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December 06, 1942 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-12-06

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Here Is

What Happened At Pearl Harbor


y o; ;c


Forces Rush
to Aid Allies'

Russians Press Winter

Even Paratroop

Offensive in

7 Sectors


Tunisian Line
'Nazis Fail to Break-
through Front despite
Fierce Bomber and
Tank Counterattacks
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Dec. 5.- Allied rein-
forcements of guns, tanks, men and
planes were reported rushing through
the twisting defiles of the Atlas
Mountains tonight to the aid of a
British and American force battling
fiercely to hold the still unbroken
Mateur - Tebourba - Diedeida horse-
shoe line in northeastern Tunisia.
Reliable quarters in London said
there was every reason to believe that
sufficient forces for a crushing blow
were moving up as fast as possible.
The Germans had failed to crack
the Allied positions despite almost
incessant counter-attacks with tanks
and divebombers, an Allied Head-
quarters communique said.
Fighting Is Heavy
Heavy fighting was still going on,
however, especially at Tebourba, 20
miles west of Tunis and 35 miles
south of Bizerte, and German tanks
and infantry had been able to force
their way into Tebourba although
British and American guns and tanks
dominated the heights ringing the
Lieut. Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower
was reported to be massing tanks and
artillery for a new drive against Die-
deida, 12 miles northwest of Tunis,
which the Germans had recaptured
at heavy cost in men and machines.
Although the main fighting was
in the northeast, frequent clashes
occurred in central Tunisia where
German and Italian' patrols were
spread in a wide are to protect the
coastal road from Tripoli and the
key east coast ports of Gabes and
Tank Battles Raging
The tidal nature of the fighting
was shown by an Allied Headquar-
ters communique which said some
Axis mechanized and infantry units
have entered Tebourba and a dis-
patch from the battle front at almost
the same time reported "neither the
Germans nor our troops" are in Te-
bourba. The latter dispatch said that
with tank battles raging along the
defense line the occupation of one
village or another was of slight im-
The Allied disclosure that the Tuni-
sian campaign was well in hand ac-
companied an announcement that
a strong force of American-manned
Liberator bombers operating from
North Africa had made a destructive
daylight raid yesterday on the vital
southern Italian seaport of Naples.
Russell Gives
Plan to Prevent
Recurring 'W ar
Establishment of an international
government with a monopoly of
armed force was declared, to be the
only way to prevent recurring war-
fare by Bertrand Russell in his talk
to the Post-War Conference yester-
"All you need to prevent war is to
make it obvious as to who is going to
win," Russell said.
Declaring that arguments against
anarchy apply equally on an interna-
tional scale, Russell advocated an
international constitution that would
make sure that an aggressor nation

could not win a war.

Red Army Wipes Out Germans in Stalingrad,
Smashes Center of Resistance near Moscow
Associated Press Correspondent
MOSCOW, Dec. 6. (Sunday)-Methodically pressing its winter offensive
in seven different sectors of the vast front from the Caucasus to Leningrad,
the Red Army wiped out a nest of Germans in Stalingrad, seized three
strongholds and smashed a center of resistance northwest of Moscow, cap-
tured numerous blockhouses and killed 5,350 of the enemy yesterday, the
Russians announced today.
A fiery contest for possession of another elaborate stronghold was in
full swing northwest of Stalingrad, with the Germans' front line trenches
breached in places.
Little Progress Reported
But relatively little progress was reported in this sector and to the
southwest of the city where the Russians -were using the frozen Don as a
roadway to tighten their grip on the y
big army stalled between that river Russians said they penetrated a thick
and the Volga. . system of barbed wire entanglements
To the southwest, too, the Russians and minefields and dislodged the
were meeting new, determined oppo-
sition in their efforts to close the Germans from 19 blockhouses north-
northern and southern jaws about east of Tuapse. Here 400 of the en-
Stalingrad, now believed to be about emy were slaughtered.
25 miles apart. Artillery duels and infantry attacks
The communique said heavy en- were still going on in the city of Star-
gagements had taken place with new-
ly arrived motorized infantry and ingrad, despite the peril .to the Ger-
tank regiments, and that 800 Ger- mans' rear, and there 600 more Ger-
mans were killed and 31 guns de- mans were counted as dead.
Progress Reported in Moscow FIRETRAP:
More progress was reported north-
west of Moscow as the Russians at- -r
tacked stronghold by stronghold, c
blockhouse by blockhouse. 1
Three German strongholds were if*
occupied near Velikie Luki where the I W arns Co uncil
Russians have penetrated to within-
90 miles of the Latvian border. An aboutar etiaaent9c
armored train, five tanks and 49 guns
were captured and 950 Germans
killed, the communique said. By DICK COLINS
On the Leningrad front, too, there William C. Maulbetsch, city build-
was furious activity, with 600 Ger- ing inspector, said yesterday he would
mans reported killed and 10 block take no responsibility for any conse-
houses destroyed.
To the south, in the Caucasus, the quences if the City. Fire Commission
or the Common Council - which


