I Weather
Snow and Colder
Mammoth Struggle
Raging Over
* * *
in Africa
Is Darlan's
Admiral Takes .Over
Job as Chief of State
of French Africa, Sets
Up Advisory Council
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Dec. 1.- Admiral Jean,
Darlan, acting with the assertion that.
Marshal Petain is a prisoner of the,
Germans at Vichy, has taken over?
authority as chief of state in French
Africa, it was announced tonight from
The Morocco radio said Darlan,
who is cooperating with the Allies,
had set up an imperial council to
advise him. This was announced af-
ter Darlan had conferred with
Auguste Nogues and Pierre Bois-
son, governors general in. Morocco
and French West Africa, which
embraces Dakar.
Fighting French quarters in Lon-
don, who still regard Darlan as a
traitor to France because of his Vichy,
record, said they assumed that Dar-
lan's assumption -of his new powers
was in an effort to strengthen his:
political position.
Presumably, it was his intention to
set up a full-fledged French govern-
ment in North and West Africa..
As the one-time political heir tox
Marshal Petain, Darlan has contend-
ed all along that he was acting in the
name of the Marshal who was unable;
to speak independently from Vichy.
Marshal Petain, however, accord-
ing to Vichy broadcasts, has
stripped Darlan of his authority as
a minister and as his presumptive
The announcement from Morocco
came as evidence grew of- internal
revolt in France, where rioting by
hundreds of sullen workers at Toulon
compelled authorities to drop their
attempt to re-open the naval arsenal.
that was closed last Friday when
French sailors scuttled the main
Ban Placed on
All amusement
in Boston'Area
# # *
* *
* * *
* * "
Prisoner, Darlan
Gridders Elect White
Captain; Honor Wistert
{ ,1
Michigan's 26 football letter win
ners recognized: leadership and out-
standing gridiron ability as they
elected Paul G. White, '44Ed, of River
Rouge, captain of the 1943 football
team and atthe same time chose Al-
bert A. Wistert, '43, of Chicago, the
most valuable player on the squad
during the recently ended season.
In his climb to the Michigan cap-
taincy Paul leaves a trail of honors
behind him. He came to Michigan
with _an All-State tag which he
earned in high school. During his
:freshman year he sparked the frosh
squad and drew notable comments
from the coaches.
At the opening of the 1941 season
he was ranked as one of the top backs
of Michigan until he suffered a shoul-
der injury which stopped him. Then
this yearshe underwent a tonsil oper-
ation and wasn't in top condition for
Turn to Page 3, Col. 1
Canada, U.S.
Set Principles
Make Agreements on
Post-War Problems
WASHINGTON,- Dec. 1-. (AP)-
Canada and the United States d's
closed tonight that they had reached;
an agreement looking toward a post-
war world in which trade. barriers
would be lowered and the production,
exchange and consumption of goods
greatly enlarged for the "satisfaction
of human needs."
The agreement, embodied in an ex-
change of notes made public tonight
by the state department, sets forth
the principles which will guide the
governments of the two countries in
approaching the problem of economic
settlements after the war.
In language similar to .that -em-
ployed in the lend-lease agreements
between the United States and Brit-
ain,- China, Russia and other coun-
tries, the two governments formally.
agreed that post-war settlements
must be of a sort to promote mutually
advantageous economic relations be-
tween them as well as the betterment
of world-wide economic relations.
Schnabel To
Give Concert'
Noted Pianist Plays
Brahms and Mozart
Artur Schnabel, celebrated concert
pianist, will present the sixth concert
of the Choral Union series at 8:30
p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium,j
playing a concert composed of works
by Brahms and Mozart.
Named the most distinguished au-
thority on the works of Beethoven,
Schnabel is also noted as a great in-
terpreter of the works of Bach,
Brahms, Mozart, Schubert and Schu-
Schnabel began his concert career
when he was fifteen, after six years
of study in Vienna under the greatest,
teacher of the time, Leschetizky.
During his study with Leschetizky,
Schnabel once played before Johan-
nes Brahms, who commented, "How
in the name of heaven can such a
young boy play all that so correctly?"
As a concert pianist, Schnabel's
reputation grew rapidly. He traveled
throughout Europe, playing individ-
Turn to Page 6, Col. 3
Control over
Production Is
Overlapping Military,
Civilian Management
No Longer a Problem
By The Assocat~d Pess.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1 President
Roosevelt said today that the problem
of overlapping authority between
civilian and military control of pro-
duction had been settled without
slowing the flow of war supplies from
the nation's factories.
