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December 01, 1942 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-12-01

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', 3 * 1, lg42


TUESDAY, DEC. 1, 1942 the tax imposed by the Revenue Act
VOL. LIII No. 49 of 1941. Do not wait until the tick-
All notices for the Daily Official Bul- et has been stamped before giving
etin are to be sent to the Office of the this information as it then neces-
President in typewritten form by 3:30
.m. of the day preceding its publica- sitates the invalidating of the first
;ion, except on Saturday when the no- ticket. This notice grows out of the
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. large proportion of cases where, in
the past, time and a ticket form
Notices have been wasted by not specifying
in the first place that the ticket
Student 'lea: President and Mrs. wanted is to be tax exempt.
,uthven will be at home to students Shirley W. Smith
Vednesday afternoon, December 2,
rom 4 to 6 o'clock. Selective Service Questionnaire: If
you expect a notary public to sign and
Will all members of the staff trav- seal your Selective Service Question-
ling on University business please naire, please do not sign the document
Lotify all ticket agents that the tick- except in the presence of that offi-
t to be purchased is exempt from cial, who must by law actually see you

HUDSON SEAL for chubby. Size 36.
Good condition. Also Log-Log-
Duplex-Trig Slide Rule. 9829.
sheets and envelopes, $1.00. Printed
with your name and address-
The Craft Press, 305 Maynard St.
BACK NUMBERS Life, Geographic,
Time,,in order of publication! Jr.
Aircraft kits and supplies! Open
daily 4 and 7 p.m. 519 W. Cross,
SATURDAY, gold Elgin wrist watch.
$5.00 reward. Joe Schroeder, 700
S. State. Phone 2-3297.
LOST-One silver leaf-shaped ear-
ring. Monroe between State and
Thompson. Reward. Call 2-6112.
ALPHA SIGMA PHI fraternity pin.
Initials H.H.Y. Lost in or between
State Theatre and P-Bell. Call
2-1417. Reward.
THESIS BINDING-Mimeographing.
Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 S.
State. ,
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Co., phone 7112.
residents-Alterations on women's
garments promptly done. Opposite
Stockwell. Phone 2-2678.
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price.

attach your signature to any legal
-Herbert G. Watkins
Assistant Secretary
The Tee chers' Insurance and Annu-
ity Association calls attention to the
following provisions for holders of
retirement annuity contracts, and
concerning insurance contracts ap-
plied for after December 9, 1941: 1.
When the holder of a premium-pay-
irg . rirement annuity contract en-
ters a military,.naval, or air force of
the United States, Canada, or New-
foundland, he may cease premium
payments -on the contract with the
assurance that he may restore the
contract by simply resuming premium
payments (without payment of the
"omitted" premiuf'ns) if he does so
at the close of such service or within
six months thereafter. At that time
he will be expected to sign an appro-
priate agreement -as to reduction of
the contractual benefits correspond-
ing to the omitted premiums, and the
premium resumed will be on the same
actuarial basis as it would have been
if premiums had been paid continu-
ously. 2. All new life insurance policies
applied for after December 9, 1941,
will contain a provision excluding the
risk of death resulting either (a) from
service outside the continental limits
of the United States, Canada, and
Newfoundland in a military, naval,
or air force of a country at war, or
(b) from operating or riding in any
kind of aircraft, except as a fare-pay-
ing passenger on scheduled airline
flights. In event of death under such
excluded circumstances, the reserve
under the policy, less any indebted-
ness, will be payable to the benefi-
ciary. This procedure applies to all
kinds of newly-written life insurance
policies, including collective insur-
ance, but of coursenot to life insur-
ance policies previously written with-
out any such clause or to any annuity
contract. Among some groups of ap-
plicants particularly likely to enter
the forces, the total amount of insur-
ance the Association will write on an
individual is reduced.
--lerbert G. Watkins
Assistant Secretary
Faculty, School of Music: The reg-
ular meeting of the faculty of the
School of Music will be held today at
4:15 p.m. in Room 305 S.M.
Women students wishing to donate
blood to the Red Cross for use by the
Armed Forces, are asked to present
themselves at the University Health
Service Laboratory during the follow-
ing hours for a blood recheck: today,
10-12 a.m.; Wednesday, 9-11 a.m.;
Thursday, 10-12 a.m. The following
day they may see one of the women
physicians at the Health Service for
a report on the above blood check.
- Margaret Bell, M.D.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has received notice of the fol-
lowing Signal Corps announcement:
Laboratory, Field Engineering and
Sub-Professional positions for women
college graduates - $2,000 per yr.;
age limits, 21-35 yrs.
All applicants will receive training
for any of the following:
1. Inspectors
2. Laboratory experimental and de-
velopment work
3. Liaison positions
4. Experimental interference sup-
pression work
Laboratory, Field and Sub-Profes-
sional positions for women high
school graduates are also open -
$1440 per yr.; age limits, 1-30 yrs.
Further information may be had
from the notices which are on file
in the office of the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 201 Mason Hall, office
hours 9-12 and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
Post-War Conference: If any facul-
ty members would be interested in

