t ~r .: .- Z4' 3ir J tat Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Publised every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 REPRQ96NTED FlOR NATIONAL. ADVERTisaIG SY National Advertising Serviue, Inc. Colle P isb&hersRepresentative 480 MADISONAVE. NXW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO " BSON . LOS ANGELES - SNS FANCISCO Editori Sta f "YOU AND YOUR DUMBKOPF INTUITION'" 4 ~- Homer Swander Morton Mintz . Will Sapp George W. Sallad6 Charles Thatcher. Bernard ,Hendel Barbara de ries Myron Dann . Edward J. Perlberg Fred .M. Ginsberg Mary Lou Curran Jsiie Lindberg . James Daniels Managing Editor * Editorial fDirector . . City Editor Associate Editor . Associate Editor S. Sports Editor . Women's Editor 4" . Associate Sports Editor 4 1 Busine$ssStaff . Business Manager . Associate Business Manager W omen's. Business Manager SWoien's Advertising Manager Publications Sales Analyst Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: MARK LIPPER Editorials published in The Mihigan Daily . .c are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. . -. , 1942 Chicago Times Inc. SURVEY OF A SURVEY: What* US. By JOHN ERLEWINE incomes THOUGHTS and opinions which for whic currently crowd the minds of students the youth of America concerning countryv war, peace and social problems in rich peo general are brought to a sharp diction v focus in the nationwide survey of vey in th high schools published in the No- "This vember issue of Fortune Magazine. put spiri above n- Certain liberal trends, flash- notesmr backs of conservatism, and evidene- not scor es of idealistic cloud-walking char- hao acterize the reactions of the stu- doeno dents. But however else they might from soc affect one, the results leave a defi- nite impression that the new gen- Castint eration- 10,000,000 strong- are ject ist much more liberal and progressive that afte than their parents. should m The survey registers the opinions who wan of high school students of all classes parent\ and in all parts of the country con- incomes cerning things beyond their imme- propsed diate environment and interests, lowing The range of information and in-loiet telligence of the students is widely ue. varied; allowing a fairly complete As IS t cross-sectional view. iond MODERN education received an the ben4 unexpected blow as a result of Forty-ni the survey. Said the experts, "It mistakes, seems just possible that if high school students could write their of good a own tickets for curricula they port the would reach graduation better pre- view is h pared to become citizens and voters sAlthoug than they are now." some go gone too Questions asked concern three watched. general topics: 1. American govern- unions si ment and democratic ideals; 2. so- more poN cial problems; 3. war and peace. number f Answers were clear cut, and stu- abolished dents appeared to have definite to make opinions. opinionse Young people may be divided in are least their opinions but they are sure of union. what they want. This is in contrast This s to the many "I don't know" re- is appa sponses so prevalent in adult sur- idealistic veys. swers stu Throughout the entire survey, ion that students demonstrated their devo- given less tion to idealism. Response to the after the question concerning the American more. (T form of government shows this to the re clearly. The majority favor retain- in Congr ing our governmental organization dents ar as it is today without any impor- general p tant changes, a reaction to be ex- bor but d pected in a country in which we ies. are so proud of our democratic The su: precedents and heritages, that rac However, a very strong minority great am were of the opinion that our gov- cept con ermnent should be revised to meet riage. the demands of modern society. To Most w calm reactionary qualms as to the side with intent of this minority, the survey except in quiekly adds, "But, as will present- ing is sti ly become evident, youth is mostly sciousnes libertarian and perfectionist, not evident i even mildly revolutionist." as thes N ATTEMPTING to register the America. specific criticisms which the students.have of the present gov- ernment and administration, the SAM survey appears to break down. Stu-9 dents were most critical of. "Strikes, labor unions, labor leaders, etc." Jj Second were "Politics, graft, waste, New Deal, etc." When grouped in ___ this manner the good and the bad are undifferentiated and to criticize NEW Y the bad it is necessary to condemn hard. The the good. This was hardly a good the place' or fair procedure. The mayo do not constitute the goal h youth strives. Yet, the generally felt that the would be worse off without ple. This apparen# contra- was explained by the sur- is manner: means that although they tual and intellectual rights aterialistic ones, they do "n money as an evil thing. means that the sentiment or revising our governent tfor the most part, spring cialistic ideas." g more light upon the sub- the predominant opinion r the war the government ake sure that every persdn ts a job has one. This ap- illingness to accept limited with the emphasis upon is strongly indicative that retrenchment policies fol- he war are doomed to fail- o be expected student opin- differs sharply concerning refits of organized labor. ne per cent agreed that unions have made some , but they have done a lot and the public should sup- in." A more conservative eld by 33.8% who feel that h labor unions have done od in the past they have far and should be closely " Very few felt that the hould be given a great deal wer and an even smaller felt that unions should be d. Class differences seem little difference in the expressed, but negroes who borganized