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December 01, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-12-01

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PARK rox

TRH u TcX D=x _. _ . v-..

T1UESDAY, DUEC . , 1942

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Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year-by carrier
$4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942.43
National Advertising Service, Inc.
college Publishers Representative
Editorial ,Staff




What Soldiers Hope For

Homer Swander
Morton Mintz .
Will Sapp
George W. Sallad6 .
Charles Thatcher .
Bernard Hendel
Barbara deFries
Myron Dann
Edward J. Perlberg .
r Fred M. Ginsberg
Mary Lou Curran
Jane Lindberg .
James Daniels .

. . Managing Editor
. . . Editorial Director'
. . . . -City Editor
Associate Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
S . . . Sports Editor
* . . .Women's Editor
. . Associate Sports Editor
siness Staff
. . . Business MAnager
. Associate Business Manager
. Women's Business Manager
SWomen's Advertising Manager
* Publications Sales Analyst

Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

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His Honesty Shows Up
Rabid Roosevelt-Haters
NO AMOUNT of enlightened speech-making by
liberals is quite so effective in showing up
the narrow-minded recalcitrance of rabid anti-
New Dealers as is the intellectual honesty of a
man who only a short time ago was among their
Wendell Willkie may not yet have his po-
litical feet too firmly on the ground, and his
' social thinking is not yet fully crystallized;
but he is making an admirable effort to get
a realistic perspective of the world of politics,
economics, and-most of all--people.
While some of his fellow Republicans have
busied themselves with thinking up new ways to
sabotage the Administration (and it's just too
bad if the war effort has to be harmed in the
process), Willkie has been making himself one
of America's most forceful influences in behalf
of winning both the war and the peace.
His global travels did much to boost morale
among our hard-pressed allies who were begin-
ning to doubt our friendship for them. But even
more encouraging have been his continued pleas
for democracy at home during the war and free-
dom and opportunity for all peoples after the
IT TOOK honesty and courage for Willkie to
face facts squarely. It took more honesty and
courage for him to act on his convictions-to
champion freedom of speech by defending Com-
munists in court, to speak out against Winston
Churchill's imperialistic utterances, to speak time
and again in behalf of a more equitable post-war
world, and in doing all these things to court the
disfavor of the members of his own party.
The best way Wilikie's fellow party members
can prove their sincere desire to win a victory
both on the battlefield and at the peace con-
ference is to follow in his footsteps.
- Irving Jaffe
Their Elimination Would
Not Help The War Effort
THE FEARS of fraternity men on this and
other campuses that "enemies of the ... fra-
ternity system are attempting to eliminate it.. .
as a wartime measure," were echoed by President
G. Herbert Smith, president of Willamette Col-
lege in a speech before the College Fraternity
Secretaries Tuesday.
Whether or not such an organized attempt
to do away with fraternities actually exists is
a moot point, but it seems hardly likely that
their elimination would seriously affect the
war effort one war or the other.
The arguments for junking the fraternity
system in the interests of nebulous "war neces-
sities" are as hazy as President Smith's logic
when he comments upon the "significance" of
the fac't that the system's inception coincided
with the Declaration of Independence and "the
founding of our country."
While the president's assertions that "the fra-
ternity was the best possible laboratory for demo-
cratic living" seem a little high-flown in the light
of the selective, not to say exclusive, principle
upon which the fraternity system is based, the
war record of fraternities on this campus is
enough to combat arguments for their abolition.

DREW c .e
WASHINGTON-More and more certain Wash-
ington bureaucrats are adopting the practices of
the dictators which we are supposed to be fight-
ing against-particularly their Gestapo methods.
Most people won't believe it, but the Army and
Navy today have set up a system of recording
telephone calls of their own employes and of
civilian calls to an extent which staggers the
All telephone conversations from the Navy to
any city outside of Washington are taken down
on records. This is true also with a part of the
Army and with the War Production Board.
But recently Army-Navy intelligence agents
have extended the practice even to a lot of local
calls, including those of newspaper men, and of
any Army-Navy officer suspected of going higher
up to friends in the cabinet.
If, for instance, an Army or Navy officer re-
ports to civilian friends in high places about
any injustice or inefficiency inside the armed
forces, the "gestapo system" goes after him
It is against the law to tap telephone wires un-
less done by the FBI to detect spies or sabotage,
and J. Edgar Hoover is extremely careful. His
men, with long and careful training, do not in-
fringe on civil liberties unless there is real evi-
But the amateur sleuths of the Army and Navy,
most of them recruited from the walks of social-
ite real estate operators, brokers and blue bloods,
sometime indulge in using records of telephone
conversations to satisfy personal grudges, influ-
ence promotions, or just for the fun of sleuthing.
Note: To what extremes Military Intelligence
carries its suspicions is illustrated by the fact
that one soldier, born in this country, whose uncle
was shot by the Nazis in an occupied country for
refusing to divulge information to the enemy, is
now relegated to a virtual detention camp, though
recommended highly by all with whom he has

