AP 4a11; Weather Colder F VOL. LIII No. 51 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DEC. 3, 1942 PRICE FIVE CENTS Allies hatter erman Attacks In Pledges Initiate Goodfellow Drive Death Scene of Two Jap Bombs Tunisia ersS American Blast Axis Bizerte, Tunis Battles Are Joined in Decisive CLast-Ditch Campaign Y for Control of Africa f ... . - __. Campus, City Sale oln .Dec. 14 An auspicious beginning to the eighth Annual Goodfellow Drive was made last night as fraternities, sor- orities and cooperative houses pledged themselves to sizeable contributions to the fund before the day of actual sales of the Goodfellow Daily, Mon- day, Dec. 14. Of 35. fraternities, 19 sororities and 8 cooperative houses contacted by the Goodfellow Committee yesterday, each one promised to mail a check to the Goodfellow Drive, addressed to the Student Publications Building. Emphasizing the need for contri- butions from campus organizations before the day of Goodfellow Daily sales if the $1,675 goal is to be met, George Sallade, '43, chairman of the campaign, said yesterday that many contributions have already been re- ceived and urged that more be sent in 'as soon as possible. Funds raised by the Drive will be allocated.to the Family Welfare Bur- eau, the Goodwill Fund and the Text- book Lending Fund. Suffering caused by a lack of good .housing conditions makes success of the' Goodfellow Drive necessary, investigation by the Goodfellow Committee has, revealed. With downtown areas and the cam- pus set to be covered by Manpower Corps members'and fraternity and sorority members respectively, only the Ann Arbor factory area is with- out salesmen. Plans are in formation to provide student salesmen for this region, Annual Galens Tag Sale Will Open Tomorrow 24 Medical Students Will Cover Campus in 14th Yearly Drive Twenty-four hard working medical students, members of Galens, honor- ary medical society, will brave the weather tomorrow and Saturday to form a "bucket brigade" for contri- butions to provide amusement and entertainment for children in the University Hospital. Under the direction or Karle Slat- myer, this fourteenth annual fund- raising campaign will attempt to bet- ter last year's record when the medi- cos stood in the snow for two days to raise an all-time high of $2,100. The pennies you drop in the Galens pails will provide many happy hours for some 90 bed-ridden and semi-in- valid children. Contributions are used primarily to equip and maintain the ninth-floor workshop, where the boys and girls spend many afternoons painting, sawing and learning to operate complex power tools. The money is also used for the an- nual Galens Christmas party, which includes entertainment, a Christmas tree, gifts and a Santa Claus to pass out stockings to each of the youthful patients. Although the public sale of tags is scheduled for tomorrow and Sat- urday, sororities and fraternities will participate in an advance sale today. The first day of the public campaign will be concentrated in the Univer- sity area. Red Army Pares Nazis, Killing 3,800 in Drive 'ONE-MAN AIR FORCE': Buzz Wagner, First American Ace of War, Missing 3 Days By HENRY C. CASSIDY j Associated Press Correspondent MOSCOW, Dec. 3. (Thursday)-(R), -The Red Army punched more holes, in the German lines between Velikie Luki and Rzhev on the central front yesterday and captured a strategic height southwest of Stalingrad in a continuing joint offensive that left more than 3,800 dead Nazis in its wake, the Russians announced today. The toll of Nazi killed and captured in two weeks has mounted to more than 166,000 on the basis of Russian announcements. Hundreds of tanks have been knocked out, and vast piles of equipment captured in drives Large'.Tugboat Goes Down in Icy Lake Erie Full 14 Man Crew Lost; Weather Halts Rescue CLEVELAND, Dec. 2.-()-In the worst disaster on treacherous Lake Erie since 1936, the 94-ton tug Ad- miral plunged beneath icy wind- swept waves today, drowning her crew of 14. Hampered by adverse weather, Coast Guard cutters sought mean- while to rescue the 19 crew members of the 250-foot barge Cleveco. The barge was under the Admiral's tow. when the tug went down a dozen miles northwest of Cleveland. The Ceveco drifted all day in stormy, well-below freezing tempera- tures as the Coast Guard kept track of the barge. The tug's crew probably had no chance to escape because of the swift- ness of her sinking. Members of the Admiral's crew were listed by the operators as: Capt. John O. Swanson, 42, of River Rouge, master; William R. Cowan, 31, of Cleveland, first mate; Harold Hannien, 36, Cleveland, sec- ond mate; William D. Rocks, 56, Cleveland, chief engineer; Francis Shannon, 36, Ashtabula, O., first as- sistant engineer; Bert Haahr, 36, De- troit, second assistant engineer. John Tierney, 21, John O'Connor, 34, and John Cahill, 37, all of Cleve- land, wheelsmen. Neil Chambers, 23, and George Chambers, 25, and Alexander Bald- win of Port Huron, firemen. Jerry Girard, 41, Chicago, utility man, and Robert J. Dundon, 55, Cleveland, steward. FDIR Granted New' War Tariff Power WASHINGTON, Dec. 2.