T ji; irt 4 l S eather Snow Flurries VOL. LI No. 52 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DEC. 4, 1942 PRICE FIVE CENTS 9 Jap Ships Blasted In Guadalcanal Bat ;tle w GalensDrive Will Be Held Here Today Hospitalized Children Will Benefit from Funds Collected in Campus Campaign Loaded down with pails and tags, 24 young medicos will brave the De- cember cold today to receive campus contributions for the fourteenth an- nual Galens campaign. Stationed at strategic points throughout the University area, mem- bers of Galens, national honorary medical society will be on hand to better last year's all-time record of $2,100 in contributions. Funds from the drive will go toward making this Christmas a merry one for 90 hos- pital-ridden children. Downtown Drive Heavy buckets today and tomor- row, when the drive moves to down- town Ann Arbor, will mean that Ga- lens will be able to continue its three worthy projects: 1. The majority of the funds go to- ward equipping- and maintaining the Glenis workshop, loated 'on the hos- ptals .ninth floor, where children come daily--some in wheel chairs, some in bes, and some on crutches- to while ,away the' long hours of their confinement. Your contributions will help furnish a- supervised occupational and recre- ational campaign and will go a long way toward creating self -reliance and independence' in' the youthfu[ pa- tients. A full-time instructor is also supplied to teach handicrafts and to carry 'on instruction In the operation of power-driven tools. To Give Party 2. Most immediate effect of Galens funed-raisng campaign is the Christ- mas party given for all the children in the hospital. This takes the form Uf entertainment, decorations, a San- ta CMs and individually-packed stockings and presents for every child. 3. The third portion of the Galens money goes toward books for the chil- dren's library and films which are presented 'at various intervals in the pediatrics ward. Karel R. latmyer, Jr. is general chairman of the drive assisted by Ralph Bittinger, production chair- man, Edward Nedwicki, advance sales chairman and Robert Mercer, Fran- cis Anderson and Eldean Betz, pub- licity chairmen, all of whom are sen- iors in the miedical school. Victory Ball Petitions Due .Candidates Must Get Office Blanks Today Candidacy petitions for positions on the Junior-Senior Victory Ball committee and Senior offices in seven of the. University's schools must be obtained before 5 p.m. today at the Student offices of the Union, accord- ing to a ruling of the Men' Judiciary Council. The Ball committee which will choose the name band and make oth- er arrangements for the big between- semester dance that will replace both the Senior Ball and J-Hop on this year's spcal calendar, will be selected at an election to be held Wednesday. The group will be co-chairmaned by the Junior and Senior receiving the highest number of votes in the combined Literary and Business Ad- ministration School balloting. The same deadline has been set for obtaining petitions to run for a Senior office In Literary School, Law School and schools of Business Administra- tion, Art, Music, Forestry and Educa- tion. Petitions for both the Ball Commit- tee and Senior jobs will be due back at the Student offices of the Union not later than noon Monday. Board of Education Sanctions Absences The Ann Arbor Board of Education has placed a new premium on scho- lastic proficiency. The Board has decreed that start- ina Mondav Ann Arhn i h ij'hn1 Thomas Opens Post-War Conference Todays Attempt to Land Men 11 29 College Delegates Asked to First Session Attacking the problem of "The Re- lation of the Irndividual to the State in the Post-War World," Norman Thomas will address the first session of the Post-War Conference at 8 p.m. tonight at the Rackham Auditorium. - Thomas comes here with an active record behind him. He has served as an associate editor of the "Nation," as director of the League for Social Democracy and was the founder- editor of the ."World Tomorrow." Or- dained in the Presbyterian Ministry, Thomas later demitted and devoted himself to writing and a stormy po- litical career. Following a, consis- tently socialistic platform, he was twice candidate for mayor of New York City, once entered the guber- natorial race in the Empire State and has been a perennial candidate for the presidency, never running with a hope of winning but to pub- licize socialism. Special Meeting Representatives from 29 Michigan colleges and universities have been invited to attend the Conference. There will be a special meeting of these delegates tomorrow. Starting at 1:30 p.m. tomorrow in the "Vnion, three panel discussions will be held to examine various phases of post-war planning. Fol- lowing this, the Conference will move into its final stage-an address by Bertrand Russell, eminent philoso- pher and mathematician, on "Inter- national Government," to be given at 4:30 p.m. in the Rackham Audi- torium. : Speaking of the Conference, Clif- NORMAN THOMAS ford Straehley, chairman of the Post-War Council, said, "we hope that the attendance at the talks and panels will be in keeping with the importance of the issues to be dis- cussed." In outlining the aims of the Con- ference, Straehley particularly em- phasized the importance of provid- ing a sound basis for thought. Tickets for the talks by Thomas and Russell will be on sale today and tomorrow at the desks of the League and Union as well as on the diagonal. There will be no admission charge for the panel discussions. i x Nazis Forced to, Aid Italy BERN, Dec. 3.