I'd Rather
L Be Right
NEW YORK-There are so many interesting
things to write about that I wish I could stop
defending the administration.
But how can -I keep my hands off when I
read in an isolationist newspaper that the
trouble with the administration is that it
doesn't tell the people the whole truth and
also that it told them about the coffee short-
age too soon and therefore started a hoarding
Both arguments in one editorial, and if you
tried to follow that line of reasoning you would
obviously twist your neck.
More and more, I have the funny feeling that
you can thread a corkscrew with some of the
current anti-administration arguments.
ONE LINE, in the New York-Daily News, is that
the government is too slow about not solving
the whole food problem at one crack, bang!, and
also that there are too many bureaucrats in
How could you possibly handle the whole
food problem at one crack, without laving even
more "bureaucrats" in office to do it? (A bu-
reaucrat is a civil service worker appointed by
a Democrat.) The opposition line seems to be
that there should be much more regulation
than there is now, but that it should not inter-
fere with private lives, and that it should be
administered by the little man who wasn't
I don't believe this kind of argumentation
would be fair even if Herbert Hoover were Presi-
Big 'and Small
There has also been a major editorial attack
on the Administration (at the height of our cur-
rent exciting victories) based on the complaint
that the "bureaucrats" are compelling motorists
to write their very big license numbers on their
exceedingly small ration coupons. I will admit,
of course, that it is much easier to write an ex-
ceedingly small editorial in a very big newspaper.
As for another turn of the corksrew, I give
you the twin argument that the bureaucrats
encourage hoarding by not rationing soon
enough, and that they encourage black market
operations by being-too infernally strict.
I did so read that, in one editorial, and on
Thanksgiving Day, too. It was aneditorial which
read like a prayer that somebody, .who shall be
nameless, ought to jump out of a window.
'A-Line Is Drawn
'These editorials are the sloppy backwash of
the official-opening of "down with bureaucracy"
week. The ceremonies began when Representa-
tive Sumners of Texas described gasoline ration-
ing as "this idea of having somebody-from Wash-
ington telling an individual how to go about his
own business." The Representative added, crush-
ingly: "We don't need a Washington bureaucrat
to -tell us how to conserve rubber."
Oh no? How then would you go about it,
sweetheart? I am agog waiting for the Sum-
ners No Bureaucracy Rubber Conserving Plan.
This business of drawing a line between "the
bureaucrats" on one side and "the people" on
the other is enormously interesting. Those who
don't mind a bit of civil strife'duringa war al-

(Editor's Note: Joseph P. Lash, for-
mer General Secretary of International
Student Service, is n6w a Sergeant in
the weather service of the Army Air
Corps. He is stationed at Bolling Field,
Washington, D.C. His article is re-
printed from "Threshold.")
WHEN YOU ASK ME, what is the
soldier's mind about politics,
war or post-war, my answer is,
what do the people back home
think? Certainly up to the pres-
ent the soldier has not had a dis-
tinctive politics, and the experiences
he has undergone as a soldier in
training have not produced a set
of distinctive political ideas. Inso-
far as I have observed it the sol-
dier's life is still lived at home and
shaped there.
Those who vaguely see the Army
as either anArmy of Liberation or
Reaction are both wrong. A people
gets the Army it deserves. So long
as we are a democratic people in-
fused with the spirit of the Four
Freedoms and the Atlantic Char-
ter, the same situation will be true
of the Army. So long as the people
express indecision, confusion and
reluctance to face the future, the
same attitudes will be reflected by
the men in the armed services.
This situation of course can
change. If our political parties
should hamper the war effort by a
reluctance to act courageously,
promptly and with statemanship;
if they fail to put first things first
and to subordinate every special
interest to that of winning the war,
then a cleavage can grow up be-
tween the thinking of the men in
the armed services and that of
There Is little excess verbiage in
the Army. It is a world of the deed
so that political oratory sounds
phonier with us than ordinarily,
and if it represents special plead-
ing, it produces devastatingeffects,
and helpsproduce that division be-
tween civilian and military which
is perhaps the most destructive di-
vision possible in a democracy.
There are some folks who would
welcome the develpment of an
Army politics. Interehtingly enough
they are the same ones who have
consistently obstructed the war ef-
fort. There are newspapers, for
example, which have suggested
that soldiers should "run this coun-
try after the war is over .... The
returning army should get it (the
country's wealth) for itself, for its
wives and children. It has hap-
pened before. -'The Greeks who
managed to get back from the wars
took rewards for themselves. The
Roman Empire rewarded its fight-
ing'men... We think the couitry
owes it to the warrior and we think
the warrior will take it this time.
Whether you like it or not, boys
and girls, that's the prospect." (On
the days these newspapers are not
urging the soldiers to take over the
post-war world, they are ondemn-
ing as utopian and communist all
those wlo are concerned with post-
war objectives realized in the
framework of our democratic insti-
HFE SOLDIER has every impulse
to sympathize with the view that
says: "After you have done the
fighting and dying, it is only right
for you to take over." And such
impulses will be intensified by the
sense of solidarity and cameraderia
that will come with the sharing of
hardship, danger and suffering in
battle. I would be the first tomain-
tain that 'just aswe -have willingly
shouldered oursobligation to par-
ticipate in the common defense, so
the country should willingly shoul-
der its obligations to us to provide
jobs and other opportunities for a
good life when we are demobilized.
But that is a far cry from the view-
point I have cited, which, setting
up a cleavage between the civilian
and military, would be absolutelyf