- ()- A measure giving President Roosevelt wartime powers to suspend tariff reg- ulations successfully weathered a death-sentence test in the House Ways and Means Committee today, but there were mounting signs that stiff opposition from the Congres- sional Farm Bloc lay ahead. The committee voted 13-7 against tabling the legislation. Such tabling, in addition to giving the measure a slow death this year, would likely have meant added diffi- culties for it next year when a new Congress takes over with increased Republican strength. that slackened somewhat in some' sectors so the Russians could consoli- date their positions on the snow-cov- ered steppes. Hill Captured The hilltop stormed and captured southwest of Stalingrad was not iden- tified in the regular midnight com- munique, but earlier the newspaper Red Star said that Yuzhnaya fHeigh had fallen to the Russians. That hill had dominated the southern ap- proaches to Stalingrad and the Ger- mans had used itfor weeks both for valuable artillery and observation posts. Several inhabited localities were re- ported seized by the Russians, but their names were not disclosed. The Russians again spoke of "stub- born enemy resistance" on both fronts, but said that 2,500 Nazis fell yesterday in two battles between Vel- ikie Luki and Rzhev where the Red Army again "forged ahead."' Nine- teen enemy. tanks were crippled; and 12 guns, eight tanks, eight mortars, several hundred motor vehicles and other material were captured, the communique said. Radio Acknowledges (The German radio acknowledged "local Russian successes" at Bely, well1 inside the Velikie Luki-Rzhev-vyaz- ma triangle on the central front, and also at Demyansk, southeast of Lake Ilmen, a sector thus far not men- tioned by the Russians. The Germans also suggested another powerful Rus- sian offensive was brewing southeast of Voronezh, between the present ac- tive theaters. The Nazis told of1 a heavy concentration of Russian forces and equipment in the Butur-j linovka-Kalach-Pavlovsk triangle be- low Voronezh and said Nazi airmen already were attacking there.) Noted Speakers Will Consider Phost=-War Er Thomas, Russell Will Give Lecture Here As part of an effort to focus the attention of a war-conscious campus on the necessity for post-war plan- ning, the second annual Intercol- legiate Post-War Conference will of- fer talks by Norman Thomas, four times candidate for President, and Bertrand Russell, widely known phi- losopher and mathematician. Thomas will speak at 8 p.m. Friday at the Rackham Auditorium on "The Relation of the Individual to the State in the Post-War World."tRus- sell's talk, which will end the Con- ference, will be delivered at 4:30 p.m. Saturday, also at the Rackham Audi- torium. His topic will be "Interna- tional Government." Representatives from 29 Michigan colleges and universities have been invited to attend the Conference and to participate in the three panel dis- cussions that have been scheduled for Saturday afternoon. Faculty mem- bers who will take part in the panels on various phases of post-war plan- ning include Profs. Mentor Williams, Preston Slosson, Earl Cissel, Harlow Whittemore and John Worley. Also scheduled to speak on a panel is Prof. Lewis Corey of Antioch College. There will be no admission charge for the panel discussions. Ticket sales Turn to Page 2, Col. 4 -Associated Press Photo The death of two Jap bombers in the naval battle off the Santa Cruz Island last month is recorded here. One plane (splash, right) has just hit the water, while the second is headed vertically down. A U.S. cruiser is seen in the background. IT'S BETWEEN SEMESTERS: Victor Ball to Replace J-Hop, Senior Dance as War Measure. WASHINGTON, Dec. 2.- (/P)- "Buzz Wagner,Nthe "one-man air force" and the first American ace of this war, has been missing three days on a routine flight from an Army air base in Florida to Maxwell Field, Ala. A War Department announcement today- said he took off from Elgin Field, Fla., Nov, 30 and has been un- reported since. An extended search still is under way. Wagner, under- stood here to be flying a single-en- gined pursuit plane, may have been forced down in the Gulf of 'Mexico. Commanding a squadron of P-40's in the Philippines when the war started, Lieut, Boyd D. Wagner sho.t down five enemy planes and led his squadron in attacks that destroyed 24 more on the ground before the conflict was two weeks old. He and his companions tossed hand grenades from the cockpits of their