THE M1CIIGAN DAILY Russian Film to Be Presented by Art Cinema Soviet Movie Offered at 8:15 Tomorrow Through Saturday For its third presentation of the year, the Art Cinema League will offer the Russian film, "Guerrilla Brigade,"' together with three shorts on the Soviet in the war at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow through Saturday in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. "Guerrilla Brigade" is a tribute to the heroic resistance of the Russian guerrilla fighters of today. Once be- fore, in 1918, the Germans, abetted by traitors, attempted to plunder the Ukraine. The farmers, miners, fish- ermen and peasants who routed the Germans then are now driving the enemy from their land again. This film shows the guerrilla in action. Chubenko, the leader, miracu- lously escapes under the German's eyes; Nedolya, the farmer, outwits the Nazi general and Oxana, the peasant girl, bludgeons a German officer over the head. Later, when the German commander hears that his general has been killed, he says, "but how could he have been killed, there was no battle." "Guerrilla Brigade" was made in Svirki, a small Ukrainian town. When director Igor Savchenko and his com- pany arrived there, they found that some of the villagers had actually been guerrillas during the first world war. It was impossible to use the neighboring townfolk to play the parts of German soldiers. Extras had to be brought from Kiev for those roles. The cast of this film is composed of the leading Soviet screen actors. Three of the stars, Stephen Shkurat, Elena Kuzmina, and Leonid Kmit are Honored Artists of the Soviet Repub- lic, and Lev Sverdlin, who imperson- ates Chubenko, has received the cov- eted award known as the Red Banner of Labor. Aviation Board to Meet Here Veiled Soldiers in Egypt Write Home DODGING SUBS FAVORITE GAME OF FREIGHTERS: Student Tells Thrills in Caribbean Convoy Trip v E S E R T V E I L S-Two British tank men, their faces swathed in mosquito netting to keep flies away, write home from Egypt. YOUR DONATION GIVES COMFORT: Galens Asks More Contributions in Drive for Crippled Children (Editor's Note: Here is the second in- stallment of Hoe Seltzer's yarns of his experiences on a convoy this summer. Seltzer is a former Daily sports night editor.) Two days and we are off Cape Hatteras. Now Cape Hatteras and ,the Jersey coast have been having a sort of race of it. Each one is trying to outdo the other in the total num- ber of ships plowed under in its vi- cinity. Although at the beginning of the year the Jersey sector stepped out to a nice early lead with a tank- er or two turning up its toes there every day the Army and Navy pa- trol boats, planes and blimps have to a large extent thrown the net over this activity and Hatteras now gets all the trade. They must have some fools in the German navy. Because just before noon there is a muffled BOOM about two miles astern and there she is, one of our tankers with her nose already well under water and her aft end hung high in the air. The general alarm is rung on all ships and we charge to our boat stations and standby pending de- velopments. But there are no fur- ther repercussions and we break it up and dinner is served to the tune of exploding depth charges every ten minutes or so as our armed es- cort plows back and forth across the deep in an attempt to lo- cate the varmit. But although many a porpoise is killed by the concussion from the ash cans there is nary a submersible to be found and finally word is givenout that it was probably a mine that did the dastardly deed and not a sub after all. And when I ask why did our boyshwastea dozentdepthcharges in the course of the afternoon. Then people look at me and say quiet down chum you say your name is Seltzer that's German ain't it? When you take short-story writ- ing courses you learn that charac- ter can be portrayed by the various reactions of different individuals to the same stimulus. As an ex- ample take this tanker sinking. Me, I am more curious and interested than scared. It is during the day and we are riding empty so that if we do get blasted I at least am wide awake and have all my faculties functioning top speed and besides I won't be fricasseed in oil any- way. I am a sort of spectator and when an ash can goes off even two miles away it jolts against the hull like a charge of compressed air un- der water and the mushrooms springing up behind the sub-chaser look just like in the movies. But Captain Oscar Christansen is a jitterbug if ever I saw one. All during dinner whenever a charge goes off he dashes up to the bridge and surveys the scene of battle, then comes back to the saloon and eats swo more mouthfuls until the next blast. At the same time the commodore, the man who above all others should be