housing any of the faculty members
from out of town, who will be staying
in Ann Arbor on Dec. 4 and 5 for the
Pcst-War Conference, please call Pat
McGraw at 2-2218.
Interviewing for Orientation Advis-
ors will be :held in the Undergraduate
Office of the League on the following
days: Tuesday, December 1-Adams
through Case; Wednesday, December
2- Castricum through Garrels;
Thursday, December 3 - Gaskill
through Iselman; Friday, December
4-Janiga through Mason; Monday,
December 7 - McCormick through
Pomering; Tuesday, December 8-
Present through Scott; Wednesday,
December 9-Servis through Ulrich;
Thursday, December 10-Underwood
through Zumack.
Sigma Xi Lecture: Professor Wil-
liam Randolph Taylor of the Depart-
ment of Botany will speak on the sub-
ject, "Study and Utilization of Sub-
marine Plants," before the Michigan
Chapter of the Society of the Sigma
Xi on Wednesday, December 2, at 8:00
p.m. in the Amphitheatre of the
Rackham Building. Members may in-
vite guests.

Prof. Koella
to Give French
Lecture Here
'Europe's Future'
'WillBe Subject
of Second Address
Professor Charles Koella of the
French department will present the
second in the series of French lectures
at 4:15 tomorrow in Room D, Alumni
Born and educated in Switzerland,
with direct knowledge of the prob-
lems of the peoples of Europe through
hi travels in thosescountries, Prof.
coa is peculiarly suited to discuss
the topic of this lecture, "L'Europe
Prof. Koella suggests that in order
to make a lasting peace weshould
wait ten years after the armistice be-
fore determining definite European
boundaries. In this time we should
send specialists and educators to study
the ethnic, religious, linguistic, and
cultural differences that exist in
Europe. We should also send to these
countries European descendants to
teach the ideals of democracy and the
principles of liberty, equality and tol-
We should then find a way to bring
together under the same government
those who have affinities, and an in-
ternational police should be used to
keep politicians from using preju-
dices to stir up trouble.
"If we don't succeed in appeasing a
Europe whose great masses are cer-
tainly crying for peace," concludes
Prof. Koella, "we will be involved in
a new world war much worse than
this one and sooner than we expect."
IFC Paper
Is Published
Hooper and Wiese Are
.Co-Editors of 'News'
The IFC News, first general fra-
ternity newspaper on the Michigan
campus in 20 years, made its appear-
ance last night under the co-editor-
ship of Jack Hooper and Jack Wiese,
Interfraternity Council junior staff
This four-page tabloid, printed on
gloss paper, has been "in the making"
for more than three weeks. As yet the
newspaper is in the experimental
stage, but is expected to be placed on
a monthly basis, depending on campus
reaction to the first issue.
Unofficial IFC news sources attrib-
ute the idea of this paper to IFC Sec-
retary Pete Wingate, '43E, who is re-
ported to have discovered a 1920 In-
terfraternity newspaper in the office
Headline articles includ'ed those on
the coming Interfraternity Council
Ball, "Victory Vanities," the IFC-
Pan-Hel stunt show.
Staff writers included Richie Raw-
don, '44, columnist; Jack Hadley and
Dick Emerby, ;sports; Mark Hance,
'44, and Howie Howerth, '44E, Inter-
fraternity Council news; Bud Bur-
gess, '44E, and Reynold Kraft, '44,
news from other college's interfra-
ternity councils; John Crabb, '44,
general news reporter.
guages (Room 112, Romance Lan-
guage Building) or at the door at the
time of the lecture for a small sum.
Holders of these tickets are entitled
to admission to all lectures, a small
additional charge being made for -the
annual Frencg play.
Open to the public.
Academic Notices

Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
meet on Wednesday, December 2, in
Room 410 Chemistry Building at 4:15
p.m. Professor Ernest F. Barker will
speak on "Some Applications of In-
(Continued on Page 4)