are most pro- upport of organized labor r en tly based largely on grounds, for, in later an- adents expressed the opin- labor leaders should be spower in the government ewarrand farmers given his survey was made prior cent Farm Bloc opposition ess.) Apparently the stu- e in agreement with the principles of organized la- isagree with present poli- rvey brought out the fact ial consciousness is not ong the Nation's youth ex- terning inter-racial mar- ere willing to work side by persons of different races,' the South where the feel- ll quite high. Racial con- s on the part of negroes is n the choice of Joe Louis second greatest man in President Roosevelt is the Youth Thinks majority choice as the greatest mar by both negro and white students LEAVING the social problem which confront the Americal people, the survey seeks out studen opinions on the currently raging controversy of why we -are fightin~ this war and our post-war aims an actions. Once again the students demon. strated their devotion to idealisti concepts. Most agree that we ar fighting for democracy not merel3 because we were attacked or fao peace alone. The great majority were optimis tic about the creation of a stable peaceful world. However, 25% wer cynical regarding this point. Onl3 10.7% were for 'hedonistic escap. ism', that is to say, taking refug in ice cream sodas, juke boxes anc the like. Not content with merely ibeiin idealistic, 82.1% assert that th United States should take a leadin part organizing the world for i permanent peace. This is in com- parison to the 60.2% favoring sue action in a recent adult poll. Th students demonstrated their will ingness to take pragmatic steps t preserve peace by favoring militar3 training in peace time, "just i case." Survey results unexpectedly cas light on a fieldl quite different fron the other topics, the preparation o the modern high school student fo his duties as an American citizen. Survey experts determined th extent of general information pos sessed by the students by askin five questions: 1. Who is the Sec of War? 2. Who is in 'charge o keeping prices down? 3. Who arc the two Senators for your state (this counted for two questions 4. Do all Russians receive the sam~ pay regardless of their work? Th~ results were astonishing and de~ pressing. Knowledge : We ll - In- formed: All, 19.42%; Boys, 24.0% , f*irls, 14.7%. Poorly - Informed All, 42.4%; Boys, 44.1%; Girls 40.7%. Uninformed: All, 38.2% Boys, 31.9%; Girls, 44.6%. With this final bit of educationa analysis the survey ends. However the import and meaning of its find- ings have not ended. They are just beginning td be felt. The students are clearly inconsistent at times in their reasoning. They fail to -asso- ciate closely the performance oi civic duties with the preservation of democratic rights. Belief in cer- tain idealistic principles is contra- dicted by opposition to present day action in these fields. But despite these apparent inconsistencies and fallacies of reasoning, the opinions of this generation are more pro- gressive and constructive than any other in our history. PEACE ISSUES: Thomas, Russell Bring ideas of Post-War Era RXLIZING the importance of open-minded- ness and critical thinking about an enduring peace, the Post-War Council brings to campus, stating today, an opportunity that none of us can afford to pass up. It comes in the form of a conference to dis- cuss vital problems that will confront the 1eaiemakers. Today the meeting will be ad- dressed by Norman Thomas, tomorrow after- noon by Bertrand Russell. Both of these men ir'eresnt ideas that cannot be overlooked; we cannot agree or disagree with them until we know just what these ideas are, until we have weighed them in our own minds. The significance of the issues to be discussed cannot be over-emphasized, nor can we stress too strongly the need for objective thinking. We cannot ignore issues that will affect all of us for the rest 6fa our lives. The Conference, with both its lectures and panel discussions offers an invaluable chance to gain a sound basis for thinking and acting. To ignore it would be to brand ourselves as apa- thetic, as -hardly deserving of an opportunity to continue our college educations. - Jim Wienner YOUR PENNIES: Galens Campaign Asks Donations For Children UNIVERSITY students will be contributing to one of the most worthy of all possible chari- ties today when they drop their pennies in the Galens pails to help raise funds fo children in University Hospital. The money thus raised is used entirely for the amusement and entertainment of the youthful patients and takes the form of an annual Christ- mas party, maintenance of the Galens workshop and new books and films for the children's li- brary. Students often complain that they are expected to contribute to too many "tag" days and charit- able campaigns, but there are relatively few who would begrudge the loss if they could but see the good for which this money is used. Not, only does it provide entertainment for the children during their hospital stay, but through the work- shop facilities, enables them to develop the self- confidence and independence so necessary in their condition. Many of the children at the University Hos- pital have been coming in and out regularly for a number of years. The money you contribute enables theim to work on constructive proets and to learn to operate tools with which to occupy their time. In this way, they keep alive their interest in themselves and in others and are better equipped to return to normal com- munity life. Last year Galens members stood in the snow for two days to net an all-time high of $2,100. Do not -fail to drop your contribution in the Galens bucket today to equal