-(IP)-Italy's exposed position and the strain placed on her morale by continuing aerial bom- bardment and military reverses have forced the Germans to come to her aid for a second time, as they did in Greece, and at an hour when the Nazis need their greatest efforts else- where. Foreign political observers here said tonight that they did not see how Italy could quit the war, even if her government and people were determined to do so, as long as Ger- man troops keep a firm influence in the country and prevent development of organized opposition to Mussolini and his war policy. From Premier Mussolini down, the Italians are aware, that Allied effort is concentrating upon knocking Italy out of the war. t , Owners Claim Tileveco' Broke Up; Crew Lost CLEVELAND, Dec. 3.- (P)- The missing tanker-barge Cleveco, carry- ing 24,000 barrels of fuel oil for east- ern war plants, apparently broke up with loss of all 18 crew members, the owners announced tonight, raising to 32 the toll of a double disaster on Lake Erie. Coast Guard searching vessels, which lost contact with the Cleveco at 1 a.m., today, later found an oil slick, pieces of wreckage and six bod- ies. They were unable to determine then whether the bodies were from the Clevco or from the tug Admiral, which sank yesterday with its crew of 14 while towing the tanker-barge to Cleveland. Finding of the oil slick and bodies, however, led the Cleveland Tankers, Inc., to declare tonight "that in the opinion of the company the entire crew has been lost." The Cleveco, a 250-foot steel hulled vessel resembling a lake freighter, carried no propulsion machinery. The 94-ton tug Admiral went down swiftly in heavy seas before dawn AWiacndau The n wnrn qaid the craft Hfo se Revives, Passes Farm Parity 'Law, WASHINGTON, Dec. 3.- ()- In a surprise move, the House revived3 and passed unanimously today a Farm Parity Price Bill which admin- istration forces successfully opposed, last September on the ground that it would add billions of dollars to the, cost of living. Offered by Rep. Pace (Dem.-Ga.), the bill would force the government to include farm labor costs in the1 parity formula for the first time, and thus raise the parity, or "fgir ex- change," price of agricultural pro- ducts. Some government economists have estimated that the revision would raise the parity level by 10 per cent. Senator Thomas (Dem. - Okla.), Senate Agriculture Committee mem- ber, announced he would attempt to obtain prompt passage of the bill by the Senate. Private predictions were heard that it would have sufficient strength in both chambers to override a. Presidential veto, if the President disapproved. President Roosevelt has expressed "unalterable opposition" to altering the formula for parity, which is a price designed to give farm products the same purchasing power they had in a past period, usually 1909-14. Art Cinema League Shows Soviet Film, 'Guerrilla Brigade' A tale of individual ingenuity and daring, a saga of Soviet fighters be- hind the enemy lines, this is the basis for the Russian film, "Guerrilla Bri- gade," which will be presented by the Art Cinema League at 8:15 today through Sunday in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. "Guerrilla Brigade" describes the resistance of the people of the Ukraine against the Germans. In- spired by their leader, Chubenko, they attack in secrecy and slay with their homemade weapons. Even the women have their part in this offensive as shown when Oana, the peasant girl, bludgeons a German officer over the head. Lev Sverdlin, who impersonates Chubenko, has received for his work the coveted award known as the Red Rannr of Tnor. Oddly enough he Illness Strikes 100'Employes of, U Hospital No Cases Are Acute; Borman Offers Help of Manpower Corps to Shorthanded Staff The University Hospital, already short-handed because of the wartime labor shortage, yesterday suffered the temporary loss of 100 nurses, dieti- cians and doctors who were suddenly taken ill by a gastro-intestinal ail- ment, the cause of which is still un- known. Although these persons were con- fined to bed, none have been hospital- ized, and Dr. A. C. Kerlikowske, assis- tant director of the hospital, reported that no one is acutely ill. Diagnosis Not Completed Diagnosis of the illness has not yet been completed, but Dr. Kerlikowske said that it was "assumed the em- ployes' illness was caused by some- thing they ate." This diagnosis is ex- pected to be finished by 5 p.m. today. The hospital spokesman added, however, that 95% of the emloyees are expected to be back on the job tomorrow. To relieve the serious'lbor shortage in the meantime, Manpower. Boss Mary Borman volunteered the services of the Manpower Mobiliza- tion Corps until the undermanned staff is relieved. The Manpower Corps volunteers will act as porters and general helpers. The first signs of illness were no- ticed about 9:30 p.m. Wednesday when the first few student nurses were stricken. From that time until midnight a total of 70 were taken ill. Nearly 30 more cases were reported yesterday, each of them showing the same symptoms. 