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Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 NSPRESENTVO FOR NATIONAL ADVERT1JING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADisON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CliUCAGO" BOSTON - LOS A4SELBS - SAN RANcIsco Editorial Staff "Well-come on!" OUR OWN 'COCOANUT GROVE'? The Mijestic rFire- Trap. fomer Swander Morton Mintz . Robert Mantho , George W. Sallad . Charles Thatcher.. Bernard Hendel Barbara deFries . Myron 'Dann . Edward J. Perlberg Fred M. Ginsberg .. Mary Lou Curran Jane Lindberg . James Daniels . . . . . . . Managing Editor . Editorial Director City Editor . .Associate Editor Associate Editor , . Sports Editor . . Women's Editor Associate Sports Editor Business Stafff . . . Business Manager Associate Business Manager . Women's Business Manager . Women's Advertising Manager . Publications Sales Analyst Telephone 23-24-1f NIGHT EDITOR LEON GORDENKER Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only.7 SINCE DEC. 7: University War Effort Has Paralleled Nation's TOMORROW marks the first anniversary of Pearl Harbor. In retrospect, it seems that the war effort made by our University since that day has largely paralleled that of the Nation as a whole. Not until this fall did the government really get down to business. Our war production to- day is enough to send a thrill through us, but the bungling of early 1942 will prolong the war' and cost heavily in human lives and resources. Here on campus, the student war effort was disorganized and inefficient until the fall term opened. Then things began to move. Take the Manpower Corps, for example. Suggested in The Daily on a Sunday morn- ing, student leaders drafted tentative plans for it that night. It was approved by the Student War Board Monday. Marv Borman was ap- pointed Corps director Tuesday. Selection of the executive staff began on Wednesday. One thousand men registered Thursday and Friday. Corps members were out picking apples the fol- lowing Wednesday. All was not quite so rosy. Pearl Harbor didn't strike home with. everybody, here or anywhere else. Many still do not realize the nature of the war. Many still resent the sacrifices it demands. Many still crack nastily at "those damn British" or at "those damn: Russians." Too many on this campus still have little interest in what we are fighting for. ALL of us have heard educators say repeatedly that the world will have to rely on the uni- versities and colleges to rebuild the post-war soci- ety. Yet, as Lin Yutang has pointed out, the typical New York cab driver displays more common sense, more human. understanding about what is needed in the post-war world than do many professors who write that we should make a treaty with Japan after the war to maintain the balance. of power against China. We at the University of Michigan have been lucky. Instead of having this kind of trash A COMPROMISE: Ban On House Parties Too Drastic A Measure YESTERDAY NEARLY NINE OUT OF TEN students questioned stated that they opposed the Student Affairs Committee's ban on house parties. Practically every fraternity and sorority included in this survey also went on record as opposing the ban. Their attitude was that while house party . expenses should be limited, the parties themselves should not be stopped be- cause their conflict with the war effort is in- consequential. On the other hand, most of the faculty members of the Student Affairs Committee, in "explaining their reasons for this ban, claimed that wartime isn't the time for an expensive social program, but is the time to simplify, to pare down the campus' social whirl, and to eliminate these parties which are usually excessively expensive to both houses and the individual members. From our viewpoint, a reasonable compromise is in order. The Student Affairs Committee was right inasmuch as unvarranted, unnecessary ex- penses and campus "frivolities" should be elim- inated. But the students are equally right by condemning the ban as too sweeping. Instead of curtailing house parties as a whole, there should have been a regulation limiting expenditures for them and a system should have been set up by which to enforce this ruling. -Bud Brimmer.- thrown at us, we have had instead an excellent Social Studies course, a first-rate post-war con- ference and a vigorous Post-War Council. BUT the enrollment in S.S.93 accounted for about five of every 1,000 students. The atten- dance at the conference, though large by tradi- tional standards, was certainly apathetic for a faculty of approximately 1,000 and a student body of approximately 10,000 who are proclaimed to be the moulders of the future. And so . . . today, 364 days after the Japs at- tacked, we say again that the biggest job before all of us is to think, to think often, to think straight and idealistically of why we fight and of the world we want. - Morton Mintz DREW PEARSON'S: MERRY-GO-ROUND WASHINGTON- Democratic observers, even including some around the White House, consider the meeting' of the Republican National -Com- mittee in St. Louis tomorrow the most impor- tant the GOP has held in ten years. In fact, they consider