or better this record. Your support will not be unrewarded-you will have helped a crippled child make his place in a nor- mal world. - Marion Ford Research Neglected Research in educational problems has been woefully neglected and is in need of more atten- NO FANTASIES: 46 Students Protest Life's Picture of Cozy Living This week students, faculty members, alumni and friends of Indiana have sent a polite letter to Henry Luce, editor of LIFE magazine, protest- ing a photo-feature, published in the Nov. 23 issue of the magazine, supposedly depicting typi- cal I.U. campus scenes which will "be no more with the end of the war.'' The letter charges first that LIFE's photog- rapher persuaded I.U. students to pose for pho- tos illustrating the "do's" and "don't's" estab- lished by campus tradition. Then, without the permission of the students, LIFE used these photographs in an entirely different way, printing all the "don't's" and omitting all the "do's", making Indiana students look worse than foolish. Secondly, the letter protests against LIFE's in- sinuation that Indiana University and its stu- dents do not know that a war is going on. The greater portion of the letter is then devoted to explaining in detail to the editors of LIFE the extensive war program in effect on the I.U. cam- pus. WE AT the University of Michigan sympathize with the students-at Indiana University and we thank our lucky stars that LIFEs photogra- phers didn't decide to make us their victims. Despite the Manpower Corps and other war projects on our campus, LIFE could easily have painted as false a picture of the U. of M. as it did of Indiana. LIFE's article did not only misrepresent .U. but also threw a general slam at every college and university in the country, referring to them as places "where boys and girls are still living cosily in a world of fantasy far removed from the harsh realities of the world around them." This phrase would have the public believe that every college student is floating on a cloud with- out a care in the world; that every student is a dreamer and doesn't give a hang about worldly affairs; that as far as international chaos is concerned all students are in an oasis-away from it all. Maybe LIFE's editors don't know that most students are more closely connected with worldly affairs than most Americans because in college they are learning the in's and out's of government, of economics, of engineering, of geography and various other fields. Maybe LIFE's editors haven't heard of col- legiate war programs here at Michigan, at Indi- ana and being duplicated at universities and col- leges the country over. THERE are thousands of men sudents in ROTC and in Enlisted Reserve Corps; there are thousands of women students enlisted in auxiliaries and aiding in other phases of War work; practically every student is engaged in an intense physical hardening program; "speed- ups" have been introduced in academic calendars, vacations decreased, and despite heavier aca- demic burdens, many students have taken part- time jobs in war industries where there is a laborr shortage. No, the average college student today is liv- ing far from cosily and certainly is not living in a world of fantasy away from the harsh realities of the world. But this is the inpres- sion LIFE has given to students' parents and friends back home LIFE has distorted important facts just to make a supposedly good feature-the swan song of good-time college days-something to rouse the public's interest and increase the circulation of MUSIC Artur Schnabel's concert last night revealed once more that he is easily one of the foremost musical personalities performing in our time. His is, in fact, the type of personality that achieves itself not by expressing its eccentricity or announcing its presence by disappearing into a forest of dubious virtuoso execution-it is the disciplined personality that reaches lucidity and directness of expression by becoming the music and living through it. To the whole-hearted ro- mantics this is, I imagine, almost a heresy: ex- pression is to them the ability of a performer to allow them their splendid and important isola- tion, to aggrandize their emotions; not, as Mr. Schnabel did, to draw the audience together, to make "them a varied unity and grateful for being so. - The program consisted of two Schubert post- humous Sonatas, in C Minor and D Flat Major, and two Mozart Sonatas, in D Major and A in- or. In the Schubert Mr. Schnabel displayed an understanding and grasp that was truly remark- able. Schubert .may have wandered in -search of ideas in spots or repeated himself, but the pianist never wavered, never ceased to see the -works as diversified wholes. In the Mozart, however, there was nothing left to be desired; 'the music and its execution were lucidity itself. No words though, can possibly do justice to Mr. Schnabel's tone, certainly no recording has as yet compassed it; nor can anyone :do more than profoundly and wildly admire the varieties of expression that illuminated the whole evening. Those for whom a standard resides In the number of -encores played for their money's worth may perhaps have been -disappointed-I was not. It was a relief to have a solid musical evening unpreceded by fanfares and not followed by a lace train of insubstantial virtuosity. Per- haps -to enjoy Mr. Schnabel to the fullest it is necessary to be snobbish enough not to enjoy others, and silly enough to say so. Should I live to be twice Mr. Schnabel's age I hardly expect to enjoy music much more than I did last evening unless I become even more intolerant of the third rate by keeping my ears open and constantly listening. As a matter of fact this review might well be one