concerned over the fate of the.convoy entrusted to his care, remains at the table throughout the entire action munching away at his food like the old billygoat he is and complains about the numerous flies that settle on his meat and potatoes and drown in his iced tea. And through it all the men on watch deep down in the guts of the ship in the engine room keep work- ing away, keep steam up and the boilers fired, not knowing whether the terr~ific kick they feel at each explosion because they are below the water line signifies just an- other depth bomb or whether this time it's the McCoy and we've been tagged. These men who have the least chance of getting clear in an emergency anyway must remain at their posts until the signal comes from the bridge that they may abandon ship. And they do it. The seaman isn't much to look it but he has what it takes when the go- ing gets rough. After that one day of something doing the days pass by in calm and peace all the way down the coast and around Florida. Here the con- voy splits up, some continuing straight south into the Caribbean to run the gauntlet of subs down to Aruba or Curacao while several of them stick with us for the run across the Gulf of Mexico. Theyucall them mosquitos in the Gulf but they lie. In reality they are moths armed with hypodermic needles. I have been forewarned so I am prepared. The heat in this gar- den spot of the South is so intense and so moist that the only lads who can sleep below decks are those who have learned to live without breath- ing. So I lie down on the deck and wrap myself up like a mummy. Completely sheathed I am with just my nose sticking out. Come on you mosquitos I challenge, I am ready for you. They come. In the morning there is not one square inch of my body which has not been injected by the little beasties. I have to scrub my- self with a strong naphtha soap to burn the itch out of the lumps. The whole crew is always in a pretty sad shape after such a night. The oldtimers stay up all night playing stud and the others toss in their bunks sweating and swearing and slapping at themselves but never sleeping. The sub commanders know that sooner or later the tankers will pass by so they hang around right out- side Corpus Christi or Galveston or Port Arthur and pick them off like in a shooting gallery. The days :on the Gulf are beau- tiful and clear and at times it is hard to realize that there is a war going on and that a submarine may be lurking behind the next wave. But the day before we make port we get a subtle reminder when Men from 18 to 26 Are Eligible to Apply (Editor's Note: This is the second in a series of three articles dealing with case histories of children at the Univer- sity Hospital, which your contributions to Galens will aid in keeping active and happy.) Paul, aged 13, has been coming to the hospital off and on ever since he was four years old. Entirely encased in a body cast, he is -of necessity lim- ited in his projects and has to do all his work in what seems to be a very awkward position. Paul talks constantly of his six brothers and six sisters "at home," and most of his work is done with their pleasure in mind. One of his most recent projects was a shoe rack "to help them keep all their shoes straight" and was designed especially for his five-year-old twin sisters.' Always cheerful and enthusiastic, Paul is forever .planning his next project beore he is finished with the last one. Hospital officials term him a very "forward-looking" boy and maintain that his influence on the other children has been invaluable. In spite of his frequent trips to and from the hospital, Paul's life has been as normal a one 'as possible. He has made definite socialization dur- ing his stay i the hospital and be- cause of his fine attitude'is ade- quately geared to return to normal community rife. 11-Year-Old Margaret, aged 11, was one of the relatively few girls who regularly at- tended the Galens workshop. The Scrap Matinee Profits Given to Scholarship The profits from a scrap matinee at the Whitney Theatre last Satur- day will be turned over to the Bomb- er Scholarship Fund, it was an- nounced today. 