pursuit planes at the invading Japanese, car- ried bombs in their laps and sank three small transports by flying over them time after time and shooting them full of machine-gun bullet holes. As the small number of American planes on the Island of Luzon gradu- ally was destroyed, Wagner-who had won the Distinguished Service Cross for extraordinary heroism in an at- tack at Vigan-was ordered to Aus- tralia. In one dogfight, a bullet had shattered his windshield and seht a sliver of glass into his eye. The wound brought him the award of the Purple Heart, but-coupled with his combat experience-restrict- ed his own flying and brought him an assignment in Australia instruct- ing new pilots just arrived from the United States in combat tactics against the Japanese. to Be Off ered Chuben1ko, the famed guerrilla leader of the Ukraine will be por- trayed by Lev Sverdlin in the Rus- sian film, "Guerrilla Brigade" which In a precedent-smashing move, the i Men's Judiciary Council announced L today that J-Hop, long-standing tra- n dition on the Michigan Campus, will L be replaced this year by a Junior-a Senior .,Victory Ball' that will com-v bine J-Hop and the Senior Ball. S Although the date as yet .tenta-: tive, the dance will be held between 1 semesters, the usual time for J-Hop. Among other reasons, the dance has been scheduled for this time to enablee Seniors graduating in February to attend their last major social func- tion on campus. In previous years the two affairs have been leading campus activities. They have brought bands such as Benny Goodman, Gene Krupa, Glen Miller, Raymond Scott and Jimmy Lunceford to play in the Intramural Building, made festive for the occa- sion. Petitioning for committee members who will choose the name band forl this year and make the arrangementst will begin today and continue tomor-F row. Petitions must be picked up att the Student Offices of the Union be-t tween 3 and 5 p.m. They will be dueI back at the Student Offices not later than noon Monday.1 According to the plans of the Ju-t diciary Council, the Junior and Sen- 'HOME FRONT': Information t Center Set Up 1 in West Quad1 With the establishment of an infor- mation center in the West Quad, the1 Manpower Corps yesterday made the first move in its new campaign to1 "clean up the home front." The information center, which is to serve as a clearing house between the Quad and the Corps, is staffed by three representatives of the West; Quad-Charles Diehl, Bob Pondero and Bob Barnes. Fourteen men have already signed up to help out in the West Quad's kitchen and dining room. More will be signed up as soon as the volunteers can find spare time, Head-man Marv Borman said yesterday. A survey of all eating places in Ann Arbor has already been completed and Borman said the statistics of hours, wages and how much help is needed will be used as a reference to sign up volunteer workers. "We're going to try to keep every eating place in town open," Borman said, "but we're going to concentrate on the campus first. It's encouraging to note that all the fellows who have signed up to date aren't interested in the money they'll earn." He said that additional workers will h furnished at the telephone By BLAKE SULLIVAN Associated Press Correspondent LONDON, Dec. 2.- (P)- Superbly- equipped and" desert -toughened American streamlined armored forces spearheaded Allied action today in hurling back the heaviest German counter-attack of the Tunisian cam- paign as Allied troops pressed forward on Bizerte and Tunis under the pro- tecton of increasing aerial forays. A dispatch from Wes Gallagher, Assbciated Press correspondent at the headquarters of the Allied forces in North Africa, guoted a headquarters spokesman as saying that the Ameri- cans "played a big part in repulsing the German equnter-attacks at Ter- boura," a rail junction within 35 miles off Bizerte. U.S. Planes Attack or receiving the most votes in theN Literary School election will co-chair-X man the Ball. n. Aside from the. two top men, .the2 Literary School will be entitled to six additional representatives, three ofY whom must be Juniors and three. Seniors. The Engineering School will choose four members, two Jniors and two Seniors. One, member .'will be selected to represent the schoolsc of Art and Music and one more from i among the schools of Pharmacy,'For-] estry and Education. Miussolini Says', Italy Will Fig;ht' to End of War., By The Associated Press LONDON, Dec. 2.