70 Were Student Nurses About 70% of the absentees were student nurses, with the remainder graduate nurses and internes. Five of the cases were doctors. The situation, however, held a ray of sunshine for the freshman nurses who were dismissed from classes all day yesterday and today to serve on active duty, taking the places of the stricken workers. But theirs will only be a two-day holiday, for classes will be resumed tomorrow. A similar situation occurred here 7 years ago, Dr. Kerlikowske reported, when 50 workers were stricken ill in a ptomaine epidemic caused by unfit chicken salad. Reds Destroy. 40 Nazi Planes Soviets Report Gains in Stalingrad Area MOSCOW, Dec. 4. (Friday)- ()- Russian troops have destroyed 40 more Nazi transport planes trying to ferry aid to enemy forces pocketed in the Stalingrad area, captured a stra- tegic height on the left bank of the Don River west of that city in a hand- to-hand fight, and smashed another hole in the enemy's lines west of Rzhev on the snow-choked central front, the Soviets announced early to- day. More than 3,100 Germans fell dur- ing yesterday's widespread and vio- lent actions to boost the toll of Nazi dead and captured to approximately 170,000, the Russians said. Field dispatches said the hard- pressed Germans on the Rzhev-Veli- kie Luki front northwest of Moscow were fighting in summer uniforms and were abandoning frozen tanks and guns on the blizzard-swept plains. The midnight communique ac- knowledged strong German resistance and even counter-attacks, but gave an unfavorable picture of the situa- tion on the various fronts. Beet Harvesters' Pay Day Approaches Manpower Head Mary Borman, who has been besieged by student L.....1 .. ..ce.«., tt.. w e "1i r a n Equal Losses Inflicted 'in Tunis; Allies Prepare for New Smash - a Mediterranean Sea BIZERTE Cap : EL AOUARIAi TAEDEIDA LETARF GUELMAN H PONT LE KEF DU FAHS AIN-BEIDA KAIROUAN :......i TEBESSA KHENCHELA SBEITLA , BOUTHADI: ALGERIA FERIANA SFAX REDEYEF GAFSA. TUNISIA ......... ABES -: NEFTA MARET - MEDEN u"M TO TRIPOLI A heavy Nazi counter-attack was hurled back yesterday hy Al led ground forces pressing into the Tunisian area, as United Nations air 'power maintained a 24-hour bombing of Tunis and Bizerte, prior to. the final Allied attack. Meanwhile an Allied naval squadron, operating in the Mediterranean broke up an Axis convoy heading for these much bombed ports with vital supplies for Rommel. By.The Associated Press ALLIED FORCE HEADQUAR-c TERS IN NORTH AFRICA, Dec. 3.- Allied tank forces prepared for an- other smash at strong German posi- e tions 12 miles west of Tunis today af-i ter a 48-hour battle which resulted inh "about equal losses on both sides." The action was fought near Djede-c ida, 12 miles west of Tunis, and "the t battlefield was dotted with wreckedt tanks, a headquarters spokesmanb said. Djedeida has changed hands sev-c eral times, he said, but the Allies now are holding the western part of thev village while American and Britishe airmen continue to blast both Tuniss and Bizerte on the northern coast. A communique earlier said anotherf big action was fought Tuesday ata Tebourba, 20 miles west of Tunis and 35 miles south of Bizerte, when Allied tanks repulsed Nazi armored forces "with considerable destruction of en- emy equipment." The fighting still is going on in the Tebourba area. * * * I Axis Hurled Back in Fight for Tunisia LONDON, Dec. 3.- V()- American and British forces battling for Tuni- sia have hurled back a second and larger enemy counter-attack in the Tebourba area, the Allied commands in North Africa announced today, while Allied airmen kept up a heavy 'round-the-clock pounding of Tunis and Bizerte and an Allied naval 16 Allied Vessels ' Reported Lost in ' Africano ffensive ' LONDON, Dec. 3. -(P)- Sixteen3 Allied naval vessels, including five United States naval transports, were lost out of an estimated 850 partici- pating in the occupation of North Africa nearly a month ago, an- nouncements here and in Washing- ton disclosed today, but casualties were described as "very small." The delayed disclosures of Allied losses came almost simultaneously with an Admiralty communique tell- ing of another smashing blow at Axis supply lines to Tunisia-the sinking, of four Axis transports and two de-, stroyers last Tuesday by a British battle force that included three cruis- ers. Allied warships lost in the original Allied movement on Morocco and Al- aeria, the Admiralty said, included Where Allies Hurled Back Nazis squadron broke up an ' Axis - convoy - carrying supplies destined: for the: battlefield. The land, sea and air action report- ed by the Allied force headquarters r in North Africa was some of the i heaviest of the whole campaign. The communique said that theV counter-thrust by the Germans in the Tebourba area was even larger d than that of last Tuesday, which had c been described as the most deter- mined Axis opposition this far in the campaign. The counter-attack "was repulsed with considerable destruction of en- emy equipment," the communique s said. Tebourba, the area of the critical f fighting, is 35 miles south of Bizerte2 and 20 miles west of Tunis. U. Toghtens Grip on Africa r Allied Air Bases to Be Established in Liberia I WASHINGTON, Dec. 3.