In Armed Forces
ers Can Walk WMC Will Direct
SSelect*V SerV0
elcive Srvice
Recruits Will Be Drafted for Navy;
Induction of Men over 38 Is Stopped
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 5.-Voluntary enlistments in the armed
forces were stopped by President Roosevelt today, except in special cases,
and the Army and Navy were told to get their recruits henceforth through
the Selective Service system, which was placed under Paul V. McNutt.
At the same time the War Department called a halt to the induction
of all men over 38 and opened the way for the honorable discharge of
such men already in service if they can serve the war effort better as
rf. }:..; civilians.
:,;.:.":"Plan Studied for Months
The President acted, after weeks of study of the knotty manpower
E ~ problem, in an executive order which not only vested supervision of
military, procurement in McNutt as Chairman of the War Manpower
Commission but gave him stronger powers as well over all government
departments concerned with manpower and over the practices of private
McNutt was empowered to direct that the hiring of workers in any
occupation or area which he might designate should be done through
the United States Employment Service, an adjunct of his Manpower Com-
mission, and to channel workers into the most essential -jobs from those
less essential.
Induction Unified Now
. s Mr. Roosevelt's order ending voluntary enlistments, a step designed
to bring military and civilian manpower procurement and disposal under
Parachute Infantry which made unified supervision, applied to men 18- to 38. The armed forces thus
ays in toughening practice. This might continue to receive enlistments of various specialists above that age.
is could do, a better Job on the And the Navy was enabled to continue its recruiting of 17-year-olds. The
i full equipment and every man Army enlisted no men below 18.
The ban on enlistments referred to tthe enlisted personnel of the
armed forces, including reserve components." The acceptance of volun-
teers as officers apparently was continued. The Army has announced, how-
ever, that all its officers henceforth will be obtained from the ranks
Ban through the Officer Candidate Schools except in the case of a few
S ppspecialists.
's for Duration McNutt Gets Hershey's Duties
TheSelective Service system, heretofore an independent governmeit
agency, was placed under McNutt's complete control. The duties of
rorities and nine out of ten students Maj.-Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, its director, were transferred to McNutt.
campus are definitely opposed and The latter was empowered to appoint a director or other officers to exer-
ightly "hurt" over the action by the cise the functions, however, and it was possible that he might retain Her-
udent Affairs Committee which shey in the post, under his directives.
inned so-called "house parties" on McNutt himself was unavailable for comment on this and other ques-
ut u rmnded the campus tions which immediately arose in view of the wide discretionary powers
Since Thursday protests have been * iccorded him by the President.
opping right into the laps of the War Board Uninstructed The ending of inductions of men
ntlemen who make up the StudentC 38 and over was ordered by the War
ffairs Committee, on Enlistment Changes Department shortly before the. White
Chief reason given for the action Prof. Burton Thuma, the Univer- House order was issued and Selective
&- , - +i,-- . ..-A. .-- Service immediately telegraphed at