destructive of the war effort. In no
war has the home front of produc-
tion been so important as in this.
Never before in a war have trained
technicians, women and men not
-qualified for military service, been
so important. If it comes to be re-
garded as not equally patriotic to
serve in a factory or farm or col-
lege as at the battlefront, no proper
organization of the country for war
would be possible.
But the newspapers advocating
this type of demagogy will find
listeners among the men in the
armed services if: the civilian front
of production and policy formation
does not get things done; if there is
not a real, complete equality of
over-all economic authority with
control of prices, wages, rents, etc.,
is a measure that soldiers under-
stand. The establishment of a com-
pulsory manpower program so as to
to get "the right numbers of the
right people in the right places at
the right time" would be another .
such measure. These are projects

solidarity is established between
the soldier and civilian.
On no point is the soldier so sen-
sitive as on that of equality of sac-
rifice and treatment. And nothing
is so fraught with political conse-
quences for the future as the failure
to achieve such equality. It is not
the purpose of this article to strike
a tragic pose about the hardships
of a soldier's life. His life has its
compensations, and they are many,
but they never make up for the
loss of liberty, the loneliness, the
sense of marking time with one's
life that most soldiers have.
It has been interesting to watch
the shrewdness with which soldiers
see through the demogogic appeals
to advance one or another partisan
interest by appeals to sacrifice
equally with the men in the ranks.
The net effect of such appeals is
not to line soldiers up with labor-
baiters, etc., but to strengthen the
hand of the President. That is the
reason why no man in public life
today can speak in the name of the
men in the armed services except
the President.
THERE ARE other things hap-
pening to us in the armed serv-
ices that will affect our ways of
thinking in the future and about
the future. I am sure, for example,
that the high standards of per-
sonal hygiene, group cleanliness
and recreational opportunity set up
in the armed services will have
their repercussions after the war
in a widespread demand for clean
houses, recreational ficilities, op-
portunities for medical care. Many
boys have received their first pair
of long-needed glasses from the
Army; others have had dental care
for the first time in their lives; and
still -others have learned for the
first time the reassuring feeling of
being able to go toa doctor when
feeling ill. It is unlikely that the
fellows will be content to come back
to a standard of living lower than
that -which they have enjoyed in
the armed services.
Our increase in wages has given
most of us more spending :noney
than we have ever disposed of be-
fore. This Is reflected not only in
the way stakes have gone up in
monthly crap games but in the
sales in Post Exchange of such lux-
ury articles as pipes, fountain pens,
watches, presents for the family
and friends. It is reflected in the
readiness of men -to set aside ten
per cent of their wages for war
bonds. I think the millions of us
will be reluctant to return to wages
in civilian life that would not give
us the same margin of money for
Perhaps no statement on post-
war objectives has come to mean