There had been such a problem, he
said at a press conference, although
it was not so serious as some had
made it out to be. It involved what
he termed the fringes in between the
War Production Board and the mili-
tary supervision of production.
Mr. Roosevelt reminded reporters
that he had previously told them how
the problem would be settled-by tell-
ing those involved to get together in
a room and not leave until a settle-
ment was reached. That, the Presi-
dent said, had been done.
There wasn't much of a story in it,
he continued, and yet there was a big
story in it, too, for a settlement was
reached, without impairing produc-
tion rates in the slightest. The prob-
lem was settled before it reached into
the factories, he added.
Some, he said, without going into
details, had endeavored to raise the
controversy involved into a star of
the first magnitude.
Further Income
Limits Asked
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1.- (P)-- A
plan to broaden the application of
President Roosevelt's $25,000 salary
limitation is expected to be laid before
the next session of Congress, con-
vening next month.
An informed official, who declined
to be quoted by name, said today the
President would ask that the limit
be applied to income from invest-
ments, as well as income from salar-
ies. He will ask Congress, it was said,
to make the restriction effective
through the new tax bill.
Good fellows
Will 'Conduct
IAnnual Drive
The Annual Goodfellow Drive-a
campaign to judge whether this na-
tion at war still maintains its human-
itarian standards-will take place
Monday, Dec. 14, when an army of
Goodfellow Daily salesmen will mo-
bilize to sell the paper throughout
the campus, downtown and factory
areas in order to provide Christmas
funds for the city's charity organ-
Fraternities and sororities, diormi-
tories and independent houses and
the faculty are expected to swell the
fund by selling the Goodfellow ei
tions and by making and solicitag
voluntary contributions.
Goal of the 1942 Drive is to reach
and surpass the highest total ever
reached in previous years, a sum of
First move in the campaign h'is
already been taken by the Student
Manpower Corps which, after being
pledged by director Mary Borman to'
"give the drive all our support," has
determined to take over sales of the
Goodfellow Daily in the dlowntown
area, which has never- been covered
sufficiently by salesmen in previous
Turn to Page 2, Col. 4
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 1.- (P)-
Tony Martin, former radio singer and
more recently a chief specialist in the
Labor Unity
Proposed by
By The Associated Press
and CIO committees, returning to the
peace table after a three-year lapse,
explored the possibility of a United
Labor movement today, reported a
harmonious meeting, and agreed to,
continue their talks tomorrow.
Harry C. Bates, president of the
bricklayers' union and chairman of
the AFL peace committee, made this
one sentence announcement to news-
men at the end of a two and one half
hour session:
"We had a very harmonious meet-
ing this afternoon and we will hold
another tomorrow at 10."
Philip Murray, CIO president, add-
ed: "I subscribe." '
The conferees, apparently in an
amiable frame of mind but dodging
interrogation, left immediately. Dan-
iel J. Tobin, general president of the
AFL Teamsters Union, dropped the
casual comment that "we may have
some news for you tomorrow," but
whether he was indicat~ng significant
developments was purely speculative.
The CIO leadership, it was learned
authoritatively, had prepared the out-
line of a peace plan, based on immed-
iate merger of the two movements.
The entity of each- of the constituent
AFL and CIO unions would be pre-
served, at least temporarily, and they
would have proportional representa-
tion on the executive board. Juris-
dictional conflicts would be worked
out within the united organization.
Whether the conversations reached
the point where this proposal was
advanced and discussed could not
be learned immediately, but informed
CIO persons acknowledged they were
not very sanguine about AFL accep-
tance of the plan.
Tariff Bill Coming
Before the House
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1.- (P)- A
modified wartime measure, granting
President Roosevelt power to suspend
tariff regulations but omitting the
authority he asked to override immi-
grations barriers, emerged today from
a House Ways and Means sub-com-
In quick answer to White House
pressure for action on the measure
this year, the sub-committee turned
the compromise over to the full com-
mittee, which will consider it tomor-
row and decide whether or not to
hold public hearings.
