pavlichenko Speaks Russian Lieut. Liudmila Pavli- chenko spoke to the campus in a huge United Nations War Rally on Oct. 16. The famous woman sniper told of the courage and heroism of her com- rades-at-arms. A new committee flashed onto the war scene as the Board of' Regents appointed its War Activities Commit- tee on Oct. 17. It was feared by some that the committee would invade the administrative sphere but influential regents called it purely advisory. Re- gent Alfred B. Connable, its chair- man, said on Oct. 22, that the Uni- versity would not be taken over by the Army. The Manpower Mobilization Corps, after a few days of already vigorous action, on Oct. 26 hauled in a huge amount of scrap. And two days later coeds began a scrap drive of their own. Majestic Is Scrap The old Majestic Theatre was pointed out as a hotbed of scrap on Nov. 5 by a Daily reporter. No action could be accomplished however. Red-hot Manpower Mobilization Corps action pushed through a plan to pick beets. And did those men pick them. More than 300 volunteer left for the beet fields on Nov. 9 to stay for four days. Another wartime measure came from the Board of Regents on Nov. 12: Christmas Vacation was changed to Dec. 18 to 30. New Year's Day is to be a day of study. Rumors Circulate This change was quickly followed by thousands of varied rumors about more and more changes to abolish Christmas Vacation completely. On Dec. 2 the J-Hop was consid- erably changed in form to combine the Senior Ball with the J-Hop. The new dance to be held between sem- esters will be called the Victory Ball. The greatest social event of the campus had bowed under the weight of war. The Post-War Council again held a large conference with speakers Norman Thomas and Bertrand Rus- sell pointirng out the trends. The two day consideration of the future world was held on Dec. 4 and 5. The End of a Year So went the events of a year at war. It was a year filled with hopes and fears, disappointments and tri- umphs. It was a year of war, war that was not yet victory. The year to come, too, will be simi- lar but more revolutionary. The peace-time University is no longer existent. It is now a machine of war and will begin another year that way tomorow. battleship moored inboard of the ight), was damaged slightly in the aof the first ships to rejoin the fleet. ject to call at the end of their edu- cation. Faculty men going off to the big fight were given protection of their jobs by theBoard of Regents on April 25. Any drafted or eilisting man could come back after the peace and take over his old teaching duties. May Day was celebrated by several hundred students listening to a rep- resentative of the Navy explain the newly initiated V-1 Reserve program. Sugar Blues Come Rationed sugar blues came the Uni- versity's way on May 4 as the stu- dents crowded into Alumni Memorial Hall to fill out the long applications required. Inky fingers of volunteer I. .I1 ac 0 Wt e rnGIfT- Wheth-er her taste runs to simple tai- lored things or to frothy, lacy styles, gift in our you will find the thrilling large assortment of fine lingerie. * THE MICHIGAN DAILY SERVICE EDITION __ Slips Gowns Panties. Bedjackets Ensembles 2.25-14.95 . . 3.00-14.95 . . 2.00-3.95 VOL. 1, No. 15 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN DECEMBER 6, 1942 3.00-4.95 MICHIGAN OPENS its 1942 basketball season Monday when the quintet plays Michigan State in Yost Field House. . . Coach Oosterbaan is reported to have hot squad developing from six returning letter- men and promising sopho- mores. CHIEF JENNINGS, pet- ty officer assigned by the Navy to the University this summer to supervise calis- thenics in PEM has been transferred to Dartmouth to take charge of their brand of PEM, and is now addressed as Lieut. (j.g.) Jennings. FIRST CONCRETE evi- dence of social life de-em- phasis at Michigan was in- dicated Thursday when Men's Judiciary Council came out with the prece- dent-smashing announce- ment that J-Hop will not be held this year . . . In- been made to elect junior and senior co-chairmen of the affair in addition to a staff of literary and engi- neering college students of both classes:... Dance date is still tentative, although it will be between semest- ers, and no band has been contracted yet. CAMPUS SOCIAL LIFE took another blow Friday when Student Affairs Com- mittee announced 'that it had placed a ban on house parties by "any campus or- ganization." ..But the committee announced at the same time that frater- nity pledges can be initia- ted after Dec. 10 this year provided} their marks are up . .. This year's number of pledges is largest in Uni- versity history. UNIVERSITY HOSPI- TAL, already suffering from shortage of workers, temporarily lost the serv- stepped in to help the Hos- pital weather its crisis, which lasted only a day. BIGGEST BLOOD donor drive of the year was suc- cessfully closed yesterday as more than 300 volun- teers assured the campus blood committee of going over its quota of 200 pints of blood for the American Red Cross ... Both men and women offered blood as it was learned the need was especially great be- cause the Boston night club fire had depleted stocks of blood plasma designed for use overseas. 'MANPOWER CORPS began this week to fill es- septial jobs in underman- ned West Quadrangle as student volunteers took jobs as waiters, dish wash- ers and other kitchen help ... And unpublicized Corps members have been getting Daily staff. . . Seltzer's ar- ticles had been held up for weeks by Army officials be- cause of possibility they would reveal secrets to Nazis and Japs ... Seltzer made two trips 'along At- lantic coast on a tanker ... Articles indicated Nazi sub- marine menace in that area had been reduced since troubled days last year. Artur Schnabel, famed concert pianist, appeared Thursday night in Hill Auditorium to play a con- cert of sonatas by Schubert and Mozart.. . One of the season's biggest audiences applauded the pianist vig- orously for what was called by many the best concertI of the year. LATE LAST night calls began swamping The Daily as students asked for par- ticulars of the President's 0 . 10.95-22.95 See our new robe section, and make your selection Z °" from our complete stock of robes and lounging pajamas. Robes... 5.95-19.95 Lounging Pajamas .. . 5.95-19.95