Presenting the fifth concert of the
current Choral Union Concert Series,
the famed pianist, Artur Schnabel,
will appear at 8:30 p.m. Thursday in
Hill Auditorium, playing a program
of Mozart and Schubert.
Schnabel entered his career as a
pianist at the age of seven when,
after making such rapid progress
under the tutelage of teacher Hans
Schmitt, he began to appear in con-
cert performances.
Later, when he was nine, Schnabel
played for the great Johannes
Brahms, who exclaimed over Schna-
bel's excellence. During this period,
Schnabel was studying under the
famed Viennese teacher Leschetizky.
American Debut in 1933
After six years more of study with
Leschetizky, Schnabel entered his for-
mal concert career, soon coming into
great demand in Europe. Schnabel
did not become known to American
audiences until 1933, when he was in-
vited by Serge Koussevitzky to par-
ticipate in a festival of Brahms con-
certos with the orchestra. This ap-
pearance launched the artist on an
American career that matched his
French Refuse
to Fight Allies
in Close Vote
(Continued from Page 1)
Upset by this sudden and unexpect-
ed Allied thrust to the south and un-
decided how to meet the new and un-
foreseen threat, the Germans wavered
for days. They appeared particularly
nervous about Toulon, he said.
The final decision to occupy the
Mediterranean port and seize the
French Fleet appeared to have come
likewise exclusively from Hitler him-
self because of the Fuehrer's fear
that the Allies, at the invitation of
the French commander at Toulon,
might attempt to make a landing
Laval in Munich
When Laval went to Munich to con-
fer with German authorities as a re-
sult of the Anglo-American move into
Africa, he. found Joachim Von Rib-
bentrop, German Foreign Minister,
trying to check Count Ciano, Italian
Foreign Minister, this diplomat re-
counted. His story continues:
Ciano had brought an order from
Mussolini to get German approval
for the immediate occupation of Nice
and the island of Corsica by Italian
During the discussion of this qiues-
tion, it became obvious to Laval and
his aide that Ribbentrop was not
anxious to occupy the Vichy zone be-
cause of the fact that only the few
regular troops kept on the demarca-
tion line between the two zones were
all the Germans had available to exe-
cute such an operation.
Ribbentrop Anxious
Ribbentrop appeared most anxious
to get the opinions of the Frenchmen
on what would be the reaction of the
occupants of the Vichy zone in the
event the Germans came in. He
seemed most, anxious to know if the
French in the unoccupied zone would
In the midst of these discussions
came the blunt order from Hitler to
proceed with the occupation. Hitler
also sent along his personal letter to
Marshal Petain, informing the aged
soldier of the advent of Nazi troops
into the Vichy territory.
Laval brought the letter to Petain
back tn Vichy, where the Marshal
drafted his protest against Hitler's
violation of the 1940 armistice agree-

Artur Schnabel to Give Fifth
Choral Union Concert Thursday

European success and has persisted
to the present.
Schnabel has built his reputation
upon his presentations of the works of
Brahms, Beethoven, Bach; Mozart
and Schumann. He is acknowledged
by critics to be the greatest living in-
terpreter of the music of Beethoven.
Although Schnabel limits himself
to performing classical works only,
his own compositions are all in the
ultra-modern vein.
Aubre y Smith,
Grace Georg e
t o Act Hiere
Grace George, famous leading lady
of the theatre, and C. Aubrey Smith,
noted for his screen and stage charac-
terizations, co-star in their original
roles in Guthrie McClintic's comedy
success, "Spring Again," at the 1Michi-
gan Theatre for a single performance
at 8:15 p~m. tomorrow.I
According to Gerald 'H. Hoag, man-
ager of the Michigan, patrons Who
arrive at the theatre at 8:15 p.m. or,
even 8:10 will miss the first .part of
the performance as the curtain will
go up at 8:00 p.m. sharp so that the
troup will, be able to make train con-
nections from Ann Arbor. Pat ions are
urged to be at the theatre not later
than8:00 P.m.
The play tells the laug-provoking
story of Halstead Carter and his long-
suffering wife. -Mrs. Carter has been
regaled throughout their long married
life with tales of her 'deceased :father-
sin-law, "afire-eating Civil War Gen-
eral. Hero -worshipping Mr. Smith
nearly drives his wife to distraction
with his everlasting and oft-old tales
about his illustrious and bellicose
parent and his continuous dedication
of monuments and plaques to the
General. How: she 'finally scotches her
mother-in-law, and at the same time
fattens the family larder, makes for
three hilarious acts in the theatre.
Bayard Rustin Wll Speak
Today on Race Problem
Bayard Rustin, Negro lecturer, will
speak on ways of meeting segregation
in the South through non-resistance,
at 7:30 p.m. today in Lane Hall.
The talk is co-sponsored bythe
Fellowship of Reconciliation and the
Inter-Racial Association. Mr. Rustin
is a travelling secretary for the Fel-
lowship of Reconciliation.
ofmnmns1d lqe o h


Sta&d by Mr.McCUNTC
Orchestra $2.75 - $2.20 - $1.65
Balcony $1.65 - $1.10 - 83c
Good Seats Left at All Prices.



Thursday, December 3, 8:30 P.M.
SYMPHONY No. 88 IN G MAJOR ... Haydn
SYMPHONY NO. 7, Op. 60 ... Shostakovich
$;Wednesday, December 9, 8:30 P.M.

I ~I .. -





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