3,600 pounds of scrap and rubber which sold for $14.64 was collected. Employes of the theatre and mem- bers of the local Projectionists Uni''n' donated their services free of charge in putting on the show. A similar show for the purpose of collecting scrap is planned each month in one of the downtown theatres. boys accepted her as one of them when they realized that she was in earnest about wanting to work but tolerated no fooling around in the shop. Receiving help from the instruc- tor, she soon learned how to operate the power tools which had been to- tally unfamiliar to her and of which at first she was a little afraid. She also received valuable aid from the boys in the shop who explained the complexities of the various ma- chines to her and told her that her work would improve if she would not try to work so fast. During her stay she made several small wooden pins, a set of book- ends, a corner shelf and three plastic plaques. Her work improved a great deal and before she left the hospital she was giving serious competition to the best of the boys. Schnabel Will Give Concert (Continued from Page 1) ual concerts and later, performing sonata recitals with Carl Flesch, famous violinist. During this period. he also appeared in joint recitals with his wife, Theresa Behr, a lieder singer. Schnabel came to the United States in 1933 at the invitation of Serge Koussevitsky to participate in a fes- tival of Brahms' music with the Bos- ton Symphony Orchestra. The ar- tist's performance at that time brought him popularity with Ameri- can concert audiences that has not diminished to the present time. Schnabel,ralthough he performs only the works of classical masters such as Beethoven, Brahms and Moz- art, is an accomplished composer in the modernist school. SLAVIC SOCIETY MEETS TODAY The Slavic Society will meet at 8 p.m. today at the International Cen- ter. All Slavic students and others who are interested are invited to at- tend. Refreshments will be served. STRIKE UP THE BAND: Multi-Featured Varsity Night Draws over Four ,Thousand 1 1 Applicants for air corps personnel will be spared plenty of red tape and a trip to Detroit when the Army's aviation cadet examining board re- turns to Ann Arbor next week for the first time since June. The board will make its headquar- ters in the Elks Temple and will re- main here through Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday interviewing and examining air corps applicants. For- merly only pilots were enlisted by the traveling board. This time men between the ages of 18 and 26, inclusive, both married and single, are eligible for enlistment as pilots, navigators and bombardiers. All applicants must pass physical and mental screening tests for general knowledge and aptitude. Cadets will receive $75 a month and after graduation will be commissioned as second lieutenants or flight of fi- cers and receive up to $327 a month. Men specializing in armaments, com- munications, engineering and pho- tography will be given commissions if they qualify. II _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ti we pass the broken and burned hulk of a tanker torpedoed a month before which now drifts aimlessly nowhere, a ghost ship. Then a gulf oil port and that first beer goes down like honey but the girls are nowhere near as good looking as the crew said they'd be. And in 24 hours we are loaded up and hit the trail back to New York. The second evening out we pass a tanker with a mighty gap in her port side. She had been drilled a few days previously but has man- aged to limp back to the pass. (To Be Continued) COUPON PLEASE: Gasoline Sales Hit 'Slow Pace on Rationing The retail gasoline business went dead yesterday after long threatened rationing started Dec. 1. Weary service station attendants who for three days had done a record high business, obeying one last "fill 'er up" summons from Ann Arbor motorists, rested in vacant stations. With tanks brimful drivers faced the government's rubber saving four gallons a week ration with what sta- tion attendants described as "very sportsmanlike attitudes." Only seven of twenty-five Ann Ar- bor gasoline stations checked last night reported any business done yes- terday. None of them had serviced more than three cars. As tanknresources dwindle later this week, gasoline sellers are expecting some part of their business to return. 'But it will be a closely watched sup- ply of gasoline they pump out. To secure future supplies of gaso- line, proprietors will have to submit coupons in direct proportion to the amount used, rationing authorities announced. Motorists consequently won't be able to buy a bit of gasoline until they present the proper A coupon,or if they have a vital part in defense work, the supplementary B and C cards. For Ann Arbor drivers who still have failed to get rationing book,'a special application center has been set up at Hutchins Hall in the law quadrangle. Open daily from 10 am. to 5 p.m. and nightly from 7 to 9 p.m., the center will process applications while drivers wait. ALUMINUM IS UTILIZED LANSING, Dec. 1.- ()- Kenneth M. Burns, chairman of the Salvage Committee of the State defense coun- cil, passed on to the public of Michi- gan today the War Production Board's assurance that "all aluminum collected in the scrap campaign of last fall definitely has gone into war channels." Burns said he was informed that about 15,000,000 pounds of metal were collected nationally in the drive, of which 6,000,000 pounds was usable aluminum and the remainder was steel scrap or other waste materials which all found its way into trade channels. Your, blood Reduction of Long Distance Calls Isa Urge by Bell Co. The Michigan Bell Telephone Co.