Here is a column of the 506th U.S.'
a forced: march of 115 miles in three d
PEM stuff showed that the American
double than the Japs. They marchedi
of them finished the little jaunt.
Campus Opinio
on House Partie


Record High of
$2500 Donated
to Galens Fund
Galens fourteenth annual fund-
raising campaign ended' yesterday
and spelled "Merry Christmas" to 120
crippled children in the University
Hospital with total proceeds hitting
a new all-time high of $2,500.
The funds, $300 more than last
year's record total, will be used to
equip the children's workshop on the
hospital's ninth floor, to provide the
annual Christmas party and to main-
tain the children's library.
Members of Galens, honorary med-
ical fraternity, said they were more
than pleased with results and ex-
pressed their appreciation for the
fine spirit shown by students and
townspeople. "We will now be ablej
to expand our program for the com-
ing year," said Karel R. Slatmyer,
43M, chairman of the event.
The first day of the drive took
place in the University area with re-
ceipts totalling $1,200 and was con-
tinued yesterday in downtown Ann
Arbor to enable the townspeople to

meets toMorrow-decides to allow the
Majestic Theatre to reopen.
This was revealed in a report issued
Friday by the inspectors on the thea..
tre's condition.
". . .I feel that I am absolved' of
further responsibility," he declared,
adding that the Board of Fire Com-
missioners has authority to refuse
permission for the theatre to reopen.
Enumerating seven ways in which
the structure fails to meet the re-
quirements of the City Building Code,
Maulbetsch said that it would be im-
possible ever to remodel the building
.so as to protect it from fire. Its frame
construction would constitute a ser-
ious hazard even should the other
violations be removed.
(There is now before the Common
Council a plan for revising the ordi-
nance so as to exclude the structural
requirements of the Code from, en-
forcement. The ordinance as it stands
would prevent the owners of the Ma-
jestic from reopening after Jan. 1,
The unprotected furnace room, the
projection booth, the electric wiring
throughout, anc the wooden balcony
walls, floors and partitions" .. .would
create an inferno so fast that it
would probably mean loss of lives
before the theatre could be vacated"
... according to the report.

No sir. The campus doesn't like
'the rule shelving "house parties" for
the duration.
According to results of a Daily poll
taken yesterday, 19 fraternities and
'Ens ian Shifts
Deadline on
Photos to Jan. 1
For the last week worried seniors
and second semester juniors have
been pestering the devil out of a
hard-working 'Ensian staff over the
telephone-but the 'Ensian staff has
found a way to cut the phone calls
and make everybody happy.
A special offer, announced yester-
day by yearbook editors, has extended
the original deadline to January 1.
Seniors and second semester juniors
who have not had a chance to make
picture appointments yet can quit
over-burdening an under-staffed tel-
ephone company right away.
All picture applicants who want to
take advantage of this latest offer
are requested to make one short
thirty-second personal call to the
'Ensian business office on Wednes-
day. There they can purchase a spe-
cial coupon to cover engraving and
printing costs of the 'Ensian.
This coupon will contain specifica-
tions which must be followed by the
home photographer if the picture is
to be accepted. Both picture and cou-
pon must be mailed back to the 'En-
sian before January 1, in a stamped,
self-addressed envelope provided by
the 'Ensian office.
Seniors and secon semester jun-
iors already holding g een senior pic-
ture coupons must turn them in for
the new ones containing complete
specifications for the picture size,
paper and background.
Yearbook editors especially urge
students taking advantage of the new.
policy to return pictures and coupons
promptly because late pictures will
only cause a delay in classification,
mounting and engraving procedures.