Axi* Coastal Bases
Four Vital Enemy Ports under Assault
in Titanic Sky Battle; Enemy Retreating
at Bizerte under Blistering Yank Attack
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Dec. 1.-An air struggle of4'an intensity unequalled since the
Battle of Britain was reported raging over' Tunisia tonight as Germans and
Italians rushed in reinforcements by sea and air in a frantic bid to keep
their footholds on the coastal rim a'nd British, Americans and French drove
spearheads forward to slice them into at least three pockets.
The Morocco radio said tonight that one of these spearheads, composed
of Americans and French, already had driven to the east coast between.
Gabes and Sfax, cutting out one pocket.
Lieut.-Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower has thrown everything in his aerial
armory, from Flying Fortresses to -twin-tailed fighters, in a virtually non-
Reds Advance;
Block Enemy
Supply Lines.,
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW, Dec.h2. (Wednesday)-
Russian airmen have ,destroyed 50
big German transli6rt 'planes trying
to supply Nazi troops fighting against
a Red Army encirclement in the Sta-
lingrad area and the Soviet armies
continue to' advance in that set'or
and on the central front west of Mos-
cow, it was announced early today.
The regular noon communique yes-
terday and the midnight bulletin dis-
closed that approximately 6,000 more
Germans had fallen on the snow-
covered battlefields in an increasingly.
stubborn effort to hold up the Red
Twenty of the big tri-motored Jun-.
kers planes were shot down and 30
were destroyed on the ground on
Monday alone as the Germans at-
tempted "to bring up supplies and
war materials" in the area west of
Stalingrad between the Volga and
Don Rivers, the midnight bulletin
said. Soviet reports on air activities
generally are a day late.
The Russians still were reported
fighting on the eastern bank of the
Don River in their efforts to close a
trap on the Germans. Nazi railway
communications to the rear already
had been snapped by the Russians
both northwest and southwest of Sta-
Th toll of 6,000 German dead yes-
terday raised the total to 161,700 for
both the Stalingrad and central front
sectors on the basis of previous spe-
cial announcements.
stop assault on Bizerte, Tunis, Sfax
and Gabes, the four key coastal
'oi-ts held by the Axis, in the last 24
hours, - said dispatches from Allied
Headquarters in North Africa where
a spokesman described the battle as
at a criticgl stage.
Wes Gallagher, Associated Press
cor'respondent at Allied Headquarters,
wh witnessed air battles over Greece
and reported the first great clashes
between the German air force and
American Fortresses flying from Brit-
ai,' said the struggle now taking
place' inNorth Africa was unequalled
inintensity since the assault of Eng-
land in 1940-41.
Axis Bases Untenable
Round -the-clock Allied assaults
were 'reported in some dispatches to
lave ncade Axis air bases at Bizerte
virtuall' untenable, with Hitler
forced to withdraw some of his planes
to Qpeting bases in Sicily.
But the Germans were trying des-
perately to halt the devastating series
o" raids, and American airmen flying
twin-motored P-38 Lightnings (Lock-
heed fighters) encountered Ger-
many's fastest high-altitude fighters,
F'ocke-Wulf '190's and Messerschmitt
169's for the first time over North
Hitler was bringing in air reserves
from western Europe and the Russian
front to stem the tide. One German
pilot shot down had been flying over
Stalingrad less than two weeks ago.
Axis Calling Reserves
The Germans and Italians also
were rushing in reinforcements by sea
and air for the 20,000 combat troops
and thousands of communications
and air force men who, authoritative
quarters estimated, were already in
Tunisia, and were busy trying to con-
solidate bridgeheads on the east coast
at Sfax and Gabes.
The British First Army, with Amer-
ican armored forces now making up
about a fourth of its strength, exerted
heavy pressure beyond Diedeida, 12
miles west of Tunis, where a wedge
was being.driven between Tunis and
Bizerte, and at Mateur, 28 miles south
of Bizerte, in a direct attack on the
naval base.
Allies Driving to Coast
Farther to the south, where the
French under Gen. Henri Giraud and
Americans were driving from central
Tunisia to the coast between Gabes
and Sfax, Italians were attempting to
reorganize new bridgeheads in order
to have a place to fight from should
they be pushed out of the northern
tip of Tunisia.