- (P)- A stronger American grip on North Africa, and increased domination of the South Atlantic Narrows was indi- cated today by a State Department announcement that Liberia had con- sented to the establishment of Ameri- can air bases there. Troops of the United States, largely negro detachments, have already moved into the famous negro" repub- lic, and are already at work hacking new airports out of the jungles. The state department said that ac- tion was taken at the request of Li- beria, which felt that because of its geographical situation it was in dan- ger of attack and wanted to "safe- guard the independence and security of the republic." Ban Is Placed on House Parties The Student Affairs Committee yesterday announced that on last Aug. 4 it had taken action which places a ban for the duration on so- called "house parties" by any campus organization. This action was coincident with the unexpected announcement that all men who have attended one or more terms at any university or college and who have made the hours, grades and honor points now required for frater- nity initiation are eligible not only for U.S. Loses Cruiser as Thousands of Japs Are Drowned When 2 Transports Are Sunk By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Dec. 3.- The Jap- mese came out for round 3 Monday Light in the battle of Guadalcanal, he Navy announced today, but were waten back again with nine of their hips sunk and thousands of their oldiers drowned. The night engagement cost the Jnited States one cruiser sunk "an' ther U.S. vessels damaged," a com- nunique reported, but none of the fapanese soldiers being brought in y transports set foot on shore except possibly as bedraggled- prisoners. Ships Sunk Two Japanese troop transports and ne cargo ship were sunk and six of heir escorting warships were sent to he bottom of the sea. These included 'our destroyers and two other vessels hich were either cruisers or large lestroyers. 'Before the Navy issued its commu- ique, imperial headquarters in Tok- ro had trumpeted the action not as n unsuccessful attempt to put rein- orcements 'ashore at Guadalcanal >ut as "a fierce attack" by a Japanese 'torpedo attack flotilla." Tokyo laimed the sinking of one American attleship, one cruiser of the Augusta ype and two destroyers, to the loss >f only one of their own destroyers. Japs Stranded *Leanwhile American forces ashore 'n Guadalcanal hacked away at the apanese left stranded there without einforcements of men or fresh sup- lies, killing more than 100 of them n patrol skirmishes Tuesday and, Wednesday (Guadalcanal date). Successes in ground fighting, as Nell as in raids by aircraft from ien- letson Field, have been reported in ntermittent action ever since the last id of the foe to reinforce his troops was rebuffed in the smashing naval victory of Nov. 14-15. At that time 28 Japanese ships were sunk and 10 damaged. Despite the :rushing setback to the Japanese fleet, Secretary of the Navy Knox described the engagement as "round' 2" and warned that the enemy could be expected to come back. Foretold by Knox Thus the action earlier this week apparently constituted the "round .3" which Knox and other authorities had foretold. The Japanese challenge n this round was beaten back .as de- cisively as was the earlier one, but the Japanese force apparently was much smaller, and the damage suf- fered by the enemy was correspond- ingly less. American warships intercepted the Japanese armada in waters off the north coast of the island, in about the same vicinity as the scene of the last naval battle. "The enemy was interrupted in his attempt to reinforce and supply his troops on the island," the communi- que related succinctly, "and no land- ing was effected." Allies Near Enemy Line in New Guinea SOMEWHERE IN NEW GUINEA, Dec. 3.--()-Jungle-toughened Aus- tralian and American troops had di- vided the Japanese on the north shore of New Guinea into two con- tracting pockets around Buna and Gona today and fought so close to the enemy lines they could hear the curses of the dying Nipponese. The plight of the fanatically fight- ing enemy grew graver and he was believed short of food and ammuni- tion after the sixth attempt at rein- forcement had been turned back at sea by the hammer blows of Flying Fortresses and other Allied planes which routed a destroyer force. Allied troops already had infiltra- ted the cluster of grass huts which is Buna and controlled a shore line of about seven miles separating the Jap- anese trapped at Gona. The drive to Buna possibly divided Fails Againi