was to cut down on the whole social
program for the duration so that war
activities would have even greater
predominance over social affairs.
The committee felt that house par-
ties and the high expenses they in-
volve were a good place to begin par-
ing down the campus social "whirl."
But, it turned out, after the "re-
minder" of the ban appeared in The
Daily Thursday even members of the
Student Affairs Committee couldn't
remember having passed the rule.
Some denied they were present when
it was passed. Others weren't sure.
A committee spokesman said yes-
terday that the rule had been passed
and that although house parties have
been stopped, fraternity and sorority
dances haven't.
Regardless of the reasons, Michi-
gan's student body wasn't taking it
sitting down. Coeds and men, engi-
neers and lit students all joined to
condemn the action as "too sweep-
The average student readily admit-
ten that expenses for house parties
Turn to Page 3, Col. 3
Versatile Ilka Chase to
Speak Here Tomorrow
Ilka Chase, comedienne, author
and actress, will give the fourth lec-
ture in the Oratorical Association se-
ries at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow in Hill
Auditorium, speaking on "The Psy-
chology of Being a Woman."
Well-known as an authoress and
radio mistress of ceremonies, Miss
Chase claims that "It's high time I
met face-to-face part of the unseen
audience I talk to and hear from
every week."

sity War Board's armed forces pro-
curement committee representative,
said last night that President Roose-
velt's order had come as a surprise
and that the War Board had no
official notice.
"At this moment neither I nor the
ROTC have received any official in-
formation," he said.
We will continue to enlist stu-
dents until we receive that notice."
Prof. Thuma said that he believed
that Navy and .Army Reserve enlist-
ments would be completely stopped
within a very short time in accord-
ance with the order, but that notice
must be received from Chicago
No Decision Is Made
on Navy 'V' Programs
WASHINGTON, Dec. 5.- (A')-
Rear Admiral Randall Jacobs, Chief
of Naval Personnel, today ordered all
naval recruiting offices to halt volun-
tary enlistments of men between the
ages of 18 and 37, inclusive, in com-
pliance with President Roosevelt's
Exactly what status will be granted
men of classes V-1, V-5 and V-7 in
the future to provide for their train-
ing as officers rather than enlisted
men has not been determined.
Air Corps Examinations
Still to Be Given Here
According to W. M. Strickland
chairman of the Washtenaw County
Air Force Sponsd*s Association, the

state directors to comply. Men of 38
to 44 will be listed in a new deferred
classification designated as 4-H.
Local Boards to Pass
While the order applied to men
who had passed their 38th birthday,
officials thought it likely that local
boards would give consideration to
the cases of men approaching this
birthday, in view of the companion
ruling that men over 38 might be
discharged. The Army considers it
unfeasible for economic and other
reasons to train a man for duty un-
less he can be expected to remain in
service for more than a year.
Officials at the War and Navy De-
partments indicated that recruiting
offices probably would be kept open,
but with reduced staffs, in connection
with enlistment campaigns for spe-
cialists, such as the Army's quest for
aviation mechanics.
The War Department said that
honorable discharges would be grant-
ed to men over 38 who are unable to
perform their military duties satis-
factorily, but who are qualified to
forward the war effort in other ways.
Soldier Must Ask Release
To obtain a discharge, the soldier
38 or over must ask for it in writing
from his commanding officer. His
request will be granted if it is deter-
mined that (1) he will be more useful
in industry than in the Army and
that (2) he can show "evidence that
he will be employed in an essential
war industry," including agriculture.
It seemed clear from the-language of
Sthe order that it involved no repiti-
'tion of the situation of Oct. 1941
when draftees over 28 were dis-
charged on the Army's own initiative
and in wholesale numbers. The initia-


Bomber Scholarship To Start
Campaign to Meet Year's Quota

The Bomber Scholarship Commit-
tee, meeting yesterday, moved to
start a gigantic drive designed to
contact every group on campus "in a
hurry" in order to hit the $15,000
goal set for the current school year.
Coral De Priester, chairman of the
committee, said that "too many small
campus groups don't yet know the
Sfll significanoe of the bnmhr ehn-

tee also moved to send a copy of the
constitution to every campus organi-
zation so that every person can be
reached through a group.
The Bomber Scholarship is a plan
which will make it possible for stu-
dents who have been taken out of
school after at least one year to re-
turn after the war and to finish their

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