Allies Tighten
Trap at Buna
Japs Send Destroyers
for Reinforcement
AUSTRALIA, Dec. 2. (Wednesday)-
(#I) - Americans and Australians
slowly drew tighter their ring of men
and steel around the entrapped Japs
at Buna in northeast New Guinea and
the enemy, aware of the growing per-
il, is sending four destroyers in an
apparent reinforcement attempt, the
high command said today,
Having divided the Jap forces at
Buna and Gona by penetrating to the
north coast 900 yards from Gona,
"fir ,. gr..ii.mA fnnre or am r n -
BOSTON, Dec. 1.-(1')-A ban was
clamped tonight on all amusement
and dancing in 1,161 Boston night
clubs, hotels and restaurants as an
aftermath of the Cocoanut Grove fire
disaster, while separate city and state
probes produced testimony that the
Ensign John W. Edwards, who
graduated from the University as
an electrical engineering student
last May, died early Sunday, a vie-
tim of the Boston nighteluk fire.
The 23-year-old ensign was a mem-
ber of the American Institute of
Electrical Engineers while on cam-
Ensign Edwards enlisted in the
Navy after graduation and was sent
to Brunswick, Me. for a three-
month naval training course before
being transferred to the Massa-
chusetts Institute of Technology
where he was enrolled at the time
of his death. Funeral services will
be held in Richmond, Mich., his
night club was of "tinderbox con-.
struction" and that flames had raced
like lightning through draperies that
"looked like gauze."
While scores of funerals of fire
victims were held throughout New.
England, there were these develop-
The death toll of the Saturday
night blaze was revised downward by
the Boston Committee on Public
Safety from 484 to 460, but a number
known to be dead were not named on
the committees list and unofficial
compilations indicated the final cost
4- - _ 140- - ost..v. . s .CA
Beveridge Plan Would Protect
Britains from Post-War Want
Post-War Conference To Open
Friday; Panel Groups Planned
Students, faculty members and
townspeople will be afforded an op-
portunity to discuss post-war prob-
lems at the second annual Post-War
Conference here Friday and Satur-
day that will be highlighted by ad-
dresses by Norman Thomas and Ber-
trand Russell.
Thomas' talk will be given at 8
p.m. Friday and that by Russell will
be given at 4:30 p.m. Saturday. Both
will speak at the Rackham Auditor-
Panel discussions will be held at
1:3O p.m. Saturday in the Union.
,r. as... -- - I .,~ It ... . n.. -
Whittemore of the School of Archi-
tecture and Design.
A discussion of "Can We Establish
Internationalism?" will be handled
by Prof. Preston Slosson of the His-
tory department and Prof. Mentor
WillIams of the English department.
The third panel will consider the
problem of "America's Responsibility
in the Post-War World."
Fill 'Er Up' Is Gone
from the Language
KANSAS CITY, Dec. 1.- (P)-
.rmM.I-nntfl v rl -1i1 o in', rli a
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Dec. 1.- The shape of a
post-war Britain freed from want and
insecurity by a revolutionary social
security plan was laid before the na-
tion today by the government plan-
ning committee of Sir William Bev-
In many ways, both in the vari-
ety of benefits it envisages and the
range of population it would shel-
ter from birth to death, it is the
outline of the most sweeping plan
for government-sponsored social
security ever set forth.
The 300,000-word report recom-
mended the creation of a new Minis-
try of Social Security to administer
the manifold benefits under the plan
and the billions of dollars which the
government, employers and employes
would pool annually for pensions,
unemployment and health insurance,
death benefits and birth and mar-
riage bounties.
Sir William himself acknow-
ledged that the program was "in
some ways a revolution," but he
said, it was a "British revolution"
with the people contributing, by
+i-- - - -n. a
ployment and disability benefits ex-
cept for industrial ailments where it,
is recognized that workers are in
hazardous occupations and deserve
more when stricken.
It would raise the industrial dis-
ability benefit rate to a scale com-
parable with that in the United
Law Club, Union Ruled
Exempt from Taxes
The Lawyers Club and the Michi-
gan Union were ruled yesterday ex-
empt from the payment of Federal
social security taxes by Herbert J.
Rushton, state attorney-general.
"The two clubs are operating agen-
cies of the Board of Regents of the
University of Michigan," Rushton
pointed out in his opinion. "The Re-
gents hold the title to all their prop-
erty in trust for the state of Michi-
gan. They may not be taxed by any
Federal or state authority."
erhe nnininn ,.p t+ tu+n nA,.s+f-