-Benito Musso- lini, coughing and puffing defiance through a long speech in answer to Prime Minister Churchill's threat to bomb Italy out of the war, admitted to his countrymen today that Italy had been forced into a conflict by "the belligerents" but assured the people that they now would fight on to the end. "I have a vague impression that the Italian people want to hear me," he said. Then he told them that the Ger- mans "have beaten the Russians," that "victory cannot fail to come to the Axis" and that he "was not sur- prised by the (Allied) invasion of North Africa." Of the imminent Allied threats to Italy from North Africa, the contin- uing bombings of the country from British home bases and the added raids promised by Churchill from newly acquired airfields across the Mediterranean, Mussolini said: "There now is no longer an ex- ternal and internal front; there is but one front. "All who can leave must leave our cities. A nightly exodus must also be arranged from cities so only fight- ing personnel remains. "We have spent hundreds of mil- lions of lire on shelters that can resist tie biggest bombs. Turn to Page 2, Col. 3 You Don't Have to Ride in Box Cars Yet Those boys who used to work on the railroads will tell you that travel will be suspended soon, but they don't know. Here's what the Michigan Central Railroad will tell you if you ask about reservations: Reservations will not be made for the Mercury between Dec. 16 through Dec. 20 simply because it has already been filled. Pullman reservations may still be made on most trains. PAmerican medium bombersescort- et" Wy P-38 fighters, assaulted the Tunis airdrome in the fifth Allied raid on that field in 44 hours. At least 12 Axis bombers and transports were destroyed on the ground, the pilots reported. With the decisive battle for Bi- zerte and Tunis thus joined, Allied headquarters reported the Germans had suffered "heavy losses" in their unsuccessful counter-attack. In the continuing action, United States P-38 pursuit planes were re- ported to have, knocled out a number of German tanks in the Djedeida area near- Tunis. Bombs;Hit Tunis There also were reports of heavy action around Mateur, 12 miles southwest of Bizerte, as the Allied column drove on toward the coast to cleave the naval base from Tunis, the capital. The Allied Headquarters Communi- que today said Allied bombers were keeping up their assaults on the air- fields at Tunis and Bizerte. Light bombers and fighters also are operating in support of the for- ward troops, the communique said. It acknowledged the loss of five planes but declared that seven enemy air- craft were destroyed. Turn to Page 2, Col. 5 Allies May Get Dakar Without Use of. Arms. LONDON, Dec. 2.- ( )- The Al- lies appeared tonight to be on the verge of acquiring Dakar without bloodshed for use as an anti-sub- marine base and of obtaining a valu- able part of the French fleet there on the bulge of West Africa, which once was considered a potential dag- ger pointed at Brazil. The decision throwing Dakar open to Allied use was expected to come out of conferences in Algiers among Pierre Boisson, the one-legged gov- ernor-general of French West Africa, Admiral Jean Darlan and the Allied Army and Navy commands in French Africa. Informed sources believed the use of Dakar by the Allies was a certainty, with only the extent to be determined; and naval quarters were quick to point out the advantages. In Dakar's excellent harbor, they said, small craft such as corvettes, destroyers and motorboat submarine chasers could be based and serviced, since naval facilities there are in first class shape. 14 Men Lost as Navy Boat Sinks NEWPORT, R.I., Dec. 2.- (M)-- A Navy Liberty boat, filled with men returning from shore leave, capsized in Narragansett Bay early today and between 14 and 21 sailors were lost. Two sailors, J. B. Kelly and L. J. Hinsen, both seamen second class, Allied Airmen Bag 23 Zeros Ground Forces Hold Trap in New Guinea ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN AUSTRALIA, Dec. 3. (Thursday)- (P)- Allied airmen have downed 23 Jap Zeros. and driven off a naval convoy which attempted to rehiforce the entrapped Japs at Buna on the northeast New guinea coast, the high command announced today. LEV SVERDLIN is being offered by the Art Cinema League in conjunction with the Rus- sian War Relief Society at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow through Sunday in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. "Guerrilla Brigade" was made in Svirki, a small central Ukrainian town, before the Nazi invasion, and The dates for the Art Cinema film, "Guerrilla Warfare," are to- SHADES OF SIBERIA: Earmuffs, Overcoats Appear as Students Brave Zero Weather, By MARK LIPPER\ "Brrrr--" was the password on campus yesterday as students, bun- dled in sweaters and overcoats and sporting ear muffs trudged to classes through icy snows in 10 degree the only ones who complained. There were several professors and towns- people who were forced to walk to work because of gasoline rationing. One brave motorist who "took a chance" ran out of gas on State ctrp~ lat las nig ,. "'ve nt ento