- yesterday offered figures showing al- most a 25 per cent increase in thej number of long distance calls from Ann Arbor since Pearl Harbor as evi- dence why it is urging the general. public to restrain its use of long dis- tance service.- Averaging 4,385 calls a day as com- pared with approximately 3,520 a day 'just before the start of the war, the increase was attributed by N. J. Prak- ken, manager for the company, al- most entirely to war calls. However, he said that the public is 'giving a gratifying response to the company's plea for less use of the telephone, pointing to the fact that the number of local calls is down nearly five per cent with a daily average of about 89,000 now against nearly 93,000 a year ago. This, the said, indicates that users are elimi- nating many social calls within the community in order that war calls may get the right of way. The Ann Arbor exchange, in addi- tion to the many factories in the city, also handles all phone calls from the Willow Run bomber plant in Ypsi- lanti. To handle the increased long dis- tance traffic, the company has added more than 60 employes in its traffic department here, +most of the new personnel being operators. "In normal times, telephone. facili- ties would be expanded sufficiently to meet all increased traffic demands, but materials required for such ex- pansion are now going into weapons of war, where they belong," Prakken said. "That is why we are urging the general public to restrain its use of both local and long distance service, particularly to out-of-state points, and to make all calls as brief as pos- sible." Gift Subscriptions for 'The Alumnus' Pour in Christmas gift subscriptions for the Michigan Alumnus have been pouring in like Ann Arbor's rainy weather, T. Hawley Tapping, secretary-treas- urer of the Alumni Association an- nounced yesterday. The Alumnus is now being sent to four army and navy posts in Hawaii, to camps in Australia, Bermuda and Iceland. The camp libraries at Ft. Benning, Ga., Ft. Devens, Mass., Ft. Sill, Okla. and Camp Forest, Tenn. have also received donations to the can By MONROE FINK "It had everything !" That's what over four thousand people were saying last night as they left Hill Auditorium after applauding their way through two and a half hours of Varsity Night, 1942, pre- sented by the University Bands. Assisted by the University Men's and Women's Glee clubs, pianist Corp. Julian Leviton, and an aggre- gation of campus talent, the Band put on the two-part concert-variety show which saw Henry Vinkemulder, '44, win the $25 War Bond, offered as a prize to the best campus act, with his "magic" show. The absence of "Happy" Joe Gen- tile, radio announcer scheduled to officiate at the program but called away on government business at the last minute, was the only setback suffered during the evening, and Mary Levey, Grad, was on hand to fill the gap. Other entrants in the talent show were Peter Farago, '43, accordianist; Marjorie Hollis, blues-singer; and Bob Vibbert, '43, tap dancer, while the Band male quartet, the "Meta- Four" wound up the program. Spicing a classical program with a touch of swing, the Band featured drummer Bob Rosengarden, '46M, in "Calfskin Calisthenics," while the CORP. JULIAN LEVITON year will be put into War Bonds, which will be set aside for the use of University Bands after the war. quartet struck the final jazz note with its rendition of "Twelve Bar Blues." Proceeds from Varsity Night this save a Se! For Chriatmras Gifts for friends at hom e and in Ann Arbor . . The :MICHIGfiN Cf4LENDfiR f or 1943 ii low kea4! Beautiful photographs of the Michigan Campus 4 that you will always want to remember. f 'i~tce EJaj a wa .44 This is our 50th Annual Michigan calendar. T44 e \ATA4I' THE AMERICAN RED CROSS is in vital need of replenishing its supply of blood plasma for emergency transfusions. . . . These donations are for our wounded men in the fighting forces..-- The donation of your blood takes abut 20 minutes.... Hundreds of students have given this valuable service with no ill effects whatsoever. The Campus Quota for Tuesday and Wednesday, December 8 and 9 is 200 donors. 20 minutes of your time to save a life - isn't it worth it? REGISTRATION FOR DEC. 8 and 9 MEN Registration for men will take place in the lobby of the Union from 12:00 noon to 5:30 p.m. Wednes- day, Thursday and Friday, Decem- ber 2, 3, 4, and on Saturday, De- WOMEN All information and registration of women will take place through Saturday at the Michigan League. 1 1