it of vital interest to the entire country, including the Democrats. Reason is that Democratic leaders who are frank, admit privately that any Republican nominated in 1944 will win. Therefore, what the world will be watching for, is not only who will be the nominee, but as a step in that diree- tion, who will be the new national chairman. For the national chairman, to a large extent, can guide policies and pave the way for the nomination. Of course, not all Democrats are so pessimistic. One of those who definitely is optimistic, is Franklin Roosevelt himself. Talking to a leading Democrat the other day, he said: "You may be discouraged now. But I tell you this war is going to be won, and I guarantee you that our party is' going to be in control afterward." On the other hand, experienced political ob- servers who have been out looking around the country, even including Democratic Chairman Ed Flynn himself, say privately that history re- peats and that the Democrats will go out with the same.landslide proportions that ushered in Harding in 1920. They also suggest that history may be repeat- ing itself regarding Roosevelt's failure to sense the temper of political opinion. For Woodrow Wilson never dreamed the country had turned against him after the Versailles Conference. And Herbert Hoover, a few days before the November election in 1932, wouldn't believe Frank Tiche- nor's warning that he would be defeated. Another big question, not only to Democrats but many'Republicans, is whether history also will repeat itself by electing another group of Republican isolationists who will take the country into another period of aloofness from the rest of the world-with war 20 years later. The man selected to guide the Republican par- ty at St. Louis tomorrow will have a lot to do with that history. is trying to use the war as an excuse for doing away with the NLRB. It's just . . . well, you know . . don't you? And it is nice to toss the WLB in there with all the other "alphabetical slow-downs," not because it has slowed anything down (it has done just the opposite), but so many people dis- like the alphabet. If you can just get these peo- ple thinking, "Well, look at this blankety-blank WLB which is part of the alphabet," why you have won your case in a breeze. It doesn't make any difference that the organization in question has been largely responsible for the tremendous decrease in production stoppages. In the midst of a hot shower of tears, Mr. By DICK COLLINS DURING THE PAST MONTH there have been printed in The Daily several editorials urging the donation to the war scrap drive of tons of metal fixtures languishing in the vacant Majestic Theatre building. Its owners, the heirs of the Sauer estate, were notified but as yet nothing has been heard from them. The theatre's iron guard rails, radiators, and fire escapes have not felt the touch of a human hand since the house was closed Samuel Grafton's PId Rather Be URight NEW YORK- I have the odd feeling that Sir William Beveridge's report on social security to the House of Commons will arouse more anguished outcries here in America than in England. Latest dispatches, by cable and carrier pigeon, reveal that, so far, not a single English editor has burst a blood vessel. No English newspaper has leered, scolded, or made bad jokes about college professors. So, the first point to be made about the Beveridge report is on the difference between England and America, as regards the tone of public controversy. Had such a state paper been is- sued here, proposing, in substance, that a floor be placed under our economy, that no citizen ever be allowed to have less than a certain named income, or ever be permit- ted to go without medical care, or ever have to wonder how to pay for a baby, a great many feverish irrel- evancies would have been brought into the argument at once. We can easily imagine that rum- bling protest againsththe "brain trust" which would have swelled from the hoarse organ of American public comment. It Follows from Dunkerque It is also a curious circumstance that America, which has a liberal administration, has had no impor- tant social proposal offered to it for several years, while Britain, which has a conservative govern- ment, has just got itself involved in a major one. Why the difference? One of the reasons is Dunkerque. England has had its Dunkerqlue. We have not. I don't want a Dunkerque. But it was immediately after Dunkerque that social proposals began to flare up in England. A period of intense self-examination began, to find the reasons for that huge military di- saster. (At that very moment, America, remote from the war, was complet- ing the bipartisan Congressional coalition against reform.) The English press began to ques- tion the English educational sys- tem, to wonder whether it allowed natural ability to rise t the top. The sober and extremely careful London Economist proposed, in 1940, an "economic bill of rrhts." adding the right to a secure life to the older right of free speech. Shortly after Dunkerque Sir Wil- liam was commissioned, by the House of Commons, to make his survey of social security. But, begun on the impetus of Dunkerque, the