so much to the men in the ranks as
the President's pledge in his speech
to the International Student As-
sembly that the Government will
not let down the man in the armed
services after the war and that the
instrumentalities of government
will be used to assure him jobs and
other opportunities. (If certain
newspapers are concerned with the
right of the soldier to enjoy the
fruits of victory, let them help the
President realize that pledge.)
IN that same speech the President
spoke of how the war has broad-
ened our concept of the civilized
world so that it includes other cul-
tures and peoples, particularly the
Chinese and the Russian. How that
is happening in the daily life of
the soldier is amusingly reflected
in the following report from the
Yank correspondent in Chungking:
"The great gripe among Yanks here
is that Hollywood has Dlayed them
false, so far as the Chinese go.
China is not composed of eight
parts dark nights and two parts
opium dens, nor are the Chinese a
sombre, not to say, mysterious
As AEF's in force reach all parts
of the world, there will be a greater
appreciation of diverse cultures,
systems of government and racial
groups, and an accompanying real-
ization of the world's interdepend-
ence. Just as a draft army breaks
down barriers of race, creed, color
and politics in the interests of na-
tional unity, so the impact of global
war on the soldier is to make him a
world citizen. This will draw divi-
dends when our statesmen sit down
to draft the peace of interdepend-
I.THINK it would be just as un-
wise for any group of enlisted
men to undertake in an organized
way to influence the thinking of
the men in the armed services. I
have heard rumors of efforts al-
ready being made to set up a new
"American Legion." The Legion it-
self plans to open its ranks to us
after the war. I myself do not think
that soldiers have any other job
than that of becoming the best
soldiers possible. To start thinking
about organization and organizing,
would, even if Army authorities al-
lowed it, divert and divide us. Lead-
ership after the war will and should
go to those men who have done the
best jobs as soldiers.
Those who want to have influ-
ence with the men in the ranks in
the building of the future must
prove themselves in the world of
the present, which for us in the
Army means doing our specific as-
signments as well as humanly pos-




(Continued from Page 2)-
fra-red Spectroscopy." All interested
are invited.j
The Regular Tuesday Evening Re-
corded Program in the Men's Lounge
of the Rackham Building at 8 o'clock
will be as follows: Brahms: Double
Concerto in A Minor for Violin, Cello
and Orchestra; Shostakovich: Sym-
phony No. 5; Debussy: First Rhap-
sody for Clarinet.
Program of Recorded Music on
Wednesday, December 2, at 7:30 p.m.
at the International Center will con-
sist of Schubert: Quintet in A Major,
Op. 114; arid the Shostakovich Sym-
phony No. 5 by the Philadelphia Or-
chestra conducted by Ormandy. Ev-
eryone interested is invited.
Events Today
Junior Research Club will meet in
the Amphitheatre of the Rackham
Building tonight at 7:30. There will
be introduction of new members, and
the program will be given by R. L.
Garner of Biological Chemistry and
L. C. Anderson of the Chemistry De-
Phi Tau Alpha meets tonight at
7:30 in the East Conference Room of
the Rackham Building. Initiation of
new members. Professor J. E. Dunlap
will speak.
The 1942 Michigan Concert Band
presents its seventh annual Var ity
Night tonight at 8:30 in Hill Audi-
torium. The Varsity Glee Club and
campus talent will be featured on the
The University of Michigan Flying
Club will meet tonight at 7:30 at the
Michigan Union. Arrangements for
the Ensian picture are to be made
and it is important that all members

All sorority women are invited to
attend the mass meeting for Victory
Vanities in the League today at 4:30
p.m. Committees will be chosen and
plans will be made.
Episcopal Students: Tea will be
served for Episcopal students and
their friends this afternoon, 4:00-5:15
by the Canterbury Club in Harris
Hall. Evening Prayer will be said at
5:15 in the Chapel.
Disciples Guild: Tea will be served
this afternoon, 5:00-6:00 at the Dis-
ciples Guild House, 438 Maynard St.
Disciples and Congregational Guild
members and friends are invited.
Faculty Women's Club: The play
reading section will meet this after-
noon at 2:15 in the Mary B. Hender-
son Room of the Michigan League.
Michigan Dames: Click and stitch
group meets at the Rackham Building
every Tuesday to roll bandages for
the Red Cross.
Michigan Dames: Bridge groun
meets at the Michigan League tonight
at 8:15.
Bibliophiles will meet with Mrs.
Frank Jobes, 1315 Packard St. today
at 2:3a p.m.
Christian Science Organization will
meet tonight at 8:15 in Rooms D and
E of the Michigan League.
Coming Events
The Slavic Society will meet at 8
o'clock on Wednesday, December 2,
at the International Center. All Slavic
students and others interested are
welcome. Refreshments.
Social Service Seminar: Mr. Wil-
lian Jones, Director of the new Car-
ver Community Center for Negroes
in Ypsilanti, will speak at the Social


If you had your choice of a wife in the armed
services, which would you take: a WAAC, a
WAVE, or a SPAR? That's right . . . it would
depend upon what branch of service you're in.
Here's the way it works:
If you're in the Navy, you can't marry a
WAVE. But if you're in the Army or Coast
Guard you can.
If you're in the Army, you can't marry a
WAAC. But if you're in the Navy or Coast
Guard you can
If you're in the Coast Guard, you can't
marry a SPAR. But if you're in the Army or
Navy you can.
All o-f wic~,h lal c fn 'a ol. if rv..i, r nfhr

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