word long: Bravo! - Chester Kalbman DREW C 4 PEARSON'S M ERRY-GO:ROUND WASHINGTON-Members of the Senate Ju- diciary -Committee -heard a first-hand chapter on gestapo methods which they never dreamed existed -inside the United States when they lis- tened to the testimony -of Governor Ernest Gruening of Alaska the-other day. Governor Gruening told how 40 censorhip employes operate in Seattle, reading all m'ail between Alaska and the United -States, and how many of these letters, called "intercepts," :are mimeographed and circulated to 31 U.S. govern- ment offices, and four British agencls. The same censorship applies to Puerto Rico and other territories of the-United States, though they are supposed to enjoy the rights and ad- vantages of being under the US. Government. nesbmtt the mannower shortage. atdtal of11.000 FUEL GRAFTON'S d Rather Be Right ORK- Government dies re is a persistent "life of in every city and town. r is likely to remain mayor, ii With no particular difficulty stu- dents answered what the experts thought would be the most difficult question. Which democratic rights would they be most willing, and which rights would they be least willing, to give up? Freedom of 'speech and freedom of religion won hands down as the most precious rights, -with the right to vote and trial by jury scarcely in the picture. Most willingly given up would be, the right to earn more than $3,000 per year and the right to change jobs. Survey takers felt that this-called for a word of comment. They at- tributed the apparent disregard for the right to vote and trial by jury to a clearer conception that stu- dents have of the other two rights. Be this as it may, in light of recent election figures, adults as well as the students in the survey regard the right to vote as secondary. Following in the footsteps of .their parents high school students are extolling the vague general democratic rights, believing pro- foundly in democracy but neglect- ing the important pragmatic ac- tions which its protection demands. HAT most of the students were willing to accept limited earn- ings indicates that large monetary wife to the United States and had -taken a colored mistress by whom he -had three black children, because he believed it politically wise to play in with the colored race. The letter -stated that Governor Tugwell didn't seem much concerned about the mor- als of the politician. This letter was circulated to vari- ous Government agencies and the British.. Another letter from Gen. Simon even in a fascist city, even after the liberating foreign armies come. And military commanders will use any- body who will surrender a gun, or save an hour's fighting, and the lives of soldiers. Then, back home, the din goes up. Liberals, revolted by darlanism, an-. pounced that we have betrayed the war. To the commander in the field, in the blood and dust of war, this seems childish nonsense. He will not fight on, for a political reason, when there is no longer a military reason for fighting. Besides, he has to be on his way. An extra hour given to a battle that might have been avoided by a quick deal is an hour given to the enemy somewhere else. I suggest that darlanism is a deeper problem than we have realized. It does not just happen. It is not an accident. It is not a matter of one man's bad choice. It is the inevitable result of political warfare without a plan. It is not our virtue which is called into question by darlanism, it is our wisdom. The Life of the Place FOR military operations are super- ficial operations. They do not necessarily dig deep into "the life of the place." A line of force is extended. Order is established. That is all. If -we want to dig into "the life of the place," we need other than military methods. It is only the people of the place who can profoundly alter the life of the place. Even the Germans have made that discovery in the conquered countries. They have used a kind of reverse darlanism of their own, accepting the aid of wobbly democrats. Yet throughout France, and Norway, and the Netherlands. and in other coun- NOW we come to Italy. Everybody crystal ball focuses on Italy a "the next place." But if we would avoid darlanism Italy, we cannot depend on a whoo and prayer. If we want something better tha darlanism in Italy, 'we must mab preparations for something better. -We must tell the Italian people candidly and 'without dissembling that there is no easy way; that th more fascism they get rid of befor we come, the fewer mistakes we car make. We must ask them to set up, i secret, fresh, new, clean commit tees in each town and village, an we must promise that, when w' arrive, there will be some very grea Italian exiles with us at the side o our commanders, to help us dea with those committees. We could add that there will be fi Americans of Italian origin alo also. There could be no better war J for Charles Poletti of New York. Darlanism Is No Accident INCESSANTLY, by radio and leafle we should say to Italy: "You knc the anonymous fascisti, who ha swaggered through Italy's streetsf 0 years, and have lounged in yo cafes like small noblemen, and 1a set up false and wretched corporati chambers to cut your wages. Ye kncw'them, we do not know them. "If you do not want these men t plague you after the peace, yo must prepare your owndevices fo ridding yourself of them. "If you fail to have skeleto- organizations ready for us, we sha probably fail to do a clean job, to The life of the place is your lif: You know it. We cannot know i For our side, we make the promi to support Italian democracy. O your side, you must mobilize Italia democracy. Changes are coming. depends largely on you how deepl these changes will dig into the li of Italy."