report is finl1v published during a period of mili- tary success. It is released at a moment when the English are feeling much bet- ter, much cockier, much stronger, when Mr. Churchill drops tart little comments about holding the empire which he would have preferred to swallow a year ago. They're Feeling Better Now SO, HERE, in a'sense, is a United Nations test; whether, when we feel good, we can do the things we clearly saw to be necessary when we felt bad. Now, a third point on the Bev- eridge report: It seems to me com- pletely acceptable both by those who want fundamental socials re- form to come out of the war and those who want nothing of the kind. Its most important feature is un- employment insurance, unlimited as to time during which benefits are paid, and without the require- ment of a pauper's oath. Now, if we can end unemploy- ment after this war, this feature of the plan will be self-canceling. If there is no unemployment, there will be no need for insurance against unemployment, just as there is .no need nowadays for in-1 surance against dragons or were- Fast March because the city would not grant permission to remodel it.. P-ecause of this we felt that these fixtures might better serve the war effort than rust away in the unused building. Now, however, the scrap issue has been equaled in importance by another - namely the physical safety of about seven hundred Ann Arbor men, women, and children. WHO MIGHT BURN TO DEATH SOME NIGHT . SHOULD THE THEATRE BE REOPENED. William C. Maulbetsch, city building inspector, has issued a report on the Majestic in which he declares the house unsafe for use as a theatre and says that he would be derelict in his duties as building inspector if he did not oppose the reopening of the theatre under present conditions. ON THE BOOKS since 1938 has been an ordnance making it un- lawful for theatres which do not ccnform to the city building code concerning "exits, stairways, fire escapes, and building construc- tion, to operate as such after Jan. 1, 1943. The object of this law was to give the owners of such buildings five years in which to remodel them. At present there is before the Common Council a revision of that ordinance whose wording is identical except that it omitsj the phrase pertaining to build- ing construction. The ordinance was reccmmended by Herman i Folske, chairman of the Fire Commission which has :iuthor- ity for enforcement of such laws, Mr. Felske told this reporier. Mr. Folske has refused to com- ment upon his reasons for re- commending the revision. Now it so happens that the exits, stairways, and fire escapes of the Majestic. and possibly of other theatres affected by the ordinance, cculd be remodeled to conform with the code, according to the in- sl sector 's report. But the frame structure of the building could. not be changed without rebuilding the theatre. Should the 1938 ordinance be revised, and the building be only rerrodeled, then the theatre would be no less -ikeiy to go up in smoke than it is, now, from the str -tural point of view. The only difference is that your chance of getting out alive would he unimpeded by railings in the foyer and steps in the exits and you would have only the possibil- ity of panic and collapsing walls to worry about. INCE THESE FACTS have been ascertained and since permis- ,ion to remodel the building was refused almost a year ago, the Ohairman of the Fire Commission must either have known the true condition, of the house or he must be prepared to face the accusation of being derelict in his duty. If he lid not know them, why didn't he? If he did know them, then why did he recommend revision of the ordi- nance? We don't know. Mr. Folske wouldn't tell us. There is a very nice income from the rental of a theatre building, and should the proposed ordinance revision go through, that income might be assured to the owners for quite a few more years-if no- body dropped a careless match! (The W. S. Butterfield Theatres, Inc., which holds the lease on the Majestic, never intends to operate it as a theatre again, according to Gerald M. Hoag, a local represen- tative of the company.) Obviously there are a lot of unanswered questions here. ould someone be trying a little legal squeeze - play, citizens? Whether or not the Majestic is the specific subject of such un- dercover moves, we do not know, but we do realize that several hundred lives may be at;stalfe if the ordinance is revised. THE REVISION was tabled on Nov. 16 until the Council's next meeting, which' is set tomorrow, night. Only one more regular meeting remains before Jan.. 1, which is the red-letter day for all concerned. So there should be ac- tion on the measure tomorrow! We're hoping that the Council will use any means at its disposal to throw it out permanently. We don't care to see an Ann Arbor se- quel to the Boston fire tragedy. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 3) Unitarian Church: Sunday 11:00 a.m. Professor R. W. Sellars will speak on "Democratic Vistas." s The Pointed 'a, -%i Pen N A M PRESIDENT SHEDS TEARS: W. P. Witherow Cries Out Against New Deal Measures 'Interfering' With 'Free Enterprise' THE WAAC'S don't know what to do with thir patriotic little strip- teaser who went AWOL to perform in Des Moines. Her name is Katie Doris Gregory and she suddenly disappeared from training. But the MP discovered that a glamor girl billed as Amber d'Georg at the Casino Theatre in Des Moines answered to the description of Pvt. Kathryn ]Doris Gregory. They wvent up and asked the theatre manager, Pete DeCenzie, how come this. To which Pete came up with one of the best we have heard in a long time: "I had no idea she was a WAAC. I was shockedto'death when I found out. You can't ask too many questions with the labor shortage nowadays." You can carry this 'labor short- age' too far, Pete. rTHE PROBLEM of what to do with our "snuggle bunnies" or "cud- dle bunnies" or whatever else you want to call boy-crazy adolescent girls has caught the attention of Dr. George C. Sheviakov, Chicago Uni- versity psychiatrist. He says that they're getting "more boy-crazy than ever before as a result of the war glamor sur- rounding the young men in uni- form. He suggested that educa- tors must "expand the 'normal re- latiorship between young boys and girls" because war conditions have tended to make girls "look down. upon and disparage their natural role as wives and home-makers." Now all educators, have to do is to define what "normal relationships" includes and turn the whole thing over to Bertrand Russell. -Bob Mantho 7:00 p.m. Student Supper. 8:00 p.m. Mrs. R. W. Teed will speak on "Civilian Defense in Ani Arbor." Memorial Christian Church (Dis- ciples) : 10:45 Morning worship. Rev. Fred- erick Cowin, Minister. 7:00 p.m. Guild Sunday Evening Hour. Dean Alice Lloyd will speak on "Maturity and Campus Conduct." There will be a joint meeting of the Congregational and Disciples Guilds. A social hour and refreshments will follow the program. Lutheran Student Chapel: Sunday, 11:00 a.m. Service in League Chapel. Sermon by the Rev. Alfred Scheips, "Instruction and Hope from the Scriptures." 5:45 p.m. Sup- per meeting of Gamma Delta, Lu- theran Student Club, at 1337 Wilmot. Discussion, "Forming Desirable Hab- its." First Church of Christ, Scientist: Sunday morning service at 10:30. Subject: "God, the Only Cause and Creator." Sunday School at 11:45 a.m. Free public Reading Room at 106 E. Washington St., open every day except Sundays and holidays from 11:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.; Saturdays until 9:00 p.m. First Presbyterian Church: Morning Worship-10:45. "Out:of Egypt," subject of the sermon by Dr. W. P. Lemon. University Student Bible Study Class meets at 9:30 a.m. to study "A Harmony of the Gospels," under the direction of Mr. Malan and Mr. Lampe. Westminster Student Guild-sup- per and fellowship hour at 6:00 p.m. in the Social Hall, and a talk at 7:00 p.m. by Dr. E. W. Blakeman. Students are cordially invited. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church: 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion; 10:00 a.m. High School Class, Tatlock Hall; 11:00 a.m. Kindergarten, Tatlock Hall; 11:00 a.m. Junior Church; 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion and Sermon by the Rev. Henry Lewis, D.D.; 5:00 p.m. H-Square Club, Page Hall (mov- ies of missionary work of the Epis- copal Church in Liberia); 6:45 p.m. Freshman Discussion Group, Harris Hall; 7:30 p.m. Canterbury Club, Harris Hall. (for progtam, see H- Square Club notice.) IT IS HEARTBREAKING what big business has to put up with these days. Take a look' at the big, round, salty tears shed by W. P. Witherow, president of the National Association of Manu- facturers. Then give him your shoulder to cry on. Mr. Witherow does not cry politely, he blubbers all over the place, his tears are fifty per cent poison and they splatter about in- discriminately, He has found that it is no longer necessary to discriminate or even to be specific when you criticize the Adminis- tration. You just wrap up everything-good and bad - in one big reactionary bundle, address it to those Nasty New Dealers and somebody (probably Senator Vandenberg) will deliver it for you. Here are the tears of Mr. Witherow. He de- scribes them as so many things in the knapsack industrialists have to carry.. ' RATIONINGand shortages." Try to deny ths naAvnqh. + vvvr t nv th#.mnii,fir-v. this is probably mixed up in some way with that awe-inspiring phrase "private enterprise" which men like Mr. Witherow throw around with such admirable abandon. There is no particular investigation or indict- ment or suit that is bad; they are all bad. Gov- ernment (particularly a Roosevelt government) is not supposed to meddle, because private citi- zens do not like the private affairs of their pri- vate industries investigated, indicted or sued. Which is natural and, besides, who ever heard of the public good? "QUESTIONNAIRES." This tear from the cheek of Mr. Witherow is much like the last one - only it goes farther. The government is not even supposed to ask a manufacturer any- thing. Is it any of Henderson's business how much metal a cosmetics firm uses in its contain- ers? Just look at the form number - which in this case happened to be about twelve digits - onrl . ,n, n rptIha +